The Hunger Games: Forum Edition (EPILOUGE RELEASED!)



  • only ones alive from the Cool Kids

    Everyone keeps forgeting about Sagig u.u

    I guess first cannon was probably a girl killed by Carley with a throwing knife, probably Ylenia, since Shelly is assumed to be alive after


    #TeamSarah posted: »

    I'm glad you guys really "liked" the cliffhanger! I was really considering not doing this because I thought you guys wouldnt really care who/who didnt die.. c:

  • I'm glad you guys really "liked" the cliffhanger! :)

    I was really considering not doing this because I thought you guys wouldnt really care who/who didnt die.. c:

  • edited March 2015

    I care too much, this is always my problem. I hate incertainty when it comes to characters I'm invested in and not knowing the fate of them really gets me way too much. But that's also the sign of a story being really awesome and part of why I love these stories so much :) And after all, I know I'll find out eventually in the very near future.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    I'm glad you guys really "liked" the cliffhanger! I was really considering not doing this because I thought you guys wouldnt really care who/who didnt die.. c:

  • Thanks Liquid and Sagig :)

    I care too much, this is always my problem. I hate incertainty when it comes to characters I'm invested in and not knowing the fate of them


    ComingSoon posted: »


  • [Keep struggling] WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF OMG WHY

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    FEAST 2/2 SOON D1 I wake up.. I open my weak eyes put cant see anything.. and can feel Carley dragging me along the grass.. my head is

  • [Keep struggling]

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    FEAST 2/2 SOON D1 I wake up.. I open my weak eyes put cant see anything.. and can feel Carley dragging me along the grass.. my head is

  • Oh my god oh my god

    I think Shelly, Atlas and Hope are dead for sure as for the other, I don't really know, hopefully Ylenia though

  • [Keep struggling]

    No. No no no. No!nononononononononono!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !!!!!! !!!! %-+3$+$-4++=+%+3+

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    FEAST 2/2 SOON D1 I wake up.. I open my weak eyes put cant see anything.. and can feel Carley dragging me along the grass.. my head is

  • c:

    Purugly posted: »

    Oh my god oh my god I think Shelly, Atlas and Hope are dead for sure as for the other, I don't really know, hopefully Ylenia though

  • is still getting over this

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Hey guys! I'm off to Cali really soon!! I'll leave you all with a few polls.

  • edited March 2015

    Since we're nearing the end (somewhat) do you know where it's going to end? Is it going to end immediately after there's only one left? Or an interview? Or when they return home? Or an epilogue of there life as a victor? I hope I don't sound annoying but I hope it goes all the way to home because that means more parts.

  • I'M BACK!!!!

  • edited March 2015

    Kindly allow me to use the perfect gif for this occasion:

    Alt text

    Welcome back! I am still not ready for the cliffhanger reveal...

    Though I do have a new theory: Everything that happens from now on is simply a comatose Soon's subconsciousness, every death only happens in his mind. In reality, President Snow turned into one of the good guys, declared Hope, Thomas, Shelly, Nero, Atlas, Ylenia, Lun and Sagig the victors and ended the Hunger Games forever! He then proceeds to become the best man at Hope's and Thomas' wedding and they all collectively burn Carley alive!

    Say nothing, I know that's totally what's going to happen! There have been so many subtle hints for this theory throughout the last parts and I wonder how we all could have been so blind for so long!

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    I'M BACK!!!!


    #TeamSarah posted: »

    I'M BACK!!!!

  • I was thinking the same thing, there were a lot of hints about this theory!

    Kindly allow me to use the perfect gif for this occasion: Welcome back! I am still not ready for the cliffhanger reveal... Though

  • :OoooooOoooOOOO

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    I'M BACK!!!!

  • Welcome back! <3

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    I'M BACK!!!!

  • Thanks guys! It feels great to be back! :D

    I'll do part 1 of the aftermath tonight.. hehe..

  • I'm so excited honestly, it feels great to have you back!

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Thanks guys! It feels great to be back! I'll do part 1 of the aftermath tonight.. hehe..

  • yay! :D

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Thanks guys! It feels great to be back! I'll do part 1 of the aftermath tonight.. hehe..

  • Welcome back!<3

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Thanks guys! It feels great to be back! I'll do part 1 of the aftermath tonight.. hehe..

  • Starting Part 1 >:)

  • My gOD

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Starting Part 1



    I bit down on my lower lip as I crouch over Hope's silent body, her light brown hair lays on the grass as a pool of blood grows around her. I move my watery eyes down her limp body to where her stab wounds are.. they are big and deep and it only took a couple seconds for her cannon to blow, my hands shake as I zip up her dark red tribute jacket so I don't have to look at her numerous deep stab wounds. Her autumn eyes are still open and her jaw is only half closed. I feel a tingling at the bottom of my boots as Hope's dark red blood goes around my large platformed boots, I look up behind Hope and see Thomas's body in the distance. I slowly walk over to Thomas's body as the cool wind blows past me, my dark red hair flies and swirls in the wind. I go to Thomas's body and lean down pulling the throwing knife out of his head, blood oozes out as I look at his dead body. I stick the knife into my pocket and turn around.

    "Wheres Atlas?" Soon asks me as he unties the rope from his arms with the knife I gave him

    "He ran off with Shelly" I say soberly as I walk over to the boy from 3 and Carley's body.

    I lean down over the boy from 3's body and pull a throwing knife out of his side and put it into my pocket, I look at Carley's body and narrow my eyes angrily.

    "FUCK YOU!" I scream and slam my already bloody axe into her dead skull, I pull the axe out and slam it again into her chest this time.

    "Stop!" Soon stammers loudly "Ylenia, she's dead"

    I take a deep breathe and pull my axe out of her chest, I hold my bag tightly and begin to walk towards Soon. He looks weary and exhausted, his once dirty blonde hair is covered in blood. His eyes have faded and large bags loom under his eyes, but he still is tall and strong.. I dont plan on turning against him.

    "What now?" Soon asks me curiously

    "We go" I say sadly "I cant look at them anymore"

    "Do we go look for Atlas and Shelly? Or do we go back to Sagig.." He asks me

    "No" I say with my head down "Lets just go"

    I begin walking south and Soon silently follows me, the look back and see all the crates that were once there have disappeared and I see a hovercraft begin taking Hope and Thomas's bodies away.

    We walk past the large pedestals towards the rolling hills, the climb over the first hill with Soon.. I dont even observe my surroundings, theres only 6 of us left and i'm pretty sure the girl from 5 won't be attacking me. I let Hope die, I can feel the guilt rising up in me as I remember her screaming in pain as Carley drove her knife into her chest. I just stood there with my new, clean axe in my hand.. i'm not sure what I was thinking.. at the time I just remember reminding myself that only one of us gets out of here.

    "Where should we go?" I ask Soon breaking the silence

    "No idea" Soon mutters "We could go to the village remains?"

    I shake my head as we climb over the second hill and the silence resumes as I recall all that happen.


    I lay out my green sleeping bag and unroll it near Soon's, the bright sun begins sinking into the sky as Soon looks through his backpack.

    "I cant believe I didn't get my crate!" He says angrily "I'm running out of shit"

    "You can have some of my supplies" I remind him kindly "We are allies right?"

    "Right." Soon says in a happy tone "Thanks Ylenia"

    Time passes as we manage to get a weak fire started, Soon roasts a measel we caught.. as we eat it Soon looks over at me thinking of something to say to make me feel better.

    "So um.." Soon says trailing off "Who are you going to miss the most? Ya know, from who died at the feast. I'm going to miss Thomas a lot.. he was really nice"

    I lay my head back thinking who to say, at first it pissed me off that he said this.. but in the end they're dead and I cant change that.. I should be happy they're dead right? It puts me closer to winning, but for some reason i've lost all motivation to win.. I just dont care anymore.

    Who should Ylenia say that she misses the most?

    [Carley] [Boy from 3] [Hope] [Thomas]


    10th. Thomas, District 9

    9th. Hope, District 9

    8th. Nero, District 3

    7th. Carley, District 2


    [Carley] just curious to what'll happen. Who killed Carley?

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 1 OF AFTERMATH YLENIA D7 I bit down on my lower lip as I crouch over Hope's silent body, her light brown hair lays on the grass a


    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 1 OF AFTERMATH YLENIA D7 I bit down on my lower lip as I crouch over Hope's silent body, her light brown hair lays on the grass a

  • Alt text

    Oh god... I saw Thomas, Hope and Nero coming, but it's still so incredibly sad... Thomas and Hope were so sweet, Hope was even my favourite after Nero. Speaking of, Nero was like an onion. He had layers and made me cry. Thank you for making him so far more awesome than I thought he would be! Rest in peace, my dear, rest in peace. I won't miss Carley though! Probably the only tribute I really wanted to see dead and the only good thing that came out of this feast. I guess she was the one who killed Nero, yes?

    Finally, I'm quite surprised that both of my tributes made it to the Top 8. Even though Atlas likely won't win, it's still pretty nice. Guess I'm going to push him and Shelly now with my votes.

    [Boy from 3]

    Simply because I miss him the most and I'm biased as fuck when it comes to Nero.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 1 OF AFTERMATH YLENIA D7 I bit down on my lower lip as I crouch over Hope's silent body, her light brown hair lays on the grass a

  • [Hope]

    Fuck... Nope, this didn't happen. Nope, none of it. Nah, not a thing. Nope. denial

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 1 OF AFTERMATH YLENIA D7 I bit down on my lower lip as I crouch over Hope's silent body, her light brown hair lays on the grass a

  • The only people left are likable characters. ;_;

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 1 OF AFTERMATH YLENIA D7 I bit down on my lower lip as I crouch over Hope's silent body, her light brown hair lays on the grass a

  • edited March 2015


    As Liquid put, "biased as fuck." I can't say any other because of how sad it was to learn Hope died. Plus she's my character so she's pretty much the one character I was rooting for. Now I'd say I'm rooting for Soon to win.

    R.I.P ;-;

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 1 OF AFTERMATH YLENIA D7 I bit down on my lower lip as I crouch over Hope's silent body, her light brown hair lays on the grass a

  • Do you guys want me to write out a detailed description on what happened at the feast? Or keep it a mystery?

  • Thanks so much! :)

    and i'd be biased also tbh c:

    Oh god... I saw Thomas, Hope and Nero coming, but it's still so incredibly sad... Thomas and Hope were so sweet, Hope was even my favourite

  • I'd like to know it, yes... Though I guess most of the kills where Carley's fault, I am curious who killed her.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Do you guys want me to write out a detailed description on what happened at the feast? Or keep it a mystery?

  • ComingSoonComingSoon Banned
    edited March 2015


    RIP, Hope, Nero, and Thomas.

    haha f u carley


    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 1 OF AFTERMATH YLENIA D7 I bit down on my lower lip as I crouch over Hope's silent body, her light brown hair lays on the grass a

  • Okay i'm writing out the feast right now.

    I also found this super secret leaked gif of the feast so you guys know a little bit more on what went down:

    Alt text

    I know its pretty legit.

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