Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Theenkz!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    What a majestic beard.

  • Just checking in what you guys-

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    What has been seen cannot be unseen.

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    fallandir posted: »

    Just checking in what you guys- What has been seen cannot be unseen.

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    Obviously this is talking about the state of their relationship. Each of them are feeling insecure but neither of them wants to give the first step so they´re waiting for the other one to do something about their connection but they´re getting impatient with the situation.

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    Obvious. Despite insecurities they want to get closer. A scene where one of them finds the other so irresistible that they almost give in to the temptation of making a move on them.

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    Finally, progress! They finally confess and enter a commited relationship from which they know there is no going back from (they´re too in love to even consider the possibility). Rejoice!

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    Fighting scene where bandits interrupt our lovebird´s moments together and they have to fight them off in frustration of their moment being ruined.

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    Oh, no! Someone is trying to spread lies about one of them and a rupture in their relationship happens. They don´t break up, but they drift apart. Can they realise the truth behind these malicious lies someone has been spreading in hopes of sinking Rhyiona?

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    They do clear up what happened and celebrate their union again. This scene probably will need to be censored.

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    The fire of passion burns in their eyes as they promise to each other to find out who wants to ruin their destined love so badly and destroy them in the name of their love.

    100% what happens in episode 3. I´m on to you, Telltale.

  • inb4 another 3 and a half month wait for episode 3 due to rewrite b/c on point predictions.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Obviously this is talking about the state of their relationship. Each of them are feeling insecure but neither of them wants to give the fir

  • edited March 2015

    Rhys hissed in pain before huffing. He heard Fiona chuckle.

    She was making him feel like a child. Maybe he was being childish. Point was that at the moment he couldn´t care less. That fucking hurt.

    "Can you..." he tried his luck, "can you be a little more gentle? Please?"

    She raised an eyebrow before shaking her head.

    "I don´t know what you´re talking about. I´m being delicate with you. Much more than I usually am. You´re just being wimpy."

    He glared at her but she was leaning down so all he was faced with was the view of the top of her hat. He could tell she was smirking, though, that viper.

    "Yeah, no. You´re doing this on purpose. I bet anything you are."

    "Well, then bet whatever you want. You´re about to lose it if you do, though because I´m being honest here, I´m not trying to hurt you."

    He´d like to call her a liar but she was sounding genuine so he let it slide and opted for pouting like a three year old. Not for too long, however.

    "Ow, fuck."

    Fiona pinched the bridge of her nose.

    "Stop it. I can´t wrap these bandages if you don´t stop moving. You´re making this harder for me."

    "Easy for you to say, you´re not the one in pain!"

    "It´s a sprained ankle Rhys. You could have had your foot sliced off. Just be grateful that I´m helping you and shut up."

    Maybe he couldn´t call her a liar about her intentions but he definitely could fight back when she was generally pissing him off with her snarky attitude. That worked for him.

    "I´m not shutting up! I´m sitting on a rock in the middle of the desert with a sprained ankle, which is very painful mind you, with you constantly attacking me. Do you think this is a situation worth being quiet about because I sure don´t!"

    She squeezed his ankle tight on purpose and he was pretty sure his scream could be hear on the other side of Pandora.

    "What is wrong with you?!"

    "Many things." she shrugged.

    "Is that how it is now? You don´t even insult me anymore? Just plain physical torture now, that it?!"

    She put a hand on his shoulder and gave him the sweetest smile she could muster.

    "You´re are an annoying son of a bitch, did you know that?"

    He couldn´t take it anymore. She was gonna drive him insane at this point but he knew he´d never be able to win an argument against her. She´d just outwit him. So he did the next best thing. He leaned up from where he was sitting and kissed her.

    When he drew back she looked pretty surprised but she hadn´t slapped him yet so perhaps she didn´t have homicidal ideas in mind. Good. He triumphantly registered that he had an ace against her afterall.

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    ^This was based on this wonderful cover made by @Poogers555. ;)

  • Oh hell no, when you put two pictures together like that he looks even more sad because of the contrast... makes me want to yell like Torgue, WHY SO F****ING PRECIOUS. This should be illegal.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Poor Rhys. Look at the difference in his mood.

  • Friendly reminder not to break Rhys´ heart ever.

    DeityD posted: »

    Oh hell no, when you put two pictures together like that he looks even more sad because of the contrast... makes me want to yell like Torgue, WHY SO F****ING PRECIOUS. This should be illegal.

  • I like the way you think ;)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Obviously this is talking about the state of their relationship. Each of them are feeling insecure but neither of them wants to give the fir

  • 100% real.

    I like the way you think

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Rhys hissed in pain before huffing. He heard Fiona chuckle. She was making him feel like a child. Maybe he was being childish. Point was

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Rhys hissed in pain before huffing. He heard Fiona chuckle. She was making him feel like a child. Maybe he was being childish. Point was


    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Rhys hissed in pain before huffing. He heard Fiona chuckle. She was making him feel like a child. Maybe he was being childish. Point was

  • Is that a good reaction?:P


  • YES.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Is that a good reaction?:P

  • Holy sweet baby jesus.. teary eyes

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Rhys hissed in pain before huffing. He heard Fiona chuckle. She was making him feel like a child. Maybe he was being childish. Point was

  • Rhyiona makes the world a better place.

    Linsepins posted: »

    Holy sweet baby jesus.. teary eyes

  • It makes the birds sing with the earliest arrival of dawn, with the sun being pulled across the sky by a chariot of Loader Bots.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Rhyiona makes the world a better place.

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Rhys hissed in pain before huffing. He heard Fiona chuckle. She was making him feel like a child. Maybe he was being childish. Point was

  • Cause you left me at the station :(

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Why not?

  • I can edit you in in a little bit if you want. :)

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Cause you left me at the station

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    This is one big innuendo.

  • put me on the train too please! :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I can edit you in in a little bit if you want.

  • Will do!

    Kruzii posted: »

    put me on the train too please!

  • edited March 2015

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    Reposting this for the updates.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    This is one big innuendo.

  • Man, the Express is getting crowded. Still room for one more and for how much? :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Reposting this for the updates.

  • look how beautiful he is

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  • Fiona agrees.

    xfuriouss posted: »

    look how beautiful he is

  • Done. :)

    Man, the Express is getting crowded. Still room for one more and for how much?

  • Goosh...I feel teary. Thank you! :'D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


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    Goosh...I feel teary. Thank you! :'D

  • The train of awesomeness :')

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Reposting this for the updates.

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