Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Did you see when they played poker c: omg they looked like a family :3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I also told her he was asleep. She's just like a little kid, didn't want to break her heart. Loader Bot's a great big brother. ;-; This was the dynamic we were craving so much haha

  • OMG YES!! ;w; I tried to screenshot it but I panicked and then ended up not screenshotting it.

    Killah posted: »

    Did you see when they played poker c: omg they looked like a family

  • You guys I played the current ep and I don't like the fact I was forced into this shipping like let me have a shipping with Fiona please...

    Now I'm wondering to play the whole ep again to keep the stupid flower
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  • I have a bunch saved up too!

    I actually told him it was a good plan. ;-; It was cute dialogue though!

    "I'm happy!" "Touchgo- touchgoal?!" "Shut up."

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    I screenshot wayyyyy too many pictures of Gortys.... Yes It was nice to see it, I was like awwww. I also really like the "I like my hat" choice pfffftt she sounded so cute xD Touchgoal!!!!

  • Me too, I refused giving the flower because im a Rhyiona shipper :-:

    Amorgod posted: »

    You guys I played the current ep and I don't like the fact I was forced into this shipping like let me have a shipping with Fiona please... Now I'm wondering to play the whole ep again to keep the stupid flower

  • edited June 2015

    I didn't give her the flower too, regretted picking it up..

    Amorgod posted: »

    You guys I played the current ep and I don't like the fact I was forced into this shipping like let me have a shipping with Fiona please... Now I'm wondering to play the whole ep again to keep the stupid flower

  • That was so cute, favourite screencap so far.

    Killah posted: »

    Did you see when they played poker c: omg they looked like a family

  • At that moment I remembered all of our quality posting with spooky scary skeletons, lol.

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  • Same I got a screenshot of it too XD

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    buntingsir posted: »

    At that moment I remembered all of our quality posting with spooky scary skeletons, lol.

  • Fiona confirmed fan of our glorious spam.


    buntingsir posted: »

    At that moment I remembered all of our quality posting with spooky scary skeletons, lol.

  • I honestly prefer playing as Fiona at this point. Her side of the story was so much better and her froreshadowing and Athena bonding were top notch. Waiting for great things for her in BL3.

    Fiona really got a chance to be a badass, Rhys.....not as much. But hey, I would so love to keep playing as Fiona in BL3. Combine that with more role playing story telling, give her the whole; protegee to Athena relationship. It gets me excited

  • Wait, wasn't Tales happening after bl2? So it has nothing to do with the pre-sequel. Or are u talking about something else XD

    Pipas posted: »

    She's not, she'll be interrogated in the Pre-sequel intro/outro. Which sadly means she probably won't appear again in Tales.

  • Yeah I got that in my playthrough lol, It was pretty funny cuz H Jack and Rhys are soo different XD.

    Green613 posted: »


  • Oh my god I just saw this post

    I honestly can't believe we've reached 100 members

    I think this might be worthy of a speech tomorrow, we'll see if I'm ready

  • I want rhyiona so bad

  • We all do bro, we all do.

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    USA2283 posted: »

    I want rhyiona so bad

  • Unrelated to Rhyiona, and an extremely unpopular opinion, but I don't like Gortys all that much, I mean, I don't HATE it, but I'm not really a fan.

  • ho-how can you hate something so fucking cute


    burn him

    hes a heretic

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Unrelated to Rhyiona, and an extremely unpopular opinion, but I don't like Gortys all that much, I mean, I don't HATE it, but I'm not really a fan.

  • omg soo many people wants rhyiona - i ship this too <3 and the episode 3 the part when rhys goes with sasha , fiona looks at them with a sad face D: somebody noticed that ;-;? and sorry for my bad english ..


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    Green613 posted: »

    ho-how can you hate something so fucking cute rhyionas burn him hes a heretic


    Then I realized it was being played backwards :P

    Killah posted: »


  • Gary-OakGary-Oak Banned
    edited June 2015

    I ain't a heretic, I still ship Rhyiona, I just don't love Gortys. I never said I hate her mate, what's the problem here?

    Green613 posted: »

    ho-how can you hate something so fucking cute rhyionas burn him hes a heretic

  • Regarding Gortys. I really love her in episode 3. She certainly brought a lot of cheerfulness to the group and I love her interaction with LB. Also during the chase scene, I was really worried about her safety and just told her to save herself, like a protective father would. :)

    And Rhys sounds rather desperate and worried when trying to reach Gortys. ;--;

  • I prefer Fiona without hat. (She'll look more beautiful than ever.) So... RHYIONA is the greatest ship of ALL TIME!

  • It was really cool that they gave Fiona a real "role", at last. Because for two episodes she was in Rhys' and Jack's shadow. And now look - the tables are turned! I hope it'll be like this in ep 4 and 5, now that Athena is gone.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I honestly prefer playing as Fiona at this point. Her side of the story was so much better and her froreshadowing and Athena bonding were top notch. Waiting for great things for her in BL3.

  • There isn't any problem Gary

    You of all people here should know that I'm basically trolling 90% of the time


    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I ain't a heretic, I still ship Rhyiona, I just don't love Gortys. I never said I hate her mate, what's the problem here?

  • Idk, the Stranger seems a little odd to be Athena. Of course he could be playing dumb but he's acting a little too weird. All the shooting in the air, and how he backed away with this Gortys' upgrade...

    But damn I want to see her again in Tales.

    Mercyva posted: »

    my theory is that athena IS the stranger. especially when ''the stranger'' asked about what happened in the ''doom'' ... if the stranger is

  • Jack says practically the same thing about Sasha. Not that it's weird but close anough. I guess he just doesn't want to see that, any of that. Which is kinda odd since it's HJ, but.

    mirashade posted: »

    It's obscurely referencing the fact that Rhys and Fiona are both "you" and sex between you and yourself would be... awkward. I don't want that game mechanic.

  • Sorry. <3

    Green613 posted: »

    There isn't any problem Gary You of all people here should know that I'm basically trolling 90% of the time lmao

  • RIP Rhys x Fiona.

  • edited June 2015

    As a big fan of Fiona, I find episode 3 really satisfying even there are not many strong Rhyiona moments. I always love Fiona and I thought I would never like her more, but I'm wrong! She has a bunch of her own adorable, beautiful and badass moments in this episode, and looks pretty in all costumes <3

    Her personality and back-story are much more developed than in the previous episodes, which amazes me the most. She always looks confident and calm, yet she had her own worries and weaknesses. Athena brought a lot of questions and challenges for her, pushing her to overcome her limits. At the same time, though Fiona is so proud of her conning skills, she thought that is the only thing she is really good at. She has to deal with her feelings towards a family member who betrayed her, how she views herself and what she really wants in the whole journey. The interaction between her and Athena is really touching as well as serving as an encouragement for me. I love how she is modified to have chances to grow up and become different from the beginning.

    Speaking of the Rhysha moments, I did feel a bit annoyed when there are quite a number of consecutive obviously romantic choices in the game, but it is still acceptable for me. I think what Telltales is trying to do is to create romantic options and official cannon ships. In my opinion, I would feel more comfortable if more hints and choices of the relationship development between Rhys and Sasha were provided in the previous episodes. At least this could make the situation less subtle. By the way, I am fine with Rhysha and will keep staying on Rhyiona. Everyone has their own interest after all.

    Apart from shipping, looks like Fiona and Rhys in the present really don't give a thing about Sasha and Vaughn anymore, which makes me worry more about what happened to them >.<

    Also, Gortys is much cuter than I thought <3 The voice acting is perfect. I wish she will have more performance in the future.

  • If I remember correctly, somewhere on AMA he was talking about Nisha and I think she also didn't get 10/10.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    9/10... still salty. What's stopping her from getting the 10, Jack? >:(

  • I have would preferred if the Rhysha' moment were more subtle and that it didn't hinder Rhys' story and his development.

    And yeah, I really love Fiona in this episode. This was definitely her story this time and she received a lot of cool and awesome development. :)

    tessie0713 posted: »

    As a big fan of Fiona, I find episode 3 really satisfying even there are not many strong Rhyiona moments. I always love Fiona and I thought

  • Apart from shipping, looks like Fiona and Rhys in the present really don't give a thing about Sasha and Vaughn anymore, which makes me worry more about what happened to them >.<

    It was kinda scary when we chose what to do with that "doctor" and we've got "they all will remember that" or something like that. I mean it's... it can't be what it seems, right? That's too dark to be true.

    tessie0713 posted: »

    As a big fan of Fiona, I find episode 3 really satisfying even there are not many strong Rhyiona moments. I always love Fiona and I thought

  • We still stand strong.

    kaza125 posted: »

    RIP Rhys x Fiona.

  • How did that happen? You have to trust him in ep2, right?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Fiona didnt seem to mind when Jack makes Rhys call her sweetie

  • 我是!

    tessie0713 posted: »

    As a big fan of Fiona, I find episode 3 really satisfying even there are not many strong Rhyiona moments. I always love Fiona and I thought

  • He's discouraging you from doing 'things' with Sasha but Fiona's is weird for "I dunno why, I just get the feeling that'd be weird." while Sasha is clearly "I'll see it. So keep in your pants." So I'm pretty sure it's different reasons and one of those 4th wall breaking moments with Jack again haha

    To be clear, I don't want sex scenes with either of them, but Jack having some weird sense for the fourth wall is just too funny for me to imagine otherwise.

    DeityD posted: »

    Jack says practically the same thing about Sasha. Not that it's weird but close anough. I guess he just doesn't want to see that, any of that. Which is kinda odd since it's HJ, but.

  • No he's not. Dang you're gonna get murdered in your sleep here !

    Gary-Oak posted: »


  • #FionaForTheVaultHunterInBL3

    Mercyva posted: »

    if that's the last we see of her, then i wish fiona could be a vault hunter somehow in BL3. because when she meets athena then it will be al

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