Adding on to the advice you give Clem when teaching her how to shoot a gun comment. This advice carries onto episode 2 of season 2 when teac… morehing Sarah how to shoot a gun. The following are a paraphrasing of the results:
Lee-Clem: "Aim for the head"
Clem-Sarah: "Just aim for the head" "what if it's a person?" "just keep shooting"
Lee-Clem: "Hold your breath and aim"
Clem-Sarah: Clem says what Lee says and Sarah ends up breathing in holding it in and making a puffy face. Clem then says "not that deep"
Lee-Clem: "..."
Clem-Sarah: game glitches and camera freaks out, but I think Sarah just points the gun at her head and says "bang"
Lee-Clem: "squeeze trigger steadily"
Clem-Sarah: Clem repeats what Lee says and Sarah asks what that means and Clem responds "I don't know"
Also later in the episode when you teach Clem how to shoot, in the abandoned train station Lee can give her advice after she fails to shoot the zombies that atta… [view original content]
When Lee walks/kills through the walker horde, you can actually get bitten twice and not get gameovered. So Lee can actually go through Ep.5 with three walker bites.
But even more than that, during the fight with the stranger, he can actually shoot you once in the gut(or stomache, or mid-section or whatever you call it) and you can still beat him. So yeah, Lee can powerhouse through Ep.5 with three walker bites and a gunshot bullet wound like a boss.
Speaking of Ep.5, one of the dialogues you have with Ben at the top of the hospital can change depending on how you convinced him to come with you.
Lee: You came Ben, why did you?
(If you convinced him through clementine) Ben: Clementine is my no.1......well, only fan. I'd be a real piece of shit if I didn't come.
(if you said it was his choice and he choose to come) Ben: I just felt like the right thing to do.
Speaking of dialogue regarding who you bring. While bringing everyone nets you the highest amount of dialogue, bringing different combinations can give some unique dialogue to that specific combination. Some of which I remember are.
(If you bring just Ben)
Lee: We are lucky that this door isn't locked with a hatchet. (troll face)
Ben: Oh, Shut up. >:(
(if you bring Ben and Kenny with you)
Lee: How are things going Kenny.
Kenny: So far so good, Ben hasn't screwed the pooch yet.
Ben: >:(
Lee: Is that door holding alright?
Kenny: Yeah, lucky for us it isn't being held by a hatchet.
Ben: >:(
Oh, and if you wait before you press the prompt to start your running jump from the bell tower to the hospital roof. The guys with you will shout words of encouragement(or try to). Ben's weakly performed "I believe in you~~~~" is fuckin' hilarious xD
Lee tells Clem to remember that the gun is just a thing and then Clem will tell that to Sarah. Sarah asks what does that mean and Clem says I don't know.
Adding on to the advice you give Clem when teaching her how to shoot a gun comment. This advice carries onto episode 2 of season 2 when teac… morehing Sarah how to shoot a gun. The following are a paraphrasing of the results:
Lee-Clem: "Aim for the head"
Clem-Sarah: "Just aim for the head" "what if it's a person?" "just keep shooting"
Lee-Clem: "Hold your breath and aim"
Clem-Sarah: Clem says what Lee says and Sarah ends up breathing in holding it in and making a puffy face. Clem then says "not that deep"
Lee-Clem: "..."
Clem-Sarah: game glitches and camera freaks out, but I think Sarah just points the gun at her head and says "bang"
Lee-Clem: "squeeze trigger steadily"
Clem-Sarah: Clem repeats what Lee says and Sarah asks what that means and Clem responds "I don't know"
Also later in the episode when you teach Clem how to shoot, in the abandoned train station Lee can give her advice after she fails to shoot the zombies that atta… [view original content]
If you FIGHT Kenny on the train..and miss ONE click...
You,as Lee, will get a scar on your LEFT cheek for life ( EP5 )...
I don't … moreknow if this season, Clementine will have a scar for life on her RIGHT cheek for trying SAVING Kenny though...
Them opposites situations...right-left Kenny...
Actually the "isn't about Duck" only happens if you saved Duck both times and killed Larry. Killing Larry solely has no effect, I know because I've done that before.
If you fight Kenny in the train, you can end the fight in 3 different ways.
Lee heavily chokes kenny(what most of us do, click to block… more the punches and mash Q to choke Kenny), followed by an I am sorry or silence option.(silence is Lee just coldly staring at Kenny)
Kenny beats Lee up.(Just don't click, don't block the punches), followed by a stop the train or silence option (silence has Lee angrily spitting blood)
Just restrain Kenny(Easy to miss, just mouse click to block the punches, but don't mash Q upon the prompt)
On topic of the train fight, the dialogue of the first restraining kenny is the same. "I told Katjaa I'd bring you, and you bet your ass I am gonna"
The dialogue of the second restraining depends on both if you killed Larry, and if you mashed Q to choke Kenny.
Killed Larry,Mashed Q: I've had your back, don't make me fucking regret it!
Killed Larry,not Mash Q: I've had your back, what you… [view original content]
When Lee walks/kills through the walker horde, you can actually get bitten twice and not get gameovered. So Lee can actually go through Ep.5… more with three walker bites.
But even more than that, during the fight with the stranger, he can actually shoot you once in the gut(or stomache, or mid-section or whatever you call it) and you can still beat him. So yeah, Lee can powerhouse through Ep.5 with three walker bites and a gunshot bullet wound like a boss.
Speaking of Ep.5, one of the dialogues you have with Ben at the top of the hospital can change depending on how you convinced him to come with you.
Lee: You came Ben, why did you?
(If you convinced him through clementine) Ben: Clementine is my no.1......well, only fan. I'd be a real piece of shit if I didn't come.
(if you said it was his choice and he choose to come) Ben: I just felt like the right thing to do.
Speaking of dialogue regarding who you bring. While brin… [view original content]
Actually the "isn't about Duck" only happens if you saved Duck both times and killed Larry. Killing Larry solely has no effect, I know because I've done that before.
You do realize that Clem also has the option to say that she trusts Kenny with her life (when talking to the cabin group) and that the two of them are old friends (when talking to Walter), right? How Clem feels about Kenny is completely up to the player.
But then why can Clem burn Kenny's picture, but not Lee's? Or why would she have the option to say that she never liked Kenny? I don't think… more Clem had the option to say this about any other character. I'm not saying I like that Clem hates Kenny. Reuniting with him and being able to hug him was the best thing ever. I just believe it's one of the harshest things said in the game and wonder why it's there if it didn't have some reason to be.
In Season 1 EP1, talking to Katjaa reveals that Lee used to teach at the University of Georgia.
In S1 EP1, Duck says, "Lift with your back, Shawn!", which is contrary to when in EP4 of game, The Wolf Among Us, Bigby says, "Lift with your legs, not your back, you won't get hurt that way".
And in S1 EP1, Hershel tells Lee that family is important and all that matters, which is a lesson that comes up again in S2 EP2 when Luke asks Clem, "What's the most important thing in this world?".
Yes, but the option of hating Kenny is still there and has a reason to be, otherwise the storywriter's wouldn't have put the option there in the first place. How Clem feels is up to the player, but each response and action is valid to the story in some way.
You do realize that Clem also has the option to say that she trusts Kenny with her life (when talking to the cabin group) and that the two o… moref them are old friends (when talking to Walter), right? How Clem feels about Kenny is completely up to the player.
When Luke grabs Clem in the latest episode if you don't mash the 'Q' button she breaks free & shouts something like "No stop!" then Luke says 'Hey hey stop it's me!".
There are unused audio clips of Ben talking about how bandits held them hostage and made him watch them rape female students. (Ugh, that makes me feel sick.)
When you and Luke are deciding which zombies you want to take out and you kill the bigger one, Luke will initially frown at you but then later give you a high five. Actually, it's really cute because he'll put his hand out but Clem will look at it like she's not sure what to do. He'll then just slap it for her. hahaha
In "All That Remains" if you choose silence too many times, Luke says he is an expert at talking to girls who don't want to talk to him.
The game, when still in development, was originally going to be about Clem and her older brother. The game was supposed to open with her brother being woken up by Clem who tells him that their neighbor chased her and was acting weird. They scrapped the idea of the brother because of the already pre-existing bond between the two characters and the writers thought it was too much for the players to take on.
Shortly before Sarita gets bit, you can hear her calling out for Kenny and him responding that he can't get to her.
Well, I think that's the option for "Edgy Clem", very much like you could play "Scumbag Lee" to your liking. You can also say negative stuff about Luke, Nick, Rebeccah, Sarah etc lol. It's up to you how you want to play her! she can be innocent, sweet, harsh, sassy, anything you want her to be and it's in the margin of probability. For example, when Jane told the group you can walk trough hordes of zombies unnoticed by covering yourself in their guts, there's the option to say "gross", which we know is not something Clementine would say over "I've done it before" or "Lee did it", but it stills there for, you know, a different scope of Clemmy coughcouEDGYcough.
Anyways, I think Clemmy really does like Kenny since she kept the drawing of Kenny's family (and no other drawing, and we both know Clementine drew a lot of stuff at the mottor inn). She'll smile around him a lot in episode 2, regardless of what you've said about him. And she'll always make this face upon realizing he's alright.
Which I believe is one of the cutest and most honest faces she's made this season. You can see how truly relieved and happy my little girl is.
Yes, but the option of hating Kenny is still there and has a reason to be, otherwise the storywriter's wouldn't have put the option there in… more the first place. How Clem feels is up to the player, but each response and action is valid to the story in some way.
* There are unused audio clips of Ben talking about how bandits held them hostage and made him watch them rape female students. (Ugh, that m… moreakes me feel sick.)
* When you and Luke are deciding which zombies you want to take out and you kill the bigger one, Luke will initially frown at you but then later give you a high five. Actually, it's really cute because he'll put his hand out but Clem will look at it like she's not sure what to do. He'll then just slap it for her. hahaha
* In "All That Remains" if you choose silence too many times, Luke says he is an expert at talking to girls who don't want to talk to him.
* The game, when still in development, was originally going to be about Clem and her older brother. The game was supposed to open with her brother being woken up by Clem who tells him that their neighbor chased her and was acting weird. They scrapped the idea of the brother because of the already pre-existing bond between the … [view original content]
(everyone probably know these as they are fairly obvious) BUT, when playing Russell's story in 400 days, if you chose to hide from the appro… moreaching car, you will lie down on the ground next to a corpse - if you look closely you can see that it is Carly's corpse from when Lilly shot her in s1ep3. Also in 400 days, the group Shel and Becca are with is the cancer survivor group Lee found in the sewers in s1ep4. When they are debating whether or not to kill the person trying to steal supplies, you can hear them talking about Vernon/Brie stealing the boat from Kenny (or attacking Kenny for it, depending on your choices throughout s1.)
Kenny's reaction to Lee's past will change depending on whether you helped him kill Larry or not.
If you did, he's much more trusting and hesitant. (With his eyebrows still raised) "It, uh, wasn't for touching kids, was it? Lee, look at everything this mess has got us doing now. I'm sorry you went through whatever you went through."
If you didn't, he's pretty rude and blunt about the whole thing. (Glaring suspiciously) "It wasn't for touching kids, was it? 'Cuz we got two here. Just so you know, when it comes to the boat, this is gonna matter." Or, if you told him that you killed someone: "Is Duck safe around you?"
While you are in Crawford, you can tell Clem that you are going to make a classroom and teach her things, just you two.
The classroom happened, but it was the last scene of season 1.
When you first meet Sarah, she can tell you that she's reading a book called The Guurgles. Later, when Clementine's eating at the kitchen table, she has a book with the same title next to her bowl of oatmeal, implying that Sarah lent it to her to read.
Also, it seems Nick has a nervous habit. In episode 1 he can be seen chewing on his thumbnail multiple times.
When you first meet Sarah, she can tell you that she's reading a book called The Guurgles. Later, when Clementine's eating at the kitchen ta… moreble, she has a book with the same title next to her bowl of oatmeal, implying that Sarah lent it to her to read.
Also, it seems Nick has a nervous habit. In episode 1 he can be seen chewing on his thumbnail multiple times.
I don't understand the banana reference. I'm assuming it's from another Telltale game? The only Telltale game I've played is TWD, and I watch TWAU on Youtube by many YouTubers so I like that series as well. Also, I couldn't help but notice, doesn't Rebecca's ass look weird in that shot?
In S1E3 you can notice this Banang drink in the RV. I`ve seen a lot of people making jokes about that, and when I noticed that drink in my first playthrough, I was really sad, because you are not able to keep it. But now everybody forgot about Banang, because people are talking about Juice Box now.
I don't understand the banana reference. I'm assuming it's from another Telltale game? The only Telltale game I've played is TWD, and I watc… moreh TWAU on Youtube by many YouTubers so I like that series as well. Also, I couldn't help but notice, doesn't Rebecca's ass look weird in that shot?
I remember only that in Season 1 episode 5 Clem can handcuff either Lee or the zombie and that if you remain silent in the part when you have to tell her either to shoot Lee or leave, she'll decide on her own what to do....
Woah, my stepdad has a tattoo like that on his arm. Anyway, I found out some cool meanings for the tattoo that relate to the story like arousal/seduction, protection, a fight for life, toughness, fighting, death, and treachery.
These all relate to the story because:
Larry seduces Brenda in Ep. 2.
He's trying to protect Lilly from Lee.
He's fighting for life against his heart and the walkers.
The dude's strong as a bull.
He fights (det.) with Lee and Kenny.
He dies, of course.
He betrays Lee by punching him in the schnozz after choosing Carley or Doug.
In S1E3 you can notice this Banang drink in the RV. I`ve seen a lot of people making jokes about that, and when I noticed that drink in my … morefirst playthrough, I was really sad, because you are not able to keep it. But now everybody forgot about Banang, because people are talking about Juice Box now.
Due to an unused audio clip from "In Harms Way" It's suggested that Clementine could remind Kenny that Molly from Crawford used bells to get walkers to move to different areas in Savannah. Rather than Kenny remarking it himself.
I don't understand the banana reference. I'm assuming it's from another Telltale game? The only Telltale game I've played is TWD, and I watc… moreh TWAU on Youtube by many YouTubers so I like that series as well. Also, I couldn't help but notice, doesn't Rebecca's ass look weird in that shot?
* There are unused audio clips of Ben talking about how bandits held them hostage and made him watch them rape female students. (Ugh, that m… moreakes me feel sick.)
* When you and Luke are deciding which zombies you want to take out and you kill the bigger one, Luke will initially frown at you but then later give you a high five. Actually, it's really cute because he'll put his hand out but Clem will look at it like she's not sure what to do. He'll then just slap it for her. hahaha
* In "All That Remains" if you choose silence too many times, Luke says he is an expert at talking to girls who don't want to talk to him.
* The game, when still in development, was originally going to be about Clem and her older brother. The game was supposed to open with her brother being woken up by Clem who tells him that their neighbor chased her and was acting weird. They scrapped the idea of the brother because of the already pre-existing bond between the … [view original content]
Due to an unused audio clip from "In Harms Way" It's suggested that Clementine could remind Kenny that Molly from Crawford used bells to get walkers to move to different areas in Savannah. Rather than Kenny remarking it himself.
When you first meet Sarah, she can tell you that she's reading a book called The Guurgles. Later, when Clementine's eating at the kitchen ta… moreble, she has a book with the same title next to her bowl of oatmeal, implying that Sarah lent it to her to read.
Also, it seems Nick has a nervous habit. In episode 1 he can be seen chewing on his thumbnail multiple times.
No, I know he says "That girl from Crawford rang bells to get the dead movin'" or something. However there's an unused audio clip which he says something along the lines of "Oh yeah, that girl used bells to get the dead moving all over Crawford!" Which suggests they planned on giving players the option to remind Kenny of Molly rather than him remembering it himself.
No, I know he says "That girl from Crawford rang bells to get the dead movin'" or something. However there's an unused audio clip which he s… moreays something along the lines of "Oh yeah, that girl used bells to get the dead moving all over Crawford!" Which suggests they planned on giving players the option to remind Kenny of Molly rather than him remembering it himself.
No, I know he says "That girl from Crawford rang bells to get the dead movin'" or something. However there's an unused audio clip which he s… moreays something along the lines of "Oh yeah, that girl used bells to get the dead moving all over Crawford!" Which suggests they planned on giving players the option to remind Kenny of Molly rather than him remembering it himself.
Wait, that didn't turn Clem attractive for you? What are you? Luke?
Oh wait...
The 'Lee-Clem' thing confused me.
When Lee walks/kills through the walker horde, you can actually get bitten twice and not get gameovered. So Lee can actually go through Ep.5 with three walker bites.
But even more than that, during the fight with the stranger, he can actually shoot you once in the gut(or stomache, or mid-section or whatever you call it) and you can still beat him. So yeah, Lee can powerhouse through Ep.5 with three walker bites and a gunshot bullet wound like a boss.
Speaking of Ep.5, one of the dialogues you have with Ben at the top of the hospital can change depending on how you convinced him to come with you.
Lee: You came Ben, why did you?
(If you convinced him through clementine) Ben: Clementine is my no.1......well, only fan. I'd be a real piece of shit if I didn't come.
(if you said it was his choice and he choose to come) Ben: I just felt like the right thing to do.
Speaking of dialogue regarding who you bring. While bringing everyone nets you the highest amount of dialogue, bringing different combinations can give some unique dialogue to that specific combination. Some of which I remember are.
(If you bring just Ben)
Lee: We are lucky that this door isn't locked with a hatchet. (troll face)
Ben: Oh, Shut up. >:(
(if you bring Ben and Kenny with you)
Lee: How are things going Kenny.
Kenny: So far so good, Ben hasn't screwed the pooch yet.
Ben: >:(
Lee: Is that door holding alright?
Kenny: Yeah, lucky for us it isn't being held by a hatchet.
Ben: >:(
Oh, and if you wait before you press the prompt to start your running jump from the bell tower to the hospital roof. The guys with you will shout words of encouragement(or try to). Ben's weakly performed "I believe in you~~~~" is fuckin' hilarious xD
Lee tells Clem to remember that the gun is just a thing and then Clem will tell that to Sarah. Sarah asks what does that mean and Clem says I don't know.
Can we really be sure it's a scar for life? I mean there's only what? 3 days in between the fight and the end of the season.
Actually the "isn't about Duck" only happens if you saved Duck both times and killed Larry. Killing Larry solely has no effect, I know because I've done that before.
Make this hashtag mainstream please! XD
Oh, well then, thanks for the correction
You do realize that Clem also has the option to say that she trusts Kenny with her life (when talking to the cabin group) and that the two of them are old friends (when talking to Walter), right? How Clem feels about Kenny is completely up to the player.
In Season 1 EP1, talking to Katjaa reveals that Lee used to teach at the University of Georgia.
In S1 EP1, Duck says, "Lift with your back, Shawn!", which is contrary to when in EP4 of game, The Wolf Among Us, Bigby says, "Lift with your legs, not your back, you won't get hurt that way".
And in S1 EP1, Hershel tells Lee that family is important and all that matters, which is a lesson that comes up again in S2 EP2 when Luke asks Clem, "What's the most important thing in this world?".
I noticed that in my first playthrought. I laughed like an idiot
Yes, but the option of hating Kenny is still there and has a reason to be, otherwise the storywriter's wouldn't have put the option there in the first place. How Clem feels is up to the player, but each response and action is valid to the story in some way.
Ah, I've actually been curious about what would happened.
There are unused audio clips of Ben talking about how bandits held them hostage and made him watch them rape female students. (Ugh, that makes me feel sick.)
When you and Luke are deciding which zombies you want to take out and you kill the bigger one, Luke will initially frown at you but then later give you a high five. Actually, it's really cute because he'll put his hand out but Clem will look at it like she's not sure what to do. He'll then just slap it for her. hahaha
Well, I think that's the option for "Edgy Clem", very much like you could play "Scumbag Lee" to your liking. You can also say negative stuff about Luke, Nick, Rebeccah, Sarah etc lol. It's up to you how you want to play her! she can be innocent, sweet, harsh, sassy, anything you want her to be and it's in the margin of probability. For example, when Jane told the group you can walk trough hordes of zombies unnoticed by covering yourself in their guts, there's the option to say "gross", which we know is not something Clementine would say over "I've done it before" or "Lee did it", but it stills there for, you know, a different scope of Clemmy coughcouEDGYcough.
Anyways, I think Clemmy really does like Kenny since she kept the drawing of Kenny's family (and no other drawing, and we both know Clementine drew a lot of stuff at the mottor inn). She'll smile around him a lot in episode 2, regardless of what you've said about him. And she'll always make this face upon realizing he's alright.
Which I believe is one of the cutest and most honest faces she's made this season. You can see how truly relieved and happy my little girl is.
I knew that one with Ben and rape. God, when I first heard about it, I felt terrible.
You start the game in handcuffs, and end the game in handcuffs.
Just to add, I left Ben behind, and they said they held the teenager at gunpoint for the boat
Nice username bro! Take a like for it!
If you look closer to Larry's left arm, there are 2 tattoos on it(no shit?)
Kenny's reaction to Lee's past will change depending on whether you helped him kill Larry or not.
If you did, he's much more trusting and hesitant. (With his eyebrows still raised) "It, uh, wasn't for touching kids, was it? Lee, look at everything this mess has got us doing now. I'm sorry you went through whatever you went through."
If you didn't, he's pretty rude and blunt about the whole thing. (Glaring suspiciously) "It wasn't for touching kids, was it? 'Cuz we got two here. Just so you know, when it comes to the boat, this is gonna matter." Or, if you told him that you killed someone: "Is Duck safe around you?"
While you are in Crawford, you can tell Clem that you are going to make a classroom and teach her things, just you two.
The classroom happened, but it was the last scene of season 1.
When you first meet Sarah, she can tell you that she's reading a book called The Guurgles. Later, when Clementine's eating at the kitchen table, she has a book with the same title next to her bowl of oatmeal, implying that Sarah lent it to her to read.
Also, it seems Nick has a nervous habit. In episode 1 he can be seen chewing on his thumbnail multiple times.
I don't understand the banana reference. I'm assuming it's from another Telltale game? The only Telltale game I've played is TWD, and I watch TWAU on Youtube by many YouTubers so I like that series as well. Also, I couldn't help but notice, doesn't Rebecca's ass look weird in that shot?
In S1E3 you can notice this Banang drink in the RV. I`ve seen a lot of people making jokes about that, and when I noticed that drink in my first playthrough, I was really sad, because you are not able to keep it. But now everybody forgot about Banang, because people are talking about Juice Box now.
I remember only that in Season 1 episode 5 Clem can handcuff either Lee or the zombie and that if you remain silent in the part when you have to tell her either to shoot Lee or leave, she'll decide on her own what to do....
Woah, my stepdad has a tattoo like that on his arm. Anyway, I found out some cool meanings for the tattoo that relate to the story like arousal/seduction, protection, a fight for life, toughness, fighting, death, and treachery.
These all relate to the story because:
Larry seduces Brenda in Ep. 2.
He's trying to protect Lilly from Lee.
He's fighting for life against his heart and the walkers.
The dude's strong as a bull.
He fights (det.) with Lee and Kenny.
He dies, of course.
He betrays Lee by punching him in the schnozz after choosing Carley or Doug.
thanks man!
Lee's mother was a small lady and she was a tuba player.
Yeah made a video about that 5 months ago xD
Due to an unused audio clip from "In Harms Way" It's suggested that Clementine could remind Kenny that Molly from Crawford used bells to get walkers to move to different areas in Savannah. Rather than Kenny remarking it himself.
It's from the Sam and Max series I believe and Telltale just put it in as an easter egg.
I have been trying to hear when Kenny responds to Sarita in the horde but I cannot find it at all.
It wasn't unused, she said it in my playthrough.
I think it's just before Carlos gets shot. It does happen but I can't remember when.
OMG dat first one. How did I never notice that? That's very subtle and awesome.
No, I know he says "That girl from Crawford rang bells to get the dead movin'" or something. However there's an unused audio clip which he says something along the lines of "Oh yeah, that girl used bells to get the dead moving all over Crawford!" Which suggests they planned on giving players the option to remind Kenny of Molly rather than him remembering it himself.
That isn't unused he said everything you just typed in my playthrough
I can't remember what dialogue choice i chose but Clementine can talk about the bells instead of Kenny so is wasn't unused.
EDIT: Found a video
skip to 29:40