hopefully telltale will release a statement that now that they are finished making a season og Walking Dead that they will start making a new season of Monkey Island. Or have they anounced that they are working on another project?
hopefully telltale will release a statement that now that they are finished making a season og Walking Dead that they will start making a new season of Monkey Island. Or have they anounced that they are working on another project?
They have several more projects in the works: Fables, King's Quest, the Walking Dead season 2, and an oft-rumored second season of Back to the Future. Not to mention the fact that LucasArts doesn't seem interested in making any more non-Star Wars games again and the prospect of a second season of Tales is looking pretty slim. I know, it sucks.
They have several more projects in the works: Fables, King's Quest, the Walking Dead season 2, and an oft-rumored second season of Back to the Future. Not to mention the fact that LucasArts doesn't seem interested in making any more non-Star Wars games again and the prospect of a second season of Tales is looking pretty slim. I know, it sucks.
Is LucasArts really in control of its IPs anymore? Disney might well be more accomodating to licensing. Sure there are plenty of projects in the works, but they put Sam & Max Season 3 on the backburner when Tales fell on their laps, right?
If not, can't wait for Fables, King's Quest and (if it comes out) BttF Season 2.
Is LucasArts really in control of its IPs anymore?
Well, while Disney technically speaking owns the all LucasFilm's and its subsidiaries' IPs, I'm pretty sure LucasArts still regains a hefty amount of creative control when it comes to these IPs. After all, Marvel is owned by Disney, and it's not like Disney calls absolutely all the shots.
Disney might well be more accomodating to licensing.
Disney already has a light-hearted pirate-themed IP that's much more profitable and well-known than Monkey Island. I think they would rather work with Pirates of the Caribbean than MI, because... let's face it, MI is incredibly, incredibly niche.
Sure there are plenty of projects in the works, but they put Sam & Max Season 3 on the backburner when Tales fell on their laps, right?
Well, the difference is, TellTale could pretty much do whatever they wanted with Sam & Max thanks for Steve Purcell controlling all the rights to the IP. But when it comes to licensing, there are also different date restrictions for projects. Depends on the deal.
I just wanted to bump this forum thread and let (anyone who's listening) know that there are patient, loyal fans out here waiting for another chance to enjoy the lovable hijinks of Guybrush Threepwood.
Now does that give you pause? When you look at Monkey Island, which is a very interesting case where you’re working with a familiar IP in the realm of gaming. It’s not a comic book or a TV series, it’s a classic game. The news came out a few years ago that you had the license for King’s Quest. Do you re-think how you approach that or whether or not you do something like that when it sort of represents… a step away from the Telltale voice?
I think there’s an expectation that comes with the classic stuff that puts us in kind of a no-win position where we’re going to disappoint on some level if we don’t stay true to the roots there. Right now we’re in a place where we’re really pushing in a new direction. I think there’s a possibility to be back in that space and modernize some of the older franchises still, but right now our focus is certainly The Walking Dead and Fables: The Wolf Among Us. They’re taking up a lot of our mental bandwidth.What we do next is still something we’re working on, but I think we’re going to have some very cool, future-looking announcements. I think ‘modern’ is kind of the key word. Bringing stuff forward from the past, that’s not a huge focus for us right now.
I'm not sure that I'd like to see a "modernized" version of Monkey Island... anyway from this interview my impression is that Telltale is no longer interested in doing a new Monkey Island (or any new graphic adventure) anymore
Well you can easily say that they've done that once with Tales already. Besides it takes more than just interest in doing another Monkey Island to do it as I'd imagine negotiations for the rights would be complex. You can't just say "let's do another Monkey Island" and do it.
Well you can easily say that they've done that once with Tales already. Besides it takes more than just interest in doing another Monkey Island to do it as I'd imagine negotiations for the rights would be complex. You can't just say "let's do another Monkey Island" and do it.
That's right, but they shouldn't have closed the game with an open ending...
What with LucasArts being dissolved, it's unlikely they'll make a season 2 - although if Telltale has the licensing and does it independently of Disney, they may allow it. In the unlikely event there is another game, though, they need to get away from LeChuck. Let him die, please. It is getting a bit old. They need to keep the old formulas (recipes, insults, island-hopping, maps) but completely overhaul the plot formula.
I must admit, I am surprised he's survived 5 whole games. It was great having Largo, the cursed ring, Mandrill and De Singe as secondary villains to diversify the plot.
I've just replayed ToMI and enjoyed it as much as the first time I played, a couple of years ago.
O am a little torn re@ development of a 'sequel' or just the next set of Tales in the franchise, as I really enjoyed Walking Dead (BTTF much less so).
I also have an undeveloped idea for a Monkey Island MMO game... No idea how it would work - I mean you could have archetype characters like Pirates, Voodoo practitioners. Maybe with a skill system that incorporates Insult Swordfighting or Cartography?
It's a weird concept and one that I doubt has much in the way of commercial legs. Plus, would I really want the beautiful Caribbean game-world to be overrun by sunlight-fearing 10 year olds, shouting 'PWN!' at me and trading for Phat Lewt? Unless they featured the lemonade-stand/arms dealer from Curse... of course. That could be fun.
Anywho, I doubt very much that another Tales... is going to be produced when there is much already on the development board. But I do hope that one day Guybrush returns.
Ouch. That makes it sound suspiciously like "the direction they want to go" is away from everything I've ever loved about them. I hope I'm interpreting that wrong. What I love about Telltale is that they make *adventure games*, which no one else really does now. There are countless places I can turn to if I want action shooters or RPGs; that's not what I want from TT. Here's hoping that's not what they mean... I haven't played TWD (no interest in it), but it looks like it's less adventure game and more action-oriented.
PS: This is supposed to be in response to MightyPirate's post; even though I clicked reply on his post, it doesn't seem to have made any notation of what I was replying to in the post, so I wanted to clarify.
Ouch. That makes it sound suspiciously like "the direction they want to go" is away from everything I've ever loved about them. I hope I'm interpreting that wrong. What I love about Telltale is that they make *adventure games*, which no one else really does now. There are countless places I can turn to if I want action shooters or RPGs; that's not what I want from TT. Here's hoping that's not what they mean... I haven't played TWD (no interest in it), but it looks like it's less adventure game and more action-oriented.
PS: This is supposed to be in response to MightyPirate's post; even though I clicked reply on his post, it doesn't seem to have made any notation of what I was replying to in the post, so I wanted to clarify.
This forum isn't rendered in tree form (although I believe it's in the planned changes), so the best way to do this is to quote.
As for the rest of your post, TTG don't appear to have any plans to make any shooters or RPGs. They look to be focussing on story (which they have always done) and replacing puzzles with create-your-own-story decisions. That's what TWD had and it looks as though Wolf Among Us will do too.
won't happen disney owns the right to monkey island now and we all know they won't do anything with it cause they never give what fans want just buy up rights and never do anything with them
As the Monkey Island franchise got, according to my understanding, transferred over to Disney as a part of LucasArts, I cannot but to wish that they won't neglect the opportunity to make a Monkey Island game. I hope they'll use at least parts of the original MI crew, like Ron Gilbert, Purcell and Michael Land.
TOMI is a very good game. It really impressed me a lot, maybe I was expecting something not so good because I didn't like so much the Escape from MI.
I particularly guess the story closes in itself. The cliffhangers only give a way to develop it and will be a waste not to use them.
Fuck it. Maybe if they resurrect the movie, it will resurrect Telltale desire to make Season 2. Unless Ron Gilbert gets his rights back, first.
I definitely agree with this statement! I would love to see Ron crank out another MI title. I guarantee you a Monkey Island Kickstarter campaign would 'splode if Ron put it out there.
Whatever happens Telltale, please, for the love of Threepwood, don't let TOMI be the last we ever see of MI.
I'm kinda starting to lose faith that they'll ever want to revisit MI. I mean, from a business standpoint the licenses they've been tackling reach a wider audience. Still wish they would though. Hell knows, even the new followers they gained with the more mainstream licenses could be curious and buy a new TOMI.
Frequent interviews with Telltale state they are moving away from wanting to be a "Mini LucasArts" and that Walking Dead helped them "find their voice." Alongside that, who knows the fate of Monkey Island after Disney acquired LucasArts and if they will be wiling to share it. I'm afraid that things look rather grim.
I'm kinda starting to lose faith that they'll ever want to revisit MI. I mean, from a business standpoint the licenses they've been tackling r… moreeach a wider audience. Still wish they would though. Hell knows, even the new followers they gained with the more mainstream licenses could be curious and buy a new TOMI.
I agree with Blind Sniper, the future does indeed look rather grim. I do wish they'd come out officially and state one way or the other the direction the company intends to take and I still have hope that one day they'll return to their roots. At the very least they could put out more graphic adventure games as fan service to the loyal fan base who has helped them pay their bills until they found "their voice".
There is one thing that's funny to me. If they really said they were moving away from being a "Mini Lucasarts", building a game studio around graphic adventure games only to abandon them to cash in on more lucrative licensed games is almost exactly the path that LucasArts went down. As an adventure game fan it's almost as disappointing this second time around. Oh well, at least there's Double Fine.
Frequent interviews with Telltale state they are moving away from wanting to be a "Mini LucasArts" and that Walking Dead helped them "find the… moreir voice." Alongside that, who knows the fate of Monkey Island after Disney acquired LucasArts and if they will be wiling to share it. I'm afraid that things look rather grim.
Please just let us MI fans know what is going on... If anything. If there are to be no more Telltale MI games then let us know so we can start bugging Disney about it! :-)
I don't think it's up to Telltale Games at all at this point. And even if it was, I don't see it happening with all the huge mainstream hits they have lined up for the overseeable future.
Please just let us MI fans know what is going on... If anything. If there are to be no more Telltale MI games then let us know so we can start bugging Disney about it! :-)
Since Grim Fandango Remastered is coming it's pretty obvious that is possible to obtain the Monkey Island license from Lucasarts and that you could do the second season of Tales of Monkey Island.
Grim Fandango is coming back. Sony and Double Fine approached Disney with a simple thought: the license is sitting there, let's make money. And it worked.
Telltale... come on. It's time. TWD, TWAU are good and all, but... come on.
I really, REALLY want this to happen, but....Telltale are on a very different path nowadays. I just don't see them going back to this series. At this point, we have a better chance of seeing Double Fine tackle a new one. We'll just have to see how Grim does and hope for the best...maybe after Curse and Escape get rereleased in some fashion, they're the only games in the series that aren't readily available in a digital format.
This simply isn't the same company anymore.. Look at all the licences that have come out since: Back to the Future, Jurassic Park, The Walking Dead, The Wolf Among Us, and now Tales of the Borderlands and Game of Thrones on the way.
This is not the same company I used to love that gave us Strong Bad, Sam and Max and of course my favourite: Tales of Monkey Island. Ask yourself why haven't we seen Season 4 of Sam and Max? The blunt response is that Telltale don't want to make those games anymore. The moment they started getting movie and then tv licensed properties, I knew that era was gone. Reminds me of what happened with Lucasarts really, the moment they could create games for the "more popular" licenses, they didn't give two f*cks about the ones that put them on the map.
Im not going to delude myself into thinking I will see anymore of my favourite IPs from this company. This isn't the same company that brought me close to tears of joy when they announce Tale of Monkey Island. I am just glad Doublefine was able to bring us Grim Fandango, and I am going to pray that this will pave the way for more Lucasarts games to be brought back, sequel or remake. But it will not be this company that does it. The most I am ever going to hope for (as doubtful as it will be) are vita releases for the games mentioned.
I agree that it's about time we got some more Monkey Island games!
Doesn't matter if it's done by Telltale or Double Fine - whichever is fine by me, as long as it gets done! :-)
Ok...come to think of it, there's still a few unannounced projects from Telltale in the works, aren't there? (that's the last I heard) What do you reckon the chances are of another MI being one of them? If Disney's regained interest in Grim Fandango of all games, I'm sure they'd consider revisiting their MOST POPULAR FRANCHISE next to Star Wars
Could be... I think I read somewhere that Telltale would like to do a Star Wars game at some point, so maybe that's coming up? Or maybe a new Indy game...? Who knows. But yeah, a Tales sequel would be extremely nice...
Adam Boyes mentioned at E3 that both Sony and Double Fine were after the rights to Tim Schafer's old IPs.
Beyond Grim Fandango, I really hope it's Double Fine that gets them. Sony having a monopoly over that just feels wrong to me.
And if Double Fine got the rights to Monkey Island, I think they'd prefer to do it all as one game themselves, but perhaps there could be some crossover between them and Telltale, who knows!
If Double Fine did continue the Monkey Island series, I'd be perfectly fine with that (since Tim is one of the three who created the series), but I'd prefer it if they continued from Tales of Monkey Island, and that might indeed mean getting Telltale involved if they plan to use the characters that Telltale created (such as Morgan LeFlay or Reginald Van Winslow), since Winslow's appearances in the Poker Night games seem to indicate that Telltale has at least partial ownership of the Monkey Island characters that they created themselves.
Adam Boyes mentioned at E3 that both Sony and Double Fine were after the rights to Tim Schafer's old IPs.
Beyond Grim Fandango, I really … morehope it's Double Fine that gets them. Sony having a monopoly over that just feels wrong to me.
And if Double Fine got the rights to Monkey Island, I think they'd prefer to do it all as one game themselves, but perhaps there could be some crossover between them and Telltale, who knows!
Maybe they could make an episode where-in Le-Chuck is really a good-turned-bad-guy by making him a protagonist in another story... like a flashback of sorts, showing how he became bad... then the Voodoo Lady also showed up at that scene...
It is a shame if they didn't continue it... It's such a nice game (
Me and my sibling loved it... HECK, we were the ONLY ones in our school who KNEW and played it =w=
They have several more projects in the works: Fables, King's Quest, the Walking Dead season 2, and an oft-rumored second season of Back to the Future. Not to mention the fact that LucasArts doesn't seem interested in making any more non-Star Wars games again and the prospect of a second season of Tales is looking pretty slim. I know, it sucks.
Is LucasArts really in control of its IPs anymore? Disney might well be more accomodating to licensing. Sure there are plenty of projects in the works, but they put Sam & Max Season 3 on the backburner when Tales fell on their laps, right?
If not, can't wait for Fables, King's Quest and (if it comes out) BttF Season 2.
Well, while Disney technically speaking owns the all LucasFilm's and its subsidiaries' IPs, I'm pretty sure LucasArts still regains a hefty amount of creative control when it comes to these IPs. After all, Marvel is owned by Disney, and it's not like Disney calls absolutely all the shots.
Disney already has a light-hearted pirate-themed IP that's much more profitable and well-known than Monkey Island. I think they would rather work with Pirates of the Caribbean than MI, because... let's face it, MI is incredibly, incredibly niche.
Well, the difference is, TellTale could pretty much do whatever they wanted with Sam & Max thanks for Steve Purcell controlling all the rights to the IP. But when it comes to licensing, there are also different date restrictions for projects. Depends on the deal.
I'm not sure that I'd like to see a "modernized" version of Monkey Island... anyway from this interview my impression is that Telltale is no longer interested in doing a new Monkey Island (or any new graphic adventure) anymore
O am a little torn re@ development of a 'sequel' or just the next set of Tales in the franchise, as I really enjoyed Walking Dead (BTTF much less so).
I also have an undeveloped idea for a Monkey Island MMO game... No idea how it would work - I mean you could have archetype characters like Pirates, Voodoo practitioners. Maybe with a skill system that incorporates Insult Swordfighting or Cartography?
It's a weird concept and one that I doubt has much in the way of commercial legs. Plus, would I really want the beautiful Caribbean game-world to be overrun by sunlight-fearing 10 year olds, shouting 'PWN!' at me and trading for Phat Lewt? Unless they featured the lemonade-stand/arms dealer from Curse... of course. That could be fun.
Anywho, I doubt very much that another Tales... is going to be produced when there is much already on the development board. But I do hope that one day Guybrush returns.
PS: This is supposed to be in response to MightyPirate's post; even though I clicked reply on his post, it doesn't seem to have made any notation of what I was replying to in the post, so I wanted to clarify.
This forum isn't rendered in tree form (although I believe it's in the planned changes), so the best way to do this is to quote.
As for the rest of your post, TTG don't appear to have any plans to make any shooters or RPGs. They look to be focussing on story (which they have always done) and replacing puzzles with create-your-own-story decisions. That's what TWD had and it looks as though Wolf Among Us will do too.
We'll see a sandbox "Back to the Future" first....
TOMI is a very good game. It really impressed me a lot, maybe I was expecting something not so good because I didn't like so much the Escape from MI.
I particularly guess the story closes in itself. The cliffhangers only give a way to develop it and will be a waste not to use them.
Fuck it. Maybe if they resurrect the movie, it will resurrect Telltale’s desire to make Season 2. Unless Ron Gilbert gets his rights back, first.
I definitely agree with this statement! I would love to see Ron crank out another MI title. I guarantee you a Monkey Island Kickstarter campaign would 'splode if Ron put it out there.
Whatever happens Telltale, please, for the love of Threepwood, don't let TOMI be the last we ever see of MI.
I'm kinda starting to lose faith that they'll ever want to revisit MI. I mean, from a business standpoint the licenses they've been tackling reach a wider audience. Still wish they would though. Hell knows, even the new followers they gained with the more mainstream licenses could be curious and buy a new TOMI.
Frequent interviews with Telltale state they are moving away from wanting to be a "Mini LucasArts" and that Walking Dead helped them "find their voice." Alongside that, who knows the fate of Monkey Island after Disney acquired LucasArts and if they will be wiling to share it. I'm afraid that things look rather grim.
I agree with Blind Sniper, the future does indeed look rather grim. I do wish they'd come out officially and state one way or the other the direction the company intends to take and I still have hope that one day they'll return to their roots. At the very least they could put out more graphic adventure games as fan service to the loyal fan base who has helped them pay their bills until they found "their voice".
There is one thing that's funny to me. If they really said they were moving away from being a "Mini Lucasarts", building a game studio around graphic adventure games only to abandon them to cash in on more lucrative licensed games is almost exactly the path that LucasArts went down. As an adventure game fan it's almost as disappointing this second time around. Oh well, at least there's Double Fine.
Please just let us MI fans know what is going on... If anything. If there are to be no more Telltale MI games then let us know so we can start bugging Disney about it! :-)
I don't think it's up to Telltale Games at all at this point. And even if it was, I don't see it happening with all the huge mainstream hits they have lined up for the overseeable future.
It's more like will they persue some sort of agreement with Disney.
Thread: Now we need a new Tales of Monkey Island
Since Grim Fandango Remastered is coming it's pretty obvious that is possible to obtain the Monkey Island license from Lucasarts and that you could do the second season of Tales of Monkey Island.
Don't forget your old fans!
I mean, did you hear the roar the crowd made at the Sony E3 conference?
Now imagine: Monkey Island comes back + Telltale is more famous than ever thanks to its latest games = SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MON(K)EY
Please? Pretty please with banang on top?
Grim Fandango is coming back. Sony and Double Fine approached Disney with a simple thought: the license is sitting there, let's make money. And it worked.
Telltale... come on. It's time. TWD, TWAU are good and all, but... come on.
I really, REALLY want this to happen, but....Telltale are on a very different path nowadays. I just don't see them going back to this series. At this point, we have a better chance of seeing Double Fine tackle a new one. We'll just have to see how Grim does and hope for the best...maybe after Curse and Escape get rereleased in some fashion, they're the only games in the series that aren't readily available in a digital format.
Its never going to happen and here's why:
This simply isn't the same company anymore.. Look at all the licences that have come out since: Back to the Future, Jurassic Park, The Walking Dead, The Wolf Among Us, and now Tales of the Borderlands and Game of Thrones on the way.
This is not the same company I used to love that gave us Strong Bad, Sam and Max and of course my favourite: Tales of Monkey Island. Ask yourself why haven't we seen Season 4 of Sam and Max? The blunt response is that Telltale don't want to make those games anymore. The moment they started getting movie and then tv licensed properties, I knew that era was gone. Reminds me of what happened with Lucasarts really, the moment they could create games for the "more popular" licenses, they didn't give two f*cks about the ones that put them on the map.
Im not going to delude myself into thinking I will see anymore of my favourite IPs from this company. This isn't the same company that brought me close to tears of joy when they announce Tale of Monkey Island. I am just glad Doublefine was able to bring us Grim Fandango, and I am going to pray that this will pave the way for more Lucasarts games to be brought back, sequel or remake. But it will not be this company that does it. The most I am ever going to hope for (as doubtful as it will be) are vita releases for the games mentioned.
I agree that it's about time we got some more Monkey Island games!
Doesn't matter if it's done by Telltale or Double Fine - whichever is fine by me, as long as it gets done! :-)
Ok...come to think of it, there's still a few unannounced projects from Telltale in the works, aren't there? (that's the last I heard) What do you reckon the chances are of another MI being one of them? If Disney's regained interest in Grim Fandango of all games, I'm sure they'd consider revisiting their MOST POPULAR FRANCHISE next to Star Wars
Could be... I think I read somewhere that Telltale would like to do a Star Wars game at some point, so maybe that's coming up? Or maybe a new Indy game...? Who knows. But yeah, a Tales sequel would be extremely nice...
tales of monkey island is still the best telltale game in my book, would love a season 2, but don´t think it will happen.
Adam Boyes mentioned at E3 that both Sony and Double Fine were after the rights to Tim Schafer's old IPs.
Beyond Grim Fandango, I really hope it's Double Fine that gets them. Sony having a monopoly over that just feels wrong to me.
And if Double Fine got the rights to Monkey Island, I think they'd prefer to do it all as one game themselves, but perhaps there could be some crossover between them and Telltale, who knows!
If Double Fine did continue the Monkey Island series, I'd be perfectly fine with that (since Tim is one of the three who created the series), but I'd prefer it if they continued from Tales of Monkey Island, and that might indeed mean getting Telltale involved if they plan to use the characters that Telltale created (such as Morgan LeFlay or Reginald Van Winslow), since Winslow's appearances in the Poker Night games seem to indicate that Telltale has at least partial ownership of the Monkey Island characters that they created themselves.
Maybe they could make an episode where-in Le-Chuck is really a good-turned-bad-guy by making him a protagonist in another story... like a flashback of sorts, showing how he became bad... then the Voodoo Lady also showed up at that scene...
It is a shame if they didn't continue it... It's such a nice game
Me and my sibling loved it... HECK, we were the ONLY ones in our school who KNEW and played it =w=