Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • Sorry, unfortunely not...

    is there a screenshot, or video you could show? Because, that sounds awesome.

  • I think maybe this could happen if Lee stays silent when Clem asks if there is anything else she needs to know about how to shoot (Take a breath before you pull the trigger vs Aim for the head vs whatever other option). But I'm not sure, I've never seen a playthrough where this happened.

    quinnics posted: »

    I don't think not teaching Clementine how to shoot is an option. Otherwise she wouldn't have been able to save Molly (determinately if you brought her to Crawford) or shoot Lee at the end.

  • My memory's fuzzy, but doesn't Justin appear as a walker in Russel's story if he wasn't saved and you decide to decline Nate's ride?

    Morloki posted: »

    This is more like a theory, but I have some "evidences" that led me to think that. Justin from 400 days is alive. If you save him, Vince

  • Yep, he does.

    My memory's fuzzy, but doesn't Justin appear as a walker in Russel's story if he wasn't saved and you decide to decline Nate's ride?

  • yeah, that too

    I always do that and if not I watch people do it on YouTube, lol

  • Yeah. I rarely get called anything but Lucy when I'm with my extended family. (BTW, my name is not Lucinda or Lucille. The nickname comes from Lucy from the I Love Lucy show because my gran said I look like her.)

    I'm barely ever called by my full first name. Sometimes at school, or when my mom would get mad at me she says it. My name is Zachary, but almost everyone calls me Zack.

  • edited July 2014

    Danm, you're right.... so that credtis was for nothing? I'm sad now.

    My memory's fuzzy, but doesn't Justin appear as a walker in Russel's story if he wasn't saved and you decide to decline Nate's ride?

  • No video sorry.

    Alive_Clem posted: »

    do you have any video about it?

  • Yes in S2E1 that is where you end up after running from the scavengers and falling in the river.

    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    Wait a sec isn't that the camp Clem found in S2E1?

  • Cool. When i was a kid my dad had a friend who called me the corn flake kid because my hair was red. But it's brown now.

    Yeah. I rarely get called anything but Lucy when I'm with my extended family. (BTW, my name is not Lucinda or Lucille. The nickname comes from Lucy from the I Love Lucy show because my gran said I look like her.)

  • Or it was lazy telltale

    That might be a glitch? In playthroughts where people did the same, Bonnie says that she figured out why Clementine looked so shaken or something like that.

  • And then everyone laughs their pretty pink asses off

    12494 posted: »

    And in 102, when Duck is talking about the smell of manure and says, "It smells funny," Clementine will say, "Like shit, right Lee?"

  • Nope. Bonnie says what @ForClementine said.

    Or it was lazy telltale

  • When you are in Clementine's yard, you can try talking to the treehouse multiple times with different dialogues.

  • "open sesame"

    xWally posted: »

    I don't know if this is true or not but I heard that if you just stay silent in episode 3 while teaching clem how to shoot a gun she won't k

  • Both Omid and Christa get frustrated with Lee if he keeps telling them to find a good family for Clem, through various dialogue they show that they are insulted by Lee for not wanting them to be the ones to take care of her

  • Seriously? Have you got a video or a screen shot. I'd love to see that

    My memory's fuzzy, but doesn't Justin appear as a walker in Russel's story if he wasn't saved and you decide to decline Nate's ride?

  • Also Lee taught history

    Clem's favorite subject: History/ Social Studies One of Ep.4's achievements: History Lesson

  • Yet they hesitate when Lee asks them...

    Kennysucks posted: »

    Both Omid and Christa get frustrated with Lee if he keeps telling them to find a good family for Clem, through various dialogue they show that they are insulted by Lee for not wanting them to be the ones to take care of her

  • What if a walker was up there? x. x

    When you are in Clementine's yard, you can try talking to the treehouse multiple times with different dialogues.

  • Actually they did eat they just didn't show it in game

    DoubleJump posted: »

    These are not facts, but theories that seem quite logical. Pete has a crossbow when we first see him, but we never see it again later in

  • I think even if Lee doesn't teach Clementine, Christa or Omid would have...

    xWally posted: »

    I don't know if this is true or not but I heard that if you just stay silent in episode 3 while teaching clem how to shoot a gun she won't k

  • This thread is so awesome.

  • In the pharmacy instead of going outside to get the key you can use the... hatchet? to open the door to the meds

  • Not true. Hilda was yellow the one in the preview is green.

    In the preview for "In Harms Way" after episode 2, Hilda can be seen in the background

  • And Lee says something like "you and your girlfriend might want different things" to Omid at one point (after Kenny "dies"), referring to Christa chugging the alcohol.

    Kennysucks posted: »

    Both Omid and Christa get frustrated with Lee if he keeps telling them to find a good family for Clem, through various dialogue they show that they are insulted by Lee for not wanting them to be the ones to take care of her

  • No you can't. Lee will try to break the door with the axe but it won't work. You have to go get the keys from Lee's brother.

    prink34320 posted: »

    In the pharmacy instead of going outside to get the key you can use the... hatchet? to open the door to the meds

  • edited July 2014

    Here's something I don't think anyone else talked about. I call it... the "Bullet" theory.

    Remember in Episode 5, the walkers broke into the mansion and attacked Lee's group? That was Chapter 2 and it was called the "Siege". Remember the part when they all ran to end of the hall to "take a fuckin' stand"? Then, this happened:

    Kenny: How many bullets ya'll got?

    Lee: Five.

    Christa: Four

    Ben: Two.

    Notice how Kenny and Omid don't mention their bullet amounts

    When they called out how many bullets they had left, they basically told us how much longer we'd see them in Episode 5.

    When Ben said he had two bullets left, that happened in Chapter 2. Two chapters later, Ben falls to his death and Kenny ends up disappearing. Two chapters after that, Christa and Omid get separated from Lee and we only see them in the distance away from Clementine. And when Lee said he had five bullets left, five chapters after Chapter 2, in the final chapter of Episode 5, Lee, uh... dies.

    Coincidence? I think... so. Yeah, possibly. Or not.

  • Oh yeah sorry I forgot xd, I haven't played Episode 1 in a while

    hihitwd posted: »

    No you can't. Lee will try to break the door with the axe but it won't work. You have to go get the keys from Lee's brother.

  • There might be some other clues about other characters if this isn't a coincidence ^.^ Great Job!

    Conduit42 posted: »

    Here's something I don't think anyone else talked about. I call it... the "Bullet" theory. Remember in Episode 5, the walkers broke into

  • Nice find. Maybe there is something like that in Season 2. Be on the lookout.

    Conduit42 posted: »

    Here's something I don't think anyone else talked about. I call it... the "Bullet" theory. Remember in Episode 5, the walkers broke into

  • edited July 2014

    Holy shit that's crazy. Telltale puts all kinds of interesting subliminal hints and foreshadowing in this game, there's no way some of these can be coincidence. I don't know why but sometimes it almost creeps me out 0_0

    Conduit42 posted: »

    Here's something I don't think anyone else talked about. I call it... the "Bullet" theory. Remember in Episode 5, the walkers broke into

  • Except Larry, he worships no-one but himself. Lee probably is a religious prophet, I mean he did die for humanity's(Lee's group of survivors) sins right.

    PS I LOL'd quite hard at the religious prophet part

    Dyeingbrad posted: »

    Also everyone on the farm will regard Lee as a hero... or even as a religious prophet.

  • In E2S1 during the dinner scene, Lee rushes down stairs telling Clementine don't eat that! Larry will respond/yell @ Lee to sit down and shut up! If you choose the silent response to Larry's bit*hing he will begin cutting into the meat(Mark's leg) consuming it. Right afterwards, the story notifications pop's up saying you let Larry eat human meat. In meat locker scene if u choose to speak to Larry he will say something like "u must really hate me blah blah blah".

    PS: if someone else has mentioned this scene already I apologise.

  • Then no Clem-Clem:(

    prink34320 posted: »

    What if a walker was up there? x. x

  • Woahhhh that is deep.... So Lee says that if you constantly tell them to find her a family?

    And Lee says something like "you and your girlfriend might want different things" to Omid at one point (after Kenny "dies"), referring to Christa chugging the alcohol.

  • If you are less than direct with the group you can also invite Larry to eat the meat, in which the camera zooms in on him chewing on Mark :(

    In E2S1 during the dinner scene, Lee rushes down stairs telling Clementine don't eat that! Larry will respond/yell @ Lee to sit down and shu

  • Come to think of it... there is a sheriff there and he doesn't think to check the houses for survivors?

    Then no Clem-Clem:(

  • I'm pretty sure Kenny mentions his bullets but I could be wrong

    Conduit42 posted: »

    Here's something I don't think anyone else talked about. I call it... the "Bullet" theory. Remember in Episode 5, the walkers broke into

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