I took some time and finally added proper alpha-blending support to my engine This way I'm prepared if some environment of Ep4 needs it
So maybe this is what Carver saw, before he entered the cabin!
I took some time and finally added proper alpha-blending support to my engine This way I'm prepared if some environment of Ep4 needs it
So maybe this is what Carver saw, before he entered the cabin!
Yay, oxford
Also I'm not just doing the posing, remember, I've written a 3d-engine that is very close to that of the game. The shadows f… moreor example are done in realtime just like they are in the game One day, I'll evolve my program into making animations, then you'll see
Ep4 officially proved the game will never be as good as your pictures. Thank you again for giving us the Clem/Sarah hug, a better hug than any Telltale has conjured.
Sooo.... I'm still here Currently working on texturing some of the fantastic environments that came with EP4
Ep4 gave me soooo many new ideas. Can't wait for when I'm finished with the environments I'll be a few days, though.
I took some time and finally added proper alpha-blending support to my engine This way I'm prepared if some environment of Ep4 needs it
So maybe this is what Carver saw, before he entered the cabin!
Nah, I loved it. Felt much like Season 1 Even the music!
Anyway. I did run into a problem with the ground. The texture was incredibly stretched on some meshes, texture-coordinates looked wrong. I had to look at a mesh-file in hex-format for the first time in weeks to figure out what the problem was. Apparently on some mesh-files the texture coordinates are stored in another format than in others (2Bytes vs. 4Bytes). I don't quite unterstand what the benefit of this is, but now it works And while doing that I think I found the texture-coordinates for the games shadowmaps. Although I don't think I'll be using them. I'm quite happy with my own
Ep4 officially proved the game will never be as good as your pictures. Thank you again for giving us the Clem/Sarah hug, a better hug than any Telltale has conjured.
Sooo.... I'm still here Currently working on texturing some of the fantastic environments that came with EP4
Ep4 gave me soooo many new ideas. Can't wait for when I'm finished with the environments I'll be a few days, though.
Sooo.... I'm still here Currently working on texturing some of the fantastic environments that came with EP4
Ep4 gave me soooo many new ideas. Can't wait for when I'm finished with the environments I'll be a few days, though.
I haven't run into another problem yet The only thing that is slowing me down is the lack of suitable screens to see what texture goes where. I'm gonna replay the episode today or tomorrow and make the screens I need
Actually, one place is already completed that I want to use. The interior of the tent
There is no sky because I do skydomes separately from the environment. And I still need to do a little tweaking to the way I handle alpha-blending. There is a tree in front of the wall behind the statue, that make the wall behind it transparent This, I need to fix
Clem: i had to shoot lee!! starts crying So don't be an asshole!! and pretend to be the only one that's lost people!!...Sobs alot
Kenny: … moreoh god...i..clem..i'm so sorry i never meant to i just....Walks towards her and hugs her i'm sorry sweatheart
Clem: sobs i...i'm sorry t..to
Mike: walks in the hell is going on what did you do man?
Kenny: it's fine mike hey clem wipes out her tears im sorry....
Clem: i..it's ok smiles again
Kenny: smiles come on let's go
Mike: Alright let's go
Edit: Personally i think this is how it should have happend in that tent
A dumbass is someone who can't even understand something after constant explanation. Look it up in a dictionary. Now that I'm done lecturing you, I'll excuse myself and do more important things. Ciao.
All the images you are getting for these pictures you are posting are hacked from the game files and they are copyrighted by law, you can ge… moret into so much trouble by doing this so you must stop right away.
Plus the pictures you post are pretty poor, obviously not the quality because you stole them from the game, but what goes on in the pictures are just so lame and repetitive.
Lecturing me? You people are hilarious .And I highly doubt that you have anything remotely important do as you are here 70% of the time.Now let me excuse myself.As I won't waste another minute of my time on someone as idiotic as you are.
A dumbass is someone who can't even understand something after constant explanation. Look it up in a dictionary. Now that I'm done lecturing you, I'll excuse myself and do more important things. Ciao.
Whatever floats your boat. And if you're trying to piss me off, it's not working. I'm actually very smart, but of course you wouldn't know that since you've never seen my grades. Good day.
Lecturing me? You people are hilarious .And I highly doubt that you have anything remotely important do as you are here 70% of the time.Now let me excuse myself.As I won't waste another minute of my time on someone as idiotic as you are.
I hate him because when you talk to him at the fountain if you choose to say "I did what I thought was right" Kenny says Sarita is dead because of you and she almost bursts into tears.
I took some time and finally added proper alpha-blending support to my engine
This way I'm prepared if some environment of Ep4 needs it 
So maybe this is what Carver saw, before he entered the cabin!
Sooo.... I'm still here
Currently working on texturing some of the fantastic environments that came with EP4 
Ep4 gave me soooo many new ideas. Can't wait for when I'm finished with the environments
I'll be a few days, though.
Ep4 officially proved the game will never be as good as your pictures. Thank you again for giving us the Clem/Sarah hug, a better hug than any Telltale has conjured.
Nah, I loved it. Felt much like Season 1
Even the music!
Anyway. I did run into a problem with the ground. The texture was incredibly stretched on some meshes, texture-coordinates looked wrong. I had to look at a mesh-file in hex-format for the first time in weeks to figure out what the problem was. Apparently on some mesh-files the texture coordinates are stored in another format than in others (2Bytes vs. 4Bytes). I don't quite unterstand what the benefit of this is, but now it works
And while doing that I think I found the texture-coordinates for the games shadowmaps. Although I don't think I'll be using them. I'm quite happy with my own 
Man!! this episode was.. tricky! holy S...
I was thinking of making Clem sit on the bench-like structure around the statue. Just observing the sky...
So fucking cool
There are actually a couple of benches there
I haven't run into another problem yet
The only thing that is slowing me down is the lack of suitable screens to see what texture goes where. I'm gonna replay the episode today or tomorrow and make the screens I need 
Actually, one place is already completed that I want to use. The interior of the tent
There is no sky because I do skydomes separately from the environment. And I still need to do a little tweaking to the way I handle alpha-blending. There is a tree in front of the wall behind the statue, that make the wall behind it transparent
This, I need to fix 
"I had to shoot Lee"
Hard scene that was to play through
Clem: jaw litterly dropped after seeing ghost
Ghost: Hilarious....turns around ooooooooooh she can see me......
Clem: Faints down
Goes to clem shaking her head hey clem....hey..hey....clem....clem....clem....hey............don't you fucking ignore me....CLEM slaps her
Ghost: Yup and now i'm haunting you wat you wanna do now???? huh? huh??? huh?? btw tell kenny that he is a fag
Clem: if i dont?
Kenny: Clem who the hell are you talking to?
Clem: Kenny your a fag........uhh turns around HUH where is he??
The Ghost is hiding
Ghost: PFFFFFFFFFFFPFFFFFFFFFF tries to hold laugh
And you are officially a dumbass...
Clem: i had to shoot lee!! starts crying So don't be an asshole!! and pretend to be the only one that's lost people!!...Sobs alot
Kenny: oh god...i..clem..i'm so sorry i never meant to i just....Walks towards her and hugs her i'm sorry sweatheart
Clem: sobs i...i'm sorry t..to
Mike: walks in the hell is going on what did you do man?
Kenny: it's fine mike hey clem wipes out her tears im sorry....
Clem: i..it's ok smiles again
Kenny: smiles come on let's go
Mike: Alright let's go
Edit: Personally i think this is how it should have happend in that tent
I just got a higher dosage of feels than my doctor prescribed me
omg is dat Minho?
And since this didn't happen I now hate Kenny
A dumbass is someone who can't even understand something after constant explanation. Look it up in a dictionary. Now that I'm done lecturing you, I'll excuse myself and do more important things. Ciao.
In the words of Hershel Greene:......Get out.....Get the FUCK OUT OF HERE!!!
Doctors recommend 1.25 mg of Feels every day.
I got OVER 9000!!!
Lecturing me? You people are hilarious .And I highly doubt that you have anything remotely important do as you are here 70% of the time.Now let me excuse myself.As I won't waste another minute of my time on someone as idiotic as you are.
Whatever floats your boat. And if you're trying to piss me off, it's not working. I'm actually very smart, but of course you wouldn't know that since you've never seen my grades. Good day.
I'm almost done with my next playground
Only a few textures still elude me!
That fountain offers so many possibilities
Whoa, I love this thread already.
This environment is very cool! I would like some pictures of it when you finish huh! xD
I got the map outside Carver's camp. (End of EP3 and Beginning of EP4)
There's alot of models so it's pretty damn slow when loading it. ;_;
I hate him because when you talk to him at the fountain if you choose to say "I did what I thought was right" Kenny says Sarita is dead because of you and she almost bursts into tears.
I thought about Clem holding a raccoon, and then Mike in the background just staring directly at it.
Holy shit Gunab, you're a genius!
I'm not sure of you already made this, but because Sarah and clem never hugged in the game,
can you make one of them hugging?
That's awesome
I've already done that. You can find it in my gallery (link is in the first post). But I will do another, aS the game didn't let me hug Sarah in Ep4!
Clem being inspecting the ice in the fountain!