Really stupid theories



  • Molly is kenny's Grandson.

    Impalala posted: »

    No, I have one that's even BETTER! Larry has a son who is Lee who has a father that is Larry who named his son Lee who's father's name is Larry.

  • I doubt we are seeing the 400 days characters

    To be fair, the 400 days characters popping out of the bushes to help you is rather feasible seeing as they're bound to show up again soon :P

  • edited July 2014

    The Walking Dead Season 3:

    Episode One: That Fuc#in sh#tbird

    Episode Two: Ben Screws Up

    Episode Three: I'll kill you

    Episode Four:Stop The Train

    Episode Five: All Hail Stache

    In Episode 5 of Season 2, it's revealed that Arvo is actually the ghost of Ben, and he screws up and kills everyone except Kenny. Then in Season 3, you play as Kenny as he becomes a ghostbuster to defeat Ben.

  • Sam the dog is still looking for you if you left him to suffer.

  • We are all infected

  • Luke is a bisexual.

  • edited July 2014

    It was all set up from the beginning. The police officer Lee is riding with is actually a head scientist at the CDC, he knew he was going to hit that walker in the road, it was all part of a plan by the CDC to end the ZA before it began, however, the one thing the scientist did not know was who he would be driving in his police car that day. He never expected it to be him, Lee, the one who started the apocalypse. Lee had no idea he had started it though, so it was perfect, the scientist would go through with killing the zombie, but he would distract Lee at the same time so he couldn't activate his Geass power and stop the car (that's his Geass because he is black and he needs to stop cars so he can jack them.), this would prove to be the scientist's downfall, however, because in distracting Lee, he himself was distracted enough to not press the eject button, getting himself trapped in the car and killed. As it turns out, Lee's Geass power has nothing to do with stopping cars, and Lee knew everything after all, his Geass was the power to reanimate people who are deceased. The CDC, much bigger than many might think, have hidden cameras planted all over the country (so they'll always see Lee no matter where he goes), and Lee must act oblivious to what is happening or they will think he got his memories back (he lost his memories also) and will shoot him. He reanimates the scientist (police officer for you fuckers who haven't been reading), putting his "I don't know anything" plan into action, and proceeds to find Clementine, the creator of his Geass Contract. Together, they travel with many unsuspecting survivors, completing Lee's plan to zombify the entire fucking world. Along the way, Lee comes into contact with his nemesis, Ben. Ben also possesses Geass, giving him the power to fuck everything up. From here, Lee's plan changes, he must kill Ben. The perfect chance eventually presents itself: Holy shit, Lee can drop Ben from the bell tower, sweet. He ends Ben's life there, and Ben tries to use his Geass to fuck up Lee's plan, but it only fucks up things for himself, you see, Ben would've died from the impact of hitting the ground, however, by using his Geass power, he even fucks up dying and lives, being devoured by walkers instead, which is a much shittier death. Unknown to Lee, though, is the fact that, at that moment, Ben's soul enters the body of none other than the Boatmaster himself: Kenny. What a turn of events. Kenny (now Ben) gives Clementine to the stranger, this ends up killing Lee, all according to Ben's plan. At the exact moment Lee prepares to dramatically pick up Clem's walkie-talkie, he loses control of his Geass power, causing him to accidentally reanimate a corpse nearby. The stupid zombie jump-scares the fuck out of Lee, and bites his ass. Lee is successful in finding Clem, but succumbs to the infection.

    In an after credits scene, it's revealed that since Ben was killed by Lee, his Geass has been replaced with Lee's. Ben didn't plan on using it, and he wouldn't have, except for one problem, he still can't turn it off, so wherever Ben/Kenny goes, he is continuously zombifying every corpse he sees, and fucking up everyone's lives.

    Ben/Kenny the Boatmaster will return in The Walking Avengers: Season Two.

    Lee is also reincarnated as Rick in a coma, so that's how that happened.

  • Larry was Lee's wife

  • edited July 2014

    The pizza and ice cream thing means you have to decide where to hide, in a Domino's pizza building (everybody follows Kenny), or inside a Dairy queen (everybody follows Luke).

  • edited August 2014

    episode 5 theory

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  • Kenny is Ben's father

  • Mike is allergic to raccoon.

  • Raccoon shit will be the most common food in the near future.

  • edited July 2014

    Clementine is a boy.
    Walkers are friendly, harmless and kind.
    Clem taught Lee how to shoot.
    Clem took care of Lee.
    Larry is Lilly's son.
    Juice Box caused zombie apocalypse.
    The Stranger is the most well-known person in the whole world.
    and..(drum roll)
    The walkers are the survivors, while the survivors are the walkers

  • No, Ben is Kenny's father.

    Kenny is Ben's father

  • Lmaooooooo

    Clementine is a boy. Walkers are friendly, harmless and kind. Clem taught Lee how to shoot. Clem took care of Lee. Larry is Lilly's

  • Lee is the father of Rebecca's baby.

  • Winston is Jesus

  • Lee finally got that puss tonight.

    Bokor posted: »

    Lee is the father of Rebecca's baby.

  • You kidding me?

    Clementine is Jesus.

    Mr_Csar posted: »

    Winston is Jesus

  • edited August 2014

    Season 2, Episode 4 is actually a "dream" by Sarah created while she was mentally (even more than usual) messed up by Carlos' death. During the beginning of Episode 5, a giant hand appears in the sky and slaps the shit out of everyone, followed by Clementine shouting in a blooming and supernatural voice: "Sarah, snap out of it!".

  • Michelle is Alvin's grandfather.

  • Hahaha, good one xD!

    Clementine is a boy. Walkers are friendly, harmless and kind. Clem taught Lee how to shoot. Clem took care of Lee. Larry is Lilly's

  • carver wasnt a bad person , he was just tested and failed to many times

  • I laughed way too hard at this xD

    dinofire posted: »

    episode 5 theory

  • No, father is Ken's Benny.

    Pipas posted: »

    No, Ben is Kenny's father.

  • Carver saw a bug on Kenny's face. That's why he kept hitting it.

  • Ben was extremely useful.

  • Clementine moved the gun to the wall and shot and a survivor came with an antidote and Lee finds Clem.

  • Ben is Carver's son.

  • nick doesnt know where the f#@king river is .

  • The real reason why Luke dropped Clem.

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  • ?Kenny will remember that

    Wumble posted: »

    Mike is allergic to raccoon.

  • Teletubbies are good people/ things

  • The bag Dee stole had Half-Life 3 in it, that's why Roman's people were so pissed off.

  • Luke is the father of Rebecca's baby.

  • The Raccoon is actually Rocket from Guardians of the Galaxy.

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  • Arvo is the brother of Artyom from Metro 2033

  • Bonnie didn't want to show her arms after the zombie incident in the civil war museum because she has lobster claws hidden inside them.

  • Kenny didn't kill Carver, that was a Zombie lookalike that he trained.

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