Really stupid theories



  • edited August 2014

    Maybelle is actually Rebecca, meaning she's a werecow. So it turns out the baby is also a werecow and it belongs to neither Carver nor Alvin, but the bull she conceived with.

  • The Raccoon will raise the baby at the end!!!

  • Lee's wife was a voodoo sorceress and brought the dead out of hell so that she could make her husband's life miserable.

  • The police guy:I told you.... You married the wrong woman...Lee:ugh!!!!

    Bokor posted: »

    Lee's wife was a voodoo sorceress and brought the dead out of hell so that she could make her husband's life miserable.

  • Rebecca's baby is duck reincarnated.

  • The raccoon is not important.

  • NerdyGeekNerdyGeek Banned
    edited August 2014

    Clementine knows how to make a time machine

  • Kenny touched the hat...

    That's basically confirmed though.

  • Clementine is actually the terminator, and is about the expose it to the public in Episode 5.

  • Luke and Kenny decide to kill Clementine and the Baby in Episode 5.

  • Nick didn't die, he just cloned a dead version of himself to see how Luke would react to his ''death''. Seeing how Luke didn't give a f*ck, he bailed on the group and went to Wellington by himself, looking for the fucking river.

  • The Russians actually work for Umbrella.

  • Darth Vader is Luke's father.

  • Nick was running his own successful business until Luke came along and 'coaxed' him into setting up a partnership together...

  • Kenny actually did die in episode 5 season 1, but he is an evolved zombie that is spying on Clem. Every bad choice he makes is his way of sabotaging the group.

  • The juice in the Juicebox is a cure to the zombie plague. If you got it in episode 2 (two right?) and drank it, you're immune to zombie bites. You'll find this out in episode 5 when Clem gets bit and doesnt turn.

  • Rebecca is a hermaphrodite: she's the baby's mother AND father.

  • This is golden.


    The-Flix posted: »

    Nick didn't die, he just cloned a dead version of himself to see how Luke would react to his ''death''. Seeing how Luke didn't give a f*ck, he bailed on the group and went to Wellington by himself, looking for the fucking river.

  • Alvin's drinking problem leads him to conceal his alcohol inside juice boxes.

  • I thank you kind sir!

    Twistee posted: »

    This is golden. applauds

  • No, Bather is Fen's Kenny.

    No, father is Ken's Benny.

  • This is basically the best thing ever.

    Nick was running his own successful business until Luke came along and 'coaxed' him into setting up a partnership together...

  • edited August 2014

    Luke and Jane did not have sex. They just gave each other foot massages.

  • The raccoon was a confederate and you stole his coat.

  • Telltale is trying to decide who sould be the protagonist of Season 3: saltlick, crowbar or juicebox?

  • Clementine's survival in season three will depend on if Chet survived episode one.

  • Clementine's hamster started the zombie apocalypse to get cookies.

  • It's at the end of issue 120

    AGentlman posted: »

    I don't remember that in the comic XD

  • edited August 2014

    And, you know... Lee? But pretty much everyone dies too.

    Whoever touches Clem's hat dies.

    • Nick is alive.
    • Clementine dies.
  • Nick really isn't dead, that was his clone.


    Nick just grew a beard.

  • Eh, could happen. You'll have a better chance of seeing the people who didn't go to Carver's place, seeing as Carver's Community was busy sniping the horde.

    I doubt we are seeing the 400 days characters

  • I think you mean ketchup stain.

    Scarlette posted: »

    Katjaa never died. When Lee and Kenny left, she turned into a butterfly. Clementine's parents were just sleepwalking in Savannah. Luke an

  • I think the title of "Stupidest Idea" goes to this one.

    Jane is not Molly

  • Nick's gun was evil and it kept shooting at people by itself and it was working for Carver. When they finally escaped Carver's community Nick threw gun away but it revenged by shooting Carlos and then shooting Nick in the arm

  • Kenny's beard is fake.

  • I vote saltlick!

    Golthar posted: »

    Telltale is trying to decide who sould be the protagonist of Season 3: saltlick, crowbar or juicebox?

  • Lee is a clone of Mike, who donated part of his ear for the necessary DNA.

  • Arvo is the father of Rebecca's baby, that's why they attacked the group.

  • Rebecca is Lee's ex-wife.

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