Really stupid theories



  • Lee saved Luke. Lee has been watching over Clementine from afar this whole time.

  • The raccoon that Mike wanted to eat and the raccoon from season 2 episode 5 trailer are the cure for the zombie infection.

  • Mike and Bonnie leave because Kenny was shit the their cereal!

  • edited August 2014

    This forum is filled with rational people who happily talk about their opinion without starting a Jihad every time that someone disagrees with what they say. Just like Kenny and Jane did during their car-trip.

  • That is really fucking stupid theory :D

    koban4max posted: »

    Clem's real name is Miley Cyrus.

  • I hope Mike and Bonnie will get their cereal shit by the raccon everyday.

    Stikyz posted: »

    Mike and Bonnie leave because Kenny was shit the their cereal!

  • Telltale accidentally leaked that the raccoon is the playable character in season 3.

    And, going with Jane is a good idea over going with Kenny.


    pew pew pew pew pew
    I'm joking by the way.

  • 5 years?

    Baldex posted: »

    "I spent five years in the zombie apocalypse for a practical joke?" - Clem "SURPRISE!" - group of people for the birthday party "Haha, you sure got me, I guess... and that means Lee's not really dead, right? And my parents?" - Clem "......."

  • This is fact son!

    Walther and Matthew never engaged in intimate butsex

  • That was a reference to Harvey Birdman Attorney at law.

    5 years?

  • Me too.

    24601 posted: »

    I hope Mike and Bonnie will get their cereal shit by the raccon everyday.

  • Is it in 3D?? :D


  • Bonnie is smart.

  • Preposterous!

    400years posted: »

    Bonnie is smart.

  • Kenny becomes possessed by the vengeful spirit of Carlos when he steps into the blizzard to look for A.J. Carlos then uses Kenny as a vessel to punish Jane for leaving his daughter.

  • AJ now gets milk from Clementine.

  • No....... just no.

    Mauio posted: »

    AJ now gets milk from Clementine.

  • edited September 2014

    what the actual fuck?

    Mauio posted: »

    AJ now gets milk from Clementine.

  • Arvo wanted to shoot a walker behind Clementine, but he can't shoot for shit.

  • Guys, this is winner of the stupid theories :D

    Mauio posted: »

    AJ now gets milk from Clementine.

  • The business Luke and Nick went to is selling matches. The reason why they got annoyed when Kenny said "Luke and Nick, you two make a match" is that it reminded them of their failure.

  • clementine drowned in the lake and the rest was a dream

  • Patricia is Lee's wife. Randy is the one who sleeped with her and the one Lee wanted to kill. However Lee mistaken him with his twin brother and kille d the wrong guy. Gill(the african-american boy) is Lee's son. Patricia hided him from Lee cause she was angry with him. Randy pushed Patricia away angrily when she reached for his hand trying to comfort him because he was annoyed with Lee's son around him.

  • Clementine's hat is permanently glued to her head.

  • Mike and Bonnie are in love with Arvo.

  • edited September 2014

    But what about if it's in the hat, also The Walking Death would be a badass nickname

  • edited September 2014

    That's fucking stupid Ben

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    Mauio posted: »

    AJ now gets milk from Clementine.

  • edited September 2014

    XD Arvo would be a nice stormtrooper with that aiming

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    Alt text

    Golthar posted: »

    Arvo wanted to shoot a walker behind Clementine, but he can't shoot for shit.

  • edited September 2014

    Telltale writes their storylines reading this forum, that way the always know what we expect and make the game unpredictable.

  • Were not actually playing as Clementine...... Were playing as Clementine's hat! The hats like a headcrab from Half life, it's permanently stuck to Clem's head and takes control of her body. Ever wondered why Clem is so strong? It's because of her hat!

  • Bonnie is Bonnie, one of the animatronics from 5 Night's at Freddy's.

  • [removed]

  • I think you guys mean 'The Walking Death'

    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    But what about if it's in the hat, also The Walking Death would be a badass nickname

  • Lol, good one!

    Were not actually playing as Clementine...... Were playing as Clementine's hat! The hats like a headcrab from Half life, it's permanently st

  • Oh yeah you're right

    I think you guys mean 'The Walking Death'

  • Kicks down door


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    Were not actually playing as Clementine...... Were playing as Clementine's hat! The hats like a headcrab from Half life, it's permanently st

  • Arvo is not mad at Clem, he's mad that most of his lines are < Speaking Russian >

  • Isn't it pretty?

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    That1Guy posted: »

    Bonnie is Bonnie, one of the animatronics from 5 Night's at Freddy's.

  • Kenny died in S1E5. His moustache comes to alive, and keeps making people believe that they're seeing/touching Kenny by controling their central nervous. It makes the image of beard in order not to have people notice itself.

    Were not actually playing as Clementine...... Were playing as Clementine's hat! The hats like a headcrab from Half life, it's permanently st

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