I actually wouldn't want a Supernatural game because of the fanbase. I loved the show originally, but all these fangirls have started to ruin my image of it. If they make one, they bring a set of fans that don't belong.
I definitely wouldn't mind an episodic Heroes or X-Files game from Telltale (and both would fit their current style of cinematic gameplay pretty nicely).
Hey, just joined today so a big shout out to you all! I thought about what sort of games Telltale would do a great chapter based game of and… more a few come to mind. Firstly I'd have to say:
X-Files (being my main choice) - One of TV's best old school sci fi shows! I think the first game of the series was a film based game which was brilliant! The ones after not so good! But I think Telltale could make a brilliant series!
Heroes - Sadly the series came to a disappointing end but recently found out its starting up a mini series. If made into a chapter based game rather then a mini series this could be very good!
Star Wars - Do I dare say more?
Jade Empire - This would be great!! As Jade Empire 2 hasn't been announced I could see potential.
Transformers - just wow! lol
Just a few I though of some of you may not agree but if just one of them I could choose then I'd definitely go for X-files!
Hope you like my selection.
Hey, Guys wanted to know what you think if there was a episodic Star Wars thing in the mix. Also, what would you want it to be about? Who would it follow, what would it focus on? **I would really like it if you were a team of mixed personality Bounty Hunters going on missions all over the galaxy. **
You could have a straight man, comic relief, hot head etc. It could have love...loss...booty! It would deal with things such as greed, morality, survival. Members would come and go, live or die you fight Jedi, Sith, you would deal with the fall of the Republic and rise of the Empire HOLY SHIT guys. This could be tasty. Maybe I should write it? Leave your thoughts and ideas here!
It would be really nice but I dunno if its gonna happen. The CEO of Telltale really wanted it but they were unable to get copyright permission I believe.
It would be really nice but I dunno if its gonna happen. The CEO of Telltale really wanted it but they were unable to get copyright permission I believe.
Star Wars is solidly LucasArts, now a part of Disney, and they're licensing things out to non-Telltale companies. So no episodic Star Wars on the horizon.
But ignoring that, suppose we could. Most existing Star Wars games concentrate on the big weapons / spaceships / action sequences, what Gene Roddenberry (yeah, I know, wrong series) referred to as the boring expensive part of sci-fi. There's certainly room for an episodic game that would tell a real story in that universe.
In the movies, all the heart-wrenching parts are the ones that involve a big loss and hard choices. Sound familiar?
Maybe that will happen someday, but don't expect it this decade.
The tale of Serenity should live on!
Ever since Serenity came out, Firefly fans have been begging FOX to either make a new season, or give the rights back to Joss Whedon, but as it the moment it looks like that won't happen.
But there is a way the show can live on, with every cast member returning to their roles. (Even Wash!)
A Firefly game by Telltale!
Firefly is known for its moral driven story line and the hard choices that Captain Malcolm Reynolds has to make to keep his crew safe, which in reality describes every Telltale game ever. So isn't it a obvious choice for Telltale to make a game? Seems not.
But with YOUR help, it can be.
The Browncoats can finally get their Captain back.
The games that I would love to have Telltale try include:
Doctor Who: I know it's probably been suggested hundreds of times, but while watching the show, I really feel that this would be a good telltale game with all those dilemmas the Doctor has to face as well how the stories relate to the best in humanity. Maybe make a game that combines stories from different Doctors that crossover into one story arc.
Godzilla: It sounds weird, but I think Telltale would make an awesome Godzilla game. Not a monster brawler like typical Godzilla games, but a story based game that focuses on the human survivors as a massive fight between Godzilla and another monster destroys the world around them.
Firefly: given how this show created by Joss Whedon only lasted 14 episodes and a movie, there's just so much potential for new stories, which Telltale should definitely try. The outlaw western sic-fi world would be the perfect place for choice and consequence stories and interesting characters.
Revival: This is a comic book story with a great setting. It's set in a small Wisconsin town in which for some unknown reason, the dead all started to rise one day. Not zombies, but actually people returning from the dead. This comic really showcases how different people react to the strange phenomena, from scientific curiosity to religious fanatics, and I feel Telltale could really make an awesome emotional roller coaster game with this idea.
Saga: A relatively new comic book, it takes place in a sic-fi fantasy mashup setting after a great big war between a rich and prosperous planet and its poor and underdeveloped moon. Their's a huge amount of interesting characters and planets to set the story in, and careful writing can make an exile rating fantasy/sci-fi adventure.
Just recently saw the show and I agree that Firefly can prove to be a great game, especially in Telltale's hands.
Also, check this video … moreout :
Skip to 0:30 if you are having any doubts as to why I linked this video:).
I am in love with Telltale's Walking Dead games and Wold Among Us. I think this type of game would fit a Supernatural game like no other. Think about it, they could do episodes about John Winchester, the Brothers, Bobby, Garth, there are so many options and the setting and lore would fit into Telltale's style like a glove.
I kinda already made a post for this in the old forum topic but I save myself the trouble by simply copying and pasting that post onto here.
… more What I would love to see Telltale do next is a Vampire: The Masquerade (The Classic World of Darkness) game.
It would be awesome simply because the actual game is a table-top game that relies solely on story and role-play (the supernatural powers are really a VERY nice bonus) Now, as for what TellTale Games can do with this kind of game, it can honestly take place in anytime period from the Dark Ages to The Vitorian Age to modern Los Angeles (that is if they plan for the game to be a spiritual successor in anyway to Trokia's (RIP) V:TM Bloodlines game from 2004) because there is alot of interesting lore that can be explored throughout the franchise. Though, that is of course if Telltale Games is interested in using the Classic World of Darkness or the new World of Darkness established lore as White Wol… [view original content]
I am in love with Telltale's Walking Dead games and Wold Among Us. I think this type of game would fit a Supernatural game like no other. Think about it, they could do episodes about John Winchester, the Brothers, Bobby, Garth, there are so many options and the setting and lore would fit into Telltale's style like a glove.
Yeah, the ones that say that Supernatural should never end even when they know deep in their hearts that it should've ended after the 5th season and has been overstating its welcome for the past 4 years.
There are The Walking Dead fans, Fables fans, Borderlands fans and Game Of Thrones fans, 'annoying' is an opinionative description, I don't know a single franchise without 'annoying' fanboys/fangirls/fanpeople.
Here’s a list of Franchises that i would like Telltale games to make video games out of
Axe Cop
South Park(In the same style … moreas the show like Stick Of Truth)
Invincible/Guarding The Globe/Invincible Universe
Venture Bros
The Tick
Super Dinosaur
Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure
Atomic Robo
and anything with Marvel/DC Comics Heroes
What about a Supernatural themed game where we play in a world filled with supernatural entities such as Ghosts, The Undead, Animorphs, Lycans/Werewolves, Vampires, Witches/Wizards/Warlocks, Zombies, Elemental Creatures, Robots/Cyborgs and Frankenpeople. Also, Mummies and Invisible people
Here are the franchises I want Telltale to adapt into epic games:
The Beano. A Classic British comic book that has gone on for almost 100 years now. There are many likeable and funny characters Telltale could include. There was a specific comic story that I think Telltake could make a sequel to: The Reservoir Dodge. The plot could have Baby Faced Finlayson return to exact revenge on Roger the Dodger for foiling his last scheme.
The League or Extraordinary Gentlemen. Telltale would probably have to adapt the movie version of the League, since Alan Moore has made it clear that he wants his comic stories left alone. The story could deal with Quartermain returning from the grave and having to assemble a new team of public domain characters in order to stop the Martians from War of the Worlds or some other completely new threat.
Team Fortress. The TF comics have introduced the masses to the expansive world of Team Fortress 2, but the game itself lacks a real story of any kind. I propose that the game should take place in the 1850s and could feature the original BLU team working for Blutarch Mann and performing various missions for him.
I think it would be pretty satisfying if Telltale went back to relatively kid friendly humorous material (similar to Sam and Max or Back to the Future) since I feel the streak of adult themed emotion based adventures doesn't last long. Franchises I would like to see otherwise include:
Anonymous Rex: a crazy novel series about a Detective who's secretly a disguised Velociraptor living in a world where disguised dinosaurs live among humans.
LOST: the hit sic-fi series that left more questions then answers.
Invincible: a superhero comic series that would prove to be a challenge effect wise and art wise.
The 39 clues: a young adult book series about a couple of kids who travel around the world in search of a secret family treasure.
Hey folks i have just posted this petition on change.org, it took me a bit of time to write, and i would really appreciate if you could take a look at it, and (hopefully) sign it
Thanks To GOUSTTT for making that Shrek thread, and thanks to Blind_sniper for making the comment that also inspired me, and an extra big thanks to my real life friend Kent for editing my grammar mistakes. And i also wanna thank everyone who signs this petition
PS: this is the second time uploading this, since it got taken down from the Walking dead section. i know it got put in the Shrek appreciation thread, but that thread can't be found, unless you got a link or you search for it. If its still not okay, then i guess you can just take down this thread too . but please don't ban me, i just want this message out *makes cute eyes, just like puss in boots
Because zombies are too natural? Not to mention werewolves, flying monkeys, and trolls.
Either that or my sarcasm detector just failed...
no i mean Supernatural a tv show about demons angels etc
Remember this?
How about Samurai Champloo !??
I actually wouldn't want a Supernatural game because of the fanbase. I loved the show originally, but all these fangirls have started to ruin my image of it. If they make one, they bring a set of fans that don't belong.
I definitely wouldn't mind an episodic Heroes or X-Files game from Telltale (and both would fit their current style of cinematic gameplay pretty nicely).
Thread: Star Wars: A Telltale Game Series Idea?
Hey, Guys wanted to know what you think if there was a episodic Star Wars thing in the mix. Also, what would you want it to be about? Who would it follow, what would it focus on? **I would really like it if you were a team of mixed personality Bounty Hunters going on missions all over the galaxy. **
You could have a straight man, comic relief, hot head etc. It could have love...loss...booty! It would deal with things such as greed, morality, survival. Members would come and go, live or die you fight Jedi, Sith, you would deal with the fall of the Republic and rise of the Empire HOLY SHIT guys. This could be tasty. Maybe I should write it? Leave your thoughts and ideas here!
It would be really nice but I dunno if its gonna happen. The CEO of Telltale really wanted it but they were unable to get copyright permission I believe.
That Sucks...
Star Wars is solidly LucasArts, now a part of Disney, and they're licensing things out to non-Telltale companies. So no episodic Star Wars on the horizon.
But ignoring that, suppose we could. Most existing Star Wars games concentrate on the big weapons / spaceships / action sequences, what Gene Roddenberry (yeah, I know, wrong series) referred to as the boring expensive part of sci-fi. There's certainly room for an episodic game that would tell a real story in that universe.
In the movies, all the heart-wrenching parts are the ones that involve a big loss and hard choices. Sound familiar?
Maybe that will happen someday, but don't expect it this decade.
Disney will try to take over everything...
Thread: (PETITION) Firefly game made by Telltale!
The tale of Serenity should live on!
Ever since Serenity came out, Firefly fans have been begging FOX to either make a new season, or give the rights back to Joss Whedon, but as it the moment it looks like that won't happen.
But there is a way the show can live on, with every cast member returning to their roles. (Even Wash!)
A Firefly game by Telltale!
Firefly is known for its moral driven story line and the hard choices that Captain Malcolm Reynolds has to make to keep his crew safe, which in reality describes every Telltale game ever. So isn't it a obvious choice for Telltale to make a game? Seems not.
But with YOUR help, it can be.
The Browncoats can finally get their Captain back.
Sign here!
The games that I would love to have Telltale try include:
Doctor Who: I know it's probably been suggested hundreds of times, but while watching the show, I really feel that this would be a good telltale game with all those dilemmas the Doctor has to face as well how the stories relate to the best in humanity. Maybe make a game that combines stories from different Doctors that crossover into one story arc.
Godzilla: It sounds weird, but I think Telltale would make an awesome Godzilla game. Not a monster brawler like typical Godzilla games, but a story based game that focuses on the human survivors as a massive fight between Godzilla and another monster destroys the world around them.
Firefly: given how this show created by Joss Whedon only lasted 14 episodes and a movie, there's just so much potential for new stories, which Telltale should definitely try. The outlaw western sic-fi world would be the perfect place for choice and consequence stories and interesting characters.
Revival: This is a comic book story with a great setting. It's set in a small Wisconsin town in which for some unknown reason, the dead all started to rise one day. Not zombies, but actually people returning from the dead. This comic really showcases how different people react to the strange phenomena, from scientific curiosity to religious fanatics, and I feel Telltale could really make an awesome emotional roller coaster game with this idea.
Saga: A relatively new comic book, it takes place in a sic-fi fantasy mashup setting after a great big war between a rich and prosperous planet and its poor and underdeveloped moon. Their's a huge amount of interesting characters and planets to set the story in, and careful writing can make an exile rating fantasy/sci-fi adventure.
Just recently saw the show and I agree that Firefly can prove to be a great game, especially in Telltale's hands.
Also, check this video out :
Skip to 0:30 if you are having any doubts as to why I linked this video:).
Ha! Awesome
Thread: Telltale Should Make a Supernatural Game
I am in love with Telltale's Walking Dead games and Wold Among Us. I think this type of game would fit a Supernatural game like no other. Think about it, they could do episodes about John Winchester, the Brothers, Bobby, Garth, there are so many options and the setting and lore would fit into Telltale's style like a glove.
What do you all think?
Yes, gimme now!
Loved playing VTM a few years back, such a weird and sometimes funny game. Speaking of, I need to go back and replay it.
I am in love with Telltale's Walking Dead games and Wold Among Us. I think this type of game would fit a Supernatural game like no other. Think about it, they could do episodes about John Winchester, the Brothers, Bobby, Garth, there are so many options and the setting and lore would fit into Telltale's style like a glove.
What do you all think?
That would be a really awesome idea, especially if they got the actors to do the voice acting. This idea is a 10/10, would buy.
No. I love the show but Supernatural has a huge fanbase of annoying fangirls that we really don't need coming onto these forums and all.
double post sry
Yeah, the ones that say that Supernatural should never end even when they know deep in their hearts that it should've ended after the 5th season and has been overstating its welcome for the past 4 years.
I'd like that, they could make a Supernatural game, it would be cool.
There are The Walking Dead fans, Fables fans, Borderlands fans and Game Of Thrones fans, 'annoying' is an opinionative description, I don't know a single franchise without 'annoying' fanboys/fangirls/fanpeople.
I would like it if Telltale made a game on Slenderman....
A Sin City game made by Telltale would be awesome!!
Here’s a list of Franchises that i would like Telltale games to make video games out of
Axe Cop
South Park(In the same style as the show like Stick Of Truth)
Invincible/Guarding The Globe/Invincible Universe
Venture Bros
The Tick
Super Dinosaur
Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure
Atomic Robo
and anything with Marvel/DC Comics Heroes
A Hell Boy game made by Telltale would be SICK!
What about a Supernatural themed game where we play in a world filled with supernatural entities such as Ghosts, The Undead, Animorphs, Lycans/Werewolves, Vampires, Witches/Wizards/Warlocks, Zombies, Elemental Creatures, Robots/Cyborgs and Frankenpeople. Also, Mummies and Invisible people
Solaris (2002) (Steven Soderbergh version).
Something in the Alien/Aliens franchise.
Here are the franchises I want Telltale to adapt into epic games:
The Beano. A Classic British comic book that has gone on for almost 100 years now. There are many likeable and funny characters Telltale could include. There was a specific comic story that I think Telltake could make a sequel to: The Reservoir Dodge. The plot could have Baby Faced Finlayson return to exact revenge on Roger the Dodger for foiling his last scheme.
The League or Extraordinary Gentlemen. Telltale would probably have to adapt the movie version of the League, since Alan Moore has made it clear that he wants his comic stories left alone. The story could deal with Quartermain returning from the grave and having to assemble a new team of public domain characters in order to stop the Martians from War of the Worlds or some other completely new threat.
Team Fortress. The TF comics have introduced the masses to the expansive world of Team Fortress 2, but the game itself lacks a real story of any kind. I propose that the game should take place in the 1850s and could feature the original BLU team working for Blutarch Mann and performing various missions for him.
I think it would be pretty satisfying if Telltale went back to relatively kid friendly humorous material (similar to Sam and Max or Back to the Future) since I feel the streak of adult themed emotion based adventures doesn't last long. Franchises I would like to see otherwise include:
Anonymous Rex: a crazy novel series about a Detective who's secretly a disguised Velociraptor living in a world where disguised dinosaurs live among humans.
LOST: the hit sic-fi series that left more questions then answers.
Invincible: a superhero comic series that would prove to be a challenge effect wise and art wise.
The 39 clues: a young adult book series about a couple of kids who travel around the world in search of a secret family treasure.
i just made a petition for TellTale to make a game about shrek
link to petition https://www.change.org/p/telltale-games-make-a-shrek-game-2
to put yourself in Shrek mode :P
Thread: Telltale Shrek petition!!!
Hey folks
i have just posted this petition on change.org, it took me a bit of time to write, and i would really appreciate if you could take a look at it, and (hopefully) sign it 
Thanks To GOUSTTT for making that Shrek thread, and thanks to Blind_sniper for making the comment that also inspired me, and an extra big thanks to my real life friend Kent for editing my grammar mistakes. And i also wanna thank everyone who signs this petition
the petition https://www.change.org/p/telltale-games-make-a-shrek-game-2
to put yourself in Shrek mode :P
PS: this is the second time uploading this, since it got taken down from the Walking dead section. i know it got put in the Shrek appreciation thread, but that thread can't be found, unless you got a link or you search for it. If its still not okay, then i guess you can just take down this thread too
. but please don't ban me, i just want this message out *makes cute eyes, just like puss in boots
Feel free to leave your opinion in the comments
Why not Mass Effect? Great lore they could work with and great characters, thats what I want TT to.
why not Shrek https://www.change.org/p/telltale-games-make-a-shrek-game-2
What makes you think Shrek would be so good for a Telltale Games? You seem a bit obsessed.
i think he fits perfect with TellTales storytelling style (IMO)
if you want to know more about why i want this, read the petition