Dialogue options that you WISH you had.



  • Jane: "Please, you have to forgive me. We can just leave all this behind us, please."

    Clementine: [Shoot Jane]

  • edited September 2014

    Clem: "I'm sorry about Luke"
    Bonnie: "Sorry? It must be nice being a pretty little girl. No one ever expects you to do a damn thing. You and I both know you had a chance to save Luke. I'm done talking to you."
    Clem: "He would have been fine! Dee was right about you! Fucking junkie bitch...

  • edited September 2014

    Yeah someone like Mike would be a good choice. It would help the player understand his motives in the last episode. Playing as someone who has a dark history (like Mike and Lee) and redeeming that character is far more interesting to me than playing as a good character (like Clem) and having them go down the same route as Kenny. Though I guess Kenny can redeem himself to an extent.

    rosm101 posted: »

    It wouldn't be nice to see Clem go down that way no. It could be understandable, they way people defend Kenny is proof of that- It would jus


    torkahn808 posted: »

    Clem: "I'm sorry about Luke" Bonnie: "Sorry? It must be nice being a pretty little girl. No one ever expects you to do a damn thing. You an

  • edited September 2014

    BONNIE: I'm done talking to you.

    CLEM: Well, that's unfortunate...(loads new clip into gun)...because I'm not done talking to you.

  • [Shoot Kenny]
    [Look Away]
    [Shoot the Sky]
    [Threaten Suicide]

    Would've been nice to have both capable of living.

  • "It's Carver inCarvnate! Rebecca, you know what must be done!"

    "Oh Clem, get outta here you little monster!"

    When Rebbeca was holding the baby I wanted to say: "He looks like Carver" just for fun xDDD.

  • When we are on the bridge and Nick has a gun pointed at Matthew

    Clem: [step in front of Matthew]

  • Wow what an adventure this has been. We are all incredibly white here.

    bloop posted: »

    Jane: Let me see if I can pick the lock? Clem: Maybe me or Mike can pick it. Jane: Why do you say that? Clem: Me and Mike are urban. Jane:..... Kenny: That's my girl.

  • When Arvo tells Clem to leave him alone, I want to say "NO!"

  • Mike: Could you save that for morning?

    Clem: What a jerk!

    Sarita: Come on Clem, you don't even know him.

    Clem: I KNEW him. He's going to steal the truck fixed by your boyfriend, take all the supplies with him, and leave Rebecca's baby to death!

  • (?) Disappearing Christa will remember that.

    joshua007 posted: »

    Clem Christa you learned me to stich myself if I was wounded in those months... But not making a camp fire!

  • edited September 2014

    That would be great option. When Clem grabs then gun after she fell on the ground, she could just shoot in the sky few times to get oneself noticed rather than killing Kenny or looking away. They maybe just stop fighting after that.

    Myusha posted: »

    [Shoot Kenny] [Look Away] [Shoot the Sky] [Threaten Suicide] Would've been nice to have both capable of living.

  • (Arvo shoots clem)

    Mike: "NO!"

    Bonnie: "Mike we have to go, just leaver her!"

    Clem: "You fucking junkie....."

  • Sometimes it comes to me that if Kenny was a better father than Carlos in the apocalypse. Duck seemed to know nothing about what happened to the world... And it sweated me when he was eating Mark's leg so excitedly...He even got unhappy when Kat took the plate away... And Lee actually didn't do any better than that. If Clem was not that smart and sensible to what was going on, perhaps she wouldn't hold on till the time we got Chuck. We are lucky to have Chuck, and Christa, who agreed with Lee's teaching Clem to protect herself and actually taught her something when she was her mentor.

    Franubis posted: »

    Exactly how I felt about him, him and Matthew were even too nice, and Walter served as a teacher while it lasted, and he trusted Clementine

  • or tell her to go shit in a biscuit tin then shoot her in the knees, and attract zombies.

    Comfy posted: »

    Jane: "Please, you have to forgive me. We can just leave all this behind us, please." Clementine: [Shoot Jane]

  • then shoot her in the knees and take a dump on her face.

    to bonnie: you killed luke by being too impatient and breaking the ice he was climbing out of

  • [Hug Carver, and then stab him in the back]

    CatySky posted: »

    [Hug Nick], [Hug Sarah], [Hug Sarita], [Hug Rebecca], [Punch Troy in the dick], [Shoot Carver in the head], [Hug Alvin], [Hug Christa]... no hugs for Carver though. Oh, and when Reggie touched her head: "Don't pat me" and then a death stare.

  • I think I would have probably threaten suicide, that would have made them stop.

    Myusha posted: »

    [Shoot Kenny] [Look Away] [Shoot the Sky] [Threaten Suicide] Would've been nice to have both capable of living.

  • You mean when they were driving the train? I actually want to tell him not to attract the walker... but then I think of that whatever he shouts it couldn't be louder than the train, so...

    LoneWolfe posted: »

    I wish I could tell Kenny to shut the fuck up when he's freaking out in the truck. Just stay quiet for ONCE, Kenny...

  • "Nah, Lee! Clem is not a walker!"

    In Season 1 EP5, when talking to The Stranger, there was a dialog option like, "I was bit and soon you'll be". I wished there was an option during their scuffle that said [BITE HIM] if you chose the previous dialog option.

  • When Kenny was dying from Clem's shoot:

    Clem: You are going to see Katjaa and Duck.

    Kenny: You are always good for a smile, ...(some words I can't remember. Then he fainted.)

    Clem: Wait, Kenny. I get a question.

    Kenny: (comes to consciousness) Huh?

    Clem: What are you going to do if you meet both Katjaa and Sarita?

  • I agree on that, a redeeming story is more satisfying.

    benchesh posted: »

    Yeah someone like Mike would be a good choice. It would help the player understand his motives in the last episode. Playing as someone who h

  • edited September 2014

    Form a Harem. Then recruit Rebecca, Carly & Bonnie (if shes dead) into the Harem.

    24601 posted: »

    When Kenny was dying from Clem's shoot: Clem: You are going to see Katjaa and Duck. Kenny: You are always good for a smile, ...(some w

  • Someone should make a fanart about what would happen if you picked those 2 other options

    Myusha posted: »

    [Shoot Kenny] [Look Away] [Shoot the Sky] [Threaten Suicide] Would've been nice to have both capable of living.

  • (?) Ghost Alvin, ghost Lee, ghost Doug,ghost ladies and ghost Duck won't forget that!

    CSN2014 posted: »

    Form a Harem. Then recruit Rebecca, Carly & Bonnie (if shes dead) into the Harem.

  • Clem: I know what are you talking about.

    Bonnie: Are you sure?

    Clem: Pretty fucking sure. Don't pay for sex drunk sure.

  • Or


    Iacoucci77 posted: »

    When we are on the bridge and Nick has a gun pointed at Matthew Clem: [step in front of Matthew] Clem: NICK PUT THE GUN DOWN FOR FUCKS SAKE!

  • edited September 2014

    Clem: Bonnie...I never trusted you, not even for a bit. From the moment Kenny and I found you outside the lodge, I knew you were up to no good.

  • edited September 2014

    Clem: "She turned, Arvo. She was crawling after me."

    Arvo: "< Speaking Russian(expletives) >"

    Clem: "You want to see her eyes? I'll show you!"

    Mike: "Clem, come on..."

    Clem: "No, we have to make time for this! I go to tvtropes.org, this is important!"

  • edited September 2014

    When Mike, Bonnie and Arvo leave:

    Mike: O shit, Clem..

    Clem: What are you doing?

    Mike: Listen, we're leaving...

    Clem: Ok, but you have to leave one bag with supplies and car for us. Remember, I can shoot all of you right here right now.

  • I don't think Kenny would smile after giving up the baby alone. :x

    At Wellington Kenny-Please just stay hear where it's safe... I don't trust myself to take care of you anymore. Clem-Edith, is it? E

  • edited September 2014

    Bonnie was worried for Clem and actually got mad at Mike in my game.
    (Only because I chose to help Luke.)

    Tinni posted: »

    It is possible that Bonnie, Mike, and Arvo took off in different directions, but it's hard for me to believe. Neither Mike nor Bonnie seemed

  • Jane: Let's play a game, Clem. I spy with my little eye, an asshole. Your turn.

    Clem: I spy with my little eye, three babies...

  • I just saw this on tumblr XD had to share it with you guys:

    Alt text

    Alt text

    Alt text

    Alt text

  • I kinda wish in the Wellington ending where you leave with Kenny, there was a dialogue choice where you tell Kenny why you want to leave with him. It annoyed me how Kenny provides at least three reasons for Clementine to stay, and Clementine just says "Nope, we're leaving."

  • If running to safety in the beginning of ''No Going Back'', Luke will run to the baby and back for cover, and Clem can then say:

    Clem: Are you okay? You're shot!

    Luke: Yea, yea. I'm fine, as long as he's safe.

    I wish Luke would've said ''Yea, yea. I'm fine, as long as you two are safe'', instead of only the baby. That would've been so sweet.

  • LUKE: Shut the fuck up, Clem! Sarah's determinant, so she doesn't count! SHE DOESN'T COUNT!!

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I just saw this on tumblr XD had to share it with you guys:

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