What games are considered "Well-written"?



  • Silent Hill: Shattered Memories comes to mind, as does the Mortal Kombat reboot.

  • Seeing any David Cage game get labeled as "well-written" makes me weep. Then again, the thread title asks for games that are considered well-written. In that sense, I guess they belong here. :/

  • It was so good, even though it felt rushed at the end. I think it could of been better, but idk it was still one of my favorite games because Bigby is AWESOME!!

    Wolf Among Us is also pretty good.

  • I adore that game far more than I should, the gameplay was so meh but god being Agent Thornton was great

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    Alpha Protocol is pretty good. Buggy gameplay though. My favorite game is Dragon Age: Origins.

  • Really only the minor bosses are one note, most are actually pretty damn good, and for a Japanese developer the melodrama is damn small. It's like you don't think Japanese high-jinks are fantastic?!

    Baldex posted: »

    Not really, unless you like one-note characters, lots of melodrama and of course wacky Japanese high-jinks then I'd say it's pretty bad. It'

  • edited September 2014

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  • Depends.

  • All characters are one note. Bosses? I'm evil! Blah blah blah! MY PARENTS ARE DEAD! Blah Blah! AAAACH, now that I'm dead I'm full of regrets! Blah blah blah. Otocon? Goes through a loss every damn time. Medic? SNAEK I LIEK MOVIES. Colonel? I AM OLD. I could go on. The games are FULL of melodrama. Oh, WHY DID SHE HAVE TO DIE?! WAR IS BAD. WAR IS BAD U GUYS DOES SNAKE LIKE KILLING ALSO NUCLEAR BOMBS BAD. AGH MY EYE MY LIMBS MY EVERYTHING THINK OF THE CHILDREN WAR BAD Yeah, sure, Mr. Kojima. I think we need five more PowerPoint presentations in your games to get that across. Not subtle enough. Japanese high-jinks...? Here's the thing, these games are so Japanese it hurts. What with the cyborg ninjas doing triple back-flips on missiles and the one girl who says "DO YOU LIEK MY JAPANESE CHOPSTICKS?!" I realize that I'm sounding xenophobic here, but it just so cringeworthy.

    Really only the minor bosses are one note, most are actually pretty damn good, and for a Japanese developer the melodrama is damn small. It's like you don't think Japanese high-jinks are fantastic?!

  • Well-written games.... Phoenix Wright, Ghost Trick, Murdered: Soul Suspect, Heavy Rain, any Deus Ex game, any Thief game except the fourth one, Bastion to name a few.

  • Dude, did you miss this part?

    Season 2 is written better than season 1. My opinion.

    damkylan posted: »

    Believe it or not, opinions that make a statement of fact (to the speaker), and are not simply "I liked ____ better" need some backing up, o

  • edited September 2014

    how can anyone claim season 1 has a better nerative then season 2? the ending was predictable from the beginning of the first episode. i never doubted lee would be bitten and sacrifice his life for clementine.

    some plot elements also seemed to go nowhere. like the decision who comes with you at the end of episode 4.

    to me season 1 peaked with episode 2.

  • edited September 2014

    "otherwise it could just as easily be my "opinion" that the sky is green".

    No it couldn't. Do you even know what opinions are? Opinions are a persons thoughts on a subjective well subject. We know the sky is blue. That's a fact. Why? Years of research and science.

    Do we know if Season 2 is not well-written? No we don't know that as a fact. And we never will. Why? Because science can't research this, and not expect a clear divide since some people like it and some people don't.

    damkylan posted: »

    Believe it or not, opinions that make a statement of fact (to the speaker), and are not simply "I liked ____ better" need some backing up, o

  • The problem most people have with Season 2 is that it move forward days to another plot. Without explaning anything.

    2rational posted: »

    how can anyone claim season 1 has a better nerative then season 2? the ending was predictable from the beginning of the first episode. i nev

  • I am surprised to not see Eternal Darkness on here.

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    2rational posted: »

    how can anyone claim season 1 has a better nerative then season 2? the ending was predictable from the beginning of the first episode. i nev

  • edited September 2014

    dragon age had some nice moments. at least it seemed that way until that standard fantasy ending.

    mass effect was also not that bad.

    the game of thrones game is totally underrated.

    the wither 1 and 2 definitively.

    the assassin's creed series never bored me.

    fahrenheit and heavy rain were not bad.

    the last of us of course.

    red dead redemption was ok, i guess.

    i really liked la noire.

    portal was just great for being so short.

    spec ops was a nice surprise.

  • I'm not going to lie, you can have your opinions. But I find David Cage games to be more or less the worst-written than anywhere near the best.

    But L.A. Noire is also really good.

  • This.

    Best game ever.

    Zeilond posted: »

    I am surprised to not see Eternal Darkness on here.

  • do you even star wars the force unleashed bro

  • No wait.

    Just second best game.

    This still exists:

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    AlanSpencer posted: »

    This. Best game ever.

  • really? it seemed to me the entire season took part in a few days.

    what is there actually to explain?

    Zeilond posted: »

    The problem most people have with Season 2 is that it move forward days to another plot. Without explaning anything.

  • seriously.

    i do not get it.

  • Metal Gear-series, Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy), Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30, Red Dead Redemption...

  • Season 1 did everything that makes Season 2 good and it did it better.

    2rational posted: »

    seriously. i do not get it.

  • Examples?

    AlanSpencer posted: »

    Season 1 did everything that makes Season 2 good and it did it better.

  • Games that I would
    consider "Well-
    written" must have child as protagonist and must let you do all things you want to your protagonist. Unfortunately there is still no such game.

  • More like one month, but I digress. It is nothing wrong with skipping forward a few days, hell even months. But they need to let the player know where they are/have been and how they dealt with their problems.

    In season 1 they skip a few months because we know they were at the Motor inn, and we also get informed about what happened during the timeframe. While in season 2 I have the feeling they used it as a cheap way of getting out of situations. One example is when you go with Kenny to find Wellington, it took them 9 days, but they had no supplies to not forget about the cold. I just wondered how they made it.

    It just reminds me of movies that use that kind of writing to get their characters out of danger and into temporary safety.

    2rational posted: »

    really? it seemed to me the entire season took part in a few days. what is there actually to explain?

  • The relationship between Lee and Clem provides a much stronger emotional attachment that being Clem yourself.

    Determinant characters matter in Season 1, but in Season 2 they get killed/die soon after.

    Every character has a clear middle and end to their character arcs in Season 1, when in Season 2 some characters get killed/die before their character arcs get completed.

    Choices matter more in Season 1 that they do in Season 2.

    2rational posted: »


  • Don't make me sit on the fence, sir.

    AlanSpencer posted: »

    No wait. Just second best game. This still exists:

  • Well.

    Silent Hill 2 is still the best game ever.

    Zeilond posted: »

    Don't make me sit on the fence, sir.

  • I don't know who I like better, Eternal Darkness or Silent Hill.

    Both have flaws. But Both games also have great storytelling.

    AlanSpencer posted: »

    Well. Silent Hill 2 is still the best game ever.

  • Brothers In Arms gets nowhere near the amount of love it deserves. Probably the best tactical shooters on consoles.

    Arsun97 posted: »

    Metal Gear-series, Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy), Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30, Red Dead Redemption...

  • Nope.

    Silent Hill 2 is best game ever.

    There is absolutely no ambiguity.

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    Zeilond posted: »

    I don't know who I like better, Eternal Darkness or Silent Hill. Both have flaws. But Both games also have great storytelling.

  • The walking dead game season 1

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    NikolaS9210 posted: »

    Games that I would consider "Well- written" must have child as protagonist and must let you do all things you want to your protagonist. Unfortunately there is still no such game.

  • there were no major time skips except for that and the way to the bridge, as far as I remember.

    what should have happened until they reached the bridge?

    and considering it is always 9 days i guess this will be part of the special episode.
    something like 5 to 7 stories with different protagonists and depending on which ending you chose clem and the baby, jane or kenny will appear in it... maybe involving the city clem saw at the observation deck, mike and co., the family form the howe's ending or the 400 days characters.

    Zeilond posted: »

    More like one month, but I digress. It is nothing wrong with skipping forward a few days, hell even months. But they need to let the player

  • Because Season 2 was less predictable but only because it was being made up as it goes along, There was no clear narrative structure. Choices meant absolutely nothing. Sarah and Nick's arc were completely dropped. Characters personality's changed to fit the plot no the other way around. Overall, it was shitty in comparison, I liked it but it was not nearly as good as season 1

    2rational posted: »

    how can anyone claim season 1 has a better nerative then season 2? the ending was predictable from the beginning of the first episode. i nev

  • Thanks, you got me depressed again over me3's stupid 3 colored ending...

    Colton posted: »

    Mass effect trilogy, until the very end..

  • The entire Metal Gear Solid series.

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