Dialogue options that you WISH you had.



  • edited September 2014

    Have you forgotten that the ONLY if the someone stops him, he wont make mistakes. And even while other people babysitting Kenny, he makes mistakes.

    Are you forgetting that the examples I have given dissaprove that he doesn´t learn for his mistakes? Are you forgetting that you are not even trying to say why you think 'most of the time he only causes bad'?

    zykelator posted: »

    Have you forgotten that the ONLY if the someone stops him, he wont make mistakes. And even while other people babysitting Kenny, he makes mistakes.

  • nah... There is no point. Even if i list everything stupid Kenny has done, which caused other people to suffer/die, you will just ignore it and make up some stupid shit so Kenny is perfect in your mind again. This is last time i have conversation with you about anything.

    AlanSpencer posted: »

    Have you forgotten that the ONLY if the someone stops him, he wont make mistakes. And even while other people babysitting Kenny, he makes mi

  • Are you serious?

    You are not even addresing what I said about Kenny learning for his mistakes. Hell, you act like we were not disccusing that it the first place.

    make up some stupid shit so Kenny is perfect in your mind again.

    That what your posts look like to me. You only make stupid shit out so Kenny is a moster in your mind again, no matter what I say.

    zykelator posted: »

    nah... There is no point. Even if i list everything stupid Kenny has done, which caused other people to suffer/die, you will just ignore it

  • In the Crawford Bell Tower:

    Ben: Just let me go...

    [Let go of Ben]

    Lee: Ben...

    Ben: Huh?

    Lee: See Ya! (Let's go of Ben)

  • edited September 2014

    Someone who was going to kill the group...

    But Troy, ugh. I cringe every time.

    Dragonleaf posted: »

    She did make a man suffocate in his own blood...

  • edited September 2014

    To Luke when the ice was cracking under his feet:

    "Lie down! Spread out your weight and crawl!"

  • edited September 2014

    Clem is a little psychopath?

    Pride posted: »

    When Kenny and Jane are trying to kill each other and you have the pistol [Shoot warning shot] and then [Threathen to leave them] I'm

  • I think you mean Luke.

    To Luke when the ice was cracking under his feet: "Lie down! Spread out your weight and crawl!"

  • Couldn't Luke have jumped softly over the cracks with his good leg and made it across, it would have been a way better option than just sitting there.

    To Luke when the ice was cracking under his feet: "Lie down! Spread out your weight and crawl!"

  • Thanks, fixed ;)

    Buckette posted: »

    I think you mean Luke.

  • edited September 2014

    Alt text

    zykelator posted: »

    Clem is a little psychopath?

  • Well, to be fair, she did get pulled out of school early.

  • I think any movement whatsoever would've made that ice give. I mean it broke by him just slightly moving his leg.

    Couldn't Luke have jumped softly over the cracks with his good leg and made it across, it would have been a way better option than just sitting there.

  • But drama.

    Couldn't Luke have jumped softly over the cracks with his good leg and made it across, it would have been a way better option than just sitting there.

  • I guess so, but I still think he could have lived with time or speed

    Buckette posted: »

    I think any movement whatsoever would've made that ice give. I mean it broke by him just slightly moving his leg.

  • Janes face when looking at Clem the thug

  • Lee last words: [I´ll miss you sweetpea] or [don't give up, find what matters, family]

  • I actually shouted hundreds of "LIE DOWN!!!!!!!" out of the screen where it got there.

    To Luke when the ice was cracking under his feet: "Lie down! Spread out your weight and crawl!"

  • Now THAT'S an ending I can get behind.

    Chocolates posted: »

    [Leave AJ at Wellington and stay with Kenny]

  • While Kenny and Jane are arguing in the car.

    Clem: Stop the car, i'm leaving both of you!

  • edited September 2014

    When everyone is arguing about where to go when Kenny fixes the truck.

    "I know, how about we go to that town? You know, the one we were headed to before all this shit happened."

    Seriously, what the hell happened there? Did everyone just forget there was a whole town possibly full of supplies?

  • I would've liked an option to bury your face into Jane's shoulder and start bawling after Luke drowns and she carries you into the half-built house.

  • Big surprise that a guy with that username posts this

    Kennysucks posted: »

    Luke: "When I look at Kenny now, he seems broken, and broken people get reckless." Clem: (Carlos Impersonation) "Luke... He's becoming a danger to the group."

  • Troy "What the hell were you doing in There!?"

    Clementine devilishly responds "Your mum" and runs off laughing.

    Troy "Get back here you little Sh*t!"

  • Not really a dialogue option, but...

    [Take knife]

    That would've been too easy, huh?

  • I really wanted to ask that family - how cam a light skinned couple has a black son? I assume hes adopted but still felt relevant to ask as those people seemed odd.

  • (?) You made everyone shut up for the rest of the ride

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    While Kenny and Jane are arguing in the car. Clem: Stop the car, i'm leaving both of you!

  • edited September 2014

    Kenny: He got Luke killed!

    Clem: Oh, since when do you all of a sudden care about Luke? All you two did was fight like an old married couple. You called him names like a flake and a turd and childish when he was alive. Now that he's dead, you suddenly care about him.

  • recessive gene, perhaps...

    I really wanted to ask that family - how cam a light skinned couple has a black son? I assume hes adopted but still felt relevant to ask as those people seemed odd.

  • edited September 2014

    When did Kenny threaten Clementine? If this is true, I'll have to be a dick to him on my next playthrough.

    EDIT: It's true. I'm gonna be a dick to him.

    Kenny: “I should slap you for saying that.” Clem: “Like you did earlier?.”

  • Kenny goes furious and starts beating Arvo.

    [Draw weapon on group]

    Clementine "Stand back!..... keep it up Kenny i don't care if you kill him."

  • Whats with Kenny fans and the desire to beat crippled kids?

    xClementine posted: »

    Kenny goes furious and starts beating Arvo. [Draw weapon on group] Clementine "Stand back!..... keep it up Kenny i don't care if you kill him."

  • I'm not a Kenny fan, and that so called crippled kid is practically the reason why some people in Clementine's group have now become dead. Aswell as shooting and almost killing poor Clementine which renders the term cripple irrelevent.. So he deserves the Kenny love that he is given.

    zykelator posted: »

    Whats with Kenny fans and the desire to beat crippled kids?

  • And he is Russian.... :)

  • So you are a racist?

    xClementine posted: »

    And he is Russian....

  • "poor" Clementine who shot Arvos sister.

    xClementine posted: »

    I'm not a Kenny fan, and that so called crippled kid is practically the reason why some people in Clementine's group have now become dead. A

  • Woahh man calm down, dont get yourself banned

    xClementine posted: »

    And he is Russian....

  • Arvo's sister was about to become a walker and that was the most sensible and logical thing to do.. Arvo intends to get Clementine's group hurt or killed which is evil intent.

    zykelator posted: »

    "poor" Clementine who shot Arvos sister.

  • Gill is a demon birthed from the Soulless One(Ginger Carlos), and Hispanic Molly was forced into impregnating Ginger Carlos, but began to care for the demon known as Gill!

    I really wanted to ask that family - how cam a light skinned couple has a black son? I assume hes adopted but still felt relevant to ask as those people seemed odd.

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