Dialogue options that you WISH you had.



  • He seemed only mildly irritated.

    If I were in Luke's position I would've thrown him off the bridge.

    That behavior's unacceptable, and Luke accepted it.

    bloop posted: »

    Luke was pretty pissed after Nick shot Matthew, and Nick was his best fried for years.

  • You were have thrown him off the bridge? That's a lot worse than locking Clem up in the shed.

    He seemed only mildly irritated. If I were in Luke's position I would've thrown him off the bridge. That behavior's unacceptable, and Luke accepted it.

  • edited September 2014

    It's justified.

    Clem didn't shoot an innocent person.

    Nick did.

    In reality, I probably wouldn't kill him, but I definitely would show more concern than Luke seemed to. I'd be fuckin' pissed and I'd show it.
    At the very least I would've turned Nick in. Let Matt's boyfriend decide what to do with him.

    bloop posted: »

    You were have thrown him off the bridge? That's a lot worse than locking Clem up in the shed.

  • edited September 2014

    So, it's okay for you to kill a man for shooting a guy and making a mistake, but's wrong for Luke to make a couple mistakes? Even though he took Clem's side?

    It's justified. Clem didn't shoot an innocent person. Nick did. In reality, I probably wouldn't kill him, but I definitely would sh

  • Both of them made the decision to do what they did and endanger the lives of others.

    You're right though. Luke deserves to be thrown off a bridge too. What he did to Clem was just as bad.

    bloop posted: »

    So, it's okay for you to kill a man for shooting a guy and making a mistake, but's wrong for Luke to make a couple mistakes? Even though he took Clem's side?

  • I think you cheered the deaths of the cabin group right?

    You say these things about good people and all that, but you're doing things just as bad.

    Both of them made the decision to do what they did and endanger the lives of others. You're right though. Luke deserves to be thrown off a bridge too. What he did to Clem was just as bad.

  • I totally 100% with the first one!

    If they stayed, Carlos, Sarita, Nick, Alvin (possibly), Rebecca, and Sarah would've lived. But I'm pretty sure idiotic Kenny would've forced everyone to go anyway ://

    fallandir posted: »

    [Stay at the Howe's and wait out the upcoming horde] or [Spare Carver]

  • They would have stayed if Kenny didn't wake up that fast. Damn you Kenneth and your think fucking skull.

    I totally 100% with the first one! If they stayed, Carlos, Sarita, Nick, Alvin (possibly), Rebecca, and Sarah would've lived. But I'm pretty sure idiotic Kenny would've forced everyone to go anyway /

  • Unrelated, but I LOVE your picture.

    fallandir posted: »

    They would have stayed if Kenny didn't wake up that fast. Damn you Kenneth and your think fucking skull.

  • "Luke dropping Clem was a split second decision"

    I won't repeat myself. You don't just drop a child like that. If Lee was around when Luke dropped Clementine do you think he would have tolerated that sort of shit?

    "And you don't always have to say "Hey I'm sorry." Actions speak louder than words."

    Except in this situation they don't. Luke did nothing monumental dude, he just gave her food. Luke endangered Clementine's life. Serving her a cold bowl of beans isn't going to cut for an apology. He should be on his hands and knees begging for forgiveness. She could have died because of their actions, but Luke and the rest of the gang seem to ignore that issue and just brush it off like it never happened.

    Of course you don't need to apologize for every little thing you do, but this wasn't no little thing. It was a humongous fuck-up on Luke's part, and he should feel ashamed that he is to blame.

    "While the rest of the group is arguing over what to do with Clem, he takes her side and says it's not a zombie bite"

    Too lazy. I'm just gonna copy and paste the argument I made in another discussion.

    "If it was their plan to get Clem out of there, maybe it would have been a good idea to communicate that to Clem?

    "Hey, give us a minute. Me and Pete will get you out of here in no-time. Sorry our group members are acting like buffoons right now."

    Even if they were advocating for Clementine, they still left her in the shed alone. Why not have one of them stay behind with Clementine in the shed, make sure she's alright, and have the other try to negotiate with the crew to let her back in?

    Another thing, why'd it take them so long to discuss the issue anyway? By the time everyone's debating about it, it's night time. If Petis and Lucca really wanted to get Clementine out of there, would they not try to continue the conversation ASAP?

    And finally, why is this something only the group can discuss? Why can't Pete-roleum and Luke-ajin demand that Clementine take part in the discussion? Sense the argument's about her, why can't she have a say? It'd give her a chance to re-tell her alibi so everyone can understand, and would probably really help her case."

    "He and the rest of the group, lets her come along to escape Carver, they could've just let her stay at the cabin"

    Clementine's apart of the group at that point. Leaving her behind would be a disgusting of them to do. It seems like you're giving them credit for not being making *more *reckless evil decisions.

    I'm gonna skip through you're other arguments as the rest share the same problem. These are all small things that Luke did, and none of them redeem his actions from the first episode.

    "And can you mention anything bad he did after EP1?"

    I can think of a few, but this point is irrelevant. What Luke did in Episode 1 is unforgivable in my eyes. You know this. Just because he doesn't act as dick-ish afterwards doesn't mean all his sins are instantly forgiven. He's gotta carry that weight until he repays it in full (or dies).

    bloop posted: »

    Luke dropping Clem was a split second decision, he didn't look at it for min. at and say "I'm going to drop her" he looked for a second thin

  • edited September 2014

    I'm mostly exaggerating to show my frustration over their actions.

    I'd more than likely shout profanities at them and point out there shit.

    I don't have the muscle mass to actually kill someone.

    bloop posted: »

    I think you cheered the deaths of the cabin group right? You say these things about good people and all that, but you're doing things just as bad.

  • Some people hate it, you know? What a cruel world we're living.

    Unrelated, but I LOVE your picture.

  • So I guess you were glad Luke and all of the cabin group died?

    "Luke dropping Clem was a split second decision" I won't repeat myself. You don't just drop a child like that. If Lee was around whe

  • I think we should just drop this, clearly neither of us is going to agree with one another.

    I'm mostly exaggerating to show my frustration over their actions. I'd more than likely shout profanities at them and point out there shit. I don't have the muscle mass to actually kill someone.

  • For the most part, but I can't HELP but mourn a little bit for Luke.

    Not Telltale's Luke mind you, but my idealized 'not-dick Luke'.



    bloop posted: »

    So I guess you were glad Luke and all of the cabin group died?

  • Not every character is prefect, he made mistakes, but that's what made him human.

    For the most part, but I can't HELP but mourn a little bit for Luke. Not Telltale's Luke mind you, but my idealized 'not-dick Luke'. HE'S JUST SO PERFECT IN EVERY WAY. WHY DID HE HAVE TO BE WRITTEN SO BADLY? D8

  • edited September 2014

    Fair enough.


    Been nice chatting with you.

    bloop posted: »

    I think we should just drop this, clearly neither of us is going to agree with one another.

  • We did already, so it's good.

    Rylee posted: »

    Guys.....who cares. Just agree to disagree.

  • Guys.....who cares. Just agree to disagree.

    bloop posted: »

    Not every character is prefect, he made mistakes, but that's what made him human.

  • [Look at Lily] [Take gun before murder]


    "Last chance Lily! Get down here!" [Leave Lily]

  • When Lilly is about to steal the RV:

    Lee: "Let me get Clementine, and we'll both go with you."

    Lilly doesn't leave without them...

    Now THAT would be MY canon ending.

  • Rebecca: "...You're not fooling me"

    Clem: "Put the gun down, bitch!"

    *Sniper ninja appears out of nowhere


    *Hidden cutscene plays

    Matthew: are you guys assholes? you don't look like assholes. Clementine: Put the gun down, bitch! Matthew.....you're assholes. BANG you are dead

  • [removed]

    When did Kenny threaten Clementine? If this is true, I'll have to be a dick to him on my next playthrough. EDIT: It's true. I'm gonna be a dick to him.

  • Zombified Mark comes out of nowhere and bites Nick before he can kill Matthew.

    joshua007 posted: »


  • Clem: And I'm going to either axe you or cut your arm off.

    Sarita: Wait, what?

    Clem: Nothing, Walking Plot Device... I mean, Sarita.

    24601 posted: »

    Mike: Could you save that for morning? Clem: What a jerk! Sarita: Come on Clem, you don't even know him. Clem: I KNEW him. He's goi

  • Gill wants the D... hat.

    Gill: "Cool hat." Clementine: "Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!"

  • In Carvers office:

    Carver: "Hey there Carley."

    Clementine: Smirks

  • edited October 2014

    After Lilly shoots Carley

    Kenny: she is a murderer-

    Lee: you killed Larry!


    Kenny: this is different! and I don't want Katjaa and Duck to hear-

    Katjaa: Lee told me everything

    Kenny: MOTHER-




    Ben: Has everybody forgot all about me!?

    Kenny bitch!

    Lilly OMFG I'm leaving!

    Lee: no you're coming with us!

    Clementine: Ain't nobody got time for that! close RV door and drives away

  • Clementine to Alvin: You do know Rebecca's baby might not be yours right. Alvin: Use dialogue from S2 E1 Jesus are you fucking kidding me

  • That was clever what you did there

    24601 posted: »

    Three more: S2E4 Clem: Hey, Kenny... Kenny looks up with an angry face Clem: ...See ya! S2E5 Bonnie: Must be easy to be ju

  • That would have made for a better storyline she should break down at the side of the road and confessing, she tries to stop the group leaving by taking her gun and pointing it at all of them. She steals the RV and abandons them.

    jacobr1020 posted: »

    1. Lilly: Kenny left the keys in the ignition. Lee: [TAKES KEYS AND PUTS THEM IN HIS POCKET] Now try to leave. 2. Lilly: I was t

  • edited October 2014

    Not exactly a dialogue option, but here we go again;

    Lee: "Clem? Clementine?!"

    Clementine : waking up "Huh?!"

    1) "What happened?"

    2) "Where am I?"

    3) "Lee?"

    4) [HUG LEE]

  • First of all, that was a month ago, and a joke. Second, I'm reporting you for being offensive towards people with autism or disorders in the form of autism like aspergers. I'm sure there's probably some people who actually have that disorder that find that offensive. You're insinuating that they are stupid and are a spaz. I myself find that offensive cause I have autism and I am not an idiot.

  • I'd click the hug out of the last one.

    Dark_Star posted: »

    Not exactly a dialogue option, but here we go again; Lee: "Clem? Clementine?!" Clementine : waking up "Huh?!" 1) "What happened?" 2) "Where am I?" 3) "Lee?" 4) [HUG LEE]

  • edited October 2014

    The option to yell Lee when waking up, and talking with Kenny about how they both (determinately) liked Lee.

    Edit: While in the Truck.


    Alt text

    Kenny: DAM YOU CAT!

    Bloodeon: I didn't even know cats could be that big...

  • Edit: While drinking beer

    UCAAV29784 posted: »

    The option to yell Lee when waking up, and talking with Kenny about how they both (determinately) liked Lee. Edit: While in the Truck.

  • That profile picture looks like an older version of Russell

    But it's Lee without his beard.....

    fallandir posted: »

    Some people hate it, you know? What a cruel world we're living.

  • Carley: What I wanted to say was, I've been thinking a lot, about you.

    Lee: I don't want any romance, and didn't you mention three months ago that you liked Doug?

  • Saying that we should go to Howe's first to get food/baby formula, and THEN go to Wellington, because at least then if getting to Wellington takes a while (or it doesn't exist at all) then we'd have enough food for us and AJ to survive.

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