Ep 1 Release Date Discussion - Out Now PC/Mac/PS3/PS4/XboxOne/360/Android



  • Redshirt #17, he's one of the greatest redshirts of all time, even though he's called #17, he'll be the first to die, he's a deep undercover redshirt.

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    Now I know the name of every revelead character. Just the one old guy next to Ramsay... who is that?

  • Just pre-ordered the game on Steam. Can't wait! :D

  • Thats the right thing to do! :>

    Just pre-ordered the game on Steam. Can't wait!

  • The timeline for GOT has been quick and very different from other TT games, but I just realized that the trailer is titled as the Teaser. So this would normally mean we will also get a Season Premiere trailer soon, right?

  • Bravo to them for doing this, really cool :)

    Pipas posted: »

    Yep, they did. Read the blog. Today we can announce that some cast members of the television series will reprise their roles in the ga

  • edited November 2014

    That is awesome. :)

    It would also be cool if we could get Richard Madden for Robb, Charles Dance for Tywin, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau as Jaime, and Pedro Pascal as Oberyn.

    Pipas posted: »

    Yep, they did. Read the blog. Today we can announce that some cast members of the television series will reprise their roles in the ga

  • I just pre-ordered it about 20 minutes ago :)

    So excited for this!

  • I'm lacking in funds right now for Games of Thrones so...looks like I'll be waiting a while.

    Alt text

  • I know what you mean. I had to do the same when TWD season 2 came out. It was very frustrating.

    I'm lacking in funds right now for Games of Thrones so...looks like I'll be waiting a while.

  • edited November 2014

    Oh god I dont know how you can stay that calm! I would die.. Thats why I pre-ordered both Tales from the Borderlands and Game of Thrones! I hope that you can manage to get some money when they release. :)

    I'm lacking in funds right now for Games of Thrones so...looks like I'll be waiting a while.

  • Do you think we will play as multiple characters within each episode or play as 1 character per episode?

  • edited November 2014

    I spent the last of my money on Tales From The Borderlands so as long as I have a new Telltale game to play. I won't go insane.

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    Oh god I dont know how you can stay that calm! I would die.. Thats why I pre-ordered both Tales from the Borderlands and Game of Thrones! I hope that you can manage to get some money when they release.

  • Can't tell if the in-game assets were made in less than a week or if that's the oil painting effect.

  • What are you talking about?

    Can't tell if the in-game assets were made in less than a week or if that's the oil painting effect.

  • Goes to show how much more interest there is in Game of Thrones over Borderlands when in just 7 hours the trailer has got 113,000 views over Borderlands 300,000 over several days. Likewise, Game of Thrones trailer already got 3,500 likes in 7 hours when Borderlands has had 4,500 likes over nearly a whole week.

  • Maybe it's coming before winter...?


    How could they not put "Winter Is Coming" at the end of the trailer? That's it I'm not buying it I'm too upset now (kidding obviously I will buy it)

  • How could they not put "Winter Is Coming" at the end of the trailer? That's it I'm not buying it I'm too upset now (kidding obviously I will buy it)

  • But Winter would still be coming :P

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Maybe it's coming before winter...? DUN DUN DUUUHHHHH

  • Maybe one of the episodes will be called "Winter is Coming". :-D

    How could they not put "Winter Is Coming" at the end of the trailer? That's it I'm not buying it I'm too upset now (kidding obviously I will buy it)

  • I tried to pre-order Game Of Thrones just to find out that I'm lacking 8 rubles to buy it. 8 MOTHERFUCKING RUBLES. And it's less than a dollar.

    Alt text

  • I hope for each episode. I really liked the 400 days style.

    beguiler posted: »

    Do you think we will play as multiple characters within each episode or play as 1 character per episode?

  • Just sell some steam cards if you have them. :D

    I tried to pre-order Game Of Thrones just to find out that I'm lacking 8 rubles to buy it. 8 MOTHERFUCKING RUBLES. And it's less than a dollar.

  • I hope we play everyone of the 5 in each episode. I hated the 1 character 1 episode style. But lets see how telltale will do it.

    beguiler posted: »

    Do you think we will play as multiple characters within each episode or play as 1 character per episode?

  • edited November 2014

    I think it's more likely for the former. The trailer probably only has scenes from the first episode and considering the fact that we see King's Landing, the Wall AND the entrance to the Forrester's place, all with different characters as the main focus, I'd be willing to say that we'll play as each character every episode.

    beguiler posted: »

    Do you think we will play as multiple characters within each episode or play as 1 character per episode?

  • Still better than Jurrasic Park's graphics.

    Can't tell if the in-game assets were made in less than a week or if that's the oil painting effect.

  • I know that feel. I wasn't able to buy TWAU's fourth episode because of one dollar ;-;

    I tried to pre-order Game Of Thrones just to find out that I'm lacking 8 rubles to buy it. 8 MOTHERFUCKING RUBLES. And it's less than a dollar.

  • So what will come first? Game of Thrones or Tales From The Borderlands?

  • Definitely Tales from the Borderlands, and then - most likely - Game of Thrones the week after.

    HarjKS posted: »

    So what will come first? Game of Thrones or Tales From The Borderlands?

  • I wonder how many of those Forresters will still be alive at the end of the game xD

  • One to take revenge.

    golani79 posted: »

    I wonder how many of those Forresters will still be alive at the end of the game xD

  • My guess is that from Forresters Asher, Mira, Ethan and Ryon will survive the first season. And from the other characters Malcolm, Gared and maybe maester Ortengryn.

    golani79 posted: »

    I wonder how many of those Forresters will still be alive at the end of the game xD

  • I'm talking about the Nintendo 64 textures all over the place.

    What are you talking about?

  • you guys are either homeless people or little kids, cuz they games are cheap as fuck

    I spent the last of my money on Tales From The Borderlands so as long as I have a new Telltale game to play. I won't go insane.

  • Totally.

    That1Guy posted: »

    Still better than Jurrasic Park's graphics.

  • I guess 3 to continue the story arc, and if I had to guess it would be the exiled son and two of the daughters.

    golani79 posted: »

    I wonder how many of those Forresters will still be alive at the end of the game xD

  • Still looks like Sims 4 to me but whatev

  • I really don't get all the hate toward the art style of this game. I think its look amazing and that Telltale did an amazing job with it :/

  • I guess it reminds people of the Sims 4 and things like Jurassic Park.

    I really don't get all the hate toward the art style of this game. I think its look amazing and that Telltale did an amazing job with it

  • IGN recently released this article about Telltale's work on the game. There is some new information, and it's not just old stuff we already know.

    Game of Thrones article on IGN

    Early in development, before Telltale arrived at the “oil-painting brought to life” aesthetic, its Game of Thrones series looked similar to The Walking Dead, with its thick black lines and vibrant colors. “Oil painting just has this wonderful depth to it that matches the art of a Game of Thrones story,” Director of Design Ryan Kauffman told IGN. “Bloody. Epic. Dark. Gross. All that good stuff.”

    In experimenting with different art styles, the goal was to meet the quality of The Walking Dead, to “be equally rich, dark, and complex” with the visuals, without necessarily mimicking its look. That colorful Walking Dead Style, Kauffman said, “is obviously where we started from, because the studio is familiar with it. But we pretty quickly said ‘this isn’t appropriate. It doesn’t quite convey the feeling of the HBO show.’ And that’s what we wanted to put first.”

    This is unapologetically a season intended for fans of author George R. R. Martin’s story and the novels it’s based on, but the studio hopes anyone can enjoy it as a Telltale game. “There’ s a lot there that can go over your head if you’re not familiar with it,” Kauffman admitted. “At the same time, this is a story about a family. Ultimately, everyone can relate to that. The drama is that a family doesn’t always agree about what to do.” Fans of the show, naturally, “will have a richer experience.”

    Of course, at its heart, Game of Thrones is very much a Telltale game. You’ll have conversations, develop relationships, and explore environments to discover their finer details. Combat and puzzles certainly play a role, as well. “There’s definitely plenty of opportunity for puzzle solving with one character” in Game of Thrones, Kauffman said. “The interesting thing is how they play off each other.”

    Your choices as one character can “ripple” to another, even if you do something in Westeros and change perspective to the other side of the world in Esos. Grant said, “A key concept of the game is that one character’s actions can affect another’s destiny, problems, whatever. They all bounce off each other.”

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