Who did you choose for Sentinel and why?
I chose Royland. I thought he would bring strength and discipline to the house. Duncan I wasn't so sure of because he sent Gared to the wall without Ethan's knowledge and he seems to be rather weak, yet he is also quite wise. It was a hard decision to make. In fact, I think this episode has been the hardest for me in terms of choices so far.
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I had decided fairly early, Duncan was wise, honest, loyal, and above all the most qualified advisor. Royland felt a little...Reckless...Like Kenny, I didn't entirely trust him. I feel completely confident in my decision and I feel like it will bring the House to a greater order.
Yeah. I guess we will have to see eh? I understand about Royland being reckless, but still...
As you posted that thread about negotiations, I think maybe having a strong, brave Sentinel may be just what the Forrester house needs.
We need cunning Sentinel, Royland can train the soldiers, lead them into battle but I doubt him as the strong person to lead a House.
heh, i actually searched for an option to make maester Ortengryn the Sentinel, he seems smarter than both them, and also seems to bear more respect to me, after sadly finding out that i can't, Duncan was an easy choice, Royland's behavior with the prisoner just annoyed me, and he's got a bad sense of things overall, yeah, let's fight an army ten times bigger than ours, what can go wrong?
Hmm perhaps you're right. I will play it again and choose differently.
I went with Duncan, he seemed more wise, honest, and planned things out better. Royland felt too brutal and to resorted to violence as the first option.
If you wish, I just suspect Duncan as the smarter of the two.
Plus to top it off, The last lord trusted him more with the secret and he is the only one that knows.
It was definitely one of the hardest choices I ever had to make in a game, but in the end I chose Duncan, because I agreed with his suggestions more than Royland's, plus he knew the secret Lord Gregor trusted Gared with... so I'm assuming he's trustworthy. Royland also felt a bit too reckless for my liking, but I did feel slightly inclined to choose him since Malcolm suggested I choose him, and I felt having a strong fighter like him by my side would be useful, especially against the Boltons, but in the end I still went with Duncan. I do see downfalls to choosing either of them though, I wonder how that will play out in future episodes.
I chose Duncan, from what I saw of Ramsay in the woods with Gared, I thought Royland would do something stupidly reckless when Ramsay showed up.
I chose Duncan. That's what Sir Royland gets for calling me a milksop
I really wanted to choose Royland. But everyone kept saying how he would do something stupid, and I liked Duncan but I didn't think he was the right Sentinel right now. So I chose Duncan
. Pretty hard choice.
Yeah, what the fuck is a milksop anyway?
EDIT: Never mind, I looked it up:
a man or boy who is indecisive and lacks courage.
"you could have respect for a man who fought for you, but none for this milksop, who backed away"
I don't know but I know it isn't good!
Ii went with Royland on the bet that if something went down, at least he'd be able to lead a resistance straight away and show the people that someone reliable is able to react decisively, which in turn may ease some of the panic and reduce the risk of someone else doing something really stupid. Also, Duncan will fight harder to get attention and probably come up with better ideas, even if Royland is flying off the handle occasionally. If something happens between them, then either victor will probably reassess the situation in less polarized terms.
On the other hand, if one of them decided to betray me as a result of my decision, I'd rather it be the guy without the ability to call an army upon me at a moment's notice.
Duncan because clearly Lord Forrester trusted him. Also he seems way smarter and Royland seems like your typical brute who tries to approach everything with violence. Besides Royland clearly didn't respect Ethan from the beginning. Was a pretty obvious choice imho.
Royland. After Ramsay flayed the one guy I figured I would try and use my crazy guy against his craziness.
It was a hard choice. In the end, I went with Royland because Duncan seemed a little to quick to roll over. He also went behind Ethan's back, which to me shows that he thinks his judgment is better than Ethan's. Can't have a man like that around when Ethan is supposed to be lord. He thought it was foolish to try and intimidate a mad man like Ramsay, but he somehow thought it was possible to reason with the same mad man? Doesn't really make any sense me, in all honesty. You have a better chance at scaring a mad man than trying to reason with him. Sure, intimidating Ramsay didn't work either, but I think it had a better chance of working that trying diplomacy.
Royland is a little more brash, but he's not dumb either. So far he's proven himself to be loyal and honestly, I think his perspective on the situation was the correct one.
"Besides Royland clearly didn't respect Ethan from the beginning"
Duncan didn't really respect him either. If he did respect Ethan, he wouldn't have sent Gared off to the wall without consulting with Ethan first.
I chose Royland. Duncan seemed like the kind of guy that would give up too easily
I almost picked Duncan but then Royland made a good point about how strength was going to be needed here. There is a time of wisdom and a time for action. I ended up agreeing with Duncan during the council meeting and he still storms off like I pissed in his wine. Despite Royland's misgivings about how I was being too soft he still respected my decision. It became clear that Duncan couldn't do the same.
I ultimately went with Royland because I felt he was the most loyal to the house. I didn't question Ducan's loyalty to Lord Gregor, but I figured he had his own objectives at times. With Ramsay Snow on his way, we were going to need a warrior at the helm. Duncan struck me as a practical man, and I would still count on his counsel during the small council meeting.
I wanted to project strength and the sentinel I figured would lead our troops if necessary. Royland struck me as the more capable battle commander. The Seven save us if I am wrong.
After a long time thinking about the pro's and con's of Both Ser Royland and Duncan , I chose Royland because i think we need a strong leader ... and I know Duncan is also a verry capable man , But he is already your Castellan and I for one think that he will respect my decision and that he is truly Loyal to House Forester .... Royland on the other hand ... One of the biggest reasons why I chose him over duncan was to ensure his loyalty ... And I was afraid that if I had not chosen Royland , that he would have abandoned us ... and if that happend then we would be truly lost !.
Duncan, Royland isn't stable enough to have responsibility.
I chose Royland for two main reason. To keep him loyal and have someone who can keep the men in line. Duncan, as wise and capable as he was, didn't seem to have the men's respect and loyalty. I thought if I didn't chose Royland, he could have easily have most or all of the Forresters soldiers to join him in a rebellion or desertion.
And I thought he could provide some protection against Ramsey for me and my family, which wasn't enough...
I chose Roland because I believed that House Forrester needed somebody strong and decisive like him. I have no regrets other than the fact that Duncan is the only one who knows to protect the north grove, and that might be problematic later on.
Royland becuase isnt duncan going to leave anyway for the place gared talked about
His respect for him is clear. Also as Gared is Duncan's nephew, and he knew how much Ethan and all the other Forrester's cared for him, he made the hard choice so Ethan wouldn't be conflicted over it. Save the house by sending him to the wall, or make a potential risk by keeping him there? That would have weighed on Ethan really heavily, and that would be on top of all the other shit he had to deal with following it.
Actually, going by your post, whoever you pick as Sentinel, the other will throw a hissy fit. I picked Duncan and Royland flew off the handle, bragging about all his years of service and how Ethan wasn't ready to be a lord.
You say you're a Northman, yet you serve the Divine?
Royland. Figured we needed force, strenght and discipline when Ramsay arrived. In the long run, I would have chosen Duncan.
I chose Duncan, because he knows what the hell is the North Grove, so he's important.
Duncan. I figured if Lord Forrester trusted him then he´d be a good choice.
Easiest choice for me. Duncan.
Lady Elissa Forrester told me to. "She insisted."
I took Royland. This was a hard decision and I knew Royland is reckless and all. Malcolm told that in times like this leaders must be warriors (or something like that) but that wasn't my main reason. I thought Duncan does his job even if I don't choose him, that he will loyally give his advice. With giving the thing to Royland I secured his loyalty and the loyalty of our little "army". Now thinking back Duncan might have actually been a better choice.
I would have been much more favorable to Royland if he had simply been about projecting strength, as opposed to seemingly thinking the house could actually fight and hope to win. As it was, he came across as a bit stupid and overconfident.
But really, whether through diplomacy or defiance, there really isn't any way to deal with Ramsey Snow on a rational basis.
I must do my job...
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