I chose Royland, he has led men into battle before and this experience will be valuable in the days to come. Duncan's plans of appeasement were sure to fail, and I didn't like how he sent Gared to the wall and tried to make peace with his brother's killer.
Duncan, Royland was an strong leader and all but, i don't want a man who wants to solve everything with violence as my sentinel, and if Lord Forrester trusted him with the grove secret, it's cause he really trusted in him
I chose Duncan. He is a wise and honest man - just like I am. He fits me and I can say that I'll find a good ally in him. I also didn't really want Royland to just solve everything with violence. Ramsay is batshit crazy, we all know that, but if we'll attack him now, everything will only get worse. We're stepping on a thin ice here. Forrester don't have enough power to fight Boltons so right now I want to solve it all in a diplomatical way with a help of Duncan while our house gains power.
Threatening to do battle with the Boltons when even the Whitehills alone have five times the men isn't just reckless. It's freaking suicide. Royland shouldn't just be demoted, he should be put in a straitjacket. It may well be that nothing could save Ethan or even House Forrester, but taking Royland's approach would get all the smallfolk killed, too.
I had decided fairly early, Duncan was wise, honest, loyal, and above all the most qualified advisor. Royland felt a little...Reckless...Lik… moree Kenny, I didn't entirely trust him. I feel completely confident in my decision and I feel like it will bring the House to a greater order.
I chose Royland because I wanted to show defiance to Ramsey and I was willing to risk it all for that, even if it meant burning down Ironrath to the ground, wanted to go in reckless if it meant a chance at even scratching Ramsey, Royland is the man for that job
duncan knows something that only him and lord forrester knows. and he trusted garred to say to ONLY his uncle duncan '' the groove must not fall '' which duncan said that this will save this house in the future and garred must be a ranger in the wall! i wanted to chose royland because we at war! but etha's father trusted duncan for a reason and only he knows about some thing that will happen in the future!
It is indeed suicide BUT demotion or locking him up is a little much. In a time of war or when on the verge of war we need as many good and loyal soldiers as we can get. We shouldn't listen to Royland but we should keep him as a soldier as he is a very good fighter.
Threatening to do battle with the Boltons when even the Whitehills alone have five times the men isn't just reckless. It's freaking suicide.… more Royland shouldn't just be demoted, he should be put in a straitjacket. It may well be that nothing could save Ethan or even House Forrester, but taking Royland's approach would get all the smallfolk killed, too.
I chose Royland. I thought Duncan could be trusted to accept the decision without reacting badly, and choosing Royland could bring him closer into the fold and make him easier to manage. It didn't exactly work out that way, but it seemed like a reasonable decision at the time.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but it would still only be about 100 times bigger, House Bolton fields 5,000 men. House Forrester has about 50 men at Ironrath.
Royland. Duncan is the safer choice of course and I kinda wanted to make him sentinel because of the north grove thing but knowing I was dealing with the Boltons, who aren't likely to respond to reason or diplomacy, I went with Royland since people like them only respond to strength (even though the Forresters don't have much of it right now).
After seeing the ending I like my choice even more. Outnumbered or not I wouldn't want to "reason" with the guys that did that, I'd want to stand up to them. Hopefully Duncan still helps the house out with that grove thing though.
I picked Royland, because he supported Ethan more than Duncan. When approaching Ramsay, I told Royland I could handle it and he respected what I said.
For some reason I find Duncan untrustworthy. I stood by my choice when Duncan was pushing for diplomacy, and he told Ethan he was too young to be a Lord.
Duncan appears to be more of a mediator, I'm not sure he would be the right choice for Sentinel, if there was a right choice. I thought the Maester might have been the right man.
Actually, when you ask Duncan about it his answer makes a lot of sense.
He says something like "Yes I did undermined your authority, but then if the Whitehills have someone to blame it'll only be me, not you nor this House as I am his Uncle. I thought that'd give you an advantage just in case".
I agreed with it, even though I wouldn't have put the blame on him, and if asked probably would've sent Gared to the Wall all the same. Leaving ma boy Gared in Ramsay's hands ? No effin way.
I chose Duncan overall for this kind of wise actions. Although I don't completely shrug off Royland's ideas either, I like the idea of "projecting power" so I actually greeted Ramsay at the Gate with my nastiest soldiers right in front of his nose.
"Besides Royland clearly didn't respect Ethan from the beginning"
Duncan didn't really respect him either. If he did respect Ethan, he wouldn't have sent Gared off to the wall without consulting with Ethan first.
Royland, because, he is strong, tactical and rigid. He is hot tempered? Aye, but, you see, with me making him Sentinel he can respect and be submitted to me and that way, I guarantee him as an aliance: I mean, I made him Sentinel, heard his advices, but, I just didn't want any of them, he respected, obeyed, and will do such as a good doggy.
Regarding Duncan, well, he's (seemingly) loyal enough, I'll always have him for advice, no matter his post. He's clever, just, honorable... but those things can't simply disappear on a person. Also, I follow his train of though (mixing with it Ortengryn's two) and counsels... So, that way, he'll realize I praise him as much as I 'praise' Royland.
I picked Royland as my Sentinel. This is because since I play my Ethan as a diplomatic, rational, and claim lord, I will need someone like Royland to be the 'Sergeant Rough' to Ethan's 'Captain Smooth'. Especially considering that Ethan is not only a young lord, but also lacks the confidence from the few remaining soldiers still under House Forrester's command. And having a seasoned fighter like Royland as my second-in-command will be necessary in maintaining order and enforcing discipline within the ranks.
Also, while I like Duncan as a person and think that he is a much better leader of a house then Royland, he is just too much like Ethan. It will be a good idea to have a second-in-command who is not a complete echo chamber of what the lord already thinks anyway, and instead, have a warrior like Royland, who he can bounce ideas off of.
After pondering about it for a while i decided to go with Duncan Tuttle as my sentinel. I talked to everyone i was able to talk to in-game and it was after i'd talked to Malcolm that i made my choice. If Malcolm brings Asher home from Essos we'd have a reckless fighter who will have the same authority as a sentinel, since he's the lord's older brother. If i picked Ser Royland as my sentinel there'd be no counterweight to Asher's rash decisions and violent nature, they would agree and perhaps end up getting everyone killed by risking all out war with the Whitehils or the Boltons, neither of which House Forrester can handle in open warfare. I reckoned Duncan, with his calm, huile and diplomatic nature would be able to provide some rational thinking to an otherwise reckless person such as Asher. I wanted to pick Ser Royland at first because i doubted his loyalty but i read the codex and he has nothing left but this house, so I don't think he will betray House Forrester.
After pondering about it for a while i decided to go with Duncan Tuttle as my sentinel. I talked to everyone i was able to talk to in-game a… morend it was after i'd talked to Malcolm that i made my choice. If Malcolm brings Asher home from Essos we'd have a reckless fighter who will have the same authority as a sentinel, since he's the lord's older brother. If i picked Ser Royland as my sentinel there'd be no counterweight to Asher's rash decisions and violent nature, they would agree and perhaps end up getting everyone killed by risking all out war with the Whitehils or the Boltons, neither of which House Forrester can handle in open warfare. I reckoned Duncan, with his calm, huile and diplomatic nature would be able to provide some rational thinking to an otherwise reckless person such as Asher. I wanted to pick Ser Royland at first because i doubted his loyalty but i read the codex and he has nothing left but this house, so I don't think he will betray House Forrester.
Duncan. He is able to think things through logically without being compromised by his emotions, and also has the lives of everyone in mind when making significant decisions concerning House Forrester. His quick thinking also saved Gared's life. Yes, he did act without consulting Ethan, but I think it was justified. They did not have time to hold a meeting to decide Gared's fate, waiting too long to come to a diplomatic compromise may have put both Gared and the safety of the innocent at risk. No lives were lost due to his decision, that is what matters the most. He isn't selfish, has proven to be level headed, reasonable, wise, very loyal to House Forrester, and wants to see Ethan succeed as a Lord. Most importantly, he believed Ethan could succeed, and wanted to support him. There is also a reason why Lord Forrester valued his opinion, and trusted him so much, so I took that into account when deciding. My only worry is that he is too passive, and doesn't know when violence is in fact the only answer.
Royland, though he is a good soldier, seems too rash and quick to resort to violence. He doesn't seem to think strategically either, for it was blatantly obvious that opposing Ramsay's men would end in the deaths of several of House Forrester's soldiers, there was absolutely no way we could win. He seems more concerned with his pride, than the lives of his men and the fate of House Forrester. And with Asher's impending return, I don't think it would be wise to have two hotheads who want revenge in charge. I believe Duncan will be able to counteract Asher's personality and keep him under control more successfully than Royland, who I honestly think would sick Asher on the Whitehills and Ramsay like he was some rabid dog.
Duncan. He is able to think things through logically without being compromised by his emotions, and also has the lives of everyone in mind w… morehen making significant decisions concerning House Forrester. His quick thinking also saved Gared's life. Yes, he did act without consulting Ethan, but I think it was justified. They did not have time to hold a meeting to decide Gared's fate, waiting too long to come to a diplomatic compromise may have put both Gared and the safety of the innocent at risk. No lives were lost due to his decision, that is what matters the most. He isn't selfish, has proven to be level headed, reasonable, wise, very loyal to House Forrester, and wants to see Ethan succeed as a Lord. Most importantly, he believed Ethan could succeed, and wanted to support him. There is also a reason why Lord Forrester valued his opinion, and trusted him so much, so I took that into account when deciding. My only worry is that he is too passive… [view original content]
I picked Royland as my Sentinel. This is because since I play my Ethan as a diplomatic, rational, and claim lord, I will need someone like R… moreoyland to be the 'Sergeant Rough' to Ethan's 'Captain Smooth'. Especially considering that Ethan is not only a young lord, but also lacks the confidence from the few remaining soldiers still under House Forrester's command. And having a seasoned fighter like Royland as my second-in-command will be necessary in maintaining order and enforcing discipline within the ranks.
Also, while I like Duncan as a person and think that he is a much better leader of a house then Royland, he is just too much like Ethan. It will be a good idea to have a second-in-command who is not a complete echo chamber of what the lord already thinks anyway, and instead, have a warrior like Royland, who he can bounce ideas off of.
To be honest, I don't think that the sending Malcolm after Asher choice will matter at all. Now that Ethan is dead, Lady Forester can just overwrite your decision if you refused to let Malcolm go to Esso before.
And consider how badly things went with Ramsay, if a diplomatic and rational Ethan picked Duncan as a Sentinel, Royland can just go 'Look at how badly diplomacy failed! It was all your fault!' with Duncan. Now, he can at lease claim that his plan wasn't full adopted, so that he will still have some political legitimacy.
Oh yes. I agree with you totally. Just because you didn't promote Duncan to Sentinel doesn't mean that you will not listen to his advice. If anything, a political savvy Ethan can be using the office of Sentinel to keep what little military force of his House under control by appointing Royland as his second-in-command, but the real power is in fact still in the hands of Duncan. Too bad that he is not smart enough to see what is really going on.
Royland, because, he is strong, tactical and rigid. He is hot tempered? Aye, but, you see, with me making him Sentinel he can respect and be… more submitted to me and that way, I guarantee him as an aliance: I mean, I made him Sentinel, heard his advices, but, I just didn't want any of them, he respected, obeyed, and will do such as a good doggy.
Regarding Duncan, well, he's (seemingly) loyal enough, I'll always have him for advice, no matter his post. He's clever, just, honorable... but those things can't simply disappear on a person. Also, I follow his train of though (mixing with it Ortengryn's two) and counsels... So, that way, he'll realize I praise him as much as I 'praise' Royland.
I chose Royland because of my "mute" playthrough, The Duncan diplomat approach won't be much to see with this...
Hopefully will get to see something interesting, at least something different to see if most people choose Duncan.
Not smart enough and, worst of all, too westerosi-like proud. A shame, for I really think he will probably try a plot against Royland (as Royland would, in a very very predictable way, if he did) if/when Ser Royland start leading House Forrester to Stannis' side. I mean, House Forrester is too weak to dare confront the Bolton loyalists... They better stay quiet and 'neutral'.
And that's when the Maester of the House and/or the Diplomatical Matriarch or elder sister to the absent lord have to take control and get disposed of the ambitious and unworthy allies. Ortengryn seems bold enough, I dare say. But Talia seems a little bit more imature than she should be by now. That's why I hope Royland is better than he appears... for he's all the hope they have in the meantime.
Oh yes. I agree with you totally. Just because you didn't promote Duncan to Sentinel doesn't mean that you will not listen to his advice. If… more anything, a political savvy Ethan can be using the office of Sentinel to keep what little military force of his House under control by appointing Royland as his second-in-command, but the real power is in fact still in the hands of Duncan. Too bad that he is not smart enough to see what is really going on.
After pondering about it for a while i decided to go with Duncan Tuttle as my sentinel. I talked to everyone i was able to talk to in-game a… morend it was after i'd talked to Malcolm that i made my choice. If Malcolm brings Asher home from Essos we'd have a reckless fighter who will have the same authority as a sentinel, since he's the lord's older brother. If i picked Ser Royland as my sentinel there'd be no counterweight to Asher's rash decisions and violent nature, they would agree and perhaps end up getting everyone killed by risking all out war with the Whitehils or the Boltons, neither of which House Forrester can handle in open warfare. I reckoned Duncan, with his calm, huile and diplomatic nature would be able to provide some rational thinking to an otherwise reckless person such as Asher. I wanted to pick Ser Royland at first because i doubted his loyalty but i read the codex and he has nothing left but this house, so I don't think he will betray House Forrester.
I chose Duncan because he looks like a true adviser and not only like a warrior. In the game of thrones is more important to be smart than strong. The thing that I dind´t understand was why the one who you don´t choose gets so angry with Ethan, I mean, you can only pick one but they both should be by you´r side.
I chose Duncan because I agreed with mostly everything he was saying. The Forrestors were in no position to fight the Boltons as most of their forces were slaughtered at the Red Wedding. He shows the ability to think rather than resorting to violence as the only option like Royland did. I trusted him because Lord Forrestor trusted him with the knowledge of the North Grove, whatever that could be. Hopefully choosing Duncan will have a positive impact when Aster returns.
i agree. i chose duncan too. BUT remember that who killed ethan is RAMSEY. and you CANT kill anyone that has a huge role in the tv show. that said, telltale has ONLY power on the characters who they have created. which is a bummer. meaning you wont have the satisfaction of killing ramsey or avenge ethan/rodrick and the forresters. kinda sad in a way. maybe ONLY the whithells or whatever they're called since they dont have a major role in the tv show and telltale created those characters not HBO.
that is why i hate licsened games... you cant just do whatever you want or have the freedom to do certain things, we cant hurt ramsey or anyone that HBO have a power over ''GRR Martin books'' characters.
I find it kind of cool that we get to make these choices.
I'm not sure if they have any major impact, but leading a house in GoT is fun. Well, was fun. :P
i agree. i chose duncan too. BUT remember that who killed ethan is RAMSEY. and you CANT kill anyone that has a huge role in the tv show. tha… moret said, telltale has ONLY power on the characters who they have created. which is a bummer. meaning you wont have the satisfaction of killing ramsey or avenge ethan/rodrick and the forresters. kinda sad in a way. maybe ONLY the whithells or whatever they're called since they dont have a major role in the tv show and telltale created those characters not HBO.
that is why i hate licsened games... you cant just do whatever you want or have the freedom to do certain things, we cant hurt ramsey or anyone that HBO have a power over ''GRR Martin books'' characters.
I trusted him until he made his suggestion about how to appease the Boltons, and then I realized I'd just dodged a bullet by not being able to make him Sentinal!
Exactly. The maester was pointing out my "forces" talking about how they were my army now and I thought "Um there's only like four guys here, we're screwed".
I chose Duncan because I agreed with mostly everything he was saying. The Forrestors were in no position to fight the Boltons as most of the… moreir forces were slaughtered at the Red Wedding. He shows the ability to think rather than resorting to violence as the only option like Royland did. I trusted him because Lord Forrestor trusted him with the knowledge of the North Grove, whatever that could be. Hopefully choosing Duncan will have a positive impact when Aster returns.
I chose Royland, he has led men into battle before and this experience will be valuable in the days to come. Duncan's plans of appeasement were sure to fail, and I didn't like how he sent Gared to the wall and tried to make peace with his brother's killer.
Duncan, Royland was an strong leader and all but, i don't want a man who wants to solve everything with violence as my sentinel, and if Lord Forrester trusted him with the grove secret, it's cause he really trusted in him
I chose Duncan. He is a wise and honest man - just like I am. He fits me and I can say that I'll find a good ally in him. I also didn't really want Royland to just solve everything with violence. Ramsay is batshit crazy, we all know that, but if we'll attack him now, everything will only get worse. We're stepping on a thin ice here. Forrester don't have enough power to fight Boltons so right now I want to solve it all in a diplomatical way with a help of Duncan while our house gains power.
i choose royland i think duncan will betray house forrester in the end
Threatening to do battle with the Boltons when even the Whitehills alone have five times the men isn't just reckless. It's freaking suicide. Royland shouldn't just be demoted, he should be put in a straitjacket. It may well be that nothing could save Ethan or even House Forrester, but taking Royland's approach would get all the smallfolk killed, too.
I chose Royland because I wanted to show defiance to Ramsey and I was willing to risk it all for that, even if it meant burning down Ironrath to the ground, wanted to go in reckless if it meant a chance at even scratching Ramsey, Royland is the man for that job
duncan knows something that only him and lord forrester knows. and he trusted garred to say to ONLY his uncle duncan '' the groove must not fall '' which duncan said that this will save this house in the future and garred must be a ranger in the wall! i wanted to chose royland because we at war! but etha's father trusted duncan for a reason and only he knows about some thing that will happen in the future!
It is indeed suicide BUT demotion or locking him up is a little much. In a time of war or when on the verge of war we need as many good and loyal soldiers as we can get. We shouldn't listen to Royland but we should keep him as a soldier as he is a very good fighter.
I chose Royland. I thought Duncan could be trusted to accept the decision without reacting badly, and choosing Royland could bring him closer into the fold and make him easier to manage. It didn't exactly work out that way, but it seemed like a reasonable decision at the time.
Ever heard of hyperbole KYENN-EH ?!
Royland. I don't want a guy who is willing to roll over at the first sight of a threat.
Royland. Duncan is the safer choice of course and I kinda wanted to make him sentinel because of the north grove thing but knowing I was dealing with the Boltons, who aren't likely to respond to reason or diplomacy, I went with Royland since people like them only respond to strength (even though the Forresters don't have much of it right now).
After seeing the ending I like my choice even more. Outnumbered or not I wouldn't want to "reason" with the guys that did that, I'd want to stand up to them. Hopefully Duncan still helps the house out with that grove thing though.
Duncan. I feel like I know what Royland would suggest every time.
I picked Royland, because he supported Ethan more than Duncan. When approaching Ramsay, I told Royland I could handle it and he respected what I said.
For some reason I find Duncan untrustworthy. I stood by my choice when Duncan was pushing for diplomacy, and he told Ethan he was too young to be a Lord.
Duncan appears to be more of a mediator, I'm not sure he would be the right choice for Sentinel, if there was a right choice. I thought the Maester might have been the right man.
Actually, when you ask Duncan about it his answer makes a lot of sense.
He says something like "Yes I did undermined your authority, but then if the Whitehills have someone to blame it'll only be me, not you nor this House as I am his Uncle. I thought that'd give you an advantage just in case".
I agreed with it, even though I wouldn't have put the blame on him, and if asked probably would've sent Gared to the Wall all the same. Leaving ma boy Gared in Ramsay's hands ? No effin way.
I chose Duncan overall for this kind of wise actions. Although I don't completely shrug off Royland's ideas either, I like the idea of "projecting power" so I actually greeted Ramsay at the Gate with my nastiest soldiers right in front of his nose.
Royland, because, he is strong, tactical and rigid. He is hot tempered? Aye, but, you see, with me making him Sentinel he can respect and be submitted to me and that way, I guarantee him as an aliance: I mean, I made him Sentinel, heard his advices, but, I just didn't want any of them, he respected, obeyed, and will do such as a good doggy.
Regarding Duncan, well, he's (seemingly) loyal enough, I'll always have him for advice, no matter his post. He's clever, just, honorable... but those things can't simply disappear on a person. Also, I follow his train of though (mixing with it Ortengryn's two) and counsels... So, that way, he'll realize I praise him as much as I 'praise' Royland.
I picked Royland as my Sentinel. This is because since I play my Ethan as a diplomatic, rational, and claim lord, I will need someone like Royland to be the 'Sergeant Rough' to Ethan's 'Captain Smooth'. Especially considering that Ethan is not only a young lord, but also lacks the confidence from the few remaining soldiers still under House Forrester's command. And having a seasoned fighter like Royland as my second-in-command will be necessary in maintaining order and enforcing discipline within the ranks.
Also, while I like Duncan as a person and think that he is a much better leader of a house then Royland, he is just too much like Ethan. It will be a good idea to have a second-in-command who is not a complete echo chamber of what the lord already thinks anyway, and instead, have a warrior like Royland, who he can bounce ideas off of.
After pondering about it for a while i decided to go with Duncan Tuttle as my sentinel. I talked to everyone i was able to talk to in-game and it was after i'd talked to Malcolm that i made my choice. If Malcolm brings Asher home from Essos we'd have a reckless fighter who will have the same authority as a sentinel, since he's the lord's older brother. If i picked Ser Royland as my sentinel there'd be no counterweight to Asher's rash decisions and violent nature, they would agree and perhaps end up getting everyone killed by risking all out war with the Whitehils or the Boltons, neither of which House Forrester can handle in open warfare. I reckoned Duncan, with his calm, huile and diplomatic nature would be able to provide some rational thinking to an otherwise reckless person such as Asher. I wanted to pick Ser Royland at first because i doubted his loyalty but i read the codex and he has nothing left but this house, so I don't think he will betray House Forrester.
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Registered a few hours ago, thanks for the welcome!
Duncan. He is able to think things through logically without being compromised by his emotions, and also has the lives of everyone in mind when making significant decisions concerning House Forrester. His quick thinking also saved Gared's life. Yes, he did act without consulting Ethan, but I think it was justified. They did not have time to hold a meeting to decide Gared's fate, waiting too long to come to a diplomatic compromise may have put both Gared and the safety of the innocent at risk. No lives were lost due to his decision, that is what matters the most. He isn't selfish, has proven to be level headed, reasonable, wise, very loyal to House Forrester, and wants to see Ethan succeed as a Lord. Most importantly, he believed Ethan could succeed, and wanted to support him. There is also a reason why Lord Forrester valued his opinion, and trusted him so much, so I took that into account when deciding. My only worry is that he is too passive, and doesn't know when violence is in fact the only answer.
Royland, though he is a good soldier, seems too rash and quick to resort to violence. He doesn't seem to think strategically either, for it was blatantly obvious that opposing Ramsay's men would end in the deaths of several of House Forrester's soldiers, there was absolutely no way we could win. He seems more concerned with his pride, than the lives of his men and the fate of House Forrester. And with Asher's impending return, I don't think it would be wise to have two hotheads who want revenge in charge. I believe Duncan will be able to counteract Asher's personality and keep him under control more successfully than Royland, who I honestly think would sick Asher on the Whitehills and Ramsay like he was some rabid dog.
Very well said, Tinni.
I chose Royland as well. Duncan is a diplomat similar to Ethan, so having someone more military-minded made more sense.
My thought exactly. Also, because I didn't send Malcolm after Asher. Ethan would need Royland more than Duncan.
To be honest, I don't think that the sending Malcolm after Asher choice will matter at all. Now that Ethan is dead, Lady Forester can just overwrite your decision if you refused to let Malcolm go to Esso before.
And consider how badly things went with Ramsay, if a diplomatic and rational Ethan picked Duncan as a Sentinel, Royland can just go 'Look at how badly diplomacy failed! It was all your fault!' with Duncan. Now, he can at lease claim that his plan wasn't full adopted, so that he will still have some political legitimacy.
Oh yes. I agree with you totally. Just because you didn't promote Duncan to Sentinel doesn't mean that you will not listen to his advice. If anything, a political savvy Ethan can be using the office of Sentinel to keep what little military force of his House under control by appointing Royland as his second-in-command, but the real power is in fact still in the hands of Duncan. Too bad that he is not smart enough to see what is really going on.
I chose Royland because of my "mute" playthrough, The Duncan diplomat approach won't be much to see with this...
Hopefully will get to see something interesting, at least something different to see if most people choose Duncan.
thank you.:-)
Duncan, because we need to be diplomatic before fighting, but now that Ethan is dead, I will have no mercy!
Not smart enough and, worst of all, too westerosi-like proud. A shame, for I really think he will probably try a plot against Royland (as Royland would, in a very very predictable way, if he did) if/when Ser Royland start leading House Forrester to Stannis' side. I mean, House Forrester is too weak to dare confront the Bolton loyalists... They better stay quiet and 'neutral'.
And that's when the Maester of the House and/or the Diplomatical Matriarch or elder sister to the absent lord have to take control and get disposed of the ambitious and unworthy allies. Ortengryn seems bold enough, I dare say. But Talia seems a little bit more imature than she should be by now. That's why I hope Royland is better than he appears... for he's all the hope they have in the meantime.
Well... That makes sense... But the codex is as reliable as the Spider's songs...... Isn't it so?
I chose Duncan because he looks like a true adviser and not only like a warrior. In the game of thrones is more important to be smart than strong. The thing that I dind´t understand was why the one who you don´t choose gets so angry with Ethan, I mean, you can only pick one but they both should be by you´r side.
I chose Duncan because I agreed with mostly everything he was saying. The Forrestors were in no position to fight the Boltons as most of their forces were slaughtered at the Red Wedding. He shows the ability to think rather than resorting to violence as the only option like Royland did. I trusted him because Lord Forrestor trusted him with the knowledge of the North Grove, whatever that could be. Hopefully choosing Duncan will have a positive impact when Aster returns.
i agree. i chose duncan too. BUT remember that who killed ethan is RAMSEY. and you CANT kill anyone that has a huge role in the tv show. that said, telltale has ONLY power on the characters who they have created. which is a bummer. meaning you wont have the satisfaction of killing ramsey or avenge ethan/rodrick and the forresters.
kinda sad in a way. maybe ONLY the whithells or whatever they're called since they dont have a major role in the tv show and telltale created those characters not HBO.
that is why i hate licsened games... you cant just do whatever you want or have the freedom to do certain things, we cant hurt ramsey or anyone that HBO have a power over ''GRR Martin books'' characters.
I find it kind of cool that we get to make these choices.
I'm not sure if they have any major impact, but leading a house in GoT is fun. Well, was fun. :P
I'm hoping for the option to at least slap him around
Did they mention who the previous Sentinel was under Gregor Or did he just not have one? I feel like that should weigh into the decision a bit
I trusted him until he made his suggestion about how to appease the Boltons, and then I realized I'd just dodged a bullet by not being able to make him Sentinal!
I chose Duncan, because I prefer the "talk first, stab later" approach. Unfortunately Royland was too butthurt to even show up after that.
Exactly. The maester was pointing out my "forces" talking about how they were my army now and I thought "Um there's only like four guys here, we're screwed".