The Hunger Games: Forum Edition (EPILOUGE RELEASED!)



  • [Save Soon] Zelda will most likely be killed by the burns, either way she won't be able to move, like, at all because of them. Soon on the other hand can be saved.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Part 3 FURRY D7 I crawl up the grassy hill, I'm exhausted and can feel the wind blowing against my face as I approach the tiny village

  • Tribute Stats (You guys suggested them)

    District 1:

    Zelda: (Alive)

    Soon: (Alive)

    District 2:

    Carley: (Alive)

    Zach: (Dead)

    District 3:

    Susie: (Dead)

    Nero: (Alive)

    District 4:

    Shelly: (Alive)

    Finn: (Dead)

    District 5:

    Lun: (Alive)

    Santiago: (Dead)

    District 6:

    Sasha: (Dead)

    Atlas: (Alive)

    District 7:

    Ylenia: (Alive)

    Furry: (Alive)

    District 8:

    Jeanie: (Dead)

    Unk: (Dead)

    District 9:

    Hope: (Alive)

    Thomas: (Alive)

    District 10:

    Viola: (Dead)

    Garret: (Dead)

    District 11:

    Super: (Dead)

    Sagig: (Alive)

    District 12:

    Athena: (Dead)

    John: (Alive)

  • "HAAALPP!"


    [Save Soon]

    I CAN't

    why THIS


    DAMN U

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Part 3 FURRY D7 I crawl up the grassy hill, I'm exhausted and can feel the wind blowing against my face as I approach the tiny village


    Okay since Zelda says she cant breathe thats an indicator she isnt burning to death yet.. the flames probably havent gotten to her and in that case I think she's highly saveable.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Part 3 FURRY D7 I crawl up the grassy hill, I'm exhausted and can feel the wind blowing against my face as I approach the tiny village

  • District 1:

    Zelda: (Alive)

    Soon: (Alive)


  • edited March 2015

    [Save neither] I'm just playing.

    [Save Soon] Bye Zelda :).

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Part 3 FURRY D7 I crawl up the grassy hill, I'm exhausted and can feel the wind blowing against my face as I approach the tiny village

  • pls

    TWD_25 posted: »

    [Save neither] I'm just playing. [Save Soon] Bye Zelda .

  • Oh snap I forgot you were Soon. I'll change it for you :).

    ComingSoon posted: »


  • edited March 2015

    [Save Soon]

    I am just too soft to let Soons only character die. [Let both of them die horribly and try to kill Carley], would still be my favoured option, since I hate the damn careers with a passion, but I guess I have to settle for the second best outcome here.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Part 3 FURRY D7 I crawl up the grassy hill, I'm exhausted and can feel the wind blowing against my face as I approach the tiny village




    [Save Soon]


    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Part 3 FURRY D7 I crawl up the grassy hill, I'm exhausted and can feel the wind blowing against my face as I approach the tiny village

  • I love u man ;-;

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Oh snap I forgot you were Soon. I'll change it for you .

  • [Let both of them die horribly and try to kill Carley]

    God damn, savage

    [Save Soon] I am just too soft to let Soons only character die. [Let both of them die horribly and try to kill Carley], would still be my

  • I'm sorry, I really are. But the careers are probably the only people I actually want to see dead in this and whose death I'm rooting for. I don't even feel bad for them drowning or burning, given that they volunteered with the intention to kill every other person in these games instead of being forced to do. I'm pretty certain most of them are pretty decent persons when they are not, you know, trained killers, but I'd rather like to see freaking Lun win this than seeing a career winning.

    Though... there is one thing I'd feel a bit guilty for, so I'm asking... do you have another character still alive in this? Because I know sagig, who made Zelda, has... and since one career survives for sure, I'd hate to kill your only character.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    [Let both of them die horribly and try to kill Carley] God damn, savage

  • No, I've only got my District 1 male.

    I'm sorry, I really are. But the careers are probably the only people I actually want to see dead in this and whose death I'm rooting for. I

  • [Save soon]

    This is actually a hard choice for me to make since my two worst ways to die are burning alive and drowning... Just the thought gives me shivers...

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Part 3 FURRY D7 I crawl up the grassy hill, I'm exhausted and can feel the wind blowing against my face as I approach the tiny village

  • Ah... damn me, I'm too soft. Hopefully that won't bite me in the ass. Thinking about it, I'm pretty certain it will bite me in the ass, but I'll change my vote regardless. I still don't like any career, since they are trained killers, I'm still convinced they would both deserve their fate, but I don't want to kill your only character in these games as long as I have the choice.

    Sorry sagig :(

    ComingSoon posted: »

    No, I've only got my District 1 male.

  • [Save Soon]

    Awesome chapter!

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Part 3 FURRY D7 I crawl up the grassy hill, I'm exhausted and can feel the wind blowing against my face as I approach the tiny village

  • [Save Soon] JESUs

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Part 3 FURRY D7 I crawl up the grassy hill, I'm exhausted and can feel the wind blowing against my face as I approach the tiny village

  • edited March 2015

    [Save Zelda] or better [Call Ylenia for help]

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Part 3 FURRY D7 I crawl up the grassy hill, I'm exhausted and can feel the wind blowing against my face as I approach the tiny village

  • Lun: (Alive)


    Viola: (Dead)


  • [Save Soon]

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Part 3 FURRY D7 I crawl up the grassy hill, I'm exhausted and can feel the wind blowing against my face as I approach the tiny village

  • [Save Zelda]

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Part 3 FURRY D7 I crawl up the grassy hill, I'm exhausted and can feel the wind blowing against my face as I approach the tiny village

  • Starting Part 4 now

    Day 4 will have 5 parts

  • O.O

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Starting Part 4 now Day 4 will have 5 parts

  • O.O

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Starting Part 4 now Day 4 will have 5 parts

  • :D

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Starting Part 4 now Day 4 will have 5 parts

  • edited March 2015

    PART 4 OF DAY 4

    SOON D1

    I bang my bleedings fists against the hard door, the icy water is up to my head and I jump onto the sink top to go higher. I hear the doorknob being moved and realize someone is there.

    "Hurry!" I shriek and the open the door quickly and I see Furry.

    Tons of water gushes out onto Furry and he and I fall backwards hard into the water, the water goes down the stairs and I can hear the girl from 7 fighting with Carley. I slide down the stairs where its a little clearer, I can make out the Girl from 7 stabbing Carley in the leg and Carley retreating backwards. The cool water begins to spread out and we can stand up, the smoke is so thick out here I can barely breathe.

    "Zelda is still up there!" Furry shrieks

    Oh my god.. Zelda is burning to death. I should've listened to Zach when he told me Carley had a hitlist..

    "We need to go get her!" I scream over the sound of fire "She's my friend!"

    I begin running up the stairs when theres the sound of a horrible crash and the entire house rumbles loudly.. the second floor begins caving in and I fall backwards onto the Girl from 7.

    "What the hell?!?" She screams as the whole house rumbles "We need to get out of here!"

    We run out to door and the porch begins to cave in as Ylenia and Furry jump onto the grass.. I jump with up and land onto it. I look up and begin crawling away as the second floor window breaks because of the flames. Suddenly the roof caves in and the house beings to fall over..

    "The gamemakers.." Furry whispers "They did this.. houses dont just cave in because of fire this way"


    13th: Zelda 3:9:21:54

    The entire house caves in it looks like its crashing.. the walls turn slightly and begin collapsing all around the place and Furry quickly grabs my hand as they run off from the falling debris. The white porch twists and turns and quickly caves in, the first floor windows all break and I can see the living room begin to slide under the flooring, the pale couch tips sideway in the thick rubble.


    I cant believe it.. we are walking to the lake with the rest of Yelnia's pack. Zelda is dead probably.. I guess we will find out tonight in the sky. Its only 9 in the morning and all this shit has happened so quickly! Being in that dark bathroom drowning was horrible.. and now Furry is telling me that Zach is dead too. Why would Carley do this? The games had just began and she turned on the careers this early? Fuck her. Fuck Carley's fucking ass. I hope that bitch burns in fucking hell for what she did.

    "The group is really nice" Ylenia says kindly "We make up more than half of the tributes now" as we walk over the hill, the house is completely gone.

    I look over at the village in the distance and see the house has completely caved in and is just rubble.

    "Hey" Furry says trying to cheer me up "Only one cannon went off and Carley and Zelda were in the house, maybe Zelda survived?"

    "I'm fine" I say as I keep walking slowly "I'm strong"

    My eyes begin to tear up.. I really thought these games would be easier.

    "Are you crying?" Ylenia asks me as a few tears slips down my olive skinned cheek.

    How should Soon reply?

    [Yes] [No]

    JOHN D12

    I run over the next snowy hill as I see Sagig in the distance

    "Sagig!" I scream as I managed to avoid the boy from 3

    "John!" He yells back in a worried tone "You okay?"

    "I'm fine!" I reassure him as I feel my beaten and bruised face

    I run up to him and he pats me on the back.. he looks at me face.

    "Oh my god!" He gasps "I think I have some medical supplies in the backpack I got"

    "Where'd you get it from?" I ask him in curiosity

    "Corn!" He chirps as he opens up the purple backpack grabbing out a medical box he finds.


    "So..." Sagig says slowly as he bandages my right arm up "I went looking for you... but I got really lost and ended up stumbling across cornucopia, anyways that was really brave of you John, thanks."

    "You're welcome" I say happily as he smiles up to me

    "Things might not be that bad anymore" Sagig says hopefully "Theres been 2 deaths today"

    "Sagig?" I ask him wondering sometime

    "Yeah?" He says "What is it?"

    "When will we split up, you know when there only a few tributes left and all" I say nervously "I just dont want to kill each other"

    Sagig nods as we is finished with my arm, he looks up at me.

    "After feast okay?" He says kindly

    "Will we take part in it?" I ask him

    "Yeah" He says worryingly "We need food, theres no food left in corn"

    I look over the field as i'm sitting down on the snowy field, for some reason the snow isnt super cold. Little bits of grass stick out over the snow and I look all around us. Sagig looks up at me and sighs..

    "Where to next?" I ask him

    Where should Sagig and John go?

    [Fields] [Lake] [Forest] [Cornucopia] [Village remains] [Mountains]


    13th. Zelda, District 1

    Congratulations to all remaining 12 tributes: Soon, Carley, Nero, Shelly, Lun, Atlas, Furry, Ylenia, Thomas, Hope, Sagig and John

  • edited March 2015

    RIP Zelda, that was a really hard decision.

    [Yes] It's okay to cry sometimes.

    [Lake] If they go to the cornucopia they'll probably be first to the feast and I'm not rooting for either of them.

    Did Carley ever get to make her tea??

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 4 OF DAY 4 SOON D1 I bang my bleedings fists against the hard door, the icy water is up to my head and I jump onto the sink top t

  • ;-; Rest In Peace, Zelda. -;-;-;-;-;--;-;-;-;;-;-;-;


    I am a strong man!


    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 4 OF DAY 4 SOON D1 I bang my bleedings fists against the hard door, the icy water is up to my head and I jump onto the sink top t

  • Yup she got her tea time.

    TWD_25 posted: »

    RIP Zelda, that was a really hard decision. [Yes] It's okay to cry sometimes. [Lake] If they go to the cornucopia they'll probably be first to the feast and I'm not rooting for either of them. Did Carley ever get to make her tea??

  • Thank god

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Yup she got her tea time.

  • [Yes] No u cry


    R.I.P ;-;

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 4 OF DAY 4 SOON D1 I bang my bleedings fists against the hard door, the icy water is up to my head and I jump onto the sink top t

  • Well... RIP Zelda, I guess?



    Even though I like Sagig and John, I'd like to see the Cool Kid Alliance or Nero at the Cornucopia first, for the feast. Though I'm curious what's going to happen to the Alliance, now that the careers as a group are no danger anymore.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 4 OF DAY 4 SOON D1 I bang my bleedings fists against the hard door, the icy water is up to my head and I jump onto the sink top t

  • edited March 2015

    Bringing the straw poll back!

    Who you think will die next:

    Who you think the victor will be:

    Who do you want to die next? [NEW]:

  • I goddamn HOPE carley dies next.

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Bringing the straw poll back! Who you think will die next: Who you think the victor will be: Who do you want to die next? [NEW]:

  • I support this.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    I goddamn HOPE carley dies next.

  • HOPE

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    I support this.

  • You have HOPE on your side. :3

    ComingSoon posted: »


  • Heh, its funny going through these when you know the answers >:)

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Bringing the straw poll back! Who you think will die next: Who you think the victor will be: Who do you want to die next? [NEW]:

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