The Hunger Games: Forum Edition (EPILOUGE RELEASED!)



  • Do you guys still not see them?

    ayylmao posted: »

    same here :c

  • Yep , still not seeing

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Do you guys still not see them?

  • I see them now! c:

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Do you guys still not see them?

  • I still don´t u.u

    ayylmao posted: »

    I see them now! c:

  • I want a normal name now thx

  • edited March 2015


    ComingSoon posted: »

    I want a normal name now thx

  • I'm not poopface ;-;-;-;

    supersagig posted: »


  • ill change it c:

    ;-; don't hate meh

    ComingSoon posted: »

    I want a normal name now thx

  • ComingSoonComingSoon Banned
    edited March 2015

    This was 40 minutes ago

    It's still poopface ;-;

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    ill change it c: ;-; don't hate meh

  • Done.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    This was 40 minutes ago It's still poopface ;-;

  • #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 2 OF DAY 6 ATLAS D6 "You doing okay?" I say to Ylenia as the sun glooms in the middle of the bright blue sky. "Yeah.." She say

  • I really like your writing! But I just looked at this page I'm going to read it all soon.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Hey guys im curious Do you want me to write more character dialogue example: "I cant find him" Bob yelled "Just calm down" I say

  • You guys might be wondering why I'm not writing lately :/. I'm still sick (im resting so I'm not still sick during the trip)

    I'll maybe do a new part on Thursday :D, Also I have the cliffhanger done.... Prepare. >:)

  • clenches

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    You guys might be wondering why I'm not writing lately . I'm still sick (im resting so I'm not still sick during the trip) I'll maybe do a new part on Thursday , Also I have the cliffhanger done.... Prepare.

  • Starting part 3 :D

  • I think mad Shelly wil comeback. I am scared D:

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Starting part 3

  • PART 3 OF DAY 6

    LUN D5

    I cough weakly as I keep searching for water, my head is aching and my entire body is sore. I walk up the next hill when I hear loud noises of people coming from the lake. Its night time and I can hear the crackle of fire.. the lake.. that's where I need to go.. the water is there. The night sky begins to move in, I wonder if I can make it to feast tomorrow. I grab my black hair and put it in a messy bun while i'm walking, I suddenly slip in a patch ice and my frail body falls backwards.

    I open my eyes to see light snowflakes dancing through the sky and slowly gliding onto the soft ground below, I slowly get up once again and look at my surroundings. Theres the lake and the forest which are really close to one another... theres also the village which is completely destroyed. I look over at cornucopia wondering what it will possibly be like on the feast. The rules are so strange, I wonder if one person wont go.. or if we all go or more than one person doesn't go... what if I explode? What an embarrassing way to die.

    The voices at the lake become louder as I walk closer to it.. I finally get to the top hill which is more like a cliff and peer over.. theres about 7 tributes on one side of the lake. They're by a fire, laughing and talking.. they are also drinking from there canteens and eating some type of animal meat. The lake is silent the only sound is the small dark blue waves crashing into the soft sand below. I sneakily climb down the hill knowing that this is my chance to get some water. If it was bright daylight they could see me, but its not.. its almost dark and i'm thirsty as hell. I climb down and I can make out what they're saying.

    "Okay okay" A girl voice says while laughing "What's one thing you miss the most?"

    I almost slip while slowly climbing down the steep hill.. a few rocks fall down and I close my eyes hoping they dont hear that.. they dont. To focused on playing some weird game.

    "My home" The girl from 9 says sadly "I miss my family and friends"

    "You have me" The boy from 9 says softly

    "Awww" The boy from 6 says encouraging them

    I roll my dark eyes and continue climbing down the steep hill, do they actually think they're going to survive? Sad. I'm actually really happy they are alive though, with Carley focused on them she gave me a free pass when we ran into each other. I get to the bottom of the blue lake and look over at the tributes in the distance.

    I quickly run over across the soft cool sand towards the water.. I feel my dry lips and I anticipate the feeling of drinking water, man i'm lucky I found the lake..
    I sip some of the crystal clear water and the feeling of it sliding down my dry throat is amazing, I smile and put my hands together into the cool water, the water collects into my hands and I lift them out of the water to take another sip. I look over again at all the tributes and panic.. theres only 6 by the fire that I can see.. did one see me and is coming over to get me? I quickly get up and begin climbing up the hill frantically. Rocks tumble below me as I keep running up it, its about 30 feet high.

    "What's that noise?" I hear the girl from 4 ask

    My eyes widen as she says that

    "Yeah, I hear something also" The boy from 1 says in the distance

    I grab another rock and it begins to fall , I lose my balance and almost fall over on my back. I try to hug the hill to stay on, I eventually get to the top and look around not seeing anyone.

    I quickly run to my left towards the forest when suddenly i'm knocked to my back from behind.

    "Hi" The girl from 7 says as she stands over my body "What's your name again? Lin?"

    What should Lun do?

    ["Yes, it's Lin"] ["No, its Lun"] [Stay quiet] [Run away]

  • edited March 2015

    Feast will be tomorrow, and its also the last day ill be able to write for a good two weeks. :c

  • [Run away] Lun is one of my favorites. I've grown to hate most of the lake group (aside from Sagig and Shelly) and would be pissed if they kill her.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 3 OF DAY 6 LUN D5 I cough weakly as I keep searching for water, my head is aching and my entire body is sore. I walk up the next

  • [run away] Trust no one. No one.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 3 OF DAY 6 LUN D5 I cough weakly as I keep searching for water, my head is aching and my entire body is sore. I walk up the next

  • [Run away] Agreed with @TWD_25

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 3 OF DAY 6 LUN D5 I cough weakly as I keep searching for water, my head is aching and my entire body is sore. I walk up the next

  • [Run away]

    It would be different if she would run into one of the others. But Lun starts to grow on me and I don't trust Ylenia in letting her live.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 3 OF DAY 6 LUN D5 I cough weakly as I keep searching for water, my head is aching and my entire body is sore. I walk up the next

  • [Run away]

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 3 OF DAY 6 LUN D5 I cough weakly as I keep searching for water, my head is aching and my entire body is sore. I walk up the next

  • [Run away]

    pls don't die, pls don't die

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 3 OF DAY 6 LUN D5 I cough weakly as I keep searching for water, my head is aching and my entire body is sore. I walk up the next

  • :c Have fun on that trip thingy!

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Feast will be tomorrow, and its also the last day ill be able to write for a good two weeks. :c

  • [Run away] O.O.O

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 3 OF DAY 6 LUN D5 I cough weakly as I keep searching for water, my head is aching and my entire body is sore. I walk up the next

  • [Run away]


    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 3 OF DAY 6 LUN D5 I cough weakly as I keep searching for water, my head is aching and my entire body is sore. I walk up the next

  • [Run away]

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    PART 3 OF DAY 6 LUN D5 I cough weakly as I keep searching for water, my head is aching and my entire body is sore. I walk up the next

  • Thanks! I'm going to California c:

    ayylmao posted: »

    :c Have fun on that trip thingy!

  • edited March 2015

    Starting the feast sneak peak thingy (youll see) :) Im choosing to do it today

    If you are a scared.. you should be.

  • If you are a scared.. you should be.

    Alt text

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Starting the feast sneak peak thingy (youll see) Im choosing to do it today If you are a scared.. you should be.

  • That's where I'm from :0

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Thanks! I'm going to California c:

  • (-_- )ノ pls

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Starting the feast sneak peak thingy (youll see) Im choosing to do it today If you are a scared.. you should be.

  • D:

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Starting the feast sneak peak thingy (youll see) Im choosing to do it today If you are a scared.. you should be.

  • I used to watch that show all the time! I think it was called 'my name is Earl'

    If you are a scared.. you should be.

  • O_0 yup. Definitely scared.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Starting the feast sneak peak thingy (youll see) Im choosing to do it today If you are a scared.. you should be.

  • DAY 7 (FEAST) Part 1

    HOPE D9

    I wake up with butterflies in my stomach

    "You ready for today?" Ylenia asks me "You know whats going to happen right?"

    "What's going to happen?" I ask her sitting up, she sits behind me and starts braiding my brown hair.

    "We are going to kill Carley" Ylenia says sternly "We're going to do whatever it takes"

    LUN D5

    I sit up in the forest, cant believe I managed to get away from Ylenia last night.

    I get up eyeing cornucopia, it should be starting soon enough. I gulp nervously.. I'm strong.. i'm smart.. theres nothing to be scared of. I can do this, its hard being the only tribute thats weaponless. I nervously step forward and hear a noise..

    NERO D3

    I walk towards cornucopia holding my blood stained sword

    "Ladies and Gentlemen!" A voice says loudly over the arena "The feast will begin in 10, remember the rules!"

    I turn back around and see large bushes appearing around Cornucopia, its like they come out of nowhere.. I guess they want us to hide in them. Suddenly I hear footsteps and duck.


    "Bye Sagig!" Hope waves kindly as Sagig offered to stay behind. Atlas, Ylenia, Hope, Thomas, Soon and I are all walking towards the cornucopia..

    "So whats the plan?" I ask

    "Killing Carley" Ylenia says quickly

    "Other than that?" I ask her "Beyond killing Carley?"

    "What do you mean?" Soon asks me curiously

    "Do we just grab our own crates?" I ask everyone "Or do we all grab eachothers"

    "Only grab your own" Hope says lightly "Thomas I guess we share one"

    "Theres Carley" Ylenia says pointing to a figure in the distance


    I run into the green bushes and crouch down, all my targets are in place. I killed everyone in my last hit list so now I have a new one....

    I see Soon separated from the group and they seem to circle cornucopia, I know what to do. Soon walks past me unaware with a bow in his hand, I push my leg out and kick him hard. he falls over and I drag his body into the bushes and tie his hands together, I bash his head with the back of my knife twice.. then I blindfold his eyes.

    "Ladies and Gentlemen!" A voice roars over the arena "Let the annual Feast begin! and may the odds be ever in your favour!"

    An evil grin rises on my face as I hold Soon's silent body.

    Soon mumbles angrily suddenly

    What should Carley do?

    [Knock him out again] [Keep him conscious]


  • [Keep him conscious], so that he has the chance to fight back and kill her.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    DAY 7 (FEAST) Part 1 HOPE D9 I wake up with butterflies in my stomach "You ready for today?" Ylenia asks me "You know whats going t

  • [Knock him out]

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    DAY 7 (FEAST) Part 1 HOPE D9 I wake up with butterflies in my stomach "You ready for today?" Ylenia asks me "You know whats going t

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