It is a little detail, but when Grease Face/Ruger threaten Vaughnn, Rhys stood between them. For a guy who is supposedly inept in fighting, that he was willing to protect his friend from a dangerous Pandorian, it is rather heartwarming.
That's pretty funny but I hope RhysXSasha isn't canon. I hope Telltale does something cool like implant a romance factor in this game so based on how you treat each character has a factor on whether or not you get together with them.
-Fiona discussing how she's going to play off how she got the vault key ("I stole it from..." "A vault hunter..." leading to basically her stringing along a story you chose.)
Vasquez didn't have a Hyperion emblem either (though he did have random H's). I think that low-level employees have those more definitive Hyperion 'uniforms', whereas higher level management wear more corporate looking logo-less suits (like Henderson). In saying that though, Rhys could definitely have left Hyperion, too.
Atlas Mugged, title of EP2 is a parody of Atlas Shrugged, which was a book that inspired Bioshock.
The Atlas warehouse has some similarities to Bioshock too.
Bioshock: A Telltale Games Series confirmed?
Vasquez didn't have a Hyperion emblem either (though he did have random H's). I think that low-level employees have those more definitive Hy… moreperion 'uniforms', whereas higher level management wear more corporate looking logo-less suits (like Henderson). In saying that though, Rhys could definitely have left Hyperion, too.
Or he could be running it - DUN DUN DUNNNN!
Atlas Mugged, title of EP2 is a parody of Atlas Shrugged, which was a book that inspired Bioshock.
The Atlas warehouse has some similarities to Bioshock too.
Bioshock: A Telltale Games Series confirmed?
Atlas Mugged, title of EP2 is a parody of Atlas Shrugged, which was a book that inspired Bioshock.
The Atlas warehouse has some similarities to Bioshock too.
Bioshock: A Telltale Games Series confirmed?
I'm not sure on the fashion statement thing, I mean it's whooole arm and eyeball we're talking about. I think it's more likely the first one, where perhaps the arm has been replaced, and the ECHO-eye might've been changed too, or it might just have been left discolored after Jack and no longer works at least for scanning. Also instead of using his eye or the arm hologram thing that we've seen Rhys use in the first episode for tracking things like the briefcase, he's just using some portable hand-held devise to track Fiona down. So, it seems like a downgrade rather than upgrade for fashion, and I'm not sure Rhys is the kind of guy who would volunteer for a downgrade unless he had no choice.
I'm just going to take a wild guess right now and predict Rhys' old arm is going to get wrecked o_o or that whatever happened for those changes, wasn't pretty.
Yep, when coupled with his ECHO-eye turning from blue to yellow, people seem to think it might be an indication of him getting rid of Jack's… more AI.
Or they could both just be fashion statements - because that all black errthang look is so hot right now.
Oh, the fashion-statement thing was said in a very tongue-in-cheek way! Though I guess I could see it as maybe some sort of sleek new upgrade (to go with his new ensemble)?
I agree that it's far more likely that it will need to be replaced, rather than him just doing it for aesthetics.
Also, the thing he's holding is an ECHO Device, which is sort of the low-fi Pandoran version of Rhys' cybernetics. It's basically a communication device. His cybernetics may still be fully functional, he might just not have access to the specific channels, hence needing the device.
I'm not sure on the fashion statement thing, I mean it's whooole arm and eyeball we're talking about. I think it's more likely the first one… more, where perhaps the arm has been replaced, and the ECHO-eye might've been changed too, or it might just have been left discolored after Jack and no longer works at least for scanning. Also instead of using his eye or the arm hologram thing that we've seen Rhys use in the first episode for tracking things like the briefcase, he's just using some portable hand-held devise to track Fiona down. So, it seems like a downgrade rather than upgrade for fashion, and I'm not sure Rhys is the kind of guy who would volunteer for a downgrade unless he had no choice.
I'm just going to take a wild guess right now and predict Rhys' old arm is going to get wrecked o_o or that whatever happened for those changes, wasn't pretty.
Oh, the fashion-statement thing was said in a very tongue-in-cheek way! Though I guess I could see it as maybe some sort of sleek new upgrad… moree (to go with his new ensemble)?
I agree that it's far more likely that it will need to be replaced, rather than him just doing it for aesthetics.
Also, the thing he's holding is an ECHO Device, which is sort of the low-fi Pandoran version of Rhys' cybernetics. It's basically a communication device. His cybernetics may still be fully functional, he might just not have access to the specific channels, hence needing the device.
The first Telltale game adaption (to the best of my knowledge) based off of another game was Tales of the Monkey Island. And now, Telltale's other adaption of a popular game is Tales from the Borderlands.
When Rhys and Vaughn first meet Sasha and August, Sasha pulls out her SMG Borderlands style.
Also, she notes that one of the guys faces (I'm assuming Vaughn) is that he is hiding something, later in the episode, a bandit points out that Vaughn's face is wrong as well.
Rhys' pants (in the past) are different patterns on the other legs.
Fiona's future outfit is in the caravan.
Also, at the place where the Stranger is interrogating Fiona and Rhys, the ruins of the train track seen when we first get on Pandora in the car appear.
Pyro Pete's bar is mentioned by Sasha and is accessible in Mr. Torgue's Campaign Of Carnage. You have to fight Pyro Pete, a gladiator for Torgue who has kidnapped Moxxi. (Not that she minds, anyway.) He later becomes an OP Raid Boss that will wreck you if you aren't Level 50.
Janey Springs, who is being shoved against a wall by Sasha in a trailer, is the nicest person on Pandora's moon, Elpis, and is a children's-story writing, kraggon-fighting, black market trading lesbian with an Australian Accent.
Athena the Gladiator is the narrator of the events in the Pre-Sequel and one of the playable characters.
The man on top of Tector is Jimbo Hodunk, his dad. He has a fabulous mustache, speaks in unintelligible Southern gibberish and plays the banjo.
Pyro Pete's bar is mentioned by Sasha and is accessible in Mr. Torgue's Campaign Of Carnage. You have to fight Pyro Pete, a gladiator for To… morergue who has kidnapped Moxxi. (Not that she minds, anyway.) He later becomes an OP Raid Boss that will wreck you if you aren't Level 50.
Janey Springs, who is being shoved against a wall by Sasha in a trailer, is the nicest person on Pandora's moon, Elpis, and is a children's-story writing, kraggon-fighting, black market trading lesbian with an Australian Accent.
Athena the Gladiator is the narrator of the events in the Pre-Sequel and one of the playable characters.
The man on top of Tector is Jimbo Hodunk, his dad. He has a fabulous mustache, speaks in unintelligible Southern gibberish and plays the banjo.
If you told August your name was $10 million in the first episode, you are given an option to say, "My name used to be $10 million" to Handsome Jack when you first play as Rhys.
I'm not sure on the fashion statement thing, I mean it's whooole arm and eyeball we're talking about. I think it's more likely the first one… more, where perhaps the arm has been replaced, and the ECHO-eye might've been changed too, or it might just have been left discolored after Jack and no longer works at least for scanning. Also instead of using his eye or the arm hologram thing that we've seen Rhys use in the first episode for tracking things like the briefcase, he's just using some portable hand-held devise to track Fiona down. So, it seems like a downgrade rather than upgrade for fashion, and I'm not sure Rhys is the kind of guy who would volunteer for a downgrade unless he had no choice.
I'm just going to take a wild guess right now and predict Rhys' old arm is going to get wrecked o_o or that whatever happened for those changes, wasn't pretty.
If you told August your name was $10 million in the first episode, you are given an option to say, "My name used to be $10 million" to Handsome Jack when you first play as Rhys.
It is a little detail, but when Grease Face/Ruger threaten Vaughnn, Rhys stood between them. For a guy who is supposedly inept in fighting, that he was willing to protect his friend from a dangerous Pandorian, it is rather heartwarming.
Let me get a medal plus a million dollars for you, BECAUSE THAT IS AWESOME.
Some of the unused lines include:
-Fiona discussing how she's going to play off how she got the vault key ("I stole it from..." "A vault hunter..." leading to basically her stringing along a story you chose.)
-August and Fiona talking about a woman named Vallory (sounded like she was essentially August's boss)
-audio taken from BL2 when you rob the bank in Lynchwood
-random things ("I'm selling these fine leather jackets!" ~Vaughn (I believe this is a reference to Monkey Island, but I've never played it.))
(In game) Vaughn at the beginning is listening in on your conversation with Vasquez, he'll fill in Yevette on what happened if Rhys stays silent.
Edit: I added a few of the audio files I have on my tumblr on here since I was on mobile before.
Why you do not credit him?It's not yours.
Whoops, forgot to do that.
It's from BetterChoice of the other forums.
That doesn't really help with this post.
I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but Rhys' cyborg arm seems to be improved in his "new" suit.
It seems more silver"ish" for me.
Yep, when coupled with his ECHO-eye turning from blue to yellow, people seem to think it might be an indication of him getting rid of Jack's AI.
Or they could both just be fashion statements - because that all black errthang look is so hot right now.
I also noticed that there's no Hyperion emblem on Rhys' black jacket. That means he totally left Hyperion and found a new jacket somewhere.
Vasquez didn't have a Hyperion emblem either (though he did have random H's). I think that low-level employees have those more definitive Hyperion 'uniforms', whereas higher level management wear more corporate looking logo-less suits (like Henderson). In saying that though, Rhys could definitely have left Hyperion, too.
Or he could be running it - DUN DUN DUNNNN!
Atlas Mugged, title of EP2 is a parody of Atlas Shrugged, which was a book that inspired Bioshock.
The Atlas warehouse has some similarities to Bioshock too.
Bioshock: A Telltale Games Series confirmed?
Or he became a Vault Hunter in training.
Very Confirmed
Also, 2K has rights to Borderlands and Bioshock...
I'm not sure on the fashion statement thing, I mean it's whooole arm and eyeball we're talking about. I think it's more likely the first one, where perhaps the arm has been replaced, and the ECHO-eye might've been changed too, or it might just have been left discolored after Jack and no longer works at least for scanning. Also instead of using his eye or the arm hologram thing that we've seen Rhys use in the first episode for tracking things like the briefcase, he's just using some portable hand-held devise to track Fiona down. So, it seems like a downgrade rather than upgrade for fashion, and I'm not sure Rhys is the kind of guy who would volunteer for a downgrade unless he had no choice.
I'm just going to take a wild guess right now and predict Rhys' old arm is going to get wrecked o_o or that whatever happened for those changes, wasn't pretty.
Oh, the fashion-statement thing was said in a very tongue-in-cheek way! Though I guess I could see it as maybe some sort of sleek new upgrade (to go with his new ensemble)?
I agree that it's far more likely that it will need to be replaced, rather than him just doing it for aesthetics.
Also, the thing he's holding is an ECHO Device, which is sort of the low-fi Pandoran version of Rhys' cybernetics. It's basically a communication device. His cybernetics may still be fully functional, he might just not have access to the specific channels, hence needing the device.
That echo device looks so cool T.T
I know, right?
Someone made this insane replica and I want it - it's made out of foam! How is that even possible?

More Rhys/Jack parallels!
...or he became a lil smarter and just got rid of it because it's like a giant logo "shoot me I'm a hyperion warmonger".
The first Telltale game adaption (to the best of my knowledge) based off of another game was Tales of the Monkey Island. And now, Telltale's other adaption of a popular game is Tales from the Borderlands.
When Rhys and Vaughn first meet Sasha and August, Sasha pulls out her SMG Borderlands style.
Also, she notes that one of the guys faces (I'm assuming Vaughn) is that he is hiding something, later in the episode, a bandit points out that Vaughn's face is wrong as well.
Rhys' pants (in the past) are different patterns on the other legs.
Fiona's future outfit is in the caravan.
Also, at the place where the Stranger is interrogating Fiona and Rhys, the ruins of the train track seen when we first get on Pandora in the car appear.
Pyro Pete's bar is mentioned by Sasha and is accessible in Mr. Torgue's Campaign Of Carnage. You have to fight Pyro Pete, a gladiator for Torgue who has kidnapped Moxxi. (Not that she minds, anyway.) He later becomes an OP Raid Boss that will wreck you if you aren't Level 50.
Janey Springs, who is being shoved against a wall by Sasha in a trailer, is the nicest person on Pandora's moon, Elpis, and is a children's-story writing, kraggon-fighting, black market trading lesbian with an Australian Accent.
Athena the Gladiator is the narrator of the events in the Pre-Sequel and one of the playable characters.
The man on top of Tector is Jimbo Hodunk, his dad. He has a fabulous mustache, speaks in unintelligible Southern gibberish and plays the banjo.
Jimbo plays banjo?
This gonna be good.
Yeah, you hear him playin' a banjo every time you go see the Hodunks during the Clan War arc.
Fiona is holding Sasha's electrified SMG in the trailer while there's a Rakk Hive scene.
As found out by @CarL_J
Loader Bot is afraid of 3 things.
Dang it I wanted to post this x)
If you told August your name was $10 million in the first episode, you are given an option to say, "My name used to be $10 million" to Handsome Jack when you first play as Rhys.
I'm probably not the first who noticed this, but Fiona loses her hat in the Episode 2 opening then magically has it again.
Notice that when Rhys lets Jack help him at the end of the Episode his eyepiece turns yellow. It's possibly Jack might still be helping him.
Anyone else notice this booty with feet?
LoaderBro will hate you if you blow him up in Ep 1.
Janey Springs will show up and help Fiona and Sasha if Rhys and Vaughn go to Old Haven.
The grenade Fiona picks up in the safe has a question mark next to it. This scared me for the longest time.
If Loaderbot saves Fiona and Sasha from Athena in Hollow Point, he will say; "Come with me if you want to leave."
This is an edited quote taken from The Terminator series;
Click here
And August will call Rhys Mr.Ten Million Dollars when he sees him.
I dont know if this happens to matter what, but Scooter gives you 1000 dollars if you say "Catch a Ride!"
It does not, you have to ask him to sweeten the deal to get the $1,000. In my game, I accepted his original offer and didn't get the thousand.