The Borderlands Fan Art Thread



  • edited April 2015

    I might be spriting the characters from Tales and I might be doing it for a reason. But for now, have my only completed sprite of Fiona cause I decided to open a psd file in SAI and the program won't save anything afterward unless it's also saved as a psd.

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    Edit: Vallory's boys are in, next is Janey and Athena, cause why not.

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    Just gonna drop this here :D aanh its kinda big -_-

  • "What the heckie Rhys / you said you'd give it to me / you lying nerd you."

    Love it, always can use more Zer0.

    akelote12 posted: »

    Just gonna drop this here aanh its kinda big -_-

  • aah thats exacly what he would have said :D

    Dapnee posted: »

    "What the heckie Rhys / you said you'd give it to me / you lying nerd you." Love it, always can use more Zer0.

  • How do you do keychains like that with a fanart? ♥ It's so cute!

    I want to make my own keychains now xD

    nursethalia posted: »

    I did a little Fiona doodle earlier today and decided to turn it into a double-sided, laminated keychain. Definitely need to brighten the im

  • I REALLY want to draw Rhys and Jack, I hope I'll get to that soon.

    Meanwhile, have me
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  • Aww, thank you, Pipas. :> <3

    Pipas posted: »

    This is perfection.

  • Ahaha that eternal, dour peeface....

    Thank you so much!! I had a ton of fun sketching this out. :)

    I love this so much! You've captured his adorable frowny expression amazingly well! Probably my favourite of the pieces you've posted on here, can't wait to see the other half ^_^

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    i'm just gonna leave these kids here

  • Oh my gosh, get out with that gif, I'm fairly certain something frigid in my chest is melting right now. Let me know who you are on tumblr and I'll give you a follow back, okay!

    Linsepins posted: »

    Holy sweet mother of god.. that is just.. wow. Btw I found you on tumblr, couldn't track you on DA.. and seriously.. I spasmed at the awesomeness

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    Mutual staring contest is go in 3...

    This is phenomenal.

  • aaah so adorable ❂.❂

    scootsaboot posted: »

    i'm just gonna leave these kids here

  • I am dutchpoet93 :) Thanks a lot!

    avali posted: »

    Oh my gosh, get out with that gif, I'm fairly certain something frigid in my chest is melting right now. Let me know who you are on tumblr and I'll give you a follow back, okay!

  • edited March 2015

    Thanks! ouo

    akelote12 posted: »

    aaah so adorable ❂.❂

  • Nukey, your adorable ask-tftbl drawings are actually what made me want to do these, I'm completely smitten with the style you use for the blog!

    I bought an inexpensive laminator with small laminating pouches, printed the image on regular paper (two versions of the image: one normal and the other mirror-flipped), cut them out, glued them together (to make the image double-sided), laminated it, then cut around it and punched a hole for a keychain or ribbon to loop through. I made a quick video on Instagram, but it's a little short since it would only let me post 15 second's worth of video, so I jumped ahead to the point where I'd already printed, cut out, and glued together both sides of the image:

    How do you do keychains like that with a fanart? ♥ It's so cute! I want to make my own keychains now xD

  • LOL this is so gooooood! Dapnee perfectly sums up exactly what I thought he'd be saying!

    akelote12 posted: »

    Just gonna drop this here aanh its kinda big -_-

  • Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!

    scootsaboot posted: »

    i'm just gonna leave these kids here

  • I WANT ONE! I am Mother of Claptraps. I can't leave any of them behind in BL1, no matter how far I have to travel for a repair kit and no matter how many enemies there are. I love them too much!

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    I REALLY want to draw Rhys and Jack, I hope I'll get to that soon. Meanwhile, have me

  • Poor Rhys. Always getting hit in the face. Art by siins

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    Re-draw of the [break his heart] scene. Art by siins

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    Headshots of the gang by snuffysbox

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  • Thaaankyouuu :3

    nursethalia posted: »

    LOL this is so gooooood! Dapnee perfectly sums up exactly what I thought he'd be saying!

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    Also, this comic about Rhys' arm is freakin' incredible!

  • Hi, my name is Disis S'Kyoot, okay bye

    scootsaboot posted: »

    i'm just gonna leave these kids here

  • Look at this adorable Claptrap sketch by the-heller <3

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  • Ah whut, an anon sent me a message on Tumblr saying my Jack and Rhys "stop hitting yourself" pic needed to be tagged for nsfw, rape, and molestation! >??????< I mean, I feel like absolute garbage knowing that someone might have been triggered by my pic, but... none of that stuff they said I needed to tag for is going on in the pic?

  • Awwwww! I wish I could draw that well with pencils! Whenever I try, my fingers keep making the ⌘Z undo key motion whenever I make a mistake!

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Look at this adorable Claptrap sketch by the-heller

  • Ugh, just ignore them. I've seen that particular fan art you're talking about, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with what's going on in it. I'd say at least half the people on tumblr are nuts and flip out over silly things that make no sense. :P Don't bother trying to please people like that.

    nursethalia posted: »

    Ah whut, an anon sent me a message on Tumblr saying my Jack and Rhys "stop hitting yourself" pic needed to be tagged for nsfw, rape, and mol

  • edited April 2015

    Tumblr is full of sjws and crazy people of all sorts. It's a dark place, just ignore them and save your nerves and brain cells.

    nursethalia posted: »

    Ah whut, an anon sent me a message on Tumblr saying my Jack and Rhys "stop hitting yourself" pic needed to be tagged for nsfw, rape, and mol

  • Oh God I don't have all this stuff XD I guess I'll just wait for my birthday to get what I want. (damn why is my birthday in august it's like in 4 months)

    nursethalia posted: »

    Nukey, your adorable ask-tftbl drawings are actually what made me want to do these, I'm completely smitten with the style you use for the bl

  • I agree. There's really good people on there (like me -- oh god i'm talking like Jack) but to be honest sometimes it feels like everyone gets offended by nothing.

    (Warning: Babbling about my bad experiences on Tumblr xD)

    I remember once I posted a funny gif I made in the twdg fandom, and I wrote "I'm so stupid xD". Then people said that using the word "stupid" was hurtful to people who have mental illness. Like, seriously? I mean, come on, everyone knew I wasn't saying "stupid" in that way. I was so mad when I saw people saying this haha.

    Another time (still on the twdg fandom) I made a gifset of Clementine, Luke and Nick discovering the photo of Walter and Matthew in episode 2. But I changed the picture of Walter and Matthew and put a fanart of Luke/Nick instead, and changed the subtitles to create some sort of funny little story about Kenny shipping Luke and Nick. I wasn't on Tumblr that long back then so I was kind of, uh, innocent? I mean, I didn't even realize that people could get mad over it. I got called a "homophobe" because of it (yeah of course i'm a homophobe who ships Luke and Nick, so logical -_-), and everyone in the fandom was talking about me like I was just some mean girl who was homophobic and only cared about her ship. I was REALLY sad for a couple of days and even cried because I was just trying to be accepted in the first fandom I came in. I just wanted to make people laugh, I love making jokes. But people on Tumblr are so closed minded.

    ( By the way, that's probably one thing I love about Borderlands -- Dark humour. You can laugh about a lot of things without having people getting offended all the time. Like, seriously, people just need to relax sometimes... )

    And yeah there's nothing wrong about that fanart. U_U

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Ugh, just ignore them. I've seen that particular fan art you're talking about, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with what's going on in

  • I agree. There's really good people on there (like me -- oh god i'm talking like Jack) but to be honest sometimes it feels like everyone gets offended by nothing.

    Yuuup. I love tumblr. I really do. It's one of my favorite websites! But there are a ton of people on there who go out of their way to get offended about things. That's why I'm really careful about the people I follow and have anonymous asks turned off.

    I agree. There's really good people on there (like me -- oh god i'm talking like Jack) but to be honest sometimes it feels like everyone get

  • So in my new Borderlands 2 save file I'm playing as Gaige. She's got such a cool design! So here's some fan art.

    Art by z0mbiraptor

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    Art by deathbyhill

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    Art by snuffysbox

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  • I didn't either, until last week... I never thought I'd own a laminator, but I found a little one for just $21 on Amazon and decided I could make a lot of cute gifts and things with it! If you have any office supply stores where you live, lots of them have a laminator you can pay to use, and it's usually like $1 a sheet depending on how big a project you're laminating. I almost ended up going to one of those stores to print the keychain pictures from but I found a cheap, bare-bones printer that I could afford and ended up getting that instead. Which is good, because I'd be a little embarrassed to go into a shop to print out my fanart!

    Oh God I don't have all this stuff XD I guess I'll just wait for my birthday to get what I want. (damn why is my birthday in august it's like in 4 months)

  • Oh gosh, EVERYONE turns into a SJW on Tumblr over the slightest things. I definitely believe in equal rights and awareness, and I'll fight for them, but I know yelling at people for minor infractions ("perceived infractions", I should say!) doesn't help anyone. I got called out once for saying "that's so lame" - someone said I was an asshole and being offensive to people with limps. When I pointed out that she'd just called me an asshole, she said "asshole" wasn't offensive so she could say it all she wanted. OMFG.

    The worst was when Dragon Age Inquisition came out. I said I felt protective of Cole, and everyone jumped my case about being an "ableist". Same with Grunt in Mass Effect. I would see posts all the time saying "If you think of these characters like your children then you are a perverted person who is spreading ableism and trying to turn grown characters into infants". WOW.

    This is exactly why I don't delve deep into fandom on Tumblr - there are some horrible, horrible people on there just looking to make themselves feel better.

    I agree. There's really good people on there (like me -- oh god i'm talking like Jack) but to be honest sometimes it feels like everyone get

  • I LOVED playing Gaige... except when she's look at guns and yells "ARGH I WANNA USE EM BOTH!!!!". She said it way too much and I started to get annoyed at her, lol. But DeathTrap is amazing and I love him!!!

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    So in my new Borderlands 2 save file I'm playing as Gaige. She's got such a cool design! So here's some fan art. Art by z0mbiraptor Art by deathbyhill Art by snuffysbox

  • Gaige's backstory is IMO the best.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    So in my new Borderlands 2 save file I'm playing as Gaige. She's got such a cool design! So here's some fan art. Art by z0mbiraptor Art by deathbyhill Art by snuffysbox

  • Yeah, me too. Though I keep the anonymous asks turned on because I know people like to send me things xD (and I never got hate anonymous asks anyway)

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    I agree. There's really good people on there (like me -- oh god i'm talking like Jack) but to be honest sometimes it feels like everyone get

  • I know right? It's really annoying. One of the things I don't like either on Tumblr is when people are like "There's not enough female characters in the tag" or something like that. I love female characters but let's be honest, if there were only female characters in the tag and not enough male ones, nobody would complain about it. ._.
    I just laughed with the lame thing XD I never thought about it. Seriously people are just trying to point out REALLY little things to annoy other people. ( And they're always claiming that they having mental illness so that's hurtful but sometimes I kinda think some people are lying about it just to get what they want -- which is awful. )

    Oh my god, what. o.o

    Yeah. Though the TFTB fandom on Tumblr is really nice and I don't see any drama or things like that there (I remember how awful the twdg fandom was for awhile). I don't know how it is in other fandoms since I'm only part of the TWDG and TFTB fandoms xD

    nursethalia posted: »

    Oh gosh, EVERYONE turns into a SJW on Tumblr over the slightest things. I definitely believe in equal rights and awareness, and I'll fight f

  • I don't think there's any office supply stores where I live... Well I never heard of it xD And I'm in France so that's really different I think. I didn't even know what a laminator was until you talked to me about it haha. I found some cheap laminators on Amazon too so I might ask my mom to buy me one. :D

    I just searched all the stuff I need with the lowest prices and it leads me to $48 which is good I think. (A laminator, 10 keychains, 100 laminating pouches and a punch pliers. :3)

    nursethalia posted: »

    I didn't either, until last week... I never thought I'd own a laminator, but I found a little one for just $21 on Amazon and decided I could

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    My "current" avatar. I might of stolen the background from my commentary of the second game (evident by my stream icon in the corner).

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