Day one of the siege, continued
[Help the girl]
Two of the soldiers placed their hands unto the girl, and the ground beneath them bega… moren to shake. One of the soldiers noticed the ground beginning to crack apart, so he immediately seddates the girl and she’s out cold. They mumble something on the walkie talkie and suddenly, Donnie sends out a shock wave out of his right hand. It was a powerful one, and having the blast go directly through one the soldiers head, it was no doubt he was dead. It destroyed his eardrums allowing a massive amount of blood to leak from it.
The soldier immediately retaliate firing their assault rifles at Donie. He hides behind a rock and sends more shockwaves at them. One of the soldiers responded to a voice on their walkie’s. They signal a sniper on a nearby cliff. The sniper is loaded with the same chemical used to sedate superhumans and it is fully loaded, ready to take down Donnie. However, our hero manage… [view original content]
Day one of the siege, continued
[Help the girl]
Two of the soldiers placed their hands unto the girl, and the ground beneath them bega… moren to shake. One of the soldiers noticed the ground beginning to crack apart, so he immediately seddates the girl and she’s out cold. They mumble something on the walkie talkie and suddenly, Donnie sends out a shock wave out of his right hand. It was a powerful one, and having the blast go directly through one the soldiers head, it was no doubt he was dead. It destroyed his eardrums allowing a massive amount of blood to leak from it.
The soldier immediately retaliate firing their assault rifles at Donie. He hides behind a rock and sends more shockwaves at them. One of the soldiers responded to a voice on their walkie’s. They signal a sniper on a nearby cliff. The sniper is loaded with the same chemical used to sedate superhumans and it is fully loaded, ready to take down Donnie. However, our hero manage… [view original content]
Backstory: He was raised by his mother and four brothers who all worked at the family mill. There he learned how to cut down trees with big axes and saws. It was hard but honest work and after many years he had become very big and strong. But one day when he and his brother were cutting down trees, a tree broke and fell on him, but when his brothers removed the big tree they saw that he was fine without a scratch (except his clothes), after he found this power he has become more reckless in his job, he know makes bets with people to see if they wound his body, but not bullets, blades, cars and one time an explosive has not hurt him.
Appearance: A big, tall and strong man, with a think beard and hair all over his body. He wears the stereotypical lumberjack clothes
Personality: He his your best friend and worst enemy. He is very happy go lucky when around people that is friends with him, but will crush your head if you are his enemy.
[Help Connor and run.] also will be nice to use Vi instead of Jason when he is transformed because "Vi immediately makes quick work of the s… moreoldiers" is just you give credit to Jason instead of Vi also "The man then observes his wounds" what was that don't tell me.!.!.!
also this
"Jason wipes the remaining blood from his weapon and ask the man who he is and what is he doing here."
Vi wipes the remaining blood from her weapon and Jason tells Vi to ask the man who he is and what is he doing here.
Other info: Vi doesn't understand what good and evil mean but is well aware that she must leave the body as two souls In one single body can not stand for much longer, she usually teaches and tell him hes opinion when Vi reach out he can not control his body anymore.
PS: but I put this 'Vĺ' is Cool and Calm with a sense of pride and can count on her combat skills to pull them through a tough situation if need be. that it take us to conclusion is Vi doing :P
And here is my second character. Sorry for me taking a bit longer than intended, hope everything is okay with her.
Name: Gwen Bowen
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Occupation/Job before being captured: Police Officer
Country of Origin: Ireland
Backstory: Gwen was born in Ireland as the daughter of a police officer and a nurse. She lived a very happy early childhood, often dreaming about becoming a nurse herself when being older. However, fate had something different in mind for her. When she was eight years old, a junkie stabbed her mother to death while trying to pressure her for some medicine he was addicted to. Her father, always a bit aggressive, actively hunted the man down. When he finally got him, he shot him on spot, claiming that the man tried to attack him. Unfortunately, there had been witnesses who saw that Gwen's father had shot a defenseless man. This got him a life sentence to prison, where he committed suicide out of despair, leaving his young daughter orphaned and with a strange hero worship towards him, seeing what he did as justice. She vowed to become a police officer for his sake and finally did so when she was nineteen years old. Due to her being a very able officer, she got very popular quite soon. However, she also came off as cold and a complete workaholic, rarely socializing with her colleagues. When she was twenty-three years old, she and her partner got into a shootout with a gang of criminals. Her partner was shot in the back and she got shot in the shoulder. This triggered her abilities to surface. Every bullet shot at her and her wounded partner was easily deflected by her magnetism, some of the bullets even flying back towards the gang, killing all of them in the process. Her partner was the only one who saw this, but vowed to keep this a secret. Gwen was pretty shocked by the discovery of her powers and only trained them in secret, getting quite adept at hiding them and using them carefully. But ever since, she never missed a shot, while anyone who tried to shoot her missed her miraculously. While she is bound to uphold the law, she recently started to struggle with this, seeing how law and justice aren't always the same. As a result, she started to become a light alcoholic.
Appearance: Gwen is 5'6 tall and has a wiry physique. She has olive skin and long, dark brown hair, which she usually keeps in a bun so that it does not get in her way when doing things. She is physically very fit, athletic and a fast runner, on top of being stronger than she looks like. She has a pretty face, but also a hard and stern look, rarely cracking a smile.
Personality: Gwen is a very headstrong and determined woman. She appears to be very serious at first, rarely socializing with others besides working on a common goal and she can also appear to be cold and very strict. However, she gradually warms up to other people quite quickly and gets very protective of people in danger. Generally, being highly protective is one of her most outstanding traits, as she would do anything to keep others safe. Towards children she is generally very kind, but she can come off as a bit rude towards anyone who is rude to her. She has a strong sense of justice and duty, though justice would always come first for her. For justice, she would even go as far as breaking the law she is sworn to uphold. While not above doing morally questionable things to ensure that an important mission is successful, she has lines she would never cross, like hurting innocent people. When she warms up towards others, she starts to become more open around them, smiling more often and even showing a very witty sense of humour, often cracking jokes when she is around friends, showing a sweet side of her personality. In general, she highly values her friends and would stay loyal to them under any circumstance, considering them as some kind of family. She reacts strongly when feeling betrayed, getting devastated by things like that. She also has a problem with getting rejected whenever she tries to get closer to someone and as a result has a hard time gaining true friends. She is indeed a bit shy in admitting any friendship or affection, rarely showing her true feelings unless with good friends. Whenever people she cares for have to suffer, she gets into horrible fits of rage, using her power to actively hurt or kill those who hurt her friends. She has a hard time holding back there and is not above beating someone up with her bare hands. While usually very forgiving against anyone who wronged her, she has a hard time forgiving those who wronged her friends. She is a light alcoholic, getting quite cynical and rude whenever she drinks, but also very honest. When she is drunken, she usually has enough courage to tell other people that she likes them.
Superhuman Ability(Limited to one): Gwen has the ability of Magnetism. She mainly uses it to telekinetically control metal objects, like bullets shot at her, but she is also aware of the possibilities of her power. Currently she is very good at telekinetically moving metal objects, but untrained with the other possibilities that come with Magnetism.
And here is my second character. Sorry for me taking a bit longer than intended, hope everything is okay with her.
Name: Gwen Bowen
… moreAge: 25
Gender: Female
Occupation/Job before being captured: Police Officer
Country of Origin: Ireland
Backstory: Gwen was born in Ireland as the daughter of a police officer and a nurse. She lived a very happy early childhood, often dreaming about becoming a nurse herself when being older. However, fate had something different in mind for her. When she was eight years old, a junkie stabbed her mother to death while trying to pressure her for some medicine he was addicted to. Her father, always a bit aggressive, actively hunted the man down. When he finally got him, he shot him on spot, claiming that the man tried to attack him. Unfortunately, there had been witnesses who saw that Gwen's father had shot a defenseless man. This got him a life sentence to prison, where he committed suicide out o… [view original content]
And here is my second character. Sorry for me taking a bit longer than intended, hope everything is okay with her.
Name: Gwen Bowen
… moreAge: 25
Gender: Female
Occupation/Job before being captured: Police Officer
Country of Origin: Ireland
Backstory: Gwen was born in Ireland as the daughter of a police officer and a nurse. She lived a very happy early childhood, often dreaming about becoming a nurse herself when being older. However, fate had something different in mind for her. When she was eight years old, a junkie stabbed her mother to death while trying to pressure her for some medicine he was addicted to. Her father, always a bit aggressive, actively hunted the man down. When he finally got him, he shot him on spot, claiming that the man tried to attack him. Unfortunately, there had been witnesses who saw that Gwen's father had shot a defenseless man. This got him a life sentence to prison, where he committed suicide out o… [view original content]
And here is my second character. Sorry for me taking a bit longer than intended, hope everything is okay with her.
Name: Gwen Bowen
… moreAge: 25
Gender: Female
Occupation/Job before being captured: Police Officer
Country of Origin: Ireland
Backstory: Gwen was born in Ireland as the daughter of a police officer and a nurse. She lived a very happy early childhood, often dreaming about becoming a nurse herself when being older. However, fate had something different in mind for her. When she was eight years old, a junkie stabbed her mother to death while trying to pressure her for some medicine he was addicted to. Her father, always a bit aggressive, actively hunted the man down. When he finally got him, he shot him on spot, claiming that the man tried to attack him. Unfortunately, there had been witnesses who saw that Gwen's father had shot a defenseless man. This got him a life sentence to prison, where he committed suicide out o… [view original content]
Oh, please not! I never ship my own characters with each other, that feels a bit weird for me.
Before Andwen happens, I'd rather see any other ship including Gwen x Lebter (Gwebter) or Gwen x Hadrax (Hadwen) happening. And it's safe to say that the personality-altering genius and the religious nutjob aren't exactly major shipping material XD
In early drafts of the character, I had her name as Gwyn, which sounds a little bit more celtic in my opinion. But then I realized it would sound a bit too similar to Game of Thrones' Gwyn Whitehill, so I slightly changed it XD
In early drafts of the character, I had her name as Gwyn, which sounds a little bit more celtic in my opinion. But then I realized it would sound a bit too similar to Game of Thrones' Gwyn Whitehill, so I slightly changed it XD
Well at least i won't be afraid of someone posting something like this:
Oberon Powered
Power : The power to have all powers at anytime… more with no limitations whatsoever. Wins every battle and should be better than any other character.
Personality: Is a jerk to everyone less cool than him (witch means everyone)
Or something like that that would just make us bang our heads against a wall for several hours.
I think I've already put one which is quite dangerous and pretty strong
Soul, that is obsessed with death, so regard of anything you will do he may just kill you for his personal enjoyment, but in a cool way )
Andrew picked up the unconscious and carried him away from the incoming soldiers. He froze the tree and other landmarks in the area to slow the soldiers down. However, things were about to get worse. They had a superhuman with them, the same one that he capture Donnie. Whoever this person is, wields the power of fire manipulation. Telling the soldiers to halt, he decides to go after Andrew and Connor alone.
Andrew find himself in a forest, hoping to catch a breath and tend to Connor’s injuries. “Hey kid, you okay? Hello?” Andrews words wakes Connor up, he is confused and begins to freaks, turning into tiger and attacking Andrew. He tries to calm Connor down but fails, so tries another method. He freezes the whole area and crystallized ice, leaving Connor in awe. He returns to normal so that he could view the incredible sight with his own eyes. “You’re just like me? A mutant..” Then the voice of a strange man echoed through the area as the ice began to quickly melt.
A man consumed in fire walks through the melting ice. “The proper turn is superhuman…. Connor and Andrew. My name is Ryan Newman… a soldier, and I think it’s time you both surrender now..” Andrew told Connor to stay back as ice began to form around his hands and then he and Ryan had a stare down that would probably escalate to something violent.
Soul and Selene Kate
Soul, a very strange man with a piercing on his cheek wield the powerful ability of space-time manipulation. Before the siege began, he was a serial killer. He crossed path with a young woman named Selene Kate who was also a superhuman with a complicated ability. Soul saved her from being captured by the soldiers and now they travel together until Soul, old habits came back.
The two are surrounded by soldiers, but Soul fear is the last thing on his mind. He mocks them and they fire their weapons at him. He freezes time for a short period and moves the soldiers still bodies in the path of the bullets. He then unfreezes then and they are killed by their own bullets. “Oh, they were using real bullets, and not those tranquilizers. How unfortunate.” Kate looks at Soul and ask him if that was necessary. He grabs a strip over hair and brushes it back while smiling. “We have to do what we must to survive, apprentice. More soldiers are approaching, be ready..”
Priscilla Flores
Priscilla left her job early after she heard what was happening on the news. Leaving out the back door she heard the soldiers coming. Using her power of teleportation, she returned to her home in a blink and began to move her personal belongings out one by one placing them in a storage facility not to far. She then packed up the rest of her belongings and left her apartment for good.
One the run, she came across Valerie Eccleston who helped each other elude the soldiers. They set up shop in Missouri, a secret base dedicated in protecting and hiding other superhuman. They called it ‘Hope’ and after sixteen hours, it now holds a resident of forty superhumans.
Priscilla now scout the country searching for superhumans in need to shelter from the soldiers.
Yolanda Viviana Jasso, Santiago Jose Jasso, and Alvaro Rodrigo Jasso
Yolanda and her two children were staring out their window as the soldiers busted down neighbors doors in search of superhumans. Her youngest child, Alvaro was holding onto his older brother Santiago. Santiago asked his mother what they were going to do when the soldiers knock on our door. Yolanda, closed her eyes and began to pray as the soldiers got closer to the next house.
She told her children to put on their jackets immediately and then out of no where, Priscilla Flores blinked into the room out of mid air. “Hello, my name is Priscilla. A superhuman like you. I can help you and your family get out of her and take you somewhere safe. What do you say?” Yolanda used her powers and she could see the Priscilla was telling the truth. She took her hand and then Yolanda and her children both were teleported with Priscilla to safety.
Leon Bauer and Daphne Eccleston
Leon was in his house playing his PlayStation when the soldiers came knocking on his door. When he got to the steps his door was being kicked in, the soldier immediately stormed in. They noticed Leon and fired several sedate round into Leon, but it was.. a illusion of himself. He climb out the window and was on his way to someone safe. leaving behind a trail of strange illusions that resembled video creatures.
Leon managed to slow the soldiers down but little did he know, he was being followed by someone. He could sense it and that isn't even part of his power. He told whoever was lurking behind the wall to show themselves. Out came a young woman, Daphne Eccleston.
She slowly walked out with her hands up trying to calm down Leon. “Easy tiger, no need to get all rowdy. I’m trying to help ya..” Leon asked why she was following me and hiding, it didn't seem right. It seemed like she was trying to do more than “help” him. He noticed the emblem on her jacket. The same emblem the soldiers had on theirs… As she reach for something, he thinks about what he should do next…
[Run... now!]
[Hold your ground]
Woot, halfway through the characters. Once I give the remainder the proper introduction, I'll wrap up the first act. Also would you guys be okay with me introducing the main villain and his power? Or would you all like to find out in the story and avoid this spoiler?
Day two of the siege
[Help Connor and run.]
Fire meets Ice
Andrew picked up the unconscious and carried him away from the incoming … moresoldiers. He froze the tree and other landmarks in the area to slow the soldiers down. However, things were about to get worse. They had a superhuman with them, the same one that he capture Donnie. Whoever this person is, wields the power of fire manipulation. Telling the soldiers to halt, he decides to go after Andrew and Connor alone.
Andrew find himself in a forest, hoping to catch a breath and tend to Connor’s injuries. “Hey kid, you okay? Hello?” Andrews words wakes Connor up, he is confused and begins to freaks, turning into tiger and attacking Andrew. He tries to calm Connor down but fails, so tries another method. He freezes the whole area and crystallized ice, leaving Connor in awe. He returns to normal so that he could view the incredible sight with his own eyes. “You’re just like me? A mutan… [view original content]
Day two of the siege
[Help Connor and run.]
Fire meets Ice
Andrew picked up the unconscious and carried him away from the incoming … moresoldiers. He froze the tree and other landmarks in the area to slow the soldiers down. However, things were about to get worse. They had a superhuman with them, the same one that he capture Donnie. Whoever this person is, wields the power of fire manipulation. Telling the soldiers to halt, he decides to go after Andrew and Connor alone.
Andrew find himself in a forest, hoping to catch a breath and tend to Connor’s injuries. “Hey kid, you okay? Hello?” Andrews words wakes Connor up, he is confused and begins to freaks, turning into tiger and attacking Andrew. He tries to calm Connor down but fails, so tries another method. He freezes the whole area and crystallized ice, leaving Connor in awe. He returns to normal so that he could view the incredible sight with his own eyes. “You’re just like me? A mutan… [view original content]
Amazing part! Looking forward for Andrew fighting against Ryan, that could be fun
[Run... now!]
Also would you guys be okay with me introducing the main villain and his power? Or would you all like to find out in the story and avoid this spoiler?
I'd leave it up to what you think is better. Personally, I think finding out in the story would be more fun, but I'm also curious what his power is, so I wouldn't mind you introducing his power earlier.
Day two of the siege
[Help Connor and run.]
Fire meets Ice
Andrew picked up the unconscious and carried him away from the incoming … moresoldiers. He froze the tree and other landmarks in the area to slow the soldiers down. However, things were about to get worse. They had a superhuman with them, the same one that he capture Donnie. Whoever this person is, wields the power of fire manipulation. Telling the soldiers to halt, he decides to go after Andrew and Connor alone.
Andrew find himself in a forest, hoping to catch a breath and tend to Connor’s injuries. “Hey kid, you okay? Hello?” Andrews words wakes Connor up, he is confused and begins to freaks, turning into tiger and attacking Andrew. He tries to calm Connor down but fails, so tries another method. He freezes the whole area and crystallized ice, leaving Connor in awe. He returns to normal so that he could view the incredible sight with his own eyes. “You’re just like me? A mutan… [view original content]
Day two of the siege
[Help Connor and run.]
Fire meets Ice
Andrew picked up the unconscious and carried him away from the incoming … moresoldiers. He froze the tree and other landmarks in the area to slow the soldiers down. However, things were about to get worse. They had a superhuman with them, the same one that he capture Donnie. Whoever this person is, wields the power of fire manipulation. Telling the soldiers to halt, he decides to go after Andrew and Connor alone.
Andrew find himself in a forest, hoping to catch a breath and tend to Connor’s injuries. “Hey kid, you okay? Hello?” Andrews words wakes Connor up, he is confused and begins to freaks, turning into tiger and attacking Andrew. He tries to calm Connor down but fails, so tries another method. He freezes the whole area and crystallized ice, leaving Connor in awe. He returns to normal so that he could view the incredible sight with his own eyes. “You’re just like me? A mutan… [view original content]
Amazing part! Looking forward for Andrew fighting against Ryan, that could be fun
[Run... now!]
Also would you guys be okay with m… moree introducing the main villain and his power? Or would you all like to find out in the story and avoid this spoiler?
I'd leave it up to what you think is better. Personally, I think finding out in the story would be more fun, but I'm also curious what his power is, so I wouldn't mind you introducing his power earlier.
Well i think that running away from Daphne is useless because of her power and it would be awsome too see what leon does when he holds his ground so i will take [Hold your ground]
Day two of the siege
[Help Connor and run.]
Fire meets Ice
Andrew picked up the unconscious and carried him away from the incoming … moresoldiers. He froze the tree and other landmarks in the area to slow the soldiers down. However, things were about to get worse. They had a superhuman with them, the same one that he capture Donnie. Whoever this person is, wields the power of fire manipulation. Telling the soldiers to halt, he decides to go after Andrew and Connor alone.
Andrew find himself in a forest, hoping to catch a breath and tend to Connor’s injuries. “Hey kid, you okay? Hello?” Andrews words wakes Connor up, he is confused and begins to freaks, turning into tiger and attacking Andrew. He tries to calm Connor down but fails, so tries another method. He freezes the whole area and crystallized ice, leaving Connor in awe. He returns to normal so that he could view the incredible sight with his own eyes. “You’re just like me? A mutan… [view original content]
Amazing part! Looking forward for Andrew fighting against Ryan, that could be fun
[Run... now!]
Also would you guys be okay with m… moree introducing the main villain and his power? Or would you all like to find out in the story and avoid this spoiler?
I'd leave it up to what you think is better. Personally, I think finding out in the story would be more fun, but I'm also curious what his power is, so I wouldn't mind you introducing his power earlier.
Wait... I'm gone for about fifteen minutes and I come back and see a conversation about how smart I am?
You may continue to flatter me! Even though I'm quite likely not smarter than everyone, I only write more.
[Helo Connor and run.]
[Help Connor and run.]
Haha do not worry about that
Name: Roboute Guilliman
Age: 41
Gender: Male
Occupation/Job before being captured: Lumberjack
Country of Origin: Russia
Backstory: He was raised by his mother and four brothers who all worked at the family mill. There he learned how to cut down trees with big axes and saws. It was hard but honest work and after many years he had become very big and strong. But one day when he and his brother were cutting down trees, a tree broke and fell on him, but when his brothers removed the big tree they saw that he was fine without a scratch (except his clothes), after he found this power he has become more reckless in his job, he know makes bets with people to see if they wound his body, but not bullets, blades, cars and one time an explosive has not hurt him.
Appearance: A big, tall and strong man, with a think beard and hair all over his body. He wears the stereotypical lumberjack clothes
Personality: He his your best friend and worst enemy. He is very happy go lucky when around people that is friends with him, but will crush your head if you are his enemy.
Superhuman Ability: unbreakable Body
Oh, I thought that Jason was the one who did the slicing and dicing, while Vi was the weapon...
is my bad I forget to put this
Other info: Vi doesn't understand what good and evil mean but is well aware that she must leave the body as two souls In one single body can not stand for much longer, she usually teaches and tell him hes opinion when Vi reach out he can not control his body anymore.
PS: but I put this 'Vĺ' is Cool and Calm with a sense of pride and can count on her combat skills to pull them through a tough situation if need be. that it take us to conclusion is Vi doing :P
And here is my second character. Sorry for me taking a bit longer than intended, hope everything is okay with her.
Name: Gwen Bowen
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Occupation/Job before being captured: Police Officer
Country of Origin: Ireland
Backstory: Gwen was born in Ireland as the daughter of a police officer and a nurse. She lived a very happy early childhood, often dreaming about becoming a nurse herself when being older. However, fate had something different in mind for her. When she was eight years old, a junkie stabbed her mother to death while trying to pressure her for some medicine he was addicted to. Her father, always a bit aggressive, actively hunted the man down. When he finally got him, he shot him on spot, claiming that the man tried to attack him. Unfortunately, there had been witnesses who saw that Gwen's father had shot a defenseless man. This got him a life sentence to prison, where he committed suicide out of despair, leaving his young daughter orphaned and with a strange hero worship towards him, seeing what he did as justice. She vowed to become a police officer for his sake and finally did so when she was nineteen years old. Due to her being a very able officer, she got very popular quite soon. However, she also came off as cold and a complete workaholic, rarely socializing with her colleagues. When she was twenty-three years old, she and her partner got into a shootout with a gang of criminals. Her partner was shot in the back and she got shot in the shoulder. This triggered her abilities to surface. Every bullet shot at her and her wounded partner was easily deflected by her magnetism, some of the bullets even flying back towards the gang, killing all of them in the process. Her partner was the only one who saw this, but vowed to keep this a secret. Gwen was pretty shocked by the discovery of her powers and only trained them in secret, getting quite adept at hiding them and using them carefully. But ever since, she never missed a shot, while anyone who tried to shoot her missed her miraculously. While she is bound to uphold the law, she recently started to struggle with this, seeing how law and justice aren't always the same. As a result, she started to become a light alcoholic.
Appearance: Gwen is 5'6 tall and has a wiry physique. She has olive skin and long, dark brown hair, which she usually keeps in a bun so that it does not get in her way when doing things. She is physically very fit, athletic and a fast runner, on top of being stronger than she looks like. She has a pretty face, but also a hard and stern look, rarely cracking a smile.
Personality: Gwen is a very headstrong and determined woman. She appears to be very serious at first, rarely socializing with others besides working on a common goal and she can also appear to be cold and very strict. However, she gradually warms up to other people quite quickly and gets very protective of people in danger. Generally, being highly protective is one of her most outstanding traits, as she would do anything to keep others safe. Towards children she is generally very kind, but she can come off as a bit rude towards anyone who is rude to her. She has a strong sense of justice and duty, though justice would always come first for her. For justice, she would even go as far as breaking the law she is sworn to uphold. While not above doing morally questionable things to ensure that an important mission is successful, she has lines she would never cross, like hurting innocent people. When she warms up towards others, she starts to become more open around them, smiling more often and even showing a very witty sense of humour, often cracking jokes when she is around friends, showing a sweet side of her personality. In general, she highly values her friends and would stay loyal to them under any circumstance, considering them as some kind of family. She reacts strongly when feeling betrayed, getting devastated by things like that. She also has a problem with getting rejected whenever she tries to get closer to someone and as a result has a hard time gaining true friends. She is indeed a bit shy in admitting any friendship or affection, rarely showing her true feelings unless with good friends. Whenever people she cares for have to suffer, she gets into horrible fits of rage, using her power to actively hurt or kill those who hurt her friends. She has a hard time holding back there and is not above beating someone up with her bare hands. While usually very forgiving against anyone who wronged her, she has a hard time forgiving those who wronged her friends. She is a light alcoholic, getting quite cynical and rude whenever she drinks, but also very honest. When she is drunken, she usually has enough courage to tell other people that she likes them.
Superhuman Ability(Limited to one): Gwen has the ability of Magnetism. She mainly uses it to telekinetically control metal objects, like bullets shot at her, but she is also aware of the possibilities of her power. Currently she is very good at telekinetically moving metal objects, but untrained with the other possibilities that come with Magnetism.
Andrew x Gwen!
Gwren or Andwen
That one is pretty cool!
Thank you
Gwen Bowen..........................hmmmmmmm theres something familar there
Oh, please not! I never ship my own characters with each other, that feels a bit weird for me.
Before Andwen happens, I'd rather see any other ship including Gwen x Lebter (Gwebter) or Gwen x Hadrax (Hadwen) happening. And it's safe to say that the personality-altering genius and the religious nutjob aren't exactly major shipping material XD
Wait... I do not get it... Have I accidentally reused a name from somewhere?
Well at least i won't be afraid of someone posting something like this:
Oberon Powered
Power : The power to have all powers at anytime with no limitations whatsoever. Wins every battle and should be better than any other character.
Personality: Is a jerk to everyone less cool than him (witch means everyone)
Or something like that that would just make us bang our heads against a wall for several hours.
I don't know i think i heard it on a GAME or something...............
In early drafts of the character, I had her name as Gwyn, which sounds a little bit more celtic in my opinion. But then I realized it would sound a bit too similar to Game of Thrones' Gwyn Whitehill, so I slightly changed it XD
Oh i though you were refrencing the characters Gwyn Whitehill and Bowen ( Gared's Determinant friend)
I didn't even realize the last name XD I picked it at random out of a list of common Irish surnames.
Welp thats weird
I think I've already put one which is quite dangerous and pretty strong
Soul, that is obsessed with death, so regard of anything you will do he may just kill you for his personal enjoyment, but in a cool way
Yeah but i love psychopaths they are fun. I mean jerk characters the are over powered as heck and make the rest of the characters look worthless
tanks, remember me(Soul) when he will take one of your character life, that is strange!
Life is strange? I LOVE THAT GAME
Day two of the siege
[Help Connor and run.]
Fire meets Ice
Andrew picked up the unconscious and carried him away from the incoming soldiers. He froze the tree and other landmarks in the area to slow the soldiers down. However, things were about to get worse. They had a superhuman with them, the same one that he capture Donnie. Whoever this person is, wields the power of fire manipulation. Telling the soldiers to halt, he decides to go after Andrew and Connor alone.
Andrew find himself in a forest, hoping to catch a breath and tend to Connor’s injuries. “Hey kid, you okay? Hello?” Andrews words wakes Connor up, he is confused and begins to freaks, turning into tiger and attacking Andrew. He tries to calm Connor down but fails, so tries another method. He freezes the whole area and crystallized ice, leaving Connor in awe. He returns to normal so that he could view the incredible sight with his own eyes. “You’re just like me? A mutant..” Then the voice of a strange man echoed through the area as the ice began to quickly melt.
A man consumed in fire walks through the melting ice. “The proper turn is superhuman…. Connor and Andrew. My name is Ryan Newman… a soldier, and I think it’s time you both surrender now..” Andrew told Connor to stay back as ice began to form around his hands and then he and Ryan had a stare down that would probably escalate to something violent.
Soul and Selene Kate
Soul, a very strange man with a piercing on his cheek wield the powerful ability of space-time manipulation. Before the siege began, he was a serial killer. He crossed path with a young woman named Selene Kate who was also a superhuman with a complicated ability. Soul saved her from being captured by the soldiers and now they travel together until Soul, old habits came back.
The two are surrounded by soldiers, but Soul fear is the last thing on his mind. He mocks them and they fire their weapons at him. He freezes time for a short period and moves the soldiers still bodies in the path of the bullets. He then unfreezes then and they are killed by their own bullets. “Oh, they were using real bullets, and not those tranquilizers. How unfortunate.” Kate looks at Soul and ask him if that was necessary. He grabs a strip over hair and brushes it back while smiling. “We have to do what we must to survive, apprentice. More soldiers are approaching, be ready..”
Priscilla Flores
Priscilla left her job early after she heard what was happening on the news. Leaving out the back door she heard the soldiers coming. Using her power of teleportation, she returned to her home in a blink and began to move her personal belongings out one by one placing them in a storage facility not to far. She then packed up the rest of her belongings and left her apartment for good.
One the run, she came across Valerie Eccleston who helped each other elude the soldiers. They set up shop in Missouri, a secret base dedicated in protecting and hiding other superhuman. They called it ‘Hope’ and after sixteen hours, it now holds a resident of forty superhumans.
Priscilla now scout the country searching for superhumans in need to shelter from the soldiers.
Yolanda Viviana Jasso, Santiago Jose Jasso, and Alvaro Rodrigo Jasso
Yolanda and her two children were staring out their window as the soldiers busted down neighbors doors in search of superhumans. Her youngest child, Alvaro was holding onto his older brother Santiago. Santiago asked his mother what they were going to do when the soldiers knock on our door. Yolanda, closed her eyes and began to pray as the soldiers got closer to the next house.
She told her children to put on their jackets immediately and then out of no where, Priscilla Flores blinked into the room out of mid air. “Hello, my name is Priscilla. A superhuman like you. I can help you and your family get out of her and take you somewhere safe. What do you say?” Yolanda used her powers and she could see the Priscilla was telling the truth. She took her hand and then Yolanda and her children both were teleported with Priscilla to safety.
Leon Bauer and Daphne Eccleston
Leon was in his house playing his PlayStation when the soldiers came knocking on his door. When he got to the steps his door was being kicked in, the soldier immediately stormed in. They noticed Leon and fired several sedate round into Leon, but it was.. a illusion of himself. He climb out the window and was on his way to someone safe. leaving behind a trail of strange illusions that resembled video creatures.
Leon managed to slow the soldiers down but little did he know, he was being followed by someone. He could sense it and that isn't even part of his power. He told whoever was lurking behind the wall to show themselves. Out came a young woman, Daphne Eccleston.
She slowly walked out with her hands up trying to calm down Leon. “Easy tiger, no need to get all rowdy. I’m trying to help ya..” Leon asked why she was following me and hiding, it didn't seem right. It seemed like she was trying to do more than “help” him. He noticed the emblem on her jacket. The same emblem the soldiers had on theirs… As she reach for something, he thinks about what he should do next…
[Run... now!]
[Hold your ground]
Woot, halfway through the characters. Once I give the remainder the proper introduction, I'll wrap up the first act. Also would you guys be okay with me introducing the main villain and his power? Or would you all like to find out in the story and avoid this spoiler?
[Run... now!]
[Hold your ground]
Awesoem Chapter!
Amazing part! Looking forward for Andrew fighting against Ryan, that could be fun
[Run... now!]
I'd leave it up to what you think is better. Personally, I think finding out in the story would be more fun, but I'm also curious what his power is, so I wouldn't mind you introducing his power earlier.
Great chapter !
I would like to find out in the story which powers the Main bad guy has
I agree totally with Liquid, seems smarter than me :P
He is smarter than everyone
Well i think that running away from Daphne is useless because of her power and it would be awsome too see what leon does when he holds his ground so i will take [Hold your ground]
no hes not....maybe
I bet it would just be Oberon Powered just to troll us all. Come to think of it that would be halarious.
Wait... I'm gone for about fifteen minutes and I come back and see a conversation about how smart I am?
You may continue to flatter me! Even though I'm quite likely not smarter than everyone, I only write more.
I can't believe I'm completely agree again!
[Hold your ground]
He might do something with his power.
And yes,If something will reveal us something that will happen, It better not be introduced.
I acknowledge @LiquidChicagoTed greatness.
He enlightens our minds in the darkness