The Borderlands Fan Art Thread



  • timing is my game B)

    Piggs posted: »

    I'm disturbed by how well this syncs up.

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  • This is an older one, but here it is, that one claptrap,

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  • You could try using shrink plastic to make charm, it's easier to do and you don't have to buy an expensive laminator or laminating pouches! All you need is this paper called "shrink plastic" and either a hair dryer or an oven. The brand of plastic I use is called Shrinky Dinks, it's kind of expensive, but there is another brand called Grafix/Graphix that's MUCH cheaper. Do you have any craft stores or hobby stores where you life? Shops like that are where you can usually find it.

    You can draw right onto the paper with pens, colored pencils, and markers (or if you buy the more expensive "inkjet" kind you can print on it, too). Then you just cut out the shapes you drew and either bake them for a few minutes in your oven, or use a hot hairdryer on them until they shrink. They get about 1/3 the size they started out at and also get really thick so they won't bend or break (well, unless you snap them in half on purpose!). Then you can attach them to a ribbon or string if you can't buy straps/keychains :)

    I made a tutorial on youtube here:

    Sorry about my voice, people tell me I talk too fast and I try to talk slowly but in my head it just sounds soooo slow. Plus I was nervous when I recorded so I sound kind of funny.

    I hope I can do some (and I will show them here and on Tumblr for sure), but my mom doesn't want to right now because my brother is trying t

  • What was it that they asked in that moment again?

    "Do you trust yourself, or do you trust the devil on you shoulder?"

    (Cool artwork BTW.)

    dfh15 posted: »

    Eh, not really fond of it. But it's there.

  • edited May 2015

    I'm suddenly all about Hyperion's fitness programs:

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    Hyperion Dodgeball Team - Source

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    Hyperion Ballet Class (I like to think Rhys had to give it up when he got his robo-arm, which is one of his biggest regrets, hence Vaughn's 'sacrifice' line)- Source

    EDIT: How did I miss this one:

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    I finally found out those black things on Angel's outfit are tubes :)

    (And fanmix for angel will pop up on my tumblr in the next day or two.)

  • Did she just eat a heart or something lol

    Dapnee posted: »

    I finally found out those black things on Angel's outfit are tubes (And fanmix for angel will pop up on my tumblr in the next day or two.)

  • Fabulous! :D

    I'm suddenly all about Hyperion's fitness programs: Hyperion Dodgeball Team - Source Hyperion Ballet Class (I like

  • I think I just died a little inside

    I'm suddenly all about Hyperion's fitness programs: Hyperion Dodgeball Team - Source Hyperion Ballet Class (I like

  • this is hilarious and amazing

    I'm suddenly all about Hyperion's fitness programs: Hyperion Dodgeball Team - Source Hyperion Ballet Class (I like

  • edited May 2015

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    I went totally overboard with this sketch hahaha...
    Thought it would be awesome if Rhys would be
    able to switch out his arm to other more lethal parts.
    Kinda like Ash from Evil Dead.

    Music while drawing:

    wallpaper sized for all your pleasure.

  • Obviously this is the acclaimed AU where Angel kills her dad, eats his heart, and then Roland and everyone goes out for milkshakes.

    Nah, I just need to practice drawing blood again.

    Did she just eat a heart or something lol

  • :'(

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    Dapnee posted: »

    I finally found out those black things on Angel's outfit are tubes (And fanmix for angel will pop up on my tumblr in the next day or two.)

  • It's all those sexy, sexy man gams, right?

    Leluch123 posted: »

    I think I just died a little inside

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited May 2015

    Yes precisely that...

    It's all those sexy, sexy man gams, right?

  • So adorable and Jack is like.... just....adorable:)

    I'm suddenly all about Hyperion's fitness programs: Hyperion Dodgeball Team - Source Hyperion Ballet Class (I like

  • Well..this is my first attempt to draw some "serious" fan-art. Lol. I don't know what to do with the background..

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  • this is amazing <3

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Well..this is my first attempt to draw some "serious" fan-art. Lol. I don't know what to do with the background..

  • edited May 2015

    Thank you!! I'm glad I finally posted something here.

    And I really like your art too! Your style is so expressive! :)

    ZombiDJ posted: »

    this is amazing

  • I like it!!!!! +1 thumbs up!

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Well..this is my first attempt to draw some "serious" fan-art. Lol. I don't know what to do with the background..

  • Holy fuuuuuuuuuuck.

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    ZombiDJ posted: »

    I went totally overboard with this sketch hahaha... Thought it would be awesome if Rhys would be able to switch out his arm to other more

  • Made a series of posters for the BL2 Vault Hunters. I get to print these for a project :)

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  • Gah, stop it!

    Stop being so talented.

    Your talent is actually offensive!

    (By which, I of course mean, "these are amazing, please continue to share your amazingness with us".)

    dfh15 posted: »

    Made a series of posters for the BL2 Vault Hunters. I get to print these for a project My Tumblr

  • Wow, this is awesome!

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Well..this is my first attempt to draw some "serious" fan-art. Lol. I don't know what to do with the background..

  • I'm happy you like it! :)

    nursethalia posted: »

    I like it!!!!! +1 thumbs up!

  • Thanks! :) I think I want to draw some evil/possessed Rhys next!

    Wow, this is awesome!

  • edited May 2015

    My Borderlands OC Devic can be pretty intimidating at first but he’s just a big dork.

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    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Thanks! I think I want to draw some evil/possessed Rhys next!

  • these are so rad omg, poster quality!

    dfh15 posted: »

    Made a series of posters for the BL2 Vault Hunters. I get to print these for a project My Tumblr

  • Wow, your comics are great :D

    ZombiDJ posted: »

    My Borderlands OC Devic can be pretty intimidating at first but he’s just a big dork.

  • thank you I'm glad to hear that ;u;

    Wow, your comics are great

  • edited May 2015


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    nursethalia posted: »

    Holy fuuuuuuuuuuck.

  • Really loving this art style!

    dfh15 posted: »

    Made a series of posters for the BL2 Vault Hunters. I get to print these for a project My Tumblr

  • I love your art style :D

    ZombiDJ posted: »

    My Borderlands OC Devic can be pretty intimidating at first but he’s just a big dork.

  • edited May 2015

    It so cooI I love it!! do you have more???

    ZombiDJ posted: »

    My Borderlands OC Devic can be pretty intimidating at first but he’s just a big dork.

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    Recently drew some of my favorite maya skin and head combos :3

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    This was an outfit swap between maya and jack haha it's ... a very fun thing to draw i recommend drawing an outfit swap between your fav characters..

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    Also take this cause angel needs more love B^)

  • I love your outfit swap, Maya is so classy!

    siinsu posted: »

    Recently drew some of my favorite maya skin and head combos This was an outfit swap between maya and jack haha it's ... a very fun t

  • Doodled a wee grumpy Jack... :3

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  • yesss love these!

    siinsu posted: »

    Recently drew some of my favorite maya skin and head combos This was an outfit swap between maya and jack haha it's ... a very fun t

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