Episode 5 Release Date Discussion - PC/Mac/PS3/PS4/Xbox One/Xbox 360/iOS/Android Out Now

HiroVoidHiroVoid Moderator
edited September 2016 in Game Of Thrones

Alt text

Please use this thread for discussion about game release dates and/or discussion about the wait for the next episode. Thanks!

Release Dates:

  • PC/Mac - July 21st
  • PS4/PS3 NA - July 21st
  • PS4/PS3 EU - July 21st
  • Xbox One - July 22nd
  • Xbox 360 - July 22nd
  • iOS - July 23rd
  • Android - July 23rd


Update: July 16th

Update: July 15th

Update: July 14th:

Update: July 13th

Update: July 7th

Update: July 3rd

Update: July 1st

Update: June 22nd

Update: June 14th

Update: June 10th

Update: June 8th

Update: May 20th

Update: May 12th

Also, remember that the first rule of the forum guidelines is respect. This includes not just forum users and moderators, but Telltale staff as well. Please don't insult or antagonize anyone, including Telltale staff, for what they post, either on these forums, on the Telltale blog, on the Telltale facebook page, on twitter, or elsewhere. The Telltale Terms of Use prohibits behavior that harasses or advocates harassment of another person. We want these forums to be fun to visit for everyone, staff and gamers alike. Thanks. :)



  • it will be the 31st of this month. You heard it here first!

  • And so it begins.

  • Here we are again...Let's all sit by the fire, relax and drink some wine. This will be a long winter.

  • Maybe in this episode people in Rodrik's story will actually die and battle instead of three episodes of building up so far.

  • I think that's the point, they're leading up to it for a big finish.

    Just my two cents.

    Maybe in this episode people in Rodrik's story will actually die and battle instead of three episodes of building up so far.

  • So much wait for just two hours....damn you TT for that cliffhanger at the very end! Who else didn't see it coming?

    Skiba7671 posted: »


  • I was horrified when rodrik was walking to the door of the great hall and I noticed it wasnt gryff but ramsay's voice.God why did it have to end there.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    So much wait for just two hours....damn you TT for that cliffhanger at the very end! Who else didn't see it coming?

  • Yayyyy I can't wait to be beat and tortured by a character that we can't touch

  • You are the few, we are the many.

    I swear to god if episode 5 of this comes out before episode 3 of Tales From The Borderlands I will punch a f**king potato in the face.

  • Ill hold you to that.

    unseenclass posted: »

    it will be the 31st of this month. You heard it here first!

  • Hey I can be the first "soon" comment on here yes I have fulfilled my lords duty.

  • I swear to god if episode 5 of this comes out before episode 3 of Tales From The Borderlands I will punch a f**king potato in the face.

  • -starts crying hysterically-

  • Night gathers, and now my wait begins. It shall not end until a release. I shall watch over twitter, read this thread, speculate over theories. I shall watch the show and replay the story. I shall live and die waiting. I am the fan in the darkness. I am the waiter on the forums. I am the fire that burns against the wait, the light that brings a new episode, the horn that wakes the fans, the shield that guards the realms of telltale. I pledge my life and honor to the Wait's Watch, for this wait and all the waiting to come.

  • He's not few. I want Ep3 too.

    You are the few, we are the many.



  • That "Fuck Gryff, man" tweet didn't really come to fruition, did it? Was Gryff originally supposed to be in Ramsay's position and do some insane shit or is this for a future episode?

  • edited May 2015

    Honestly I think we'd have more of a problem with how long Tales would take than this being out first at that point :P

    Personally I wouldn't mind if we got more of this faster, it's pretty damn fantastic.

    I swear to god if episode 5 of this comes out before episode 3 of Tales From The Borderlands I will punch a f**king potato in the face.

  • Well, I guess it's that time again.

    • Sighs *

    Alt text

  • Does anyone have any footage of the furthest you can go with punishing Gryff?

  • edited May 2015

    I dunno, that's how I was feeling when I saw him brutally beat the Maester because - from what I can tell - he couldn't treat the bitten Whitehill soldier. Then again I feel like I might be one of the few that actually like Ortengryn. Also when he was telling Elaena her had to marry him when I was already betrothed to her.

    Still, I was more like "fuck Gryff, man" than a "FUCK Gryff, man"

    That "Fuck Gryff, man" tweet didn't really come to fruition, did it? Was Gryff originally supposed to be in Ramsay's position and do some insane shit or is this for a future episode?

  • Early July calling it!

  • It's usually Blind creating this thread...I hope @HiroVoid is ready for it all.

  • May it rest in pieces.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    RIP HiroVoid's feed.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    RIP HiroVoid's feed.

    It's usually Blind creating this thread...I hope @HiroVoid is ready for it all.

  • I'll hazard a guess at July 21st.

  • Can't you kill him? i put him in a cell

    Does anyone have any footage of the furthest you can go with punishing Gryff?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Is that "Person of Interest"?

    Fordee09 posted: »

    Well, I guess it's that time again. * Sighs *

  • Well, here we go again! :(

  • edited May 2015

    Waiting, my old friend....

  • And now my watch begins. :P

  • Let the long wait begins!

  • You can't kill him, but punch him so hard and make him bleed and learn the true meaning of humility.

    Can't you kill him? i put him in a cell

  • Anybody else make gryff go blind? He totally deserved it.

  • i'll put my money on 7/21 !! who's with me?

    everyone, place your bets!!

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