Episode 5 Release Date Discussion - PC/Mac/PS3/PS4/Xbox One/Xbox 360/iOS/Android Out Now



  • Placing my bet on 14th of July.

  • No news? Outrageous! xD The episode was so good, it makes me more impatient.

  • JULY 21st. or JULY 28th

  • And so it begins!

  • I bet on AUGUST 4th

    Dione posted: »

    And so it begins!

  • I think it's gonna be July 14th or 21th

  • Uhh another miserable month to wait.

  • I guess this is an accolades trailer? Sick nonetheless :p


  • ughhh this long wait for 2 hours of gameplay really sucks. I'm gonna have to start doing what my friend does and wait till they all release then just binge.

  • Ramsay is wearing some thick plot armor for this game.

    Tyranitar posted: »

    Yayyyy I can't wait to be beat and tortured by a character that we can't touch

  • Well, what I tend to do (Before I just deleted everything because episode 4 causes the Black Screen and it won't load, so I am trying to delete everything and start over, hoping I can play the game), is I had the 'original' play through, where I don't read any spoilers, play the characters as I see them for the first time, on the fly, and more or less try to make decisions based on that fact.

    Then, I have a second run through, that I had been playing right after the first, where I change most of my choices, to see how the story changes... thus far, nothing really has. A few comments and the like.

    Then, I planned on playing through a single run, from begining to end, once the last episode came out, trying to play the characters once again. I plan on Ethan being very indecisive in that run through, unsure of his power, while I plan on Rodryk being very proud and arrogant. Mira will do whatever she needs to for her family regardless of the cost in KL. Haven't decided on the others as yet....

    But, that was a way I got over the waits, though... that still only adds about three hours to the game per episode...

    ughhh this long wait for 2 hours of gameplay really sucks. I'm gonna have to start doing what my friend does and wait till they all release then just binge.

  • August or July, bet now they are working on TFTB

    i'll put my money on 7/21 !! who's with me? everyone, place your bets!!

  • Your choices matter

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    Telltale pls

    Green613 posted: »

    I guess this is an accolades trailer? Sick nonetheless bruh

  • edited May 2015

    Thats what I do. And believe me its better. i have just played the first episode. And I have already 3 episode (so likely 6 hours gameplay) left. Feels good^^

    ughhh this long wait for 2 hours of gameplay really sucks. I'm gonna have to start doing what my friend does and wait till they all release then just binge.

  • How do you avoid spoilers? My friends always talk to me about the episode.

    Xemnes posted: »

    Thats what I do. And believe me its better. i have just played the first episode. And I have already 3 episode (so likely 6 hours gameplay) left. Feels good^^

  • Haha.. wish it was true.

    unseenclass posted: »

    it will be the 31st of this month. You heard it here first!

  • Don't you dare

    And so it begins...

  • Sorry, not sorry.

    Don't you dare

  • Rodrik with Elaena be like:


    I swear to God if she's raped, killed, or hurt in any manner, I will fucking murder my way every motherfucker in the motherfucking game.

  • edited May 2015

    That would go out of hand.....and hopefully telltale won't add any rape stuff.

    Rodrik with Elaena be like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEXWRTEbj1I I swear to God if she's raped, killed, or hurt in any manner, I will fucking murder my way every motherfucker in the motherfucking game.

  • I don't give a fuck.

    No survivors.

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    Killah posted: »

    That would go out of hand.....and hopefully telltale won't add any rape stuff.

  • iron from ice b*tches! i'll flay ramsay if i can, for ethan

  • Sorry bro, he's canon.

    AstroZombie posted: »

    iron from ice b*tches! i'll flay ramsay if i can, for ethan

  • :c i know, but that won't stop me, i took on the lost legion!

    Sorry bro, he's canon.

  • you know nothing unseen class

    unseenclass posted: »

    it will be the 31st of this month. You heard it here first!

  • I hope the game will end with the Forresters joining Stannis' forces or something like that against the Boltons.

    Sorry bro, he's canon.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I just remembered about this tweet prior to the episode 4 release.

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    As we didn't see his character in episode 4 i guess he might appear in episode 5 or 6.

  • Wait Samoa freaking Joe is voicing a character :D. I freaking love that guy he is such a badass. Definetly one of my favorite wrestlers.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I just remembered about this tweet prior to the episode 4 release. https://twitter.com/SamoaJoe/status/601041616439255042 As we didn't see his character in episode 4 i guess he might appear in episode 5 or 6.

  • Never heard of him.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I just remembered about this tweet prior to the episode 4 release. https://twitter.com/SamoaJoe/status/601041616439255042 As we didn't see his character in episode 4 i guess he might appear in episode 5 or 6.

  • I bet he'll be voicing a giant.

    Never heard of him.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I saw in the tweet that he wrote #pitfighter so i'm guessing that he has something to do with the fighting pits in Meereen.

    @kiwi_walking_dead i had heard his name before but i didn't know much about him so i looked on Google and saw that he is a wrestler who works for the WWE.

    I bet he'll be voicing a giant.

  • Tamaryn Payne's character hasn't appeared in Ep4, right? So should we add her to the news for Ep5?

  • Bronn should be in everything that has to do with Game of Thrones.

    They should add Bronn for no reason at all.

  • edited May 2015

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    Ramsey's f'ed.

  • Telltale? More like Talltale

    Pipas posted: »

    Your choices matter Telltale pls

  • Samoa Joe is a boss! Been watching him for a decade. awesome wrestler.

  • edited May 2015

    I don't give a fuck. No survivors.

  • Alt text

    Me waiting for episode 5

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