Michonne Ep 1 Waiting Thread: PC/Mac/PS4/PS3/Xbox One/360 Feb 23, iOS/Android Feb 25
If you want to discuss news and speculation about Season 3, please use the Season 3 waiting thread.
Discuss the early preview with the first six minutes of Episode 1 here - please keep spoilers out of this thread.
Release Dates
- PC/Mac - February 23rd
- Playstation Network (PS4/PS3) - February 23rd
- Xbox Live (Xbox One/Xbox 360) - February 23rd
- iOS - February 25th
- Android - February 25th
February 19th
Tweet from Nathan: Can't stop listening to the music from 'The Walking Dead: Michonne'. Pretty stoked for people to play it next week.
Tweet (in response to a user on Twitter): It's a perfect place to start w/ an awesome character, playing Michonne requires no knowledge of #TWD in any form.
February 18th
- Tweet from Job: Played #TheWalkingDead Michonne mobile on the flight to #DICE2016. @.cissyspeaks has made for one hell of a villain!
February 14th
- Tweet: TONIGHT on @.YouTube - An extended preview of #TheWalkingDead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries #TWD
February 13th
- Vine Tweet: Catch the intense 1st 5 minutes of #TheWalkingDead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries - Sunday on @.YouTube
February 12th
Tweet from Brian H. (from Skybound): I definitely can't confirm that I've seen the @.telltalegames Michonne intro. And I also can't confirm that it's F**KING AWESOME. Sunday.
Vine Tweet: Get a haunting look at #TheWalkingDead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries this Sunday on @.YouTube
February 11th
Vine Tweet: #TheWalkingDead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries - Don't miss the Extended Preview this Sunday on @YouTube
Tweet: Don't miss an extended preview of the 1st 5 min of #TheWalkingDead: Michonne this Sunday
February 10th
- Blog Post: The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries Premiere Date, All-New Screens, Extended Preview
February 9th
Tweet from Job: The first five minutes of @.TheWalkingDead: Michonne are haunting. Looping on repeat in my head as much as it does her own.
News tomorrow!Episode rated "MA 15+" by the Australia Classification Board
Episode rated "18" by PEGI
Episode rated "R16" by the New Zealand Office of Film and Literature Classification
February 8th
- Tweet from Nathan (kenjisalk): Got to check out some @.TheWalkingDead: Michonne today. Super tense, exciting stuff. Can't wait for people to get their hands on it. : )
February 3rd
February 1st:
January 26th
January 25th 2016
- Tweet from Nathan (kenjisalk): So hype for 'The Walking Dead: Michonne'. Re-reading the comic to tide me over.
December 4th:
- Post on official Walking Dead site: TELLTALE’S MICHONNE, HUGE UPDATE!
- "February release date: We bumped this a TINY bit but this allows the game to get even bigger and better and for all three installments to hit on a tight schedule."
December 3rd
Blog Post: The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Games Series Premiering this February in Three Episode Event
Tweet: [NEW TRAILER] @.TheWalkingDead: Michonne - A Three Episode Event premieres February 2016
Confirmed during Game Awards 2015 to premiere starting February 2016
Tweet from Job: It's still premiering sooner than you think, but shifting just a few weeks will make for a tighter 3 episode series. More details later!
Tweet from Job: Confirmed: You will get your 1st look at TWD:Michonne @.thegameawards. It won't premiere this month, but will now be a stand-alone series.
Tweet from Laura: About to take off from sunny San Francisco. En route to LA for #TheGameAwards with some of the @.telltalegames crew!
Tweet from Telltale: "Not everyone deserves saving."
December 2nd
A YouTube trailer for The Game Awards 2015 mentions Michonne will be one of the games presented
[Fan asks: I've got 2 main questions. 1. Who voices Michonne? 2. When will it release?]
- Response from Job: Those answers, tomorrow.
- Tweet from Job: A lot of questions about Telltale's @.TheWalkingDead: Michonne series coming in from fans... Answers later this week?
November 30th:
- Minor Update - Tweet from Shaun Finney (trailer editor): Working on @.TheWalkingDead stuff feels like stepping back into a comfortable pair of shoes!
November 20th
Tweet from Job: No updates on S3 until after the Mini-Series concludes. But one thing is for certain - you WILL want to play this before S3...
Tweet from Job: More news on The Walking Dead: Michonne Mini-Series also coming very soon!
November 18th
- Tweet from Job: Major news on #GoT coming VERY soon. #TWD: Michonne Mini-Series info also coming. Our 2016 lineup is a lot like a TV schedule!
November 9th
Tweet from Job: Played @. TheWalkingDead: Michonne today with the team.
Fresh, brutal, and it's about to sneak up on you... Be ready!Tweet from Job: TV & Telltale thrive in consumable, single-sitting content. I'm at hour 3 of installing Fallout on PS4, longer than Michonne Ep 1.
October 26th:
- Tweet from Job (response to fan asking about when we get Michonne news): news next month!
October 11th:
[Fan asks "so who will portray Michonne in the TWDG Mini Series"]
October 9th:
- Tweet from Job: We're doing a CineramaDome premiere for MC on Mon. Later this year, let's play TWD MICHONNE!
September 27th
Job Stauffer has Fan Q&A on Twitter for future Telltale news...
[Fan asks about Michonne after someone asked about Minecraft trailer]
[Fan asks about calling Michonne DLC]
Fan asks: Is the Michonne Min-series still releasing this fall?
- Response from Job: Fall ends December 21st... No date set yet - but still targeting this Fall!
Fan asks about Season 3/Michonne:
September 10th
- Tweet from Job Stauffer: Two of our most ambitious finales yet; a new series premiere for all ages; the return of TWD; surprises. Telltale's Fall 2015. Stay close!
July 9th - Skybound Comic Con Panel:
Tweet from Telltale: The Telltale 'silence option' for Michonne can mean a lot more for her than it can for most other characters." #SDCC
Skybound Tweeted: TQ Jefferson from telltalegames and our own SeanMackiewicz are coming out to talk about the Michonne episodes!
Skybound Tweeted: TQ is saying how the series has been working toward having an actual payable character from the comic universe.
Skybound Tweeted: Michonne heads into confrontation with walkers. She doesn't hide or shy away like Clem or Lee. So it's a different dynamic.
Skybound Tweeted: Sean is saying how story-wise it's a chance to fill in the gaps and also expand the universe.
Skybound Tweeted: TQ says Sean told them "this is michonne, don't F it up."
Skybound Tweeted: Showing concept art from the game. "This is Michonne out there on her own at her lowest. She is bereft."
Skybound Tweeted: Coming late this fall.
Skybound Tweeted (during Fan Q&A): Since Michonne is an action character, will gameplay mechanics change? It will require more action. You will be pleasantly surprised.
Skybound Tweeted (during Fan Q&A): Why is Michonne using a machete? Michonne doesn't have her sword during this time period.
July 3rd
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As this E3 announcement will be big news we have decided to make a separate thread to discuss it and leave the other thread specifically for Season 3.
If this announcement is for is DLC this thread will likely become the DLC waiting thread.
Not long to go now
Im so excited!
Ok ozzy im gonna ask ya what do you think this dlc is gonna be about i know ur not telltale staff ur a fan like any other forum user but im curious of ur creative minded theory on what this dlc could be
Wolf among us season 2 though
Um was wolf among us good? so far i have only played walking dead season 1 and 400 days dlc and season 2 and most of season 1 of sam and max but i have never tried wolf among us so im not really sure if its good
but anyways
um whats ur theory on what this dlc will be about i would love to hear ur creative theory
It's hard to say but maybe it will connect all the endings to season 2 so that we all start season 3 at around the same place or maybe it will introduce some major characters for season 3.
I guess we don't have to wait too much longer
would u be ok with the dlc having nothing to do with season 3 but still having quality characters and great storyline and overall a good dlc just curious
I think ill be a 800 days dlc
I guess having a backstory to the cabin survivors, Carver or what happened during the time skip could be fun but i don't think they would use this possible DLC to tell a random unconnected story.
Well, this is exciting. Might as well see what kind of announcement they make.
Yes, the wolf among us is amazing I've played the whole thing and it was brilliant from start to finish on every episode. I think you should try it, you'll might think it's interesting!
Can't wait to see what direction they take with the DLC (?), particularly if it's more than just one episode or not.
Still holding out hope for Lily storyline that catches up on what happened after she took off in the camper and then have that story converge into Season 3. Lily was fierce so she could have ended up in a strong group, possibly as a leader of sorts, and could make a good antagonist opposite a grown up Clem.
Can you give us the timer for exactly time?I mean i want to know for eest when it's going to happen.
I really hope they don't backtrack on dead-end stories.
Yeah im fine with a dlc like that sure it wont effect s3 in the long run but as long as its a good dlc i will buy it
List of worldwide time zones.
No, I meant that the DLC would go back and cover what Lily has been doing up until the present day, and then Season 3's storyline would be about Clem - now also in the present day - crossing paths with Lily. I absolutely want the DLC to tie in with Season 3 and not just be a standalone thing.
I have it in my head that Lily will eventually find a new group and since she has such a strong character she won't like how they run things, and will start to impose her will and ways onto them. BUT because she's also intelligent and ruthless she will help the group survive and grow to be a known force. A small society, with strong walls and resources. However her ruthlessness will not foster a happy community and will cause division. Some think her methods are too brutal, others adamantly stand by her side.
That is where Clem comes in (now season 3) for whatever reason. Possibly because she meets some of the defectors who inform Clem of the resources and security Lily's group has, and then she works with them to take it back.
Ok im fine with lilly returning since i liked her as a character so yeah i get ya it could work
Finally news!!!!
Hi dude!
Yeah as long as it's not a standalone story, I'm cool. They were along the right lines with the 400 days DLC but those characters were so insignificant to Season 2 that it was kind of pointless, which was predictable really considering how many multiple endings it had. Something with a tighter ending to segue into Season 3 to allow significant, meaningful story to flow from would be awesome!
OK,I just need to be patient.Hopefully.
New thread!
TWAU is good, TFTB is also good so far and GOT is also good so far.
They should at least do more than 5 episodes and actually take time to write a plot without making everything the same.
What? This isn't even supposed to be a full Season - I can't see why we would get something larger than a typical Season for something smaller than Season 3.
i propose a new thread in celebration of it's release...a food pic thread ;D...runs for cover....
looking forward to the annoucement
))) i hope this is on ps3 aswell as ps4
I don't know, i don't think i even care anymore. Will i buy it, sure. Am i excited as horses to get it.
Not really , no.
From where Season 2 is, it's always one hour. And not that much development of Clementine. Clementine's choices never affected that much except for dialogues. She will still be friends with Kenny, in the Carver place with Jane, or alone with the baby. I said more than 5 so they can develop more on the characters and maybe a side story episode that leads to where everyone is as of now. They can just release other games while working on Walking Dead so Walking Dead will have a better season.
Technically an hour and a half, not one hour. But still, Telltale has used longer episodes for their newer series anyways ranging from 2 hours to 2 and a half hours.
I know what you mean there
Please don't be annother action figure...
You're right, it should be a whole collection of action figures!
Action figure was COOL!
But in this time it's something BETTER AND BIGGER
Karnedg2013 was here
Please don't post off topic food pictures in waiting threads.
Okay... Big Blind Moderator
rewind time