Which Bro Did You Choose?
Which brother did you choose and why? I chose Rodrik to stay because as both Lord and the older brother, it is HIS duty to make the sacrifice first. Plus, Asher would become Lord next and he already earned the respect of the pit fighters. Also, I played both run throughs and when Rodrik was fighting his last fight, he was doing it pretty slowly when compared to how fast Asher was fighting in his last fight. These are my reasons why Asher should survive over Rodrik.
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Yes, i choose rodrick too... i dont really know why
I picked Rodrick because Talia needs her older brother. She looks up to him all the time, and he's gonna be a father. Asher has nothing to offer. Even if Asher does, the only reason for him being alive is Besksa which isn't a good enough reason. I feel sorry for Besksa though.
I wasn't attached to either character so I chose for Rodrik to stay because Asher seemed a more useful fighter though I think Rodrik's story would be more satisfying. It's nice to read a reason that isn't just "I liked ____ more."
I chose Roders, because I like Asher more :P
Is it me, or did everyone on this forum choose Rodrik? :-/
Damn you people lol. Stop making me feel bad for leaving Asher!
Before Episode 5, the consensus was, yay Rodrik, Rodrik is the best TellTale character ever, I
Rodrik, Asher is pretty cool I guess...
But yes, ultimately, I chose Asher to stay
I thought Asher dying after all the work he put into returning home seem liked a waste. And I like the idea of the exiled lord Asher returning home, watching his brother die before his eyes and eventually avenging his death. Makes for a better story I think.
Why would Rodrik be a father? Do you think he knocked up Elaena?
I love both the brothers. I didn't want to make that choice. I chose Asher because he was not only next in the line of succession but because he was the most able-bodied and capable fighter the Forresters had. I couldn't take away their one chance. Not even for Rodrick.
I had Asher stay behind. I felt both brothers would be willing to die for each other anyway. Rodrik was Asher's lord as well. I'm not exactly sure why I saved Rodrik it just seemed to be something Asher would do. I liked both of them, but liked Rodrik a bit more.
"Asher is volatile,but so it is his strength" His mother explained better than anyone could and that's why i left rodrik behind
Fair enough, I suppose. It was more of a split-second-decision thing for me. It was like choosing between Robb Stark and Jon Snow. Ultimately, I love both... but if I HAD to pick a favourite, Robb just wins it... just like Rodrik just wins it with Asher.
Still, with my alternative saves, both will live! (That helps me sleep better at night)
Bro, bro, bro, Rodrik, bro...
Yea, I liked Rodrik better but I made my decision from a detached logical stand point. I couldn't stop screaming and being teary eyed.
I chose Rodrik to stay. Asher's whole story has been getting back to Westeros. Killing him off as soon as he gets there makes no sense and is pretty shitty storytelling. Plus Gryff smiling at Rodrik's body has such a impact because of the fact that they've been at each other's throats the entire game. Having Gryff stare at Asher's body has little to no impact. It also helps with the whole redemption thing they've been hinting at since the beginning of Asher's scenes.
You're going to think that I'm just being contrary but I would have picked Jon to live.
Couldn't agree more.
You know, I honestly don't think Asher is that volatile. He always seems cool as a cucumber to me. Maybe he was more of a hothead in his teen years. Who wasn't?
I think it was a hard decision, and either would be a great Lord. In the end even though I hated it I left Rodrick. He was my favorite character in the game, but I felt like it was his responsibility to his house to give that sacrifice. And that's what makes him my favorite character, he does what he has to do, and does it honorably. He might be dead in my game, but he's still my favorite. He's the hero ironwrath deserves, but not the one it needs right now.
Wow that last sentence was like it was pulled straight out of a batman movie. And I agree, Rodrik really is the hero here.
He totally planted his tree in that grove
I left Rodrik behind. Felt like a fitting end for him to die for his house. Asher is strong and capable and I feel like he can still help.
It was the hardest decision yet though...
Did you feel bad for that?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Telltale has never let a Choice Dependant Character stay alive for long. Every single life or death choice is just an illusion of choice which ends up with the survivor becoming dead very soon. They never go through the trouble of creating a full length episode with both Sound Actors, some surviving characters end up dying a while later after being benched from most of the story. Example: Doug or Carley from The Walking Dead can be saved during episode 1, he/she dies at the beginning of episode 3, but he/she had an almost non-existent role in episode 2. Choices do not matter in any Telltale game, they only change conversations slightly, not the results. The only choice that does make a difference is the one right before the ending at the last episode.
I do hope that this time, Choices from previous episodes will alter the ending, and not just a single choice.
To summarize my point: There are 2 possibilities, in my opinion. Unless Telltale changed their pattern, either Rodrick or Asher will die very early in episode 6. Or they'll have a very minor role.
For what? Leaving Rodrik? I felt like shit and cried.
I chose Asher to stay behind. To me, leaving Rodrik behind doesn't make much sense. Although I don't liked Asher much, I must admit- I felt pity of him and of Beskha(I don't liked her as well). Their final words... oh, that definitely was... don't have words to explain it. It just touched my heart.
Your comment perfectly fits Vasquez :Đ
I think that the one who you did saved will have a major role from now on. Who would lead the house if they both die? The one who's not your traitor? Or Elyssa? Or Talia? Maybe maester Ortegryn?
I chose to leave Rodrik behind, partly as I feel like it was just what both an older brother and a noble Lord would do, regardless of anything else. He was a good lad.
However, I've played both endings and so it'll be interesting to see how both options pan out when the next episode is released.
Of course
I think most people cried. They both deserved to make it.
I saved Rodrik, because he was wiser, more fit to be lord in my opinion. He also had a diplomatic marriage going with the Glenmores, which is nice.
Asher seemed like more the "go with the flow" type. He would have been a good lord as well, tho, but I could better imagine him as a commander.
Why is everyone leaving Rodrik behind? He survived the Red Wedding to die in another ambushed act of treachery?
To me, Asher completed his role when he brought the sellsword 'army' to Ironrath - and when the moment came to decide who to leave behind - I felt that in that scenario Asher would prove the ultimate devotion to his family after they exiled him and volunteer to stay behind to save his House's Lord - I just couldn't let Rodrik die with Gryff's smug face staring back at him - Rodrik already has developed relationships with the Whitehills - and now to add to that they killed yet another member of his family - I want Rodrik to unleash his full fury and lead House Forrester to victory against the Whitehills so that Asher's sacrifice was not in vain - and for Beskha to avenge him.
I know Asher is a far more interesting character than Rodrik... but I think canonically Asher would have volunteered to stay behind - House Forrester will need Rodrik for what's to come - Rodrik has been Lord of Ironrath since Episode 2 - and now he must end this conflict with the Whitehills once and for all - I want to see Asher's death drive him forward even more.
I chose Rodrik to be left behind.
Well... lucky for you then, because you'll have your wish
Asher had to stay and be a hero, it felt better, but the animation looked like Rodrik was meant to fight because Asher's sword isn't heavy, even though he made it look like it was
I have the same thought as yours. I saved Rodrik cause I promised Elaena that I'll marry her, she just lost her brother. Anyone who chose Asher destroyed Elaena's life, but I'll respect that cause Asher is or was my favourite too.
Whoops... just added the spoiler tag now... my bad