Yeah, my headcanon has always been that Jack got too crazy, even by Nisha's standards and that she tried to distance herself as much as poss… moreible (despite still caring for him as much as she was capable of).
There's something so sad and detached about Sheriff Nisha, she's a shell of her former self.
Eventually you've seen so many strip shows and know what the strippers look like underneath that you get bored and go off to watch Fullmetal Alchemist.
Why do you want to watch anime at a time like this when employees might be strippers?
Oh I much prefer BL2 Nisha, too! At first I didn't really like her characterisation in TPS and thought it was poorly done/out of character, but I've actually grown to like her development - you can see the ways in which she could have transformed from the person she was on Elpis to The Sheriff - she definitely mellowed.
I really admire her poise and respectfulness - out of all the legitimate 'villains' that I've had to kill (so not including people like Angel or Felicty) I always find her the hardest.
Or they had an argument over "New New Haven" and Nisha decided that she didn't want to spend as much time with him anymore.
Well, I actua… morelly like her more as a Sheriff. She is so, so much less of a douchebag than she is in TPS, where I wanted to pimp slap her occasionally.
Real CEOs ALWAYS have strippers in their office in case they need to host a party, but there are no hidden doors to be seen, which means the… more only option is...the employees?
She's so utterly respectful and polite and doesn't even get mad once, so I feel rather guilty every time I accept that sidequest, because it's fun and I like it, although it's bittersweet.
Jack's reaction to her death was probably actually something like "Serves that kinky bitch right for not coming up to pork ME. SHE DUMPED ME, HANDSOME JACK, THE MOST VIRILE, WELL-ENDOWED, RICH AND MUSCULAR MAN IN THE GALAXY, SO SHE COULD LIVE IN HER STUPID TOWN."
Oh I much prefer BL2 Nisha, too! At first I didn't really like her characterisation in TPS and thought it was poorly done/out of character, … morebut I've actually grown to like her development - you can see the ways in which she could have transformed from the person she was on Elpis to The Sheriff - she definitely mellowed.
I really admire her poise and respectfulness - out of all the legitimate 'villains' that I've had to kill (so not including people like Angel or Felicty) I always find her the hardest.
She's so utterly respectful and polite and doesn't even get mad once, so I feel rather guilty every time I accept that sidequest, because it… more's fun and I like it, although it's bittersweet.
Jack's reaction to her death was probably actually something like "Serves that kinky bitch right for not coming up to pork ME. SHE DUMPED ME, HANDSOME JACK, THE MOST VIRILE, WELL-ENDOWED, RICH AND MUSCULAR MAN IN THE GALAXY, SO SHE COULD LIVE IN HER STUPID TOWN."
It get's even more disturbing when you remember Opportunity was planning to include a 'Pleasure Palace' where for $1000 you could spend an hour with the likeness of Handsome Jack...
Poor Timmy - hopefully we saved him from that life.
Poor, poor, Timothy...once R&D invented the voice modulator, his sculpted body was only useful for ONE thing...
New Heist: Break Timothy out of Helios's "Employee Lounge", ASAP!
Not really related to Tales From the Borderlands but I wanna brag.. xD
I got the Conference Call (the gun found in Jacks office and held by the Stranger) in my first fight against the Warrior.. (really really rare, like 1:1000 chances)
Not really related to Tales From the Borderlands but I wanna brag.. xD
I got the Conference Call (the gun found in Jacks office and held by the Stranger) in my first fight against the Warrior.. (really really rare, like 1:1000 chances)
He walks on stage and dances and does things, and then he goes back into the back room where he lives and cries. And drinks. And cries. And reads books. And cries some more.
It get's even more disturbing when you remember Opportunity was planning to include a 'Pleasure Palace' where for $1000 you could spend an h… moreour with the likeness of Handsome Jack...
Poor Timmy - hopefully we saved him from that life.
Borderlands is set in the 52nd century, so homophobia and sexism are considered to be crimes worthy of firing squads.
Jack has no problem with homosexuality, either. Or women working in high-ranking positions.
So does this make it official:
Is Jack immortal, and therefore will be in BL3?
Or is he still vulnerable as an AI and can (potentially) suffer the same fate as Felicity?
Not really related to Tales From the Borderlands but I wanna brag.. xD
I got the Conference Call (the gun found in Jacks office and held by the Stranger) in my first fight against the Warrior.. (really really rare, like 1:1000 chances)
I'm sorry if it's been mentioned, but if you choose [...] after saying "We need to talk.." to Yvette, security will ask her to press 'one' if she's still alive. She will then request for security to come to Vasquez's office, before they arrive and gun Rhysquez down. Kind of like if you stay silent with Cercei, Lucan will kill you.
Just kill his mother and he'll stop being Grumpy Bear and turn back into Classy Gangster Guy. PROBLEM SOLVED!
And no, you can't use Gortys, she tried that already and it didn't work too well.
Yeah, "just". This is one scary mom, even Vault hunters are kinda afraid of her.
And no, you can't use Gortys, she tried that already and it didn't work too well.
Wait... she did what?
Not really related to Tales From the Borderlands but I wanna brag.. xD
I got the Conference Call (the gun found in Jacks office and held by the Stranger) in my first fight against the Warrior.. (really really rare, like 1:1000 chances)
His death is common knowledge. Rhys may have told him, OR Rhys' cybernetics might have access to information like his death. Jack has had a lot of spare time, I wouldn't be surprised if he's asked Rhys things, overheard things, or simply took the time to look it up. If his cybernetics can be tracked by Hyperion, make phone calls, and access data then they can access Hyperion records (like Jack's death.) Angel won't be in any records. He could also just use context clues ("Hey!, Vault Hunters are the most powerful people in existence and I made enemies out them! Maybe they killed me!") Him say he got a "hole in the chest" wasn't meant to be taken literally, it was somewhat like losing a fight and saying "yeah, I got fucked up" or "yup, I just got rekt" because getting shot specifically in the chest isn't always what happens to him.
I am 110% certain that he absolutely has nothing even slightly resembling an idea of Angel's death.
You can't know that for sure. I don't know what the hell happened with him in ep1, I can assume he was either in denial or he upgraded his m… moreemory later somehow, but in ep3 he even knew exactly how he died. He knew there was a hole in his chest and that it was the Vault hunters who killed him. It's either a mistake in ep1, or he was in denial or he's regained his memory along the way.
Plus, you don't "check up" on someone that you know is dead.
I admit that phrase is odd, but it's not a solid proof. Maybe it's meant to sound vague. Like I said above, he was too sad for someone who just going to visit his daughter during that scene.
I'm not saying he knows for sure. I'm just saying it's possible.
His death yes, but not the details of it. He recalled how much it hurts. Sorry, I'm really not buying that explanation. In ep3 he knew how he died, how it felt and who did this + he even said that he should've worked with the Vault hunters to avoid all that. Too much information for it to be just something he learned from Rhys or by some means other than his own memory. I can only assume TTG went wrong somewhere, either in ep1 or 3. He either learned/recalled on his own or he shouldn't know any of it.
Well, I wasn't trying to convince you or anything.
His death is common knowledge. Rhys may have told him, OR Rhys' cybernetics might have access to information like his death. Jack has had a … morelot of spare time, I wouldn't be surprised if he's asked Rhys things, overheard things, or simply took the time to look it up. If his cybernetics can be tracked by Hyperion, make phone calls, and access data then they can access Hyperion records (like Jack's death.) Angel won't be in any records. He could also just use context clues ("Hey!, Vault Hunters are the most powerful people in existence and I made enemies out them! Maybe they killed me!") Him say he got a "hole in the chest" wasn't meant to be taken literally, it was somewhat like losing a fight and saying "yeah, I got fucked up" or "yup, I just got rekt" because getting shot specifically in the chest isn't always what happens to him.
I am 110% certain that he absolutely has nothing even slightly resembling an idea of Angel's death.
Heh, I liked how they disliked your misogyny if you say that. Like, they're the soldiers of an evil corporation but they still have progressive views and oppose things like homophobia and sexism. I enjoyed that whole encounter.
The details of his death would be common knowledge as well. The most likely explanation is that it's a plot hole. He can't know about Angel's death, Nakayama can't know about Angel (or at least not her death), Rhys can't know about Angel, there won't be any records of Angel, etc.
Getting shot hurts. That is common knowledge for everyone everywhere ever. Again though, that's more likely just a plot hole than anything else. Jack and his feud with the Vault Hunters is also common knowledge, it doesn't take a brainiac to assume they killed him (even if it wasn't in any records.)
His death yes, but not the details of it. He recalled how much it hurts. Sorry, I'm really not buying that explanation. In ep3 he knew how h… moree died, how it felt and who did this + he even said that he should've worked with the Vault hunters to avoid all that. Too much information for it to be just something he learned from Rhys or by some means other than his own memory. I can only assume TTG went wrong somewhere, either in ep1 or 3. He either learned/recalled on his own or he shouldn't know any of it.
Well, I wasn't trying to convince you or anything.
what the fuck???????????
Oh my fucking?????????
Or he repressed the shit outta the memory.
Or they had an argument over "New New Haven" and Nisha decided that she didn't want to spend as much time with him anymore.
Well, I actually like her more as a Sheriff. She is so, so much less of a douchebag than she is in TPS, where I wanted to pimp slap her occasionally.
actually, y'know what, I saw a gif of Jack doing gangnam style today, so I'm not surprised at all.
Eventually you've seen so many strip shows and know what the strippers look like underneath that you get bored and go off to watch Fullmetal Alchemist.
I'll take a shot of your finest bleach, thank you.
Oh, internet, never change...
Oh I much prefer BL2 Nisha, too! At first I didn't really like her characterisation in TPS and thought it was poorly done/out of character, but I've actually grown to like her development - you can see the ways in which she could have transformed from the person she was on Elpis to The Sheriff - she definitely mellowed.
I really admire her poise and respectfulness - out of all the legitimate 'villains' that I've had to kill (so not including people like Angel or Felicty) I always find her the hardest.
Well that explains their drinking problems...
She's so utterly respectful and polite and doesn't even get mad once, so I feel rather guilty every time I accept that sidequest, because it's fun and I like it, although it's bittersweet.
Jack's reaction to her death was probably actually something like "Serves that kinky bitch right for not coming up to pork ME. SHE DUMPED ME, HANDSOME JACK, THE MOST VIRILE, WELL-ENDOWED, RICH AND MUSCULAR MAN IN THE GALAXY, SO SHE COULD LIVE IN HER STUPID TOWN."
You do realise that the coffee HAS to have whisky in it?
Yeah, to get this image out of their heads:
Oh, God, now we know where Timothy's been all these years...
well, my friends and I wanted to go out for some drinks later anyway.
Poor, poor, Timothy...once R&D invented the voice modulator, his sculpted body was only useful for ONE thing...
New Heist: Break Timothy out of Helios's "Employee Lounge", ASAP!
nah, he wondered that he felt something about her dead
It get's even more disturbing when you remember Opportunity was planning to include a 'Pleasure Palace' where for $1000 you could spend an hour with the likeness of Handsome Jack...
Poor Timmy - hopefully we saved him from that life.
Not really related to Tales From the Borderlands but I wanna brag.. xD
(really really rare, like 1:1000 chances)
I got the Conference Call (the gun found in Jacks office and held by the Stranger) in my first fight against the Warrior..
Wow, is is seriously that rare? I loaded up my Zer0 save the other day and noticed I had it equipped as well!
If he turned out to be a stripper...
He walks on stage and dances and does things, and then he goes back into the back room where he lives and cries. And drinks. And cries. And reads books. And cries some more.
He's pretty sexist about Fiona in episode 3 though.
I think it just means that machine's are technically immortal.
I got it thanks to Butt Stallion -after feeding her like 40 Eridium- Not usually much of the shotgun type, but CC is awesomely fun.
Well, he is a massive hypocrite...
Won't disagree with you there haha
I'm sorry if it's been mentioned, but if you choose [...] after saying "We need to talk.." to Yvette, security will ask her to press 'one' if she's still alive. She will then request for security to come to Vasquez's office, before they arrive and gun Rhysquez down. Kind of like if you stay silent with Cercei, Lucan will kill you.
Yeah, "just". This is one scary mom, even Vault hunters are kinda afraid of her.
Wait... she did what?
He got locked in with Gortys in the caravan. Still grumpy on rocket.
Hard to imagine Timmy like that but there it is.

I thought she tried to hug him (like Fiona) at some point and I've missed it.
Interesting, I'm almost at The Warrior battle (this time as Axton) and now I want that gun.
His death is common knowledge. Rhys may have told him, OR Rhys' cybernetics might have access to information like his death. Jack has had a lot of spare time, I wouldn't be surprised if he's asked Rhys things, overheard things, or simply took the time to look it up. If his cybernetics can be tracked by Hyperion, make phone calls, and access data then they can access Hyperion records (like Jack's death.) Angel won't be in any records. He could also just use context clues ("Hey!, Vault Hunters are the most powerful people in existence and I made enemies out them! Maybe they killed me!") Him say he got a "hole in the chest" wasn't meant to be taken literally, it was somewhat like losing a fight and saying "yeah, I got fucked up" or "yup, I just got rekt" because getting shot specifically in the chest isn't always what happens to him.
I am 110% certain that he absolutely has nothing even slightly resembling an idea of Angel's death.
His death yes, but not the details of it. He recalled how much it hurts. Sorry, I'm really not buying that explanation. In ep3 he knew how he died, how it felt and who did this + he even said that he should've worked with the Vault hunters to avoid all that. Too much information for it to be just something he learned from Rhys or by some means other than his own memory. I can only assume TTG went wrong somewhere, either in ep1 or 3. He either learned/recalled on his own or he shouldn't know any of it.
Well, I wasn't trying to convince you or anything.
the encounter triggered me tbh
If you wait too long to scan Fiona's eye at the beginning of episode 2, the computer will say you've been unidentified and contacts General Pollux.
The details of his death would be common knowledge as well. The most likely explanation is that it's a plot hole. He can't know about Angel's death, Nakayama can't know about Angel (or at least not her death), Rhys can't know about Angel, there won't be any records of Angel, etc.
Getting shot hurts. That is common knowledge for everyone everywhere ever. Again though, that's more likely just a plot hole than anything else. Jack and his feud with the Vault Hunters is also common knowledge, it doesn't take a brainiac to assume they killed him (even if it wasn't in any records.)
All g.