Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about Tales From The Borderlands



  • Spoiler

    If you get the chance to take Felix - take him! I'm freakin rich!

  • Spoiler

    Sonuvabitch, I just realized we still had no Tector scene in the entire Season.

  • Wow. I guess there's no need to loot that Vault anymore. I assume he explains everything, right?
    Definitely looking forward to a video of it. Man, playing all the way from ep1 may be too much, but maybe i'll do it, if only cuz it's TFTB.

    You get exactly 9 million dollars for sparing Felix.

  • He's the vault hunter you get if you save up all your money :)

    Also, I love Clappy so I wasn't annoyed at all xD

    bocajbee posted: »

    How did you get him?

  • Yeah,its a shitloada money AND you can hire the vault hunter! Isnt that just great? I was genuinly hoping to get Krieg or Maya.... Oh well. I guess that would've been too easy. Great trolling from telltale tho

  • I should brofist you but...Let's wave at each other for 0.5 second, it's the best i can do.

  • He explains it and it's a good explanation.

    Wow. I guess there's no need to loot that Vault anymore. I assume he explains everything, right? Definitely looking forward to a video of it. Man, playing all the way from ep1 may be too much, but maybe i'll do it, if only cuz it's TFTB.

  • Spoiler

    This scan explains why Buttstallion was frozen:

    enter image description here

  • I was waiting for the credits to end, hoping to see it one last time T.T

  • Spoiler

    You guys remember Loader Bot's "Unused" Splash screen? Well yeah. Guess how he was introduced as the Stranger? With said Splash Screen is the correct answer.

  • grabs hand and forces a brofist

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    I should brofist you but...Let's wave at each other for 0.5 second, it's the best i can do.

  • Well, he CAN appear in Episode 5 if you come to get August, but no Jimbo pow wow

  • Spoiler

    So question, the Vault Hunters that you could hire if you were mad rich were Krieg, Claptrap and who else?

  • Only Claptrap. No one else.

  • I know (I saw that scene), but it's not the same man. 0_0,

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Well, he CAN appear in Episode 5 if you come to get August, but no Jimbo pow wow

  • Well, maybe he was like, beating him up, cuz he TOOK his gun, see? Now its kinda sorta still not there, but now you can think it is?

    I know (I saw that scene), but it's not the same man. 0_0,

  • It's not a hand, it's a paw

    enter image description here

    Poogers555 posted: »

    grabs hand and forces a brofist

  • Wait really? Aww, I thought you could select 3 and I thought it was Krieg Lilith and someone else and claptrap

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Only Claptrap. No one else.

  • Also, do you have a video of claptrap?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Wait really? Aww, I thought you could select 3 and I thought it was Krieg Lilith and someone else and claptrap

  • edited October 2015

    You can choose 3 (to form 2 squads of 4), but Claptrap is the surprise character, and the only one who you need money for. All the others can be "unlocked" by other means. If you have unlocked all, you can choose from Athena, Zer0, Janey, August, Cassius, Felix, and Claptrap.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Wait really? Aww, I thought you could select 3 and I thought it was Krieg Lilith and someone else and claptrap

  • Spoiler

    I imagine someone probably translated this already when Episode 1 came out, but just to reiterate, the binary on his splash card translates out to FRIEND.

  • Spoiler

    Vaughn is wearing whichever mask you bought back in episode 1.

  • edited October 2015

    There is also the kicking the window move in the midst of apocalypse... Lee?

  • Spoiler

    so, I have no idea if some of these did appear in Episode 5 but anyway here are a few that were interesting that didnt end up being in ep 5

    -There was going to be a choice to warn Vallory to get out of the way and not be crushed, but she would be crushed anyway, after that if you didnt warn her, August would be mad and if you did he'd say you didnt have to do that

    -(This one might be in ep 5 I dont know) Felix was going to be in the hyperion cells no matter what, even if he exploded, the explanation for it was that he used a flash bang and excaped

  • edited October 2015

    Sasha will either hug Vaughn or Rhys depending on if you trusted Jack or Fiona in episode 2. You can guess which matches with which.

  • Also : Skipping the credits gives the message "(!) Really?! We're starting to take this personally now!"

  • How could you possible skip those credits? ;-;

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Also : Skipping the credits gives the message "(!) Really?! We're starting to take this personally now!"

  • I know I know, I accidentally slipped and I fucked up. I'm sorry, these credits are so awesome (replayed episode)

    Poogers555 posted: »

    How could you possible skip those credits? ;-;

  • Poogers555 posted: »

    Also, do you have a video of claptrap?

  • edited October 2015

    There was a reference to Season One of The Walking Dead that was so much full of win.

    It's a reference to when Carley put the batteries in the wrong way in the very first episode.

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

  • We truly do miss you, Carley. May your legacy live on.

    There was a reference to Season One of The Walking Dead that was so much full of win. It's a reference to when Carley put the batteries in the wrong way in the very first episode.

  • I say a playthrough where it said "TellTale STILL will remember that."

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Also : Skipping the credits gives the message "(!) Really?! We're starting to take this personally now!"

  • Spoiler

    I don't have a screenshot, but what do people think about the wink Fiona gives Vaughn if you hug it out after he's revealed as the bandit lord? Maybe she still does it even if you fist bump or flip him off.

    Maybe it was just a 'hey buddy, glad you're alive' wink, but it looked more like a cheeky 'wow, you've got a rugged mountain man beard and you're the leader of a bunch of Helios survivors and just wow you are really different from the last time I saw you, here's my number' wink. Don't stun baton me, shipping bros; that's just what it looked like to me.

  • Poor Butt Stalion... :( NO I JUST REALIZED SHE'S PROBABLY DEAD!!!!! :'((

  • It is, but it's also his pocket watch. I guess it has a button or something lol

    Hydra_Hell posted: »

    I thought it was a cloaking device

  • Or "You look like a really cool priest."

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Most people probably know this but the scene where we all fight from inside Gortys seems to have been inspired by the Power Rangers.

    enter image description here

  • edited October 2015

    enter image description here

    Does anyone here knows how do you fuck up so badly?

  • Blake's the "acting" CEO now.

    THANK YOU!!!!

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