He doesn't, he kinda mumbles and falls over then dies.... However if you don't do anything at all, he falls over and says " You...You can't just leave me like this...Rodrik!? Rodrik!?" 19:15
Theres a quite hilarious death scene if you play as Asher and you fight Gryff. It happens if you don't do anything while Gryff is being burned in the fireplace. Go to 24:11
Theres a quite hilarious death scene if you play as Asher and you fight Gryff. It happens if you don't do anything while Gryff is being burned in the fireplace. Go to 24:11
Theres a quite hilarious death scene if you play as Asher and you fight Gryff. It happens if you don't do anything while Gryff is being burned in the fireplace. Go to 24:11
Theres a quite hilarious death scene if you play as Asher and you fight Gryff. It happens if you don't do anything while Gryff is being burned in the fireplace. Go to 24:11
Theres a quite hilarious death scene if you play as Asher and you fight Gryff. It happens if you don't do anything while Gryff is being burned in the fireplace. Go to 24:11
Speaking of virgins, hopefully Gared doesn't get killed off as a virgin. This is important Telltale. And don't ask "How do you know Gared is a virgin?" okay? He obviously is.
Theres a quite hilarious death scene if you play as Asher and you fight Gryff. It happens if you don't do anything while Gryff is being burned in the fireplace. Go to 24:11
That's actually much more satisfying than beheading him. But it's kind of weird that not a single soldier would see Gryff and help him after Rodrik left.
He doesn't, he kinda mumbles and falls over then dies.... However if you don't do anything at all, he falls over and says " You...You can't just leave me like this...Rodrik!? Rodrik!?" 19:15
At 19:15
Theres a quite hilarious death scene if you play as Asher and you fight Gryff. It happens if you don't do anything while Gryff is being burned in the fireplace. Go to 24:11
It is a bad idea. Arrows don't get stuck in metal and have almost no chance to go through (only in Telltale Games). With a wooden helmet you'd run around like Rudolf the red nosed Reindeer after a few minutes.
Is GoT Banang-free?
Helmets suck
I think they forgot to add Banang in Game of Thrones.
What a shame.
He doesn't, he kinda mumbles and falls over then dies.... However if you don't do anything at all, he falls over and says " You...You can't just leave me like this...Rodrik!? Rodrik!?" 19:15
At 19:15
Theres a quite hilarious death scene if you play as Asher and you fight Gryff. It happens if you don't do anything while Gryff is being burned in the fireplace. Go to 24:11
Nah. He's going through puberty right about now, so he's aggressive as hell.
Jeez, went right through. Poor guy. Ironrath couldn't afford iron helmets, so it was just paper, I assume.
Nah I think it was made of tinfoil.
Anything is possible. I hope we get a section in season two where Asher/Rodrik has to choose between a tinfoil helmet or a paper helmet.
What the...?
lol wut
OR he's not a virgin and that's why the dogs are afraid of him...
He bodyslammed Asher so hard that he killed him.
That was hot! I demand fanfiction!
So I was watching a playthrough and I saw this glitch:
For the ones who got saved by Erik, did you encounter this glitch or not?
When a family member was playing, and I was watching, that did happen when Erik saved them. I stayed silent and hoped they wouldn't notice. xD
Haha xD
Tbh Asher looks like he had a bad hair dying
A quick tip for ANDROID users. If you uninstall all episodes but episode 1, all protagonists will show up on the main screen.
Damn, I guess Gryff weights alot more than he looks
You all speak lies! Back with Rodrik and Gregor Forrester, Gared be gettin that puss all day long...
Much sad
Here's hoping we see it in S2...
He obvs gave Asher a kiss of death
Here's something I noticed:
LOWL Asher is immune to Gryff's sword apperently...
Also dis:
Does the same thing on xbox one.
Should've made their helmets from ironwood.
I wonder what the story would have been with Ethan there
That's why they are afraid of Asher!
That's actually much more satisfying than beheading him. But it's kind of weird that not a single soldier would see Gryff and help him after Rodrik left.
I guess it's meant as in Asher catching fire aswell? I dunno, probably not xP
A wooden helmet sounds like a really bad idea to me.
It is a bad idea. Arrows don't get stuck in metal and have almost no chance to go through (only in Telltale Games). With a wooden helmet you'd run around like Rudolf the red nosed Reindeer after a few minutes.
Lmao that glitch though:
Closer look:
Seven hells, Rodrik. He's really close with his sword
Is she dead? Better stab her again, just to be sure.
Dat face tho
Hahahaha xDDD
Why can't I stop laughing? ;-;
Lmao I was thinking that when I saw the glitch
Rodrik likes to stab his own mother. How rude >.<
Seriously, that meme made me laugh at Elissa's face even more xD
Oh god, I'm a horrible person ;-;