We Want Season 2!



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    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Almost literally.

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited January 2016

    You're not useless! There's just very little things you remotely excel at but you're not useless for sure!

    BRB changing my user name to Nakayama because I'm so damn useless...

  • Oh. That long period where I first found out TellTale waits were like finding out you had cancer. Yes, I remember that. Kept checking Release Dates for every episode JUST because of that. Honestly thought they cancelled the game when it reached around week 14

    Blockb0ys posted: »

    Between episode 1 and episode 2 the wait time was beyond long. I think it was about 17 weeks? But during the middle of the wait, hype sta

  • Yes, very dark times. Someone explained it to me. Thinking of that has me worried with how many games TellTale has announced. Michonne, Walking Dead S3, Marvel, Batman, Game of Thrones S2. And people still hope for TWAU S2 AND a Tales S2. Seriosuly, if they don't hire like 3x more people then what they have now, and get a new engine; I'm afraid I'll be married before Tales Season 2 even comes out. Possibly with delays just like Season 1.

    I envy both your ignorance and innocence. Those were dark times...

  • It is just a theory, I don't mind if they are blood related. But in the end, that doesn't change the fact that they are still family. :)

    Akeinu posted: »

    nice comment, although I believe they are clearly blood related, it would be really sweet if it is as you said.

  • edited January 2016

    All hail to the King!!

    I miss you, @HandsomeJack. :)

  • Some buff ability would be so cool like ABS shield...

    Quite honestly, I'd imagine Vaughn's ability being a little less powerful the others. But since he's a former accountant, he'd have greater chances of getting more cash or even better loot when his ability is used for a kill. I dunno, just a thought

  • The power of buffness... Berserker maybe?? XD

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Some buff ability would be so cool like ABS shield...

  • Vaughn and August could be Buff Bros.

    The power of buffness... Berserker maybe?? XD

  • the way story end. shows that there is more story than just one season about Rhys and Fiona. i just can't wait. that's all

  • I was about to make a post saying how telltale are too humane to make us wait here without any confirmation but then I remembered Wolf among us season 2

    enter image description here


  • Right back at you, pumpkin.

    enter image description here

    All hail to the King!! I miss you, @HandsomeJack.

  • enter image description here

    Leluch123 posted: »

    You're not useless! There's just very little things you remotely excel at but you're not useless for sure!

  • edited January 2016

    I just want a season 2, words cannot express how much i FUCKING ADORED this game, literally, I love it so much I replay all 5 episodes on a monthly basis, season 2 telltale, this was one of your most well relieved games EVER pretty much, I tell you, they're reading these forums right now, laughing thinking to themselves, just you wait kiddos, season 2 will arrive, and i hope it does

  • enter image description here

    it's something??
    quick, convince your friends to buy tftbl!

  • More award nominations, Tales From the Borderlands is up for Outstanding Achievement in Story at the DICE Awards.

  • Now that's the spirit!

    MrTang0Down posted: »

    I just want a season 2, words cannot express how much i FUCKING ADORED this game, literally, I love it so much I replay all 5 episodes on a

  • I'd say everything that's at least far from a "nope" is something indeed!

    Regarding the convincing of friends, my personal body count is 10 so far (gifted it to 3 people and convinced 7 to buy it). At the very least, I'm doing my best!

    it's something?? quick, convince your friends to buy tftbl!

  • Let two of my friends and my borther play mine on their own accounts. Conving my brother and his friend now, especially since those two rely on IGN so much. (They gave this game 4 awards) Also, thye both enjoy TellTale Games every now and then...

    Navoc posted: »

    I'd say everything that's at least far from a "nope" is something indeed! Regarding the convincing of friends, my personal body count is 10 so far (gifted it to 3 people and convinced 7 to buy it). At the very least, I'm doing my best!

  • I'm still holding out for a confirmation or some small hint of a season 2. I have hope we'll get a season 2 guys...

    I just miss it so much, oh man.

  • Telltale shared this on their Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr/etc. Pretty cool mashup. :D

    True Borderlands

  • That's some mad editing skillz wow I'm so envious..

    Pipas posted: »

    Telltale shared this on their Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr/etc. Pretty cool mashup. True Borderlands

  • I've just finished the 5th episode and oh boy! It was a constant emotional rollercoaster and just GLORIOUS. I can't wait for the 2nd season but with all the new titles going on, who knows when. The entire Borderlands thing raised the bar to the sky for me, though, I'm missing it already.

  • Makes me think how cool Tales would be as a TV series...

    Pipas posted: »

    Telltale shared this on their Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr/etc. Pretty cool mashup. True Borderlands

  • Your going to miss it for a loong time after you've played it. I miss the game terribly

    LeiaOrgana posted: »

    I've just finished the 5th episode and oh boy! It was a constant emotional rollercoaster and just GLORIOUS. I can't wait for the 2nd season

  • That's what I thought. I tried to keep my pace as slow as possible keeping in mind thow I missed TWD between the two seasons and how I'm still terribly missing TWAU but not much to linger with just five episodes after all. Well, waiting's half the fun. (Nope. Not at all.)

    Enigma12 posted: »

    Your going to miss it for a loong time after you've played it. I miss the game terribly

  • edited January 2016

    It may be a long wait, it may not even be announced.. But I think we all know that when/if it comes, it'll be worth the wait because it will be AMAZING :D

    Also Here are 2 clips I uploaded to my YT, both great. Find them so funny



  • I know... even if they were like "hey we'll release it in November of 2017." I'd totally be fine with that lol. beats not knowing.

    LeiaOrgana posted: »

    That's what I thought. I tried to keep my pace as slow as possible keeping in mind thow I missed TWD between the two seasons and how I'm sti

  • The day when a Season 2 will be announced, you will hear me from the other side of the Atlantic. In the meantime I'm ready to be the most motivational fishseller ever for you, dear Telltales. COME AT US DEAR NEW FANS ALL AROUND THE WORLD.

    enter image description here

  • Exactly! Counting down is nothing against the suspense.

    Enigma12 posted: »

    I know... even if they were like "hey we'll release it in November of 2017." I'd totally be fine with that lol. beats not knowing.

  • Better be soon... In 2018 I'll be gone for 2 whole years.

    It may be a long wait, it may not even be announced.. But I think we all know that when/if it comes, it'll be worth the wait because it will

  • Oh don't mind me. I am just sitting here allowing my memories and all the fun happy and joyful time that I had with this game, consume me...

    Only the announcement of Season 2 can get me out of that state.

  • I don't watch or know anything about True Detective, but I do know that this is freaking epic!

    Pipas posted: »

    Telltale shared this on their Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr/etc. Pretty cool mashup. True Borderlands

  • edited January 2016

    What? No! Don't go back to the shadows, oh ShadowMaster!

    But seriously, why?

    Better be soon... In 2018 I'll be gone for 2 whole years.

  • The other side of the Atlantic, transatlanticm reference.

    Amaltheren posted: »

    The day when a Season 2 will be announced, you will hear me from the other side of the Atlantic. In the meantime I'm ready to be the most motivational fishseller ever for you, dear Telltales. COME AT US DEAR NEW FANS ALL AROUND THE WORLD.

  • Tales from the borderlands has a special place in me and my friends heart. If anyone asks about the game, I always recommend it. Season 2 when?

  • I feel like this is a legit condition now. First diagnosis on October 20th. Has spread to many since...

    Oh don't mind me. I am just sitting here allowing my memories and all the fun happy and joyful time that I had with this game, consume me... Only the announcement of Season 2 can get me out of that state.

  • edited January 2016

    Just had an idea. If they made a 6th episode like how they did with TWD 400 Days, it should be about Jack's life. Just think of going through these events we've heard about Jack; from his abuse as a child, his daughter apparently killing his wife (He could be accusing her, so we'd see the truth in this episode), his low end tech job at Hyperion before TPS; and just him going through his insanity. I think a suitable song for the episode's intro would be 'Gnarls Barkley - Crazy'. And an ending suitable for a great villain would be how you thought of him; loved to hate, or loved. The ending would be his fate if you crushed Rhys' eye or not. So two seperate endings depending on your choice as Rhys, and the episode's entirity going thorugh his life; cause this would most likely be his last appearance in the series. (Unfortunately)

  • That could be really interesting and completely awesome.


    I feel like Handsome Jack's lore and backstory are so firmly enshrined with the rest of Borderlands that gearbox would want a much bigger say in it than they had in tales. Also, I feel like a significant part of Jack's story is not only the mystery of it but also the sheer insanity and cruelty of it - so i don't know how that'd fit with the choices mechanic - are we going to choose to eject someone from an airlock or scoop their eyes out with a spoon?

    Still, would be seriously amazing if done right.

    What do you think @HandsomeJack ?

    Just had an idea. If they made a 6th episode like how they did with TWD 400 Days, it should be about Jack's life. Just think of going throug

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