Lol i wasn't angry that you and others are clicking the like button against my posts nor did i intend to imply that i was. I was merely pointing out an observation that i genuinely found amusing because it's like a little posse between some folks lol
It's not like they're clicking the button without offering any argument like people did in the downvote-button days. There are many good dis… morecussions about why they hold their opinions - being angry at people for clicking a button designed to show support when they themselves are also justifying their point of view is odd.
You have an issue with people liking posts they agree with or do you think people are just trying to acquire likes? This forum is not filled… more with rival gangs, just people with different opinions, and I only like posts I have some agreement with. Isnt that what the like button is for?
I do, actually. I found Jane to be high hypocritical, and incredibly irresponsible in her actions that failed to shape her as an ideal survivor the writers tried to portray her as, when she ended up causing more trouble than necessary due to her lack of common sense.
I just happen to find that Jane is the lesser evil when compared to Kenny, who I find to have far more negative qualities that overrides his good traits too many times for me to the point where I stopped caring for him and found him a constant annoyance to be with.
You wanted to leave him when you were on the train after he lost pretty much everything? If that was Jane or someone else, even I wouldn't want to do that to someone or on my worst enemy
Why isn't it Flog? He was offended by what she said so he insulted her back and she went one further degrading his dead family. There's no defending either of them though like KCohere said
I do, actually. I found Jane to be high hypocritical, and incredibly irresponsible in her actions that failed to shape her as an ideal survi… morevor the writers tried to portray her as, when she ended up causing more trouble than necessary due to her lack of common sense.
I just happen to find that Jane is the lesser evil when compared to Kenny, who I find to have far more negative qualities that overrides his good traits too many times for me to the point where I stopped caring for him and found him a constant annoyance to be with.
Yep, I did because he was trying to beat the crap out of my Lee for trying to get him to be there for his wife and dying son. It was at that point that I began to feel that Clem and I would be safer away from him.
You wanted to leave him when you were on the train after he lost pretty much everything? If that was Jane or someone else, even I wouldn't want to do that to someone or on my worst enemy
Yep, I did because he was trying to beat the crap out of my Lee for trying to get him to be there for his wife and dying son. It was at that point that I began to feel that Clem and I would be safer away from him.
hardly any pro Kenny on here anymore
People who don't like Kenny got used to being downvoted and even threatened for like two years,… more I'm sure you can manage being in the minority (without downvotes and without life threats as far as I can see) in the time until season 3.
Why isn't it Flog? He was offended by what she said so he insulted her back and she went one further degrading his dead family. There's no defending either of them though like KCohere said
I think people should try to stop making it die down. If people want to keep on arguing about Kenny and Jane, theyre going to. As long as it doesnt get out of hand, I feel like its mostly harmless.
Well, it seems no common ground can be found on a character we all don't like, so how about we all agree to hate... uh... Hitler!
...Hitler sucks, right?
That is why i like posting on here despite sometimes feeling like im ganged up on by those with different opinions to me. I find … moremost of the regular users such as yourself as decent people who don't destroy you saying you are wrong just for an opinion different to theirs
Allot of the 'hate' or more rightly - dislike that Kenny gets is all entirely due to opinion, people can dislike him for how he looks, his personality in-game, his choices(especially if they disagree with his choices) etc. It's not always the same reason people dislike a character, sometimes people mix disagreement with dislike or hate, as in, there's a difference between someone who constantly states the flaws of a character and someone who constantly expresses a negative perspective towards a character. I think what may ignite peoples' hatred towards a character is when people try to express a dominant opinion, overshadowing others who feel the opposite. I can't see how Kenny is one of the most entertaining characters of the game(sure he made me laugh a few times but I still found others such as Lee, Larry and Mike more entertaining at certain points in time), yet, I loved both Seasons and I definitely got the full experience of it(not much to experience considering it really just takes 4 Save Slots to fully experience most of the game). So I don't think it's very fair of you to state such a thing as if someone doesn't perceive Kenny the way you do, then they can't fully experience or enjoy both Seasons.
I don't think it's a problem at all, it's just opinion. I also don't see how saying Luke and Omid are better characters than Kenny is any more 'crazy' than saying Kenny is a better character than Luke or Omid, its not 'crazy' at all, it's just opinion. I think part of why Kenny gets disliked is thanks to his fan base who glorify him so, I mean you're not really doing Kenny much of a favor by saying they have crazy opinions if they think other characters are better than him and saying that if anyone can't see how entertaining Kenny is then they can't really enjoy or get the full experience of the game/s doesn't help either.
In my opinion a lot of the hate has to do with Kenny's morals and the haters feel anger at how Kenny behaved. I have a feeling his critics a… morere either thinking about these controversial moments in their head, or replaying the game, which makes their hate get stronger and stronger over time. A lot of people kinda accept that Kenny wasn't always a morally good character but was still one of the most entertaining characters in the game. If anyone can't see that then they can't really enjoy and get the full experience of either season 1 or 2.
Hating morally grey characters and characters like Kenny has been a major problem amongst modern day Americans imo. I've seen it happen in other shows too. Often leads to crazy opinions like characters like Luke and Omid being better characters than Kenny. Lmao.
sometimes feeling like im ganged up on by those with different opinions to me
If you feel like that now, try being one of the few people here that actually like S2
Now there's something tiring
I think that biggest thing that requires improvement with the argument is that more people should start to keep in mind that we each have our own opinions about a character's actions and our own perspectives on a character's personality - the biggest problem in my opinion is people stating their own opinions and perspectives as fact.
I think people should try to stop making it die down. If people want to keep on arguing about Kenny and Jane, theyre going to. As long as it doesnt get out of hand, I feel like its mostly harmless.
I like Bonnie both times - when she was nice and sorry towards Clementine, I felt sad for her because I knew she had some feelings towards Luke and since Luke pretty much chose to be with Jane, I found it even sadder, not only did she lose someone she cared about but he already chose to be with someone else and I could understand why she left, Clementine is really the only incentive she has to stay(as she's shown to be protective over her) - Mike was already planning to leave and since they were both in Howe's for some time, Mike is the closest friend Bonnie really has, she might have been jealous of Jane and she wasn't all too trusting of her either, she evidently disagreed with Kenny's forced leadership and she had really no ties towards AJ apart from knowing Rebecca and Alvin in the past. All this can make me understand why she's pissed as well - she has no incentive to stay in that scenario if Clementine doesn't try to save Luke(because she thinks Clementine could've saved him being lighter than her and all) and she channeled her anger towards Clementine(should she be hated for her anger, when many other characters do the same or worse when angry?), although the only time I found myself disliking her is when she's pissed and wants to leave Clementine to die.
Well as I said in a previous comment: "I think Kenny had some good leadership skills, but the strain of being a leader was to much for him. And though he often had good intentions, he let his temper get the best of him. And let's not forget that he went through some heartwrenching losses in both games, so that certainly didn't help things.
The reason why people looked up to Lee, is because Lee was able to keep a cool head when things were hot. That is an ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL quality for a good leader. If you can't keep a cool head when things are tough, then it doesn't matter how good your skills are as a leader, as your anger will not only cloud your judgement, but it will also make you seem wild, reckless, and therefore untrustworthy."
Addressing Kenny's loss, Kenny lost his wife and son all in the same day, and that in itself could leave anyone unhinged.
And then in Season 2, Kenny loses Sarita, so he was in a state of grief, and when people are grieving they tend to lash out at others. So is it any real big shock that Kenny was acting the way he did?
And on a huge sidenote: I have to admit that I don't know why this fucking Kenny VS Jane discussion has keep coming up?
Oh wait I do know why, because there's nothing new to talk about regarding the TWD.
Ha! Ha!
If you don't choose to fight him yourself, he'll only attack you if you choose one of the following two lines: "How many sons are you going to let die?" or "You couldn't save Shawn OR Duck"
And in all honesty, as much as I hate to say it, you are kind of asking for a fight when you decide to say something like "You couldn't save Hershel's son then, and you can't save Duck now. So you're running like a coward." to a guy like Kenny.
I mean, we're talking about a guy that already has blatantly obvious temper issues, which are further compounded by the fact that one of his first instincts is to go into attack mode during a confrontation. Even if it is the truth, it's pretty much egging on someone that is already in a very fragile emotional state, anger issues aside. I cannot see any reason he'd just let it slide and let bygones be bygones. The game made it pretty clear up to that point that Kenny's of the 'shoot first, ask questions later' variety.
Also, for what it's worth, I chose the "How many sons are you going to let die?" line on my first playthrough. But I pretty quickly realized that that is quite possibly the worst possible option there.
I'd also like to say sialark that anything ive ever said in reply to you is not intended to offend you so apologies if i have. I don't hate you or anything. Let's just agree to disagree
Well my opinion is that someone can't really get the full experience or really understand the series if they don't appreciate Kenny's character. For me, it's not too different to if someone hated Lee and just repeated his bad qualities or things he/she hated about the character over and over and thought Luke or Omid were better characters. Can you really say that person got the full experience, or even understood the series? Kenny, like Lee is just too much of a driving force in the series to ever be worse than Luke or Omid. The Kenny critics are the dominant opinion right now from what i'm seeing.
Allot of the 'hate' or more rightly - dislike that Kenny gets is all entirely due to opinion, people can dislike him for how he looks, his p… moreersonality in-game, his choices(especially if they disagree with his choices) etc. It's not always the same reason people dislike a character, sometimes people mix disagreement with dislike or hate, as in, there's a difference between someone who constantly states the flaws of a character and someone who constantly expresses a negative perspective towards a character. I think what may ignite peoples' hatred towards a character is when people try to express a dominant opinion, overshadowing others who feel the opposite. I can't see how Kenny is one of the most entertaining characters of the game(sure he made me laugh a few times but I still found others such as Lee, Larry and Mike more entertaining at certain points in time), yet, I loved both Seasons and I definitely got the full experience of it(not much… [view original content]
Lol i wasn't angry that you and others are clicking the like button against my posts nor did i intend to imply that i was. I was merely pointing out an observation that i genuinely found amusing because it's like a little posse between some folks lol
as said to Flog61, no not an issue and wasn't intended to sound as if it were. Just an observation i noticed and just found it amusing
I do, actually. I found Jane to be high hypocritical, and incredibly irresponsible in her actions that failed to shape her as an ideal survivor the writers tried to portray her as, when she ended up causing more trouble than necessary due to her lack of common sense.
I just happen to find that Jane is the lesser evil when compared to Kenny, who I find to have far more negative qualities that overrides his good traits too many times for me to the point where I stopped caring for him and found him a constant annoyance to be with.
You wanted to leave him when you were on the train after he lost pretty much everything? If that was Jane or someone else, even I wouldn't want to do that to someone or on my worst enemy
Why isn't it Flog? He was offended by what she said so he insulted her back and she went one further degrading his dead family. There's no defending either of them though like KCohere said
Ok fair enough
Yep, I did because he was trying to beat the crap out of my Lee for trying to get him to be there for his wife and dying son. It was at that point that I began to feel that Clem and I would be safer away from him.
Bonnie is a pretty good character in my opinion :x
Ahh you took that route, also you let him beat you up otherwise you'd not have seen that scene
The Kenny VS Jane Wars was truly terrifying, then there was the TWAU Forums which was peaceful in comparison.
I figure that'd be a relatively massive common ground in which to transfer everyone's hatred to.
Then again, I disliked most everyone in season two in one form or another. From Bonnie to Nick to Carver and beyond.
Well one's much, much more personal and extreme, questioning the entire value of your life.
I haven'#t seen any group as attacked as people didn't like Kenny were for the first half of 2013. E.g. threads suggesting we hang all Jane fans.
Well, it seems no common ground can be found on a character we all don't like, so how about we all agree to hate... uh... Hitler!
...Hitler sucks, right?
True but then she went even further and said what she did about his family which was just as bad if not worse in my opinion
@Flog61 @KCohere
Thanks, you guys.
You're all very kind.
I didnt let him beat me up, I just wasnt that good at the quick time events.
Nope, we can not agree on that.
Am I the only the one who doesn't hate Bonnie?
At least not in my main playthrough where I chose to save Luke..
I know right?! I don't see what's so bad about discussing characters of the game on the game forums. I mean isn't that what the forums are for?
I don't know, he was pretty fashionable.
My Bonnie died under the ice trying to save Luke.
So I'd like to think she died as a good person.
If you feel like that now, try being one of the few people here that actually like S2
Now there's something tiring
I would think that discussing the strengths and weaknesses of characters would be a good thing
Did you instigate the fight or did he???
I disliked Bonnie, then I liked Bonnie, then Clem got shot and I disliked Bonnie again.
I dont remember how it started, I havent played season one in a while. All I know is I was trying to get him to stop the damn train and he punched me.
Allot of the 'hate' or more rightly - dislike that Kenny gets is all entirely due to opinion, people can dislike him for how he looks, his personality in-game, his choices(especially if they disagree with his choices) etc. It's not always the same reason people dislike a character, sometimes people mix disagreement with dislike or hate, as in, there's a difference between someone who constantly states the flaws of a character and someone who constantly expresses a negative perspective towards a character. I think what may ignite peoples' hatred towards a character is when people try to express a dominant opinion, overshadowing others who feel the opposite. I can't see how Kenny is one of the most entertaining characters of the game(sure he made me laugh a few times but I still found others such as Lee, Larry and Mike more entertaining at certain points in time), yet, I loved both Seasons and I definitely got the full experience of it(not much to experience considering it really just takes 4 Save Slots to fully experience most of the game). So I don't think it's very fair of you to state such a thing as if someone doesn't perceive Kenny the way you do, then they can't fully experience or enjoy both Seasons.
I don't think it's a problem at all, it's just opinion. I also don't see how saying Luke and Omid are better characters than Kenny is any more 'crazy' than saying Kenny is a better character than Luke or Omid, its not 'crazy' at all, it's just opinion. I think part of why Kenny gets disliked is thanks to his fan base who glorify him so, I mean you're not really doing Kenny much of a favor by saying they have crazy opinions if they think other characters are better than him and saying that if anyone can't see how entertaining Kenny is then they can't really enjoy or get the full experience of the game/s doesn't help either.
I love Season 2!
I think that biggest thing that requires improvement with the argument is that more people should start to keep in mind that we each have our own opinions about a character's actions and our own perspectives on a character's personality - the biggest problem in my opinion is people stating their own opinions and perspectives as fact.
I like Bonnie both times - when she was nice and sorry towards Clementine, I felt sad for her because I knew she had some feelings towards Luke and since Luke pretty much chose to be with Jane, I found it even sadder, not only did she lose someone she cared about but he already chose to be with someone else and I could understand why she left, Clementine is really the only incentive she has to stay(as she's shown to be protective over her) - Mike was already planning to leave and since they were both in Howe's for some time, Mike is the closest friend Bonnie really has, she might have been jealous of Jane and she wasn't all too trusting of her either, she evidently disagreed with Kenny's forced leadership and she had really no ties towards AJ apart from knowing Rebecca and Alvin in the past. All this can make me understand why she's pissed as well - she has no incentive to stay in that scenario if Clementine doesn't try to save Luke(because she thinks Clementine could've saved him being lighter than her and all) and she channeled her anger towards Clementine(should she be hated for her anger, when many other characters do the same or worse when angry?), although the only time I found myself disliking her is when she's pissed and wants to leave Clementine to die.
Well as I said in a previous comment: "I think Kenny had some good leadership skills, but the strain of being a leader was to much for him. And though he often had good intentions, he let his temper get the best of him. And let's not forget that he went through some heartwrenching losses in both games, so that certainly didn't help things.
The reason why people looked up to Lee, is because Lee was able to keep a cool head when things were hot. That is an ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL quality for a good leader. If you can't keep a cool head when things are tough, then it doesn't matter how good your skills are as a leader, as your anger will not only cloud your judgement, but it will also make you seem wild, reckless, and therefore untrustworthy."
Addressing Kenny's loss, Kenny lost his wife and son all in the same day, and that in itself could leave anyone unhinged.
And then in Season 2, Kenny loses Sarita, so he was in a state of grief, and when people are grieving they tend to lash out at others. So is it any real big shock that Kenny was acting the way he did?
And on a huge sidenote: I have to admit that I don't know why this fucking Kenny VS Jane discussion has keep coming up?
Oh wait I do know why, because there's nothing new to talk about regarding the TWD.
Ha! Ha!
If you don't choose to fight him yourself, he'll only attack you if you choose one of the following two lines: "How many sons are you going to let die?" or "You couldn't save Shawn OR Duck"
And in all honesty, as much as I hate to say it, you are kind of asking for a fight when you decide to say something like "You couldn't save Hershel's son then, and you can't save Duck now. So you're running like a coward." to a guy like Kenny.
I mean, we're talking about a guy that already has blatantly obvious temper issues, which are further compounded by the fact that one of his first instincts is to go into attack mode during a confrontation. Even if it is the truth, it's pretty much egging on someone that is already in a very fragile emotional state, anger issues aside. I cannot see any reason he'd just let it slide and let bygones be bygones. The game made it pretty clear up to that point that Kenny's of the 'shoot first, ask questions later' variety.
Also, for what it's worth, I chose the "How many sons are you going to let die?" line on my first playthrough. But I pretty quickly realized that that is quite possibly the worst possible option there.
I'm not offended Dan, and I don't hate you either. I never really was under the impression that you hated me, so no worries.
For this long? It's a broken record. Everybody regurgitates the same opinions and the discussion remains stagnant.
Then ignore it, if people want to talk about something let them. As long as it isn't creepy shit.
Well my opinion is that someone can't really get the full experience or really understand the series if they don't appreciate Kenny's character. For me, it's not too different to if someone hated Lee and just repeated his bad qualities or things he/she hated about the character over and over and thought Luke or Omid were better characters. Can you really say that person got the full experience, or even understood the series? Kenny, like Lee is just too much of a driving force in the series to ever be worse than Luke or Omid. The Kenny critics are the dominant opinion right now from what i'm seeing.