Shadow of Dragoina: An original story (CHAPTER 28 UP)(Submissions CLOSED)
Hello everyone.
By expressing my long time love for Dragons, I have decided to put together a story that heavy centers around them(and your own characters of course) creating a vast and mysterious world with its own kind of unique lore. Using my own creativity I will take you on a tale of mystery, adventure as you learn more about this mysterious world and it's inhabitants.
There are various races, but mostly human,including orcs and mermen/mermaids. So any race that would be in a fairy tale for example can be included as a race.
(Note :all images posted within this thread are NOT mine, and their respective owners receives all credits.)
Dragoina is consist of 4 Different countries, each different from the other and is ruled by one true king or queen.
- Lanayu(North)(Capital City: Pillaare)(Earth), a land heavily filled with mountains and valleys. Home of the continent's tallest mountain, The Spark
- Vibrant(West)(Capital City: Excytes)(Wind), Occupied by small forest and mountains and is home of Dragoina's most popular cities. Often hold massive festivals frequently.
- Coral(South)(Capital City: Aurora)(Water), located at the bottom of Dragoina. Housing many bodies of breaking off into multiple rivers throughout the country supplying water for the rest of Dragoina. Also home to the continent's best fishermen, water magic users. Legends say Leviathan-- a legendary water dragon sleeps below the ocean's depths..
- Drakone(East)(Capital City: Searing)(Fire), serve as the capital and is where the great palace is located. Some of Dragoina's best fighters reside here.
The Story
Dragoina, an ancient continent full of deep dark secrets and mystery. Once was well known as the home of Dragon's who roamed the land freely as any other animal living among humans. Mankind's best friend you can say, as people learned how to ride them, hunt with them, it was quite the site to see.. Then one day a strange warlock climbed Dragoina's tallest peak crying out to the heavens. A piercing bolt of lighting struck the ground creating a hole into the void pulling all of the worlds Dragon into it, never to be seen again.
That same warlock then assembled an army and began to conquer each corner of Dragoina, claiming any eggs from the Dragon that were banished by him. If anyone dare to hide an single egg would be met with instant death. As time went on that warlock had total control of the continent, which was not enough for him. He was not yet finished...
Your Dragoinian's story begins here
Characters to be introduced:
- Rallio Turken
- Freya
- Alessa Grymes
- Arto Grymes
- Luna Phoenix
- Jasper Hopkins
- Camilla Abasco
- Korrin Stoneshield
- Azreal
- Belegar Stonebreaker
- Maggie Caffel
- Durzol 'Warwolf'
- Carl Mudson
- Fulgrim
- Vawen O'Flaemor
- Jaghatai
- Angorn The Eater
- Magnus Prospero
- Vulkan
- Celso Pranda
Act I : Summer is Coming Complete
Act II: Take Flight Once More!
*Act III: The Shadow of Dragoina
Oh yes, great to see a new story here! I'm very excited for this one
I'm going to submit a character very soon, either today or tomorrow. I have one question though: Is there a limit to how many characters we can submit? Currently I have an idea for two characters, but since Godsend had a limit of one character, I'd rather ask before writing both of them down.
Hey, thanks for showing interest.
You can submit any number of characters.
Oh this looks interesting. I think I'll give it a read. But, have you tried using Google Forms for the character submission? That way, the only character that you know prior to their arrival in the story is your own, and you can make judgements based on them then, rather than on the post they made on this forum. Just a friendly tip
Come to think of it, I think i should use a form
Alright I submitted!
Alright, thank you for the submission of an interesting character!
Submitted :-)
Thank you for the interesting character!
I have just submitted two characters, I hope you like them
I will submit my character soon! I didn't see this until now!
Edit: I submitted two characters! Good luck!
Submitted a character, maybe I submit more later!
It was on a dark and stormy night when it happened. When that man -- Dogu, a warlock with an unknown origin appeared in Dragoina with his army of undead bringing with desolation to the countries of her holiness. He casted the spell that sent our dragons away. He marched through the rocky lands of Drakone towards the palace gates tormenting anyone in his path until he final reach the throne.
There lied the King Thanus and Queen Lydia of Dragoina, and their young daughter Xena, watching helpless as their kingdom is torn apart by the invaders. The dragons mysteriously vanish one by one as the warlock grew closer to his destination. The kingdom's military are laid to ruin, marked annihilation by Dogu’s forces, leaving the king with one final option.
He sends his queen and his daughter away through a secret passage, hoping to escape from the pandemonium, but he senses the darkness that is made up of the warlock Dogu. King Thanus uses ancient magic only known to the royal final to summon a young dragon of immense power but quite difficult to control. The carnage going outside makes it uneasy, and thrashes about. However the king calm it’s wold heart immediately and awaits the unwanted visited.
The throne room doors collapse and from it emerges the undead army occupied by two dead dragon’s whose flesh and decayed and bones showing but yet they still posed a tremendous threat. Both them and the undead army attack the king and his dragon showing zero remorse in sparing his life. The young dragon leat and sinister his, followed by a scream -- then fire that burned through the forces of the dead like coal ignited in a furnace. The two undead dragons were just about to make their move, that would surely been fatal are stopped.
Dogu entered the room, dressed in a black robe with mystical runes engraved into. They glow blue like the gem that is attached to his staff. His skin was dark like the sky during nightfall, eyes red as hell itself and red brown facial hair. Even had a deep and sinter voice to go along with it, but he wasn’t your ordinary villain -- the personification of evil.
He entered the throne room, his minions step aside as he made his way towards the king, urging him to surrender, in order to prevent further destruction of Dragonia. The king was determined to never yield to the likes of Dogu, willing to give his life to watch him fail. This disappoints Dogu, which he kills King Thanos with a snap of his finger, just like that. The young dragon weeps at his master's feet as he dies. Before the king says goodbye he sends his dragon to find his daughter who would be fleeing into the countryside at this moment.
One of Dogu’s lieutenants ask to slay the dragon, but Dogu has a been plan -- let the beast lead them to the princess. He then shrouds the room in darkness that sheeped out onto the rest of the palace. The massive dark cloud covering the whole palace can be seen from the nearby cities in the Drakone province.
Princess Xena did escape to the near border of Drakone and Vibrant on her horse, not a single enemy in pursuit. Only due to help of her brave mother, Queen Lydia who sacrificed herself to ensure her daughter's safety. She still had tears that dried up during the travel on her bright face, staring at the darkness that has covered the palace. Xena was the only child, the only living heir of her family, young, torn, but not afraid.
She promised to her parents and her people that she will return one day and free the land from the invader, building an army of her own from the pain and suffering that Dogu has caused. As she prepares her horse to make route towards Excytes, capital city of Vibrant in hopes of seeking shelter until she gathers the strength she needs; the young dragon that was by the sides of King Thanus appears before her. It too is tears.
Xena removes herself from her horse and goes over to the young dragon, placing her hand over its face, fascinated by it. She immediately remembers him as one of her father's dragons, then whispers in its ear. “Fear not, we will have our revenge.. You, will be the first soldier of my army..” then departs for their with the moonlight beaming down onto their path.
Summer is coming: Chapter 1
Several years has passed since Dogu took control of Dragoina, the four countries were given new high lords to govern them, while the his most sinister remained at the palace to rule and further his schemes. The high lords were remnants of the old world before Dogu took power, the ones he seemed to trusted, ensure that their respective lands and people have the utmost care while following Dogu’s new rule. No one dared to rebel, with much more than their own lives at stake and especially when they were being treated fairly, just like they were under King Thanus rule.
You could say everything was the same as they were back then, but not quite -- as Dragoina’s most precious resource were still absent, the dragon.
New law was highly strict on preservation of relics especially high value ones, but the law was even more serious on the possession of a dragon egg that were not recovered years ago. Possession of one was punishable by death as Dogu wanted them for unknown reasons. This was the primary law of the new Dragoina, while all other previous rules applied.
Since the dark day, the people returned to their normal way of living in hopes one day, their precious dragon might return to them one day while living in fear of what their new king might have in store for them. Some pray to gods that their land return to it’s former glory, while some themselves plot a way to restore themselves...
The story will continue with Rallio Turken, a resilient lord in the capital city of Vibrant, Excytes. Apart of the council of the country, well respected there. He has three children, all unique in their own way, who he all loves equally. Though he may seem like a strong and well fortified man, he is often hunted by the death of his wife, who died in labour giving birth to his youngest daughter. However this doesn’t stop him, as there a serious matter to tend to today.
Rallio’s eldest son, Gereld is on trial for murder, his sentencing is today and he refuses to be late, determined to spare his son death penalty. On have way to the court, he runs into his daughter's -- Faunia the oldest, who is very serious in tone, His youngest daughter is Essa. She is sweet, yet gets very angry when she doesn't have her way. She sneaks into Gereld's cell some nights to speak with him and brings him extra food. She is 12.
Fraunia assumes that her father is on his way to meet with Gereld, both her and Essa insist that they come along to as it is their right to know the fate of their brother. Rallio word is clear that he doesn’t want them there just incase the trial doesn’t go well. He tells his Fraunia to take Essa to her fencing lessons, as she is quite behind. Months to be exact, then continues onward, navigating through the streets of Excytes.
Today was the first day of summer, which was a perfect day for a bazaar. The streets were heavily crowded with people lined up and ready to buy goods from all around Dragoina. He even seen something he like and something his daughter may even daughters may grow excited over.
Rallio goes over towards the salesman, asking to hold those goods he wanted for him. With high respect of Rallio the salesmen agreed, then Rallio went on his way. He eventually crossed a blacksmith's shop, he could smell the boiling steel, still fresh. He thought to himself that he would buy his son a new sword, only if he would stay out of trouble.
The bell of the court several walks down ranged. It was time for Gereld’s trial, wasting no more time he approach the massive building but before he could climb the chiseled stairs he bumps into a woman in a dark hood covering her face.
She drops a emblem with the royal family crest, the same one that King Thanos wore. He took a clear look at it and began to pick it up for a closer observation of it.
“This… This crest, it looks so family, but I can’t quite put my finger on it. figuratively speaking…”
The woman is silent the whole time but is quite cautioned. Awaiting what Rallio would do or say next. Rallio continues to look at it again hoping to trigger a memory.
[ Where did you get this?]
[Strange, I feel that I should know what this is?]
[Oh sorry, here. You dropped this.]
[ Where did you get this?] Well, time to pry.
Great beginning! This looks like it's going to be good!
[ Where did you get this?]
This was a really good first part! I'm already intrigued for how the story is going to continue.
[Strange, I feel I should know what this is.] Well I wasn't expecting to see Rallio so early haha
. Not complaining though. Anyway, I want him to be smart in the way he asks the woman about the crest. I'm thinking, saying something like that would be a bit less demanding and more encouraging to explain it herself.
Oh also, No, Thanos! So much buildup! I was so looking forward to seeing him in Infinity War!
[Strange, I feel I should know what this is.]
I really enjoyed reading prologue and beginning of first chapter! Keep going.
Oh did you change the title? I could have sworn it was Dragonia before.
Oh no, it's still the same as before. The only thing I changed in the OP was the description of Coral. Seems to be the least popular country. lol
Ah. That was my second choice to have Rallio be from.
[strange I feel like I should know what this is]. Nice introduction I really enjoyed it, lets see if he can trigger one of those brain cells
Chapter 2
As Rallio held the old crest in his hands, a memory triggered. Something he remembered once -- when the dragons still existed in Dragoina and before she began cloak in a shade of an unfamiliar tone. The time before she had lost her grand glory, he just experienced something nostalgic just now.
The woman hid her grin under her cloak, and gently took back the crest then left Rallio, on the steps of the court. She vanished within a group a people attending the bazaar on the streets. That experience left Rallio thinking about a dragon egg he once recovered, the he kept locked away safely and still clinging onto whatever hope is left that one day the dragons may return.
The bell rung again, his son's trial have already began -- he climbed the stairs and opened the doors to the court building and entered. He is then greeted a nobleman who brings him to his son trial. Upon entered the parents of the boy who was murdered are already speaking their side. They are angry, torn by the lost of their son demanding immediate justice of the young boy. What parent wouldn’t?
They also bring up some supporting facts of Gereld’s history of violence with the city of Excytes. Half of the jury grow silence as they were witness to majority of the fights Gereld was involved and several of their past trials -- they were just about ready to decide the boy’s fate already based of these solid facts.
Rallio approached the judge preparing to defend his son. He apologizes to the family of the boy who was murdered and spoke in a serious and humble tone calling for a witness who was present the night of the murder. A blacksmith by the name of Azreal, he claimed to be present during the time of incident, describing it as an accident.
“The boy wanted to play with a sword, but it didn’t wanted to play back.. It happens when you don’t have the proper training..” The words of the strange blacksmith, they seemed to anger the dead boy's family as they feel that they were being mocked -- building up a heated argument between the two.
The judge called for order immediately as he asked Rallio if there were anything he would like to add onto his son’s defense. He rested, then allowed for the grand jury to decide his son’s fate praying to the gods that worse would be eluded. Moments later, they have reached a verdict, though Gereld wasn't ruled as a murderer he still had to pay for the past crimes of constant brawls and vandalism he committed.
He was sentenced to serve as a knight under full discipline in the capital city of Searing in Drakone. There he will purge his misguided ways and learn to how live with honor, training with Dragoina’s most skilled and disciplined. The sentence was to carry out immediately after the trial had ended.
Thankful that his son’s life was spared, he still have deal with fact of not seeing him for quite some time. Those sentenced to serve under disciplined aren't able to see their love ones until their training was completed, however they were permitted to write them once a month.
The jailer brought Gereld out to his father then was given a time before he would be off to Drakone and begin his training.Rallio would then return home with his son to to break the news to his daughters. They are more than grateful that their brother is well, but learns of the news of his banishment. Regardless, they are relieved of the burden of losing their only brother. They say their goodbyes, which turns quite emotional.
There is a loud knock on the door -- Rallio opens it and from behind there is a small brigade of knights in clad armor. It was time for Gereld to leave for Drakone. He gave his father a hug and promised his sister he would write back to them, then leaves with the knights along with the others sentenced the same fate as he.
By time Gereld would return he would be a man, a knight of honor.
Hours later, Rallio returns to his study, he is reading a book about old legends. One of them being about a sea dragon in Coral. Then suddenly he finds a page with a symbol, the very same symbol of the crest held earlier. He leaps out of his chair after triggering and old memory of his.
He then opens the bookcase housing a door and unlocks it, behind it laid a lone dragon egg that was slightly worn. He leans over and places his hand over it muttering:
“By the gods… There is hope after all, they can still live!”
Elsewhere high up in the wild peaks of Lanayu, Freya a young earth manipulating sorceress is traveling with her egg that is quite far away from hatching. She is on her way to the Lanayu’s capital city, Pillaare to meet with some people. Apparently they have a proposal that would be quite beneficial to her. She only meet with them twice and seems to trust them enough to hear them out, but before she can get to the city she has to remember which way it was..
The city Pillaree is located in the very center of Lanayu, it’s well hidden. That path that lead directly to the city is clear as day, but Freya wondered off and got lost along the way.
She walks a little while longer with her dragon egg and finds three pathways and hope that one of them would take her back to the main road.
One of them was a cave leading through a large tunnel..
The second was a deep valley…
The other was, well… More mountains..
[Take the tunnel]
[Travel through the valley]
[Climb through more mountains]
My apology for any misuse of grammar -- Also short chapter I know, originally this chapter would have been merged with the first but I decided to break it up into two.
My next chapter, that Im aiming to have out before the week ends will be lengthily as I attended.
[Travel through the valley]
[Take the tunnel] I figure if she's an earth manipulator, she can handle anything that would happen in a tunnel made of earth.
Oh it's fine. The grammar catches me off guard some of the time, but it doesn't distract too much from the story.
[Travel through the valley]
Hey guys! I started a new interactive story called The Vigilant Sky. It's not getting very much attention, so I'd appreciate it if some of you guys took a look at it. Thanks
The Vigilant Sky: An Original Interactive Fiction
[Travel through the valley]
Deep valleys sound fun.
travel through the valley
[Take the tunnel]
I think TeamKennyW00T brought up a good argument in favour of the tunnels. It sounds like the way best suited for her skills.
[Travel through the valley]
Chapter 3
Freya the insidious route, a dark and creepy tunnel which to be expected to have all kinds of trouble within. She wasn’t afraid, as Freya was bringing along her dragon egg and had to guard it with her life. Whatever those twins deal those twins in Pillaree wanted to make with her Freya knew it would be something involving treasure of the sort and gold doubloons -- she kinda need the money hopefully to settle down in the country in one of the countries.
She enters the massive hole, taking her time through the beginning of the tunnel hoping that giant insects or giant bats the size of dogs wouldn't give her a jump scare. Now that she thought of it more, she was certain that it would happen. Clutching the sack holding her dragon egg she continued onward.
The tunnel turned out to be a man made tunnel created by a clan of dwarves. She could she their markings on the sides, and apparently the specific clan of dwarves were part of the founding fathers of Lanayu and her capitals. The markings looking so fascinating, as if they were telling the story of the country --- and making for other the neighboring countries all together.
Freya then found herself at a dead end, a massive boulder was blocking path, and it seems that it was man made as well. This would mean trouble for her if she didn’t posses earthbending magicks. Placing her dragon egg safely on the ground behind her, she instantly reduces the boulder to a pile of sand with little effort then moves on.
I should mention that Freya mastered her earth magic beginning after her parent died and at first she was quite timid but progressed as days went on. She may not know it yet, but she is one of the most powerful earth magic users alive. Her powers began to manifest at young age and when she came in contact with her dragon egg, they grew -- plus the training also played a big part. If Freya wanted to, she could break the whole continent in half.
Meanwhile, after stepping over piles of rocks and avoiding the large insects nesting Freya heard some people up ahead. She carefully hid her dragon in a small opening walked closer until she found a group of soldiers who were apparently excavating the entrance to an old temple. It looks like they just finished and triggered something to open the door that leads inside.
A Nobleman accompanied by them went inside first then they followed. Freya was very anxious to see what they were up to and knows that the nobleman works for Dragoina’s Nefarious King, Dogu. Freya uses her earth magic to hide her dragon egg with the small opening where no one would look for it then investigate the temple's entrance.
When she tries to enter a voice in her head tells her to stop, she was not ready and of course she gets creeped out. It also tells Freya to continue on her current path her time to return to this place will come soon enough. The door then slams shut and the shock wave it caused knock her on her feet. As she gets up, a new path opens leading to the outside as the light at the end of the tunnel signified.
Taking the strange voice advice ,she returns to the spot where she found her dragon and follows the pathway leading outside. Freya is now several feet away from the gates of Lanayu’s capital city, Pillaree. She is relieved to that she made it and survived the tunnel, wondering what may have happened if she chosen another path -- and how could forget about what she seen back there, and that voice.. Nevertheless she had made it her destination, now all she had to do find them and hear what they had to offer.
Freya blended in with merchants while passing through the cities gates to avoid any unnecessary attention -- especially if someone found out she had a dragon egg and also one of the gate guard grew slightly suspicious of her, but let her pass any way. Next, before she could find the twins she would stop at a tavern to get something to eat and drink. There were several taverns available at the entrance of Pillaree, but activity wasn’t heavy, it was likely because the large number of knights in the city. Most likely these were here with the Nobleman and the other knights Freya encountered back in the tunnel. She went into the closes tavern and ordered her meal there.
Inside the tavern housed around forty to fifty people, pretty average on this day, the service was also quite hasty -- they had here meal out in seconds. While she dined, two soldiers enter the tavern, she ignored them; the food was that good. Then the two soldiers sat several seat behind her and were discussing something, one of pulled out a map.
Moments later Freya is joined by the identical twin, the very same ones she was venturing to meet. Happy to see her again, but they are in a hurry to go through further greetings. Alessa & Arto Grymes, dubbed ‘Twin Treasure Hunters of Dragoina’ and though they may be twins, they are quite different in every way and here was a lot to about each twin.
Alessa has a large number of talents that are useful in her line of work. First of all, she is in excellent physical form. She is fast, a lot stronger than she looks like, an excellent runner and expert climber. She also has keen eyesight, especially when it comes to traps and she is skilled at disarming various traps, something that saved her life more than once in the past. She can unlock doors with ease, can sneak and move stealthily and she is good at hiding. When it comes to a fight, Alessa is useful as well. She is skilled with a rapier and a good shot with a crossbow, so she is rarely seen without these weapons. Aside from that, Alessa is an intelligent young woman, able to create and understand very complex plans. While she is the more physical of the siblings, she is also smarter than her brother and considers herself the brains and the brawn of the company.
Arto had a somewhat equal amount of talent, but not like his sister. He was somewhat skilled with magic, but wasn't quite experienced as most people think he was and regardless in certain situations, they are quite useful especially on their expedition throughout Dragoina. Often argues with his sister over who is the brains of the company though he is far from being considered a fool, but not a genius.
These twins had earned themselves quite the reputation, making many great allies, clients and many enemies. They saved Freya’s life years ago and share good history, with Freya.
Alessa explains why she called Freya her to Pillaree, it was as she expected --treasure, treasure loot, and more treasure. The client they were hired by tasked the to explore the ruins high above the Spark and report anything they find. Runes, artifacts things of that nature. In return they would be paid thousands of gold coins upon completion a recovery of any of the said. Freya did like exploring, and she did kinda owed them in return for saving her from giant insect in a valley. She heard the twins out but was wondering what those knight behind her were discussing after the words 'dragon gods' came up.
[That map looks interesting..]
[Dragons? That sounds interesting.]
[ Tell the twins about what happened in the tunnel]
[That map looks interesting..]
I think you pasted by mistake part of Arto submission form inside of the story regarding magic... ☺
[That map looks interesting..]
Great part once again!
I know, I needed to make an adjustment.
[Dragons? That sounds interesting] I feel like Freya's story should revolve around dragons, since she's carrying one with her.
Sometime along the line (semi spoiler) she may become a very important character in another act. Everyone has an important part to play, I will say this; Anyone with a dragon egg will be tied to something big.
Yeah I figured. So are there just a bunch of dragon eggs, or is this like game of thrones and there's only a couple left in existence?
[Dragons? That sounds interesting]. Yes let us learn about these dragons gods
Similar to game of thrones, there are only a few left in existence. Plus if they get caught with one, there would be severe conquences.