'The Same Boat' Episode Discussion
So Carol and Maggie have been captured, so yeah. Comment before, while , after you watch, yeah.
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So Carol and Maggie have been captured, so yeah. Comment before, while , after you watch, yeah.
Bitch fuck off with the gun. Seriously. -_-
"That puts us in the same boat."
Roll credits
Wow......few people for this thread. Especially compared with the others.
So she's gonna die in that room with Carol and Maggie, and become a walker, and... then what? Why leave Carol and Maggie alive this long and risk them being rescued before that woman dies?
I'm really hoping that this isn't solely a Carol/Maggie episode. They've still got a bit before Negan, and only 3 episodes after this one to get there. I'd rather this not be rushed, unless there's not as much left as I remember there being.
So Saviors have there own radio channels?. Does that mean they have a radio tower?
Kind of a sidetrack, but I think Paula is pretty attractive. I have felt the need to express this.
I love Maggie so much,,,
Oh God one of the guys Daryl blew up was her boyfriend.
Wait, seriously? I didn't catch that.
They HAVE to get back Primo. Or they have to face Negan.
There isn't. There was only one more thing before Negan.
Bud? Wow that would be a call back.
So Abraham is the only thing left between this point in the comics and issue 100? I guess I'm thinking of stuff during AOW or something.
Meh. She hasn't been likeable since season 3
Yep, and the attack on Alexandria.
Seems like not a lot happens tonight, don't think we'll see the rest of the gang til next episode.
EDIT: nvm
Did anyone feel like the half way point was insanely slow. Its changed for me since they mentioned Negan though. How about you guys?
The "You're gonna die" cliche :I
Yeah, it felt slow, but I'm really liking how they're going to the "Rick and everyone else aren't the good guys" thing. It's awesome.
I just want to say, Flight 462 is getting better and better with each part. It's making me super excited for Fear Season 2.
Definitely slow.
I am very nervous for this. I think Carol is in danger, and I'm thinking Paula is gonna die.
Carol and Maggie hugging is my aesthetic
Of course Paula is gonna die. Walking Dead always do this. They introduce a character then kill them within an episode or two. Yet they refuse to kill main characters.
Lol all InGen is concerned about is Paula
She's probably the surprise cast member for Talking Dead too.
Just changed compleatly. Same for you?
Juke's on you hags!
But shit, I hope neither Maggie or Carol kick the bucket. ._.
Well in the comics there was an extreme subersion.
Man this shit is now James Bond level of stupidity and villain incompetence. First ep i've decided to watch since Rick stupidly brought a bunch of walkers and got that family killed. Why the fuck are these guys TALKING to Carol and Maggie and not killing them, therefore giving them a chance to escape? Fuck this... this shit isn't acceptable. Someone big better be dying soon.
Well..........thats going to change......soon.
Also.....were all Negan.
Your new crush on Paula gives me life xD
They weren't killing Maggie and Carol because, 1 they can trade for their guy, and 2 if Rick's group attacks, they wouldn't hesitate to kill if Maggie and Carol are dead. Either way, keeping them alive gives Paula and her group leverage.
No Paula don't let the walkers or evil Carol get you.
Fuck fuck fuck.
Goddamnit come on. WHY!!