Is it me or everyone are too optimistic? I mean, why all of you are assuming that Season 3 will premiere in October? It might as well start November or mid December. Just saying. :P
Hm... Maybe It's will be:
"Batman" EP1 - End August
"Batman" EP 2 - End September
"TWD: Third Season" EP1 - Mid October
"Batman"… more EP 3 - End October
"TWD: Third Season" EP2 - Mid November
"Batman" EP 4 - End November
"TWD: Third Season" EP3 - Mid December
"Batman" EP 5 - End December
Is it me or everyone are too optimistic? I mean, why all of you are assuming that Season 3 will premiere in October? It might as well start November or mid December. Just saying. :P
telltale said this is going to be biggest year for #TWD fans yet.
so telltale need to release 3 episode at least to make it six in total this year(3 twd season 3+twd michonne)
because season 1 had 5 episode in 1 year this need to have at least 3 twd season 3 episodes or more
Is it me or everyone are too optimistic? I mean, why all of you are assuming that Season 3 will premiere in October? It might as well start November or mid December. Just saying. :P
when you hear Telltale talk about major character death
when you see no one because Telltale has killed everyone you knew
when… more they add a new Lee flashback while you were sleeping decetnly for once
when you realize you have The Holy Hat that will protect you (but not the finger)
Job Stauffer did say that Batman premier will come out in August "As for TWD Season 3 Episode 1 will come out after sometime begin in school." Meaning late September or Early October... Which is good news for all of us fans Might as well hope for the best instead of the worse. ^^
Is it me or everyone are too optimistic? I mean, why all of you are assuming that Season 3 will premiere in October? It might as well start November or mid December. Just saying. :P
I love playing as Trevor, whenever I play as him it's real fitting when I start a killing spree. haha But yeah, Trevor is the most craziest character I've ever seen in a video game. He's so many things in one person. I really liked the parts with Michael in the story though, the idea of being a family man interests me and some missions involving him are just great. But then, the rest of the story was also great and had such lively pseudo 80s action movie feel.
I'm doing good. Just woke from a nap after spending several late hours at an annual festival. Still waiting for my laptop battery though. And I am looking forward to watching a zombie run that's starting somtime later this month, my friend is gonna be one of the zombies.
It's great, thanks. Playing some GTA V singleplayer. The storyline's awesome. Started playing as Trevor. He's a funny horny badass.
Also a few other games.
How are you?
Is it me or everyone are too optimistic? I mean, why all of you are assuming that Season 3 will premiere in October? It might as well start November or mid December. Just saying. :P
You're right but I'm going to stick with my opinion. I'd rather expect the worse and then be pleasantly surprised than hope for the best and be dissappointed. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to play Season 3 sooner than later. It's just the fact that with Season 2 they said the same thing "Don't worry guys, it'll premiere this fall". Indeed it did, it was just released December 17th for what I remember. It was still fall but you know... back then I assumed that they've meant either October or November.
Job Stauffer did say that Batman premier will come out in August "As for TWD Season 3 Episode 1 will come out after sometime begin in school… more." Meaning late September or Early October... Which is good news for all of us fans Might as well hope for the best instead of the worse. ^^
I'm confused with how fall and schools in USA work then .-.
How is early December fall and "sometime after school start"? I think it's pretty realistic to expect ep1 in September or mid October at most, based on everything that's been said.
There is room for interpretation, my friend. It might be "the biggest year for TWD" if they'll start it in December with just one episode but a really good one. Don't get me wrong, I understand that people like to think that there will be 3 episodes and that this season will start in October. Believe me, I'd love to see that but after Season 2 "fall" premiere (which occured on December 17th if I remember correctly) I'm just don't want to get my hopes up too much.
telltale said this is going to be biggest year for #TWD fans yet.
so telltale need to release 3 episode at least to make it six in total th… moreis year(3 twd season 3+twd michonne)
because season 1 had 5 episode in 1 year this need to have at least 3 twd season 3 episodes or more
I'm confused with how fall and schools in USA work then .-.
How is early December fall and "sometime after school start"? I think it's pretty realistic to expect ep1 in September or mid October at most, based on everything that's been said.
I'm really looking forward to the third season. I had an amazing time playing the previous seasons and I can't help but wonder what will my … moreClementine be like now.
She certainly has grown physically and mentally since her first "scary" situation, holding a gun for the first time on her own and trembling because of it. I hope we don't have to wait till like December to play it....
Okay, Job said that. Still I woudln't get my hopes up. He didn't specified how MUCH time after school starts. It might be a week after that, a month or even longer than that.
Although, I do see your point, even though they said about the school, it doesn't necessary mean that's what's going to happen, it may be a little later, and even later than I'd like think about it
No, it's not. I may be wrong and believe my, I hope I am because I'd like to play Season 3 as soon as possible. I'm just trying not to get my hopes up as I've said multiple times already. It's the same with (in)famous "SOON". With Telltale "SOON" can mean "next week" or "next month". Same goes when they say "sometime after school starts". If they said "shortly after" then I'd agree that there is a high posibility for either September or October release but as of now I'm assuming that "sometime after" can mean anything.
Although, I do see your point, even though they said about the school, it doesn't necessary mean that's what's going to happen, it may be a little later, and even later than I'd like think about it
I would say probably after SDCC, where they said more information would be released. However, this was announced before E3, so things might have changed.
I'm really looking forward to the third season. I had an amazing time playing the previous seasons and I can't help but wonder what will my … moreClementine be like now.
She certainly has grown physically and mentally since her first "scary" situation, holding a gun for the first time on her own and trembling because of it. I hope we don't have to wait till like December to play it....
Originally they said news would be released at Comic Con. I don't know if anything changed and the E3 stuff was originally going to be shown at Comic Con, or if there's still something to come.
Originally they said news would be released at Comic Con. I don't know if anything changed and the E3 stuff was originally going to be shown at Comic Con, or if there's still something to come.
Is it me or everyone are too optimistic? I mean, why all of you are assuming that Season 3 will premiere in October? It might as well start November or mid December. Just saying. :P
No your right about that Patience is a virtue eveyone... We must be patient! No matter how long it takes to get at least the official trailer of TWD Season 3 Episode 1... (Prays that it'll be shown during or after Comic Con)
Putting out more news/a proper trailer at Comic Con would make sense, since the trailer for S7 of the show will also be at Comic Con
It makes sense. Its kind of like when they teased S2 episodes as new episodes of the show aired, or how they currently like making tweets about their GoT game after new episodes of GoT air
Here you go!
enter link description here
It's time to open "TWD SEASON 3 - Waiting Thread"
The anticipation is driving me crazy!
YOU avatar makes me happy ^.^
And gives understand that Season 3 still far away from us..
Where you, Fall?
Hm... Maybe It's will be:
"Batman" EP1 - End August
"Batman" EP 2 - End September
"TWD: Third Season" EP1 - Mid October
"Batman" EP 3 - End October
"TWD: Third Season" EP2 - Mid November
"Batman" EP 4 - End November
"TWD: Third Season" EP3 - Mid December
"Batman" EP 5 - End December
Is it me or everyone are too optimistic? I mean, why all of you are assuming that Season 3 will premiere in October? It might as well start November or mid December. Just saying. :P
Yeah exactly. The Walking Dead: Season Two started in December.
telltale said this is going to be biggest year for #TWD fans yet.
so telltale need to release 3 episode at least to make it six in total this year(3 twd season 3+twd michonne)
because season 1 had 5 episode in 1 year this need to have at least 3 twd season 3 episodes or more
You, my friend. Have just won the internet.
Job Stauffer did say that Batman premier will come out in August "As for TWD Season 3 Episode 1 will come out after sometime begin in school." Meaning late September or Early October... Which is good news for all of us fans
Might as well hope for the best instead of the worse. ^^
when are they gonna open Season Three's page on their GAMES list?
I love playing as Trevor, whenever I play as him it's real fitting when I start a killing spree. haha But yeah, Trevor is the most craziest character I've ever seen in a video game. He's so many things in one person. I really liked the parts with Michael in the story though, the idea of being a family man interests me and some missions involving him are just great. But then, the rest of the story was also great and had such lively pseudo 80s action movie feel.
I'm doing good. Just woke from a nap after spending several late hours at an annual festival. Still waiting for my laptop battery though. And I am looking forward to watching a zombie run that's starting somtime later this month, my friend is gonna be one of the zombies.
Not if it'll premiere before December 22nd.
You're right but I'm going to stick with my opinion. I'd rather expect the worse and then be pleasantly surprised than hope for the best and be dissappointed. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to play Season 3 sooner than later.
It's just the fact that with Season 2 they said the same thing "Don't worry guys, it'll premiere this fall". Indeed it did, it was just released December 17th for what I remember. It was still fall but you know... back then I assumed that they've meant either October or November.
I'm confused with how fall and schools in USA work then .-.
How is early December fall and "sometime after school start"? I think it's pretty realistic to expect ep1 in September or mid October at most, based on everything that's been said.
There is room for interpretation, my friend. It might be "the biggest year for TWD" if they'll start it in December with just one episode but a really good one. Don't get me wrong, I understand that people like to think that there will be 3 episodes and that this season will start in October. Believe me, I'd love to see that but after Season 2 "fall" premiere (which occured on December 17th if I remember correctly) I'm just don't want to get my hopes up too much.
I keep hearing that they've said "sometime after school start" but I didn't watched/read that. Where and when they said that?
They talk about it on the ninth minute or somewhere close to it c:
who thinks her skin is darjer
Okay, Job said that. Still I woudln't get my hopes up. He didn't specified how MUCH time after school starts. It might be a week after that, a month or even longer than that.
Although, I do see your point, even though they said about the school, it doesn't necessary mean that's what's going to happen, it may be a little later, and even later than I'd like think about it
It looks a darker brown, I do notice a difference.
Fall: September 21 to December 21
No, it's not. I may be wrong and believe my, I hope I am because I'd like to play Season 3 as soon as possible.
I'm just trying not to get my hopes up as I've said multiple times already. It's the same with (in)famous "SOON". With Telltale "SOON" can mean "next week" or "next month". Same goes when they say "sometime after school starts". If they said "shortly after" then I'd agree that there is a high posibility for either September or October release but as of now I'm assuming that "sometime after" can mean anything.
I would say probably after SDCC, where they said more information would be released. However, this was announced before E3, so things might have changed.
Does her hat grow too, or what.
So, new news will be at Comic-Con or in Fall?
Originally they said news would be released at Comic Con. I don't know if anything changed and the E3 stuff was originally going to be shown at Comic Con, or if there's still something to come.
I think that they said that we should expect more news when we will start to get closer to Fall. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
because they said series 3 starts not long after people go back to school
Does it really matter if it comes out in October, November or December??
As long as it comes out this year, Im happy.
I imagine they still have more to show at Comic Con.
Ditto, I'm just happy we're getting it this year. Though just between us I'd rather get it sooner than later.
Thanks guys!
It was her dad's hat. Its a ball cap. They are adjustible.....sigh just realized I ate troll bait....tastes like chicken!
No your right about that
Patience is a virtue eveyone... We must be patient! No matter how long it takes to get at least the official trailer of TWD Season 3 Episode 1... (Prays that it'll be shown during or after Comic Con) 
Putting out more news/a proper trailer at Comic Con would make sense, since the trailer for S7 of the show will also be at Comic Con
It makes sense. Its kind of like when they teased S2 episodes as new episodes of the show aired, or how they currently like making tweets about their GoT game after new episodes of GoT air
They grow up so fast... :')