Ep 7 Waiting Thread - Episode releasing July 26th across all platforms, New key art



  • edited July 2016

    Just one thing what about Lukas maybe Jesse chooses a faction and Lukas chose the other??

    EDIT: Also its just like Episode 4 gameplay like choosing to take Gabriel or Petra on a horse and Lukas gets the other one

    Creeper1846 posted: »

    I have a theory about the thumbnail for ep 7 the first achievement is titled "Fighting worlds" so you will probably choose between two diffe

  • That acutally sums up the whole game. Thanks for ruining it for me... jk LOL

    Some times, you are just bored on the TellTale Community: So here is some funny episode names i came up with. Episode 1- Little Johnny wa

  • Probably born that way or its just her armor.

    SarniX posted: »

    Is it just me, or is Petra taller than the others?

  • Why we need to wait like that :(

  • I think its august. They didnt confirm july, just a good bet. I mean no news for a while, and no ratings or anything :/

  • edited July 2016

    It's been only a month. That's not nearly as bad as some of the previous waits. cough TWAU cough TftB cough GoT cough

    SCHLIRi posted: »

    Why we need to wait like that

  • I was just telling the Pokemon fans on this thread about it. (if there are any)

    denik52 posted: »

    and then the pokemon yours? We have a 7 episode that has something to do with mechanics and not the pokemon.

  • edited July 2016

    So more and more people think like me. Ehh... I used to divide us three weeks. Now it is up to 3 months!

    ASaltLick posted: »

    I think its august. They didnt confirm july, just a good bet. I mean no news for a while, and no ratings or anything

  • Or August.

    Well 19 or 26 june

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Job hinted that they are aiming for a July release.

    enter image description here

    ASaltLick posted: »

    I think its august. They didnt confirm july, just a good bet. I mean no news for a while, and no ratings or anything

  • This, he said that does not mean they will.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Job hinted that they are aiming for a July release. https://twitter.com/jobjstauffer/status/748552713001009152


    Jesse and the rest did not find the enchanted flint and steel in the world, where it was Sky City in ep 5!

    This means that Aiden will almost certainly return in ep 7 or 8!

    You may be freed from prison, he will find enchanted flint and steel (probably yellow, because the domain color Sky City), and together with the White Pumpkin (and some another evil character of the ep 7), will demand vengeance.

    When a decision on the fate of Aiden (and conversation, when we take it with you), there is information that he will remember (although these messages are unreliable, sometimes there are pointless, sometimes occur when anything we have no influence, and sometimes they are not, but when they are needed), so it probably meet again!

  • Hahahha, thanks for the thank yous! :)

    Some times, you are just bored on the TellTale Community: So here is some funny episode names i came up with. Episode 1- Little Johnny wa

  • Oh by the way, MichaelBay is a actor who loves explosions :P

    Some times, you are just bored on the TellTale Community: So here is some funny episode names i came up with. Episode 1- Little Johnny wa

  • All the girls in MCSM WITH their armor are 1 pixel taller because they have a helmet, (Petra, Olivia)

    SarniX posted: »

    Is it just me, or is Petra taller than the others?

  • I think you may be confused, you see, the skycity flint and steel is the blue one that we had for a long time.

  • that is true

  • Silly me! How did I forget?

    Linkyop posted: »

    They have blue...

  • edited July 2016

    It's not true. The world in which lives of Jesse and the rest, a flint and steel in blue, so Sky City, or does not have the variety, or is there somewhere hidden (which is the most logical option).

    I think you may be confused, you see, the skycity flint and steel is the blue one that we had for a long time.

  • But what if it is part of the blue flint and steel portals chain then yeah it could be.

    Linkyop posted: »

    It's not true. The world in which lives of Jesse and the rest, a flint and steel in blue, so Sky City, or does not have the variety, or is there somewhere hidden (which is the most logical option).

  • 19th or 26th. Dang, I hope it comes out on the 19th.

  • But the episode is almost complete. There's still some weeks for it to be rated, that is, if they send it to be rated on the next days.

    Linkyop posted: »

    This, he said that does not mean they will.

  • It's looking that way, but if the episode got rated sometime this week (by Australia and New Zealand) Then it wouldn't be too late for it to release next week. Considering the episode's been nearly finished for about a week now, it still could be next week. We could get a trailer and blog post on Monday along with PEGI ratings and see the episode next Tuesday! I know it's pretty unlikely , but you've got to keep your hopes up xD

    BeyondEnder posted: »

    19th or 26th. Dang, I hope it comes out on the 19th.

  • I don't think it will get rated this this week. Or a trailer on Monday.

    Cuwwa posted: »

    It's looking that way, but if the episode got rated sometime this week (by Australia and New Zealand) Then it wouldn't be too late for it to

  • I feel like it will come on the 26th most likely but maybe August 2nd please release it before August 2nd Telltale. :)

    BeyondEnder posted: »

    19th or 26th. Dang, I hope it comes out on the 19th.

  • It's been a month since episode 6's release!

  • Job J Stauffer said "July is a good bet"

    I feel like it will come on the 26th most likely but maybe August 2nd please release it before August 2nd Telltale.

  • We have the Whatever's On Your Mind Megathread (linked above) for Off Topic chat if you want to use that instead.

    Pokemon Go is out for any Pokemon fans out there.

  • At least this isn't as bad as some other waits we've had.

    Cuwwa posted: »

    It's been a month since episode 6's release!

  • No, even without her armor.

    All the girls in MCSM WITH their armor are 1 pixel taller because they have a helmet, (Petra, Olivia)

  • But the command block being destroyed got rid of the Witherstorm right? Maybe it will reverse the commands and bring back the ender dragon? (Plus, soren didn't kill it. He said in episode 4 that he didn't kill it or fight it.)

    Its the same Block. The Ender Dragon is blinked and Killed inside it, so its unlikely to respawning, then the Command Block is safe and ready to use as programmable blocks again to create Wither Storm (Tech Talk)

  • But coming out in August might be a good thing. Remember that episode 8 Is the last episode do far, which means there is a chance that Minecraft story mode could be gone forever. But at least episode 5 wasn't the last episode, the scared the crap out of me.

    ASaltLick posted: »

    I think its august. They didnt confirm july, just a good bet. I mean no news for a while, and no ratings or anything

  • But they didn't confirm it. So it isn't certain that it will come out in July.

    BeyondEnder posted: »

    Job J Stauffer said "July is a good bet"

  • Yeah the shortest wait we've had is episode 2 since that came out maybe 2 weeks after (or 1 I can't remember) the game came out. But it was clearly rushed

    Saby511 posted: »

    At least this isn't as bad as some other waits we've had.

  • Yay! Except it needs Android 4.4, and I only have 4.3 :-(

    Pokemon Go is out for any Pokemon fans out there.

  • Your giant caps lock is even worse spam than mine

    JimMate789 posted: »


  • It has many bugs right now.i uninstalled it

    Rocked03 posted: »

    Yay! Except it needs Android 4.4, and I only have 4.3 :-(

  • We've officially completed a 1month wait

  • edited July 2016

    @BeyondEnder they did say that not confirmed I said at the maximum August 2nd but I was hoping July 26th

    BeyondEnder posted: »

    Job J Stauffer said "July is a good bet"

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