Wow you really like Mariana.
fanfictions, we need you more than ever
Edit: I just realised she has something in her left eyebrow, like a scar or something. Wonder how she got it. Does anyone remember if she had it before ANF?
The images here are light in JPG, for the originals in PNG : (I'm sorry, it's in bulk, I have not sorted.)
… more
I love when she looks towards the camera.
A last look before the end (It's too bad that there is blood. )
Wow you really like Mariana.
fanfictions, we need you more than ever
Edit: I just realised she has something in her left eyebrow, like a scar or something. Wonder how she got it. Does anyone remember if she had it before ANF?
Clem (Brightness and colour has been a little edited so sorry if they look weird)
And before I get butchered for this one, it's from a seperate playthrough
Clem (Brightness and colour has been a little edited so sorry if they look weird)
And before I get butchered for this one, it's from a seperate playthrough
Man, I need to stop coming to this thread, I have to literally look away and try scrolling down so I don't see the abomination up there (Clem/Gabe + disgusting model swaping). Please.....helllllllp, I can't hide specific threads because when I come back they'll reappear. Would've been a great thread without the stuff up there. Not talking about you, Gameserer, but the others up there.
Wow you really like Mariana.
fanfictions, we need you more than ever
Edit: I just realised she has something in her left eyebrow, like a scar or something. Wonder how she got it. Does anyone remember if she had it before ANF?
Man, I need to stop coming to this thread, I have to literally look away and try scrolling down so I don't see the abomination up there (Cle… morem/Gabe + disgusting model swaping). Please.....helllllllp, I can't hide specific threads because when I come back they'll reappear. Would've been a great thread without the stuff up there. Not talking about you, Gameserer, but the others up there.
I dunno, it's just "self-captured screenshots" is more of an authentic compilation without any modifications, but there's tons of nasty model swapping floating around in this thread (some like it, I don't).
Yeah, the new engine made the eyebrows a lot sharper for expressions, the hat is a lot more smoothed/detailed, and her hair is better than ever, much more can be said, but overall I love the new look.
The images here are light in JPG, for the originals in PNG : (I'm sorry, it's in bulk, I have not sorted.)
… more
I love when she looks towards the camera.
A last look before the end (It's too bad that there is blood. )
I don't remember, I noticed her scar really fast while playing it first, but it does raise question.
Yes. Isn't it cute?
So disgusting, I forgot to put in my eyes this mornin.
If by cute, you mean obliviously racist, than yes. Hilariously cute.
wait, what? how's that racist?
That is pretty funny. Also, I never noticed that scar before.
"We're more alike than you think."
Shit, ninja'd!
Clem (Brightness and colour has been a little edited so sorry if they look weird)

And before I get butchered for this one, it's from a seperate playthrough
Her scar looks like it came from a sharp object, like a knife.
Perhaps. An odd little detail for someone who was taught to hide when things get too hairy.
Why is there blood on Gabe's jacket?
I have no idea. Maybe it's from that one walker he hacks to pieces? Or Kate.
Maybe. Just an odd little detail.
I'm sensing a theme here..
Man, I need to stop coming to this thread, I have to literally look away and try scrolling down so I don't see the abomination up there (Clem/Gabe + disgusting model swaping). Please.....helllllllp, I can't hide specific threads because when I come back they'll reappear. Would've been a great thread without the stuff up there. Not talking about you, Gameserer, but the others up there.
Yes, when she was little she had already :
Yes it's with the walker, in the last moment with Kate he had nothing
Wut? Because she's orange like a clementine or something? I just took it as him trying to be funny because of her name.
Yes (I tried to do it with her young model but she is so small that she off the screen and she has a problem with her face.)
Not really my screenshots but I made the collages
Clem's facial expressions through the seasons
Telltale did good on ageing her, especially on the 3rd row of pictures you can really tell
I just wish they would have made her nose wider.
Hence why I said oblivious.
Because she's of mixed race and looking like a clementine implies either color or shape. Also, because its funny.
If this legitimately happened to someone, that'd the saddest thing.
I think she looks a lot better now, but still think she's cute in every season.
Maybe someone should make a separate Model Swap Discussion so you don't have to see them? Idk
I dunno, it's just "self-captured screenshots" is more of an authentic compilation without any modifications, but there's tons of nasty model swapping floating around in this thread (some like it, I don't).
Wow, it's awsome!
Man why are you makin me cry
This hurt me even though I know it didn't really happen
Yeah,I agree.She looks prettier though.
Yeah, the new engine made the eyebrows a lot sharper for expressions, the hat is a lot more smoothed/detailed, and her hair is better than ever, much more can be said, but overall I love the new look.
I hope this what he looks like by episode 5
Wtf is wrong with you
It'll be a nice little touch-up if Clem had a slit in her eyebrow
I'd rather her just keep her S2 ending scars.
What exactly is weird about connecting a video game character moaning 'so good' to something sexual?