Episode 4 Waiting Thread - Releasing April 25th, Trailer Out Now
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Release Dates
- PC - April 25th
- Xbox One - April 25th
- PS4 - April 25th
- iOS - April 26th
- Android - April 26th
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Here is a brand new release date thread for everyone
Cool. I loved Episode 3 so far. But the fourth episode? You know, shit can always happen in the fourth episode of a Telltale game. Remember Season 1, Season 2, Tales from the Borderlands and Batman?
Here we go!!! I don't have episode 3 yet lol, but let's start the "party".
Eh, I liked those penultimate episodes, so I'm not really worried about the fourth episode of this season.
Season 2 Episode 4 was just terrible and it still is. If the same shit happens in ANF as well, Telltale won't get my money for their games anymore.
Prepare for 2 months of no information and high volume of mixed fan comments.
I'd happily take 2-3 months for an episode of similar quality to episode 3.
Let's see if you can impress me with EP4, Telltale.
It won't be as long of wait according to Job
I want more of this smile. Do it, do it, DOOO IT!!!!
The waiting game begins again...
Aw yeah. I'm feeling really good about this one! Episode 2 left me feeling underwhelmed, but this time I'm excited. (Maybe a bit more for Guardians...heh)
Hello darkness my old friend...
Huh. Episode 4 of season one is one of my favourites. I loved meeting Molly and the Crawford storyline. It was particularly interesting in my opinion.
Yeah but it had a slow pacing and not a lot of action.
Well, this episode was really good. (Though I guess I'm easy to please or get involved with a story... I liked Episodes 1 and 2, ['like' being the key word here] even though I agree some aspects felt kind of rushed. Anyways...)
There was great pacing here. It wasn't "action set-piece after action set-piece". There was time to talk with characters, let emotions out, and take a breather to ponder on past events. The Season is back on track. [though, not many hubs to explore, unfortunately. Just "move forward with the left stick" moments.] Still fun though. Even without many hubs. The story and events are quite engaging in that cinematic form.
Telltale really has some good choice/consequence effect going on. For the first time, dialogue really had more of an impact than usual, with characters frequently bringing up things you said earlier. It wasn't all just filler dialogue choices until you get to the next big choice, like how it usually is (Again, not that I have a problem with that..) They need to stick with that level of attention for their games, not that "dialogue mattering" truly matters to me and is an end-all-be-all, but it's a really, really nice thing they put effort into.
I can't believe that Telltale went with catering to the minority of choices here. Just about 10% of people (including me) went with Conrad's plan at the end of EP2, right? I kind of thought he'd just be the silent man in the background, or somehow get killed off quickly, to get the stories back on the same track, but no! Is it possible, Conrad is the best Determinate Walking Dead character since Doug/Carley in Season 1? Having him with us gives us even more depth and choices that doean't really affect the whole plot, but at least his story on its own [I'm talking about the give gun/keep gun and let Conrad kill Badger choice.] Unfortunately for me, My Javier [sorry, ahem.. #MyJavier] won't ever know because I made the mistake of not giving him the gun. He died at the Warehouse. My Javi didn't want to forgive Conrad for his stunt earlier on. And I feel bad about it.
Extra details that I'm not too clear on: My Clem mentioned "A friend of mine used a crowbar on someone". Is that determined on my Season 2 choice of letting Clem see Kenny mutilate Carver's face? or does everyone get that?
Now, Telltale has 4 things to take care of: Kate and Gabe leaving Richmond, or staying. And, the fate of Max, dead or alive? If they can handle those things by catering to all of those outcomes equally, I'm sure people will come around and have more faith in TTG's "Choice Matters" slogan.
(Side-note, speaking of the slogan: I think it's better for Telltale to have it appear once in the first episode and then never again. With that slogan comes expectations, and whenever you start an episode and you see that, it isn't just a "story-based game" it becomes a "choose your own adventure game". They are telling you: ""Your choices will have an impact, it changes things in the story."" But when people don't get that promise fulfilled? -- [à la, Season 2 flashback incident] it can be heart-breaking. The choices don't matter anymore at that point. TFTB had the slogan only in the first episode and then ditched it. With that, came surprise. Whenever choices had impact, because you weren't being told it every 2 hours, it was a nice feeling. It was an added benefit and not a promise.)
EDIT: One tiny thing thing that I don't exactly like though, is the "Previously On.." segment. The way Javier says "Previously on the Walking Dead" is kind of... meh. I understand why and am totally fine with Javi doing the small voiceover bit, but the way Lee said it was so good: "Previously.... on the Walking Dead." mmmm, mmm, good. Also, the real thing with the "Previously" segment I hate is the way it's all presented. Quiet, uninteresting music while all we hear is dialogue from scenes with no sound effects accompanying them, and how it fades to black after every shot. I know that that's the game loading in the background, but, I will reiterate this again from Batman, Have the game load this segment before the episode plays. More often than not, the "Previously" segment feels disjointed or drawn out, and that's usually because of all the fading through black. If it flowed nicely, with clean cuts between dialogue and scenes (yes, maybe a few fade through black moments), I would appreciate it more.
I dont see it having the same problems as season 2. Season 2 had the issue that after carver they didnt know what the fuck to do for the last two episodes.
I could see it having the same issues as season 1 where its more filler until we get to the final showdown. Because lets be honest the resolution of richmond is the finale most likely
I wonder if the timeline will actually stick this time
Conrad and Gabe might be the Nick and Sarah in this season, you know what I mean?
Conrad may die but hes done ten times more than nick already even if its revealed he died ofscreen at the beginning of episode 4.
Ive found the resolution of sarah's character rushed but I at least got what they were trying to do with her and her character had been building in that direction all season.
Gabes character seems to be building towards siding with his dad or javi. Or maybe a ben character thing of stepping up to the plate. Sarah's was always "cease to function" or too little to late kind of thing
Don't forget about the third fate of Conrad.
True. That's 6 things.
Telltale. I beseech you. If you want to stay alive, keep your skin and have an office to go to... Don't. Mess. This. Up.
Fans 'round these parts can get real war-like sometimes.
edit: oops messed up. it's 6 not 5. can't count right now.
Now back to waiting and hibernation.
Please more hugs like this, Telltale.
I am wondering does she still accept the hug if you sided with Conrad in episode 2?
Wow..... I liked the episode... I honestly didn't think they'd be able to turn it around. Happy to say that I am looking forward to Episode 4.
If they continue with the quality of episode 3, I think the rest of the season will be great. And I love that they're finally over the pointless shock character deaths that season 2 would throw left and right. It is the closest I've felt to season one in a long time and it feels great. And I loved being able to hug Clementine. I really hope the rest of the season continues to be this good. I'm optimistic that the changes inside Telltale might've been for the better.
I think I loved that though tbh. Most of S1 was similar, more dialogue focused.
raise your hand if you read this like darth sidious
Personally the closest I've felt to Season 1 would have to be either Season 2's 1st or 5th episodes
Telltale have hinted at quicker episode releases for Episodes 4 and 5.
I think season 2 wise the closest I felt to season 1 was episode 5 and that was about it. So far this year, Episode 3 feels like season 1 way more than a lot of season 2. In fact, I wish this is almost what I wish season 2 was and Luke could've been Javier and maybe Clem got more playability.
Im Expecting a release date somwhere between either 16th to 29th of April, or somewhere around the 15th of May
I wouldn't expect the week of April 18th since Guardians is releasing that day.
Yeah, Yeah, good point. But then again, they did release Wolf Among Us Episode 5 and Walking Dead Season 2 Ep. 4 within like 10 days of each other, Same goes for Episode 4 of The Wolf Among us and TWD Season 2 Episode 3. so who knows
I doubt that you will stop buying their products if episode 4 sucks.
I'm betting on April 25th if Telltale continues their original intentions for New Frontier to have monthly episodes, following the Episode 3 delay.
Enjoyed the episode but PLEASE no leaks for episode 4....