I would like her alot more if Telltale wasnt forcing her down my throat, as well as having her create conflict where there really should be none
If she would just take a hint, and stop flirting with Javier when I have refused all her advances, then maybe I would like her.
What happened to the way season 1 worked? where Kenny would dislike you the whole game if you sided with Larry, and opposite, characters would actually change their opinion of you, and reflect it in the way they talked, instead of just changing one like 2 episodes later depending on your choice
I think he's trying to say she's starting to record her lines for episode 5. 4s already been completed and submitted for rating. On a more tragic note, two more episodes of Kate.
I'm thinking about waiting until both episode 4 and 5 are out before I play them. They're short enough as it is, and I have a feeling Episode 4 is gonna be really short
Jesus... I hope it's not, but I have to say that I don't really mind that to happen either. I just hope will not get to see anything that conteins innapropriate content...
(I don't really know why I analyzed this.)
Anyway, we have to let TellTale decide if they'll add something like this or not.
That's just my point of view.
There are a fair number of people who doesn't hate Kate. And even then, some people just hate what they feel is a forced romance subplot rather than the character herself.
There are a fair number of people who doesn't hate Kate. And even then, some people just hate what they feel is a forced romance subplot rather than the character herself.
There needs to be a Season 3 before a Season 4. Remember, this is The Walking Dead: A New Frontier, naming it Season 3 wouldn't have attracted the huge amount of newcomers that Telltale has gotten.
There needs to be a Season 3 before a Season 4. Remember, this is The Walking Dead: A New Frontier, naming it Season 3 wouldn't have attracted the huge amount of newcomers that Telltale has gotten.
I'm hoping for more puzzle solving. In season 1 you had to find a way to get the train moving or distracting the walkers in the sewer, that sort of thing. Just find it being one big story and you fill in the gaps.
Telltale: "Got it" adds an extra minute of playable Clem, 2 extra minutes of screen time in the present, and looks for one unused line Melissa recorded for 1 extra line
Telltale: "Got it" adds an extra minute of playable Clem, 2 extra minutes of screen time in the present, and looks for one unused line Melissa recorded for 1 extra line
Lol I like every character. I liked Larry, Ben, Nick, Sarah, Gabe and most others. The only one's I don't like are vernon, that old woman cancer survivor and Becca.
Lol, they'd need to put more work into it if it is a premiere for a season, if you know what I mean. They need to test animations and stuff and to see if they should be used for the next episodes, if that makes any sense.
It's already confirmed Season 3.
But perhaps they are working on 'A New Frontier 2'!
And I demand them not let us wait 2 years again l… moreol.
But releasing in september...
It's obvious Javi is gonna be the Rick of Telltale with side kick Clementine.
Well I hope so.
I hope they bring her in next Season.
She would be a great soldier with Javi.
I would even love to play as Lily and have to deal with a hostile Clementine lol.
Never even started these things, thank God.
No. She isn't a fan favorite, that much is clear but there are plenty who like her.
Honestly, I would have thought that they had already finished EVERYTHING and were just releasing the episodes one by one.
No to... which question?
Or already working on a secret project. A new DLC or Season 4!
Nah, everything was already finished by the release of the first two episodes. They just wanted and still want people to wait.
Have I ever been wrong???
I have but lets pretend I haven't.
I would like her alot more if Telltale wasnt forcing her down my throat, as well as having her create conflict where there really should be none
If she would just take a hint, and stop flirting with Javier when I have refused all her advances, then maybe I would like her.
What happened to the way season 1 worked? where Kenny would dislike you the whole game if you sided with Larry, and opposite, characters would actually change their opinion of you, and reflect it in the way they talked, instead of just changing one like 2 episodes later depending on your choice
lol rip kate
I would prefer to do the same thing because near that date I'll have to start studying for my exams, so I guess I'll do it this way.
Jesus... I hope it's not, but I have to say that I don't really mind that to happen either. I just hope will not get to see anything that conteins innapropriate content...
(I don't really know why I analyzed this.)
Anyway, we have to let TellTale decide if they'll add something like this or not.
That's just my point of view.
Most of your TWD predictions do come true...
There are a fair number of people who doesn't hate Kate. And even then, some people just hate what they feel is a forced romance subplot rather than the character herself.
I like Kate...and do not mind the romance other than it should have been in full swing by the time ANF started.
There needs to be a Season 3 before a Season 4. Remember, this is The Walking Dead: A New Frontier, naming it Season 3 wouldn't have attracted the huge amount of newcomers that Telltale has gotten.
Wait, nevermind, that was really mean, I never meant to take it that far.
Please accept my sincere apology.
It's already confirmed Season 3.
But perhaps they are working on 'A New Frontier 2'!
And I demand them not let us wait 2 years again lol.
But releasing in september...
It's obvious Javi is gonna be the Rick of Telltale with side kick Clementine.
Well I hope so.
Bottom left could be Lingard?
I'm hoping for more puzzle solving. In season 1 you had to find a way to get the train moving or distracting the walkers in the sewer, that sort of thing. Just find it being one big story and you fill in the gaps.
Lol he looks like Andre from the Resident Evil 7 demo.
@telltale more clem please
thank you xoxo
Telltale: "Got it" adds an extra minute of playable Clem, 2 extra minutes of screen time in the present, and looks for one unused line Melissa recorded for 1 extra line
"Don't worry, you'll see more of Clementine. I promise" - Job
We should form a suicide pact. I am not letting my little girl do stuff like that. If she does Gabe dies and she gets disowned.
Good morning she says. Kate survives episode 4!!!!
Lol I like every character. I liked Larry, Ben, Nick, Sarah, Gabe and most others. The only one's I don't like are vernon, that old woman cancer survivor and Becca.
Lol, they'd need to put more work into it if it is a premiere for a season, if you know what I mean. They need to test animations and stuff and to see if they should be used for the next episodes, if that makes any sense.
What does it even mean by "activity on steam database?"
Where's Lilly at though???
Telltale confirmed Lily won't be in ANF but they hope to find out what happened to her one day.
You have to take what telltale/jobs say about the game content with a grain of salt.
Perhaps she will join in A New Frontier 2.
Starting with Clem having trust issues on her, but as we know Clem she is always forgiving assholes.
Yep, and I was just quoting Job's crummy response to Wolfy's question in the failed AMA thread.
What the hell is wrong with you?

I´m still pissed about Lilly not being the member of a new frontier
I hope they bring her in next Season.
She would be a great soldier with Javi.
I would even love to play as Lily and have to deal with a hostile Clementine lol.
I Recall there being some , scrapped? audio, of david being in a shitton of pain, might've originally been a ''branding'' flashback. no idea
She can still take a part in this season
There are numerous options how to involve her in way it would make sense