Don't become a part of the Anti-Gabe movement
Not entirely sure why people are jumping onto the anti Gabe bus lately, is it because of him snitching on you for killing Conrad? I know, he isn't exactly your hardened teen survivor like Clem, and he IS kind of a hypocrite for getting mad at you for not killing Conrad, but jeez, the hate for him is unreal, people saying he is "Ben 2.0" and "he's worse than Sarah". Gabe is much, much, better than Ben or Sarah or duck, because he at least tries to help the group out and he does indeed accomplish some good feats (although nothing compared to Clementine's feats!). Also, should Gabe really be blamed because you decided to shoot Conrad, (and yes, I know he is a hypocrite for callling Javier a coward for NOT shooting Conrad.)? He isn't the one who made that choice, so why should he? If I'm going to be completely honest, Clementine is a little bit of a hypocrite too... at the end of episode four you are given the choice to either shoot Joan or take the deal, doing either choice will result in clementine making a remark about your choice being "the wrong choice".
[take the deal]
Clementine: "I knew David was going to do something to fuck this up, I told you what he was like. When are you going to start believing me?"
[shoot Joan]
Clementine: "We had a way out of this, Javi! Why did you have to go and shoot her?"
Don't get me wrong, Clementine is probably the best character of this season and previous seasons IMO, but no one bats an eye when she does something wrong, but when it comes to Gabe snitching on a choice that YOU made, everyone loses their shit and thinks Gabe is the worst character ever and needs to die next episode.
I also believe another reason of hate for Gabe comes with his supposed "advances" toward Clementine (this one is just absurd!). Guys... you don't have to support the relationship... but they were just playing cards, do NOT make a big deal out of more or less nothing. Besides, what's wrong with Clementine being happy? I personally don't see the relationship being wrong or going anywhere, but to each their own I guess...
So please, don't just join the bandwagon because everyone else thinks Gabe is absolute trash, realize that this hate for him is really exaggerated and he isn't all that bad, and take the time to realize he is a teenager, (for those who don't know, they have lots of mood swings, and being in an apocalypse doesn't exactly help)
Well I love Gabe, that isn't changing anytime soon.
Let the Gabe hate flow through you.
Oh come on man, Gabe is so poorly written just like most of the season is. It's not a coincidence that most people dislike him, he's just not likeable. Your opinion is your own, but you probably shouldn't call everyone else's negative opinion of him unjustified or exaggerated.
Anti-Gabe train full speed ahead
Finally someone that sees the truth. I thought that I was the only person that noticed the hate train. Gabe been helping out most of the season. Distracting the guard, pushing the truck, showing where the weapons are, saving David's life, and having David's back. The only down fall is he ratted out Javi. But no one points out Javi can rat out Clem twice for murder and one of the ratting out is in front of the whole NF community.
Javi's a snitch. He needs to say thank you once and a while to Gabe.
Has anyone noticed that Clem is extremely hotheaded and done some stuff from this season and last season that make Gabe seem not such a bad or dumb character? I question Clem's sanity sometimes.
I agree with one point : don't join any bandwagons because of what other people think. View, and form your own opinion. Once you have your own opinion, feel free to share it with others, but realize that not everyone is going to share that opinion. Learn to discuss a difference of opinion without blame, shame, or patronizing how they view things. This is possibly the most difficult lesson in life to learn, so difficult it has divided nations and even caused wars.
Characters every season have fans with strong loyalties. If you don't think Gabe has any redeemable qualities, and you can't stand him :: That's okay. He's not a real person, and you feel how you feel. If you like Gabe, and can't wait to see how he develops in the next episode :: That's okay. He's relatable to you, and you feel how you feel.
Lol yeah I'm the only one who realizes Clementine is way worse than Gabe in terms of fucking things up
Don't tell me what to do!
Probably one of the biggest causes I think (and should be the most obvious) of both Gabe's and Clementine's somewhat sometimes irrational behavior is puberty, as teens do have mood swings which affect their ability to think rationally and cause them to act out, as seen in Gabe, sometimes in Clementine. But another cause as said by NRGphuck is just poor writing on behalf of Gabe, but even so, it isn't a reason to hate Gabe, it's a reason to dislike telltale for not giving enough attention to the characters actions.
dont hate the character, hate the writer
Now seeing the comments of this thread, I want to change the title to sound a little less demanding (ahem... sorry TheVigilante) but I can't seem to change it... is it not possible to do so? (New to the communtiy, bit of a noobie question)
She got peoples to die because of her fucked up decisions including Lee.
The situation with Eli was really fucked up too.
I am happy I told Tripp the truth.
Why should Javi cover her?
He barely knew that girl, and she was the one who robbed him before. She had a really shitty attitude.
Telling here they were a team determinantly was totally out of place.
Well your comparing Clem questioning your choice, to Gabe ratting you out to a room full of people. That isn't the same thing at all.
Me pulling you aside and telling you I think you fucked up is one thing. Me airing out your secrets to a room full of people is an entirely diffrent level of being a jackass.
I bet you loved him more when he snitched on you.
I actually feel nothing towards Gabe, I don't hate him, he's pretty much neutral to me. I think the character is nicely written though, behaves like a proper teenager and he's got a decent development; however I would like him not to play strip poker with Clementine, if that's an option.
Does it make sense?
I aknowledge that Gabe is well-written as the teen he is but that doesn't stop me from having a little resentment when he rats me out, effectively destroying the group when we need it the most. I can bear with his angst but that, that was just plain stupid and I wish it could have been determinant depending on how you treat him throughout the episode, it would have made more sense and toned down the Gabe hate a little.
I am the anti gabe movement
There was nothing to snitch on me about.
We can't hate all 4 (or more) different writers that they keep changing every episode, besides we've been "hating" writers since S2 and that got us nowhere.
Clem deserves more than that 2 inch cuban boy bruh
Good, good...
Please, not another thread comparing Gabe to others just to prove your love to Gabe and make others look bad...
It's your strict right to have an opinion different from others but God,please don't even compare this poorly written character to someone as Clementine. As you stated, she knows serious things about survival and moreover even if she makes mistakes, she manages to get her shit done, if she wasn't there, the Garcias would be already dead by now.
On the other hand we have Gabe, what if he wasn't there? Well, things couldn't go better.
Well I don't like Gabe or Clementine and could care less if either one died which would probably make the game slightly more enjoyable.
I don't know you, but I rather shot millions of Conrads than trade over a little girl to people who God knows could do very horrible things to her (which does not need to be mentioned).
Well I wasn't going to shoot somebody because something might have happened to Clementine, whereas I knew Conrad would die if I shot him.
Don't tell me what to do. You're not someone who should change people's opinions.
So you rather trade over Clementine to unknown people with the risk of r*pe, torture and slavery only to not kill someone who would not bat an eye before killing Gabe and Javier for refusing him(when the time runs out)? If that is truly what you mean then I am shocked and don't know what to say that.
... I kinda like Gabe...
I was afraid no one would notice the difference here. Thank you @Plan_R!
My reasoning was that while it was risky not shooting Conrad it was the only chance of everyone walking out alive whereas the other option was 100% certain that a man would be dead. I didn't do it gladly and I tried my best to talk Conrad down afterwards. Don't talk as if I did some monstrous act.
Can I get a hug now?
Whyever Image insertion won't work.
Monsterous, No. An act of pure cowardice and betrayal, Yes

The hate is strong for this one XD
Cowardice? It isn't cowardice to avoid killing man when there's another way. I didn't spare Conrad out of fear. It was out of hope that he could come back from this and avoid bloodshed. However you can argue that I betrayed Clem. I wasn't proud of it but you can say that I did that.
Now before anyone wants to continue arguing this, this thread isn't about Conrad, so I'd rather just end it here. Opinions have been shared, so let's just end it here.
Nope, the right thing to do, especially considering how Javier knew Clementine for a total of what, six hours? Seven, maybe? While the same is true for Conrad, the guy had a gun on Gabe and could easily have shot him anyway if Javier missed or if Conrad's finger jerked while dying. Conrad is in the wrong, obviously, but it was still risky as hell to shoot him, and it's not like Clementine is especially trustworthy from Javier's perspective after she just revealed she was part of New Frontier before. Besides, the outcome is practically the same in Episode 2/3, even better with Clem and Conrad present to be honest. And Conrad is a real bro afterwards, even if he was an asshole in Episode 1.2.
The better choice is to agree with Conrad's plan, especially in hindsight, but in the moment as well. It's just that people are generally more favorable towards Clementine, which makes sense if you played the previous Seasons and is totally fine. Doesn't make shooting Conrad any more right, though.
You're saying that keeping a guy capable of killing a kid in the group is the better choice? You're fucked up.
The man held a child at gun point. Anyone who can do that is a very bad person, just cause Telltale decided to make him not an insane in later episodes just makes them really bad a drawing a characters. In that moment, he put a gun on a child, told Javi to give up another child to a group we had just watched destroy a town. In my mind, even if he could be talked down, there was every chance he would do something similar again, and maybe this time I would not be able to stop him. So he died because that's what had to be done. People who can do that sort of thing, have no excuse for their actions.
As for Clem and Javi not really knowing each other. Clem could have left without ever saying a word about being with the new frontier, but she behaved in a stand up way, said she ran with them but didn't anymore. That would be enough to earn some trust or at least not be handed over to a group of thugs for my own benefit. You can excuse your actions any way you want, you can use Telltale's terrible understanding of human morality if you want. But Conrad was not just a guy on edge. Conrad is a potential child killing piece of shit and you decided to let him live.
that went sideways
I agree with you, even though you could be a bit less severe in phrasing that. But I think you replied to the wrong guy, you replied to someone who basically agrees with what you say, too.
yeah, the whole thing went sideways
Gabe is a teenager he dose want to help ,but he acts before he thinks which is a bad thing to begin with.
In episode 2 he tells you too shot (Conrad) then in (episode 4) he snichs on you after you kill Conrad and finally his biggest mistake was when hewasabout too take out that guard when they they were hiding in the closet in which the results got (Javier) stabbed in the arm.
That's why he doesn't think he could have gotten him and his uncle killed he's not the sharpist knife in the kitchen but at least he doesn't want to feel helpless in which I don't blame him for he's not like (Ben) or (Sarah) so at least a character from this season wants too help even if it mean if their going to get killed.
The last thing I wanna say is that He like Clementine so what if he dose, (Remember) theirs not much kids in the walking dead so aprently a lot of them died, let's just hope Gabe matures up for Clem.
The moment a person points a gun at a child, that person needs to be put down for good. It's terrifying that you would allow such a monster to live AND stay with your group. You wouldn't survive long in an apocalypse when you keep garbage people around and show mercy where it is not deserved.