I've been thinking and wondering of this new possible Telltale Game and if it's even possible. I would like to hear from you all, do you think that an Alien vs Predator would be possible for Telltale to make? I honestly would think it'd be cool to explore this franchise. Now I would like to hear your opinions of yes or no and why. What do you all think?
I am a French fan about Telltale's Games. Sorry for my english i'm not very strong with this language. I make a comment here for ask if Telltale should make a "Ninja Turtles" Series. Thanks you and good bye ! See you soon and continues to create good game"s series ;D
PS: I'm so sorry for my language. I was writted a French comment here for explain what i mean:
Bonjour Telltame, et bonjour à tous les joueurs !
Je suis un français fan des jeux de Telltale. Désolé pour ma maîtrise de l'anglais, je fais beaucoup de fautes dans cette langue parce que je ne l'a maîtrise pas très bien. Enfin bref je vous écrits ici pour demander si Telltale pouvait réaliser une série basé sur la licence "Tortues Ninja" ("Ninja Turtles" in french). A la base "Tortues Ninja" est un comic américain, puis il a été adapté en plusieurs série télé et à pu être adapter sur grand écran au cinéma. Il y a eux aussi beaucoup de jeux vidéo mais peu sont réussi malheureusement... Je suis confiant sur le fait que Telltale fait de magnifique jeux vidéo et que Tortue Ninja semble être une excellente licence à exploiter tellement l'univers est vaste et l'histoire intéressante. Merci de votre attention et à la prochaine ! Portez-vous bien et continuer de faire de très bon jeu comem vous savez le faire ! A bientôt ;D
Si vous ne connaissez pas l'univers des "Tortues Ninja", voici quelques images vous permettant de découvrir l'univers:
A prequel Watchmen series with the art style of the Wolf Among Us. Set before vigilantes were outlawed.
Detective murder mystery with Rorschach? Yes please. Of course you'd get interactions with the other heroes in different episodes.
I believe Telltale Games should make a Telltale series of the popular T.V. series "The 100." I srongly believe that has the potential to be the best of ALL Telltale games so far.
I watched the first episode of the show Under the Dome and it doesn't seem to have enough action to be a Telltale game. Does it get any better later on in the series? Or is the book better than the show?
I don't understand this fixation with "Under the Dome." The book was great for the most part, but the ending is so mind-numbingly stupid that I regretted the time I put into reading the damn thing.
The 100 would make an amazing Telltale series I completely agree! It would be an easy branch game to make also as if you played as Clarke or Bellamy (someone in charge) you can make all of the decisions for the best of the group.
I believe Telltale Games should make a Telltale series of the popular T.V. series "The 100." I srongly believe that has the potential to be the best of ALL Telltale games so far.
I'm hoping that Telltale one day uses traditional TV-style storylines for one of their games. What I mean by this is each episode is it's separate story (possibly even written by different people). It would feature the same cast of characters, but each a different story. Kind of like a sitcom or typical "Villain of The Week" episodes. Except this way there would be a pre-planned beginning and an end, conflict, and choices along the way, all written by one or two people.
This could also help with making some choices matter, as everything would generally be wrapped up by the end of each episode, and Telltale wouldn't have to worry about long-term "season affecting" choices.
Kind of like a set of mini short-stories!
I think it would be interesting to see one on Portal or maybe Team Fortress.
Portal might be hard, but maybe it has something to do with the one character that had the cube. Forget what his name is.
With Team Fortress, I don't know but I could see it working.
If it's planning go into a different style or direction of videogames I'll suggest a game about Captain Underpants
Altho, I still insist for a Grimm episodic videogames
Good idea! There would be so many different story lines, ideas for adventures, good characters etc that it would make it a really good game. I would deffo play that!!
I would like to play with a Bud Spencer & Terence Hill Telltale game with a new EB Clutcher style story.
They should make something historical mixed with a big diplomatic crises, like 19th-20th century europe before WW1.
Just imagine that Telltale made a Half-Life 3.
Thing is with history is it's already written. Unless it was an alternative storyline where you control what might have happened.
I second Fallout, that would be so cool.
I think telltale should make a star wars series
I've been thinking and wondering of this new possible Telltale Game and if it's even possible. I would like to hear from you all, do you think that an Alien vs Predator would be possible for Telltale to make? I honestly would think it'd be cool to explore this franchise. Now I would like to hear your opinions of yes or no and why. What do you all think?
A prequel Watchmen series with the art style of the Wolf Among Us. Set before vigilantes were outlawed.
Detective murder mystery with Rorschach? Yes please. Of course you'd get interactions with the other heroes in different episodes.
Hello Telltale, and hello gamers !
I am a French fan about Telltale's Games. Sorry for my english i'm not very strong with this language. I make a comment here for ask if Telltale should make a "Ninja Turtles" Series. Thanks you and good bye ! See you soon and continues to create good game"s series ;D
PS: I'm so sorry for my language. I was writted a French comment here for explain what i mean:
Bonjour Telltame, et bonjour à tous les joueurs !
Je suis un français fan des jeux de Telltale. Désolé pour ma maîtrise de l'anglais, je fais beaucoup de fautes dans cette langue parce que je ne l'a maîtrise pas très bien. Enfin bref je vous écrits ici pour demander si Telltale pouvait réaliser une série basé sur la licence "Tortues Ninja" ("Ninja Turtles" in french). A la base "Tortues Ninja" est un comic américain, puis il a été adapté en plusieurs série télé et à pu être adapter sur grand écran au cinéma. Il y a eux aussi beaucoup de jeux vidéo mais peu sont réussi malheureusement... Je suis confiant sur le fait que Telltale fait de magnifique jeux vidéo et que Tortue Ninja semble être une excellente licence à exploiter tellement l'univers est vaste et l'histoire intéressante. Merci de votre attention et à la prochaine ! Portez-vous bien et continuer de faire de très bon jeu comem vous savez le faire ! A bientôt ;D
Si vous ne connaissez pas l'univers des "Tortues Ninja", voici quelques images vous permettant de découvrir l'univers:
[Drools at imagining a Watchmen game with Wolf art style]

The series finale was a huge shock for many fans of Grimm, so why not making a tribute of this amazing show and create a new story?
I think star wars would be pretty cool.
Or what do y'all think about a LEGO series by telltale? I think it would be awesome!
I believe Telltale Games should make a Telltale series of the popular T.V. series "The 100." I srongly believe that has the potential to be the best of ALL Telltale games so far.
Deadpool series
I would really like to see a funny game. Maybe something based on Pineapple Express.
I watched the first episode of the show Under the Dome and it doesn't seem to have enough action to be a Telltale game. Does it get any better later on in the series? Or is the book better than the show?
11.22.63 would be an amazing Telltale series. And also maybe Wayward Pines.
The 100 would make an amazing Telltale series I completely agree! It would be an easy branch game to make also as if you played as Clarke or Bellamy (someone in charge) you can make all of the decisions for the best of the group.
Maybe Transformers or Sonic the Hedgehog?
Check these suggestions out!
i would love to see a game on star wars
Harry Potter
Family Guy
Lois will remember that
It would be great to see a series on Assassin's Creed!
It has a really rich story. The series could maybe shed some light on the modern day?
Stewie wont forget this
Chris will forget this
Brian noticed that.
Hello guys i've just bought the new frontier but can't continued to next chapter episode, how come is it? Do you have any suggestion?
What is it saying? I know this may be a stupid question but have you bought part 2? Screenshot the problem so people could try to help more
How about one based on Hanna-Barbera classic cartoons like a backstage pass where you goes as Yogi Bear on various HB universes in Marvel style.
I'm hoping that Telltale one day uses traditional TV-style storylines for one of their games. What I mean by this is each episode is it's separate story (possibly even written by different people). It would feature the same cast of characters, but each a different story. Kind of like a sitcom or typical "Villain of The Week" episodes. Except this way there would be a pre-planned beginning and an end, conflict, and choices along the way, all written by one or two people.
This could also help with making some choices matter, as everything would generally be wrapped up by the end of each episode, and Telltale wouldn't have to worry about long-term "season affecting" choices.
Kind of like a set of mini short-stories!
I think it would be interesting to see one on Portal or maybe Team Fortress.
Portal might be hard, but maybe it has something to do with the one character that had the cube. Forget what his name is.
With Team Fortress, I don't know but I could see it working.
They should make something different this time. I really think Pirates of the Caribbean would make a brilliant telltale game. Just think about it.
A game of army tale
If it's planning go into a different style or direction of videogames I'll suggest a game about Captain Underpants

Altho, I still insist for a Grimm episodic videogames
I've being thinking what could do and after watching tin tin i think Tin Tin would make a great Telltale season
Good idea! There would be so many different story lines, ideas for adventures, good characters etc that it would make it a really good game. I would deffo play that!!
I loved Tintin as a kid, I remember reading them in French when I was younger, plus the cartoon was a cool adaptation.