THAT is highly impressive! Gabe, Kate, & Clem look SPOT ON. Very impressive my friend! Wish I had talent like what I've seen in this thread. Unless you all would like to see my MSPaint masterpieces? haha.
Okay, this is my first time doing this, I followed @Jayroen tutorial in Deviantart and this is the result. I am still a noob, so if you have some advises for me or tips I would be really glad to hear them.
Okay, this is my first time doing this, I followed @Jayroen tutorial in Deviantart and this is the result. I am still a noob, so if you have some advises for me or tips I would be really glad to hear them.
Nice to see that tutorial actually did some good, I do like it btw, especially the season 3 clem has a cool pose although I can see a few flaws in the image.
I'm still working right now but I'll give you some pointers when I get home in a couple of hours!
Okay, this is my first time doing this, I followed @Jayroen tutorial in Deviantart and this is the result. I am still a noob, so if you have some advises for me or tips I would be really glad to hear them.
Christa did so much for Clementine yet hardly anyone remembers her. TT's missed such an opportunity to confront Christa (after she lost her baby) and AJ. It's not much but I made dis:
Sorry about poor quality, the pic was taken by phone. It's just pencil and black fineliner to thicken up the edges, if anyones curious.
Christa did so much for Clementine yet hardly anyone remembers her. TT's missed such an opportunity to confront Christa (after she lost her … morebaby) and AJ. It's not much but I made dis:
Sorry about poor quality, the pic was taken by phone. It's just pencil and black fineliner to thicken up the edges, if anyones curious.
Yup, did another thing. I have no idea what I'm doing.
Clementine really fits into the whole Borderlands world now with her new look, so I thought, why not?
I've always thought Clem had a bit of Sasha in her. Their personalities are kind of similar.
On a random note, TellTale should do a TTG's house party where all their characters leave their universes and meet up and chill. It would probably the most odd yet funniest thing ever.
Yup, did another thing. I have no idea what I'm doing.
Clementine really fits into the whole Borderlands world now with her new look, so I thought, why not?
...Is he wearing lipstick?
god i hate traps
I-It's not like I like you or anything, baka!
In the Shippuuden version, yes. In Part I, no.
Okay, I thought so. What an odd detail.
So adorable!
Your hate against weebs trap's and such is... Amazing I agree with you 100% what the fuck is wrong with people.
who is she????
the girl
the GIRL????? oh, you mean that girl with the baseball cap, whose senpai is gabe? she's kewl xdxdxd still cant remember her name lol
THAT is highly impressive! Gabe, Kate, & Clem look SPOT ON. Very impressive my friend! Wish I had talent like what I've seen in this thread. Unless you all would like to see my MSPaint masterpieces? haha.
Seriously, bravo.
No more than one post down, and here's another great rendition. Crazy good.
Best Finale Drawing EVER!!! You really have a natural talent, bro.
Edge me daddy
edgy xdxdxd
As requested by @BroKenny
Full res version ere!
Awsome! But what happened to her mouth? Did she step on a lego?
Very cool. :>
If that's how you wanna see it, sureo xD
Thank you again, man. So amazing! Much love!
More posed stuff down below, links instead of images just to be safe.
🠋 🠋 🠋 Potental SPOILERS 🠋 🠋 🠋
Okay, this is my first time doing this, I followed @Jayroen tutorial in Deviantart and this is the result. I am still a noob, so if you have some advises for me or tips I would be really glad to hear them.

...Is ANF Clementine still slightly shorter than Sarah?
Nice to see that tutorial actually did some good, I do like it btw, especially the season 3 clem has a cool pose although I can see a few flaws in the image.
I'm still working right now but I'll give you some pointers when I get home in a couple of hours!
Christa did so much for Clementine yet hardly anyone remembers her. TT's missed such an opportunity to confront Christa (after she lost her baby) and AJ. It's not much but I made dis:
Sorry about poor quality, the pic was taken by phone. It's just pencil and black fineliner to thicken up the edges, if anyones curious.
Why must you do this
♪No one should ever go there; you know it's bad, bad, bad.♪
Yup, did another thing. I have no idea what I'm doing.
Clementine really fits into the whole Borderlands world now with her new look, so I thought, why not?

It's because she got that Fiona haircut
Javi/Negan Edit
I've always thought Clem had a bit of Sasha in her. Their personalities are kind of similar.
On a random note, TellTale should do a TTG's house party where all their characters leave their universes and meet up and chill. It would probably the most odd yet funniest thing ever.
Midnight fanart from me! Good night all!

What did you do this on or is it a drawing by hand? It's amazing btw!
What did you do this on?
I used 2B mechanical pencil on paper, and then I scanned it
and yeah, it was drawn by hand
Clem is finally reunited with AJ ❤
O-0 ....What the heck is goin on there?