"Telltale should make a ____ Series": Post your ideas for a new Telltale Series here. (Unofficial)



  • I'm glad you like the idea.

    Sophiee994 posted: »

    Good idea! There would be so many different story lines, ideas for adventures, good characters etc that it would make it a really good game. I would deffo play that!!

  • Same Tintin always full of adventures.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I loved Tintin as a kid, I remember reading them in French when I was younger, plus the cartoon was a cool adaptation.

  • Pretty sure I've said this 1000 times by this point, but Silent Hill. If this is ever announced, I will literally die of happiness.

  • edited May 2017

    Thread: What'a the next game for Telltale?

    Santa Barbara Telltale Series or Counter Strike Story Mode?

  • I agree for a TinTin game too
    enter image description here

  • Oh yes please!

    BigGazMan posted: »

    I've being thinking what could do and after watching tin tin i think Tin Tin would make a great Telltale season

  • Definitely Vikings! I would kill for it. Please make a Vikings Series <333

  • There are many ideas
    TellTaleGames ideas

  • What about a Dragon Age one? or possibly a Mass Effect one?

    Also there are a couple of ideas from books too. like from:

    • the Dragon Riders of Pern series by Anne McCaffery
    • the Mountain Man series by William W. Johnston
    • the Remaining series by D.J. Molles

    All of those series have rich worlds that would be easy to put an original story into.

    Also where is that Season 2 of Jurassic Park, Telltale!? i've been waiting forever.

  • YES!!!!!!

    chris007 posted: »

    How about a game for Breaking Bad?!

  • edited May 2017

    Thread: Check out the petition I just started to get Telltale to consider a 'LOST' game series!

    Fan image I made in photoshop.

    I made a petition get Telltale to consider a 'LOST' game series. Click here to take you there!

    Here is the text you'll find there:

    I think that a LOST Telltale Game Series would be a wonderful addition to the Telltale games collection as Telltale could definitely take full advantage of the LOST universe due to it's brilliant lore and wonderful characters. For those who have never watched LOST, Lost is a drama series containing elements of science fiction and the supernatural. It follows the survivors of the crash of a commercial passenger jet, flying between Sydney and Los Angeles, on a mysterious tropical island somewhere in the South Pacific Ocean. The story is told in a heavily serialized manner. If you haven't seen it already then I suggest that everyone should
    watch it!

    Now the biggest question, what would the story be about? I have a couple of ideas to offer myself;
    Idea #1: The story could follow Ji Yeon, Jin & Sun's orphaned daughter, who's life mission is to find out what happened to her parents and then ends up on the island later in life. She could achieve this by from talking to one of the people who left the island on the plane at the end or maybe Ben or Hugo. I like the idea of Ben & Hugo contacting Ji Yeon and telling her about the island and her parents. The story could start when she is in her mid-twenties when she gets contacted by Hugo, he could be the same age as when the series ended as Jacob never aged either. That would just be the first part of episode one. The rest would be her exploring the island or protecting it in some way.

    Idea #2: This one would be similar to Idea #1 but would follow Walt Dawson on the island. This would be within the LOST story as in the mini-episode based after the LOST finale, known as 'The New Man in Charge', Ben goes to Walt and tells him that the island still needs him and Walt needs to go back to help his father. This could take over from the point he arrives back on the island. Maybe every episode takes place every couple of years so the last episode would feature Walt as a grown man.

    Idea #3: Could take place during the time of the Dharma Initiative. Maybe you could be a member of the DI or maybe a hostile. But it should take place before the 815 survivors travel back in time during the incident. Maybe it could showcase the arrival of the DI on the island and how the hostiles interact at the start.

    Idea #4: Or my least favorite idea, it could follow the events of the actual series. You could maybe be one character or a whole range of character from the show. My idea is that you could be an 'other' at the time of the 815 crash so you can experience the other side.

    If you are a fan of Lost or/and Telltale game then please sign this so maybe Telltale can see it.

  • You need to download the next episodes off the internet. Hope that helps.

    (Also, this isn't really the right place to ask this...)

    Gumgum81 posted: »

    Hello guys i've just bought the new frontier but can't continued to next chapter episode, how come is it? Do you have any suggestion?

  • Yes! I agree. A Portal: The Telltale Series would be awesome. But I don't think it should be about Doug Ratman. It should be about...


    It could be about any of the literal millions of new test subjects they discovered. Think about it! An endless supply of test subjects to write about. Their backstory, who they are, how they got there, their experience with the testing.... Siiiigggghhh...

    • Teen titans
    • Ghost rider
    • Indiana Jones
  • Maybe you can see if you can make a friday the 13

  • edited June 2017

    Thread: Watchmen should be the next telltale game

    It would make for a great gritty story like a mixture between Batman and The Wolf Among Us

  • edited June 2017

    Thread: Ideas for games

    make a version of lego

    make a version of marvel

    make a version of your own game

    make a version of youtubers

    make a version of overwatch

    make a version of horror

    any more ideas

  • edited June 2017

    I think it would be interesting is Telltale made

    • An original story, From the writing in their previous games they have the skill to come up with their own original IP, I would like to see where they would go if it was an original story.
    • A fallout game, You don't have to play as a vault dweller or someone from a vault. I think it would be interesting to go with a GoT/TFTBL style of gameplay where you play as two or more characters. For instance playing as a Ghoul, normal person and a super mutant would be interesting. You would get to see the fallout world in a different light.
    • American horror story, this is a stretch but I'm a fan of this series. The whole horror aspect would play well with a point and click adventure and since it's an anthology series telltale could do what they want with the game.
    • Coming off of that, a horror game would be great for telltale. As i said, the point and click style of telltale would work with creating suspense.

    That's all I can really think of rn

  • Telltale Overwatch isn't a half bad idea honestly. Overwatch has a really rich universe with interesting characters and no story mode to tie it all together. A story based Overwatch game would be great.

    AngeloMC21 posted: »

    Telltale Teen Titans. Telltale Bioshock (honestly dont know how it'll turn out, because Bioshock : Infinite has a really confusing storylin

  • make a version of youtubers

    manofbat posted: »

    Thread: Ideas for games make a version of lego make a version of marvel make a version of your own game make a version of youtubers make a version of overwatch make a version of horror any more ideas

  • Telltale should make a physical disc series, so that customers actually get what they pay for.

  • edited June 2017
    • Yes, but I do not want them to die like le. I'm sure nobody wants it. If you need to do something emotional, such as drama, please do not leave the character we love, the character we relate to, in history. Do not finish with death. Since I played that game, I was seeing Lee die in my dream.*
    ClemRanger posted: »

    I want to see them make something more adult and with greater depth of plot and characterization. Something that genuinely moves me the way TWD s1 did.

  • Harry Potter

  • Some story set in middle earth (lord of the rings universe)

  • edited June 2017

    Thread: Telltale presents... The Flash!

    How cool would it be for telltale to create a flash game it would be the best selling game ever, please please make a Flash game. I'm loving batman right now would love to see another DC character in the telltale roster.

  • edited June 2017

    Thinking it's a good idea to give telltale more ideas when they should be finishing their current IP's

    enter image description here

  • edited June 2017

    Ok, everybody. This game will blow everybody away and works in the Telltale style. Imagine a Rick and Morty styled game. It starts out with a normal scenario like growing the backyard but turns into a comedic and fun adventure with crazy aliens. This would be my life come true, seriously. This is telltale's dreamed game. I thought of this when I was watching and just imagined how it could fit into the telltale style. Hell, they could make as many seasons as they want if they get the voice actors to do it. Please, comment if you agree because I think this deserves a placement in telltale headquarters if they can make this project work.

  • Cause of death :)

  • Since LIONSGATE is making another SAW film, can you make a 3rd game to promote the franchise?

  • "Telltale should make a ____ Series":

    1. Silent hill

    2. metal gear solid

    3. marvel ironman

    4. WW2 drama (one man war story)

    5. Max Payne

    6. indiana jones

    7. mass effect

  • I was wondering if you could make a game on "gorillaz" like in the video saturnz barz for exemple.. They're not my favorite group "person" but the mood of they're songs and animation put you into are very suggestive, they are very characterized and impersonate most of the human feelings, so if you put them in a stress situation I belive they can react in some pretty funny and scary ways... Just an idea maybe lost in million of others better than mine.. But most of the people love that music and the drawings are onestly really great (for me at least).. I hope you think about that.. Many congratulations for the rest of your work, sorry for my english, thanks an goodbye from rik (Italy)

  • I, may or may not have sent this to Job:

    I-I love this game okay! ;_; I really like it. It's not like I asked for Dragon Ball: A Telltale Series. I never once mentioned anything about that; I swear it on my new pet hamster's life.

    enter image description here

    ...aw shit.

  • edited June 2017

    Thread: If they made a telltale dishonored series do you guys think it would be good

    Give your honest opinion I in my opinion would like it to be on

    • Suicide Squad

    • Old Man Logan

    • WWE

    • Preacher

    • Breaking Bad

  • Without more wodrs... (lost my saved text) Maybe Fallout franchise? I hope someone would be agree with me.
    Isn't it nice to see a 'Stranger from Wasteland' on his mission with companion doing main or side quest. Getting new level, use pipboy and see 'random meet'. Must be new story... Doesn't like Fallout 4. Uhh... That's hard to think about all new story... I hope you get a idea and only can say: Good Luck!
    (Inspired by Tales from the Borderlands)

  • Love your idea
    Fallout will be awsome

    Without more wodrs... (lost my saved text) Maybe Fallout franchise? I hope someone would be agree with me. Isn't it nice to see a 'Strange

  • A Squids journey simulator, I've said it before, but that game is the best game. Will be the best game.

  • I think they should do a Games Series based on Friday The 13th because you would have a lot of potential to do with a series like that. You would probably play as Jason and a Camp Counsellor

  • I really would like to see a flash the teltate series
    Sorry for the english because i'm french i don't speak english very well

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