Unpopular walking dead opinions?



  • MrJavaMrJava Banned

    I dont think it is an unpopular opinion. I saw many comments about how Carver successfull in his appearance

    Clord posted: »

    I think Carver is a great villain, which makes him great fictional character.

  • ...No, I mean in present day.-

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    In the flashback?

  • Agreed. The "petrayal" felt tacked on, tbh.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    I don't hate Eleanor. I was nice to her in Episode 5 and forgave her. Telltale fucked her character over. Also, the betrayal was poorly done.

  • Agreed.

    MrJava posted: »

    I liked Kate. I guess I am in a hell of a minority

  • Don't really see the likable part in him of all people, tbh.

    Plus, Pete, Sarah, Matthew, Sarita, and Walter exist.

    Clord posted: »

    I think Carver is a great villain, which makes him great fictional character.

  • edited June 2017


  • Wrong thread, buddy.


  • How come?

    DabigRG posted: »

    ...No, I mean in present day.-

  • I liked Kate too. She had a lot more personality than most in ANF in my opinion. she had some cheesy/cringe lines, but otherwise I thought she was alright.

    MrJava posted: »

    I liked Kate. I guess I am in a hell of a minority

  • i hope telltale countiniue this game as fast as possible its too hard to wait.i wish lee had a chance to be stil allive.

  • I'm sure this is not an unpopular opinion

    Dan10 posted: »

    ALL characters in ANF are either trash,wasted or just revolting and unlikable and I mean EVERY one of them.

  • I would rather continue the García's story rather than Clementine's, because A New Frontier stepped all over what her character stands for by making her an edgy, "badass" teen, and I don't want the fourth season to be another batch of one-hour episodes where AJ is once again used as a plot device and we spent another season looking for that shitball.

    I also don't want to play as Clementine. That didn't work as well as it should've in Season 2, and even though now she's older, I still prefer playing as an adult. Playing as Javier was much more enjoyable than playing as her.

  • edited July 2017

    For the sake of breaking another trend and having Clementine be older than the other main kid character for once. Even if it might make the fact that he was going through puberty a little odd.

    But it would make his minor impressionable tendency to idolize people a little more obvious.

    Emmalilly posted: »

    How come?

  • Quite frankly, she the character with the most built in complexity on arrival, since her behavior in private was often at odds with her behavior amongst the rest of the family.

    Emmalilly posted: »

    I liked Kate too. She had a lot more personality than most in ANF in my opinion. she had some cheesy/cringe lines, but otherwise I thought she was alright.

  • I would rather continue the García's story rather than Clementine's, because A New Frontier stepped all over what her character stands for by making her an edgy, "badass" teen


    I would rather continue the García's story rather than Clementine's, because A New Frontier stepped all over what her character stands for b

  • Don't know if this is unpopular or not but I think they should forget season 3 ever happened and continue with Clementine at Wellington with better writing and season 1 style episodes. I know this type of thing doesn't happen very often but in this case it would be good for the franchise.

  • edited July 2017

    Tell me about it.
    Nobody cares about her true reasons to talk to Joan and acts like she never revealed them. Everybody is making her out to be a selfish bitch(which she is not), people called her other stuff-- I can't even. It's so annoying. :unamused:

    I don't have the "This person betrayed us so he has to die" mentality. People deserve a second chance. Meaning Mike is still cool in my book.

    You know, I see it as a Ben situation. Both Ben and Eleanor are trying to protect someone - Ben(the group); Eleanor(the citizens of Richmond). Both have good intentions buut no, nobody gives a fuck. Though, Eleanor is probably the Mike of the group since both of them do what's best for it.

    I don't know whether to laugh or cry at the fact that people actually hate Eleanor after this "betrayal".
    I still have hope that Telltale will make an Eleanor extra episode which is about these 3 days. We talked about it, remember? :grin:

    DabigRG posted: »

    Agreed. The "petrayal" felt tacked on, tbh.

  • Well ANF characters were trash anyway including Clementine so it's a lose-lose situation here.

    I would rather continue the García's story rather than Clementine's, because A New Frontier stepped all over what her character stands for b

  • It's not popular either.

    LeeClemKen posted: »

    I'm sure this is not an unpopular opinion

  • I both agree and disagree with that statement. A few of them were horrible, but a few of them had potential, and others were amazing in my opinion. The best example here is Javier and David.

    Dan10 posted: »

    Well ANF characters were trash anyway including Clementine so it's a lose-lose situation here.

  • I liked David a lot but then Ep 5 happened where he does the ol switcharoo with Kate on what they want to do. Second of all, even if you're pro-David the entire game he still fights and doesn't believe you...and he doesn't want to talk to you in the end if he survives. In Season 1, at least if you're pro-Kenny he's your bro and if you're anti-kenny he hates your guts.As for Javier, I just don't like him.....not much more to say here. I don't find him interesting,funny or relatable.

    I both agree and disagree with that statement. A few of them were horrible, but a few of them had potential, and others were amazing in my opinion. The best example here is Javier and David.

  • i'm not sure what you mean?

    AronDracula posted: »

    That relationship is fucking unrealistic.

  • Clem kisses a boy he has only known for 3 days. It was obviously forced.

    i'm not sure what you mean?

  • yeah, i can agree with that part. the kiss was quite out of place, and even if they had the tiniest crushes on each other, it's not realistic of clem to say what she said before they kissed. cringe.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Clem kisses a boy he has only known for 3 days. It was obviously forced.

  • I thought most people thought of carver as a great villan, He was a lot better then the stranger that's for sure.

    * I like Season 2 almost as much as Season 1 * I enjoyed playing as Clementine more than Lee. * In Harms Way is an amazing episode. * Sta

  • When Episode 3 released, people went from liking him to finding him a boring and uninteresting villain, and I still don't fully understand why.

    DylanSenior posted: »

    I thought most people thought of carver as a great villan, He was a lot better then the stranger that's for sure.

  • While I guess it could've been an interesting development for his character, especially compared to previous PCs, I kinda feel like Javier didn't really need to be a leader.

  • Because he was just a generic Darwinist settlement leader, made even worse with none of the promised backstory with the Cabin Group and ambiguous morality to back him.

    When Episode 3 released, people went from liking him to finding him a boring and uninteresting villain, and I still don't fully understand why.

  • How so?

    DylanSenior posted: »

    I thought most people thought of carver as a great villan, He was a lot better then the stranger that's for sure.

  • Wasn't Clem older?

    DabigRG posted: »

    For the sake of breaking another trend and having Clementine be older than the other main kid character for once. Even if it might make the

  • No. Gabe was apparently meant to be 13 at first, but was stated to be 14 instead during From the Gallows. * sigh *


    eRock92 posted: »

    Wasn't Clem older?

  • Here we go. I'm probably am going to be executed for this, but here I go... If it wasn't for Lee being bit and dying in Season 1, TTG's The Walking Dead Game wouldn't have been put on a pedestal.

    Now to clarify, I do not think Season 1 was a bad game. I enjoyed it. However, I do not see it as this superior game that dwarfs Season 2 and A New Frontier. In relation to each other, the games are not that far part from each other. Compared to the other TTG titles, TFTBL and TWAU surpass the whole TWD series by a good bit (I'd give former series a 9 or 9.5 out of 10 while TWD as a whole gets about an 8 out of 10).

    I feel like Lee's death was amplified by the fact he was the main character. You wouldn't really expect a main character to die in the first game; maybe a side or supporting character. Think of it like this: if Season 1 was taken from Clementine's perspective, Lee's death wouldn't have been as shocking. It wouldn't have happened to "us," the player. The circumstance of us being the PC and the death happening to us is what gave it the punch. GOT tried to do this, but they entered the shock value of PC death (and deaths in general) way too soon. By the end of the season, we were too used to it and expected it. Had they waited, it might have had a stronger impact (but this is a TWD thread, so I'll stop here).

    I'm sure I'm alone on this. But hey, it the unpopular opinion thread.

  • Ok. Wow. I kept thinking Gabe was younger than Clem when I was playing. I thought part of the reason Gabe had a crush on Clem was due to her being older. I had a crush on a girl next door who was a year older than me when I was little when my family was overseas. I viewed her as a "woman" because of the age difference. Oh, the days of elementary school.

    DabigRG posted: »

    No. Gabe was apparently meant to be 13 at first, but was stated to be 14 instead during From the Gallows. * sigh * .

  • Both Kenny and Jane were broken, messed up people and neither of them were right.

  • edited July 2017

    If it wasn't for Lee being bit and dying in Season 1, TTG's The Walking Dead Game wouldn't have been put on a pedestal.

    Definitely. Lee's death is one of the most saddest deaths in video game history. That alone makes Walking Dead a gaming classic.

    eRock92 posted: »

    Here we go. I'm probably am going to be executed for this, but here I go... If it wasn't for Lee being bit and dying in Season 1, TTG's The

  • Ok. Wow. I kept thinking Gabe was younger than Clem when I was playing. I thought part of the reason Gabe had a crush on Clem was due to her being older.

    Would've made more sense yeah, though I didn't like that development honestly .

    I had a crush on a girl next door who was a year older than me when I was little when my family was overseas. I viewed her as a "woman" because of the age difference. Oh, the days of elementary school.

    Heh--Tell me about it.

    eRock92 posted: »

    Ok. Wow. I kept thinking Gabe was younger than Clem when I was playing. I thought part of the reason Gabe had a crush on Clem was due to

  • That was pretty much the point, though they kinda shortcircuited it.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Both Kenny and Jane were broken, messed up people and neither of them were right.

  • Duck never annoyed me. He was adorable.

    I love Ben and Sarah.

  • Other than being adorable, I agree with everything.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Duck never annoyed me. He was adorable. I love Ben and Sarah.

  • Yeah. Clem could have died in Season 1 and it still wouldn't have been elevated like Lee's death.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    If it wasn't for Lee being bit and dying in Season 1, TTG's The Walking Dead Game wouldn't have been put on a pedestal. Definitely.

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