Once you upload your pic and are able to choose which one to use for your email, Click on the image you want and it will ask you if you want you use the image for your account. Click confirm And your gravatar should be set.
Was Alvin's line "I'm all outta road." supposed to be a callback or something?
Say, in the event things didn't pan out with Javier, what type of guy do you think Kate would hook up with if she decided to date again for some reason?
Why exactly didn't Conrad and Francine come to break up the disagreement between Clementine and Eli?
Should Walter have been made determinant instead of just getting killed?
From @Cocoa2736 When do you think we'll be getting our first teaser trailer for The Final Season?
Wouldn't it have been better if it were possible to have Gabe determinately tag along to save Richmond with Kate while Clementine/Javier goes to convince/save David alone?
From @Fangirl101 Is there a TWDG character whose personality you dislike? If so, what personality would you give him/her?
Which characters would you categorize as being an Anti-Hero/Villain? And what type?
Another rewrite inspired question: What do you think about the confirmed theory that Eleanor was designed to be Joan's lost daughter? And what about the mention that her character allegedly changed so much that this backstory no longer made since? Do you think this should've been kept considering what happened in the released product?
Is there a TWDG character whose personality you dislike? If so, what personality would you give him/her?
Molly. Her sarcastic sassy attitude felt inappropriate considering what she went through. I feel the voice direction should have gone for more somber and bitter. And less easily angered.
They tried to hard to make her appealing, and then they gave her the boot for no reason, too.
I mean her sister fucking died on her watch, why would she get so mad about some belligerent redneck asshole getting pissy at her? I feel like she should have a better sense of perspective at that point, but they wanted to make her look cool and badass by telling Kenny off and showing everyone up. It just doesn't make sense to me, in universe.
Also she just annoys the heck out of me in general in that episode.
Wouldn't it have been better if it were possible to have Gabe determinately tag along to save Richmond with Kate while Clement… moreine/Javier goes to convince/save David alone?
From @Fangirl101 Is there a TWDG character whose personality you dislike? If so, what personality would you give him/her?
From @Fangirl101 Also, are we a ship?
Which characters would you categorize as being an Anti-Hero/Villain? And what type?
Another rewrite inspired question: What do you think about the confirmed theory that Eleanor was designed to be Joan's lost daughter? And what about the mention that her character allegedly changed so much that this backstory no longer made since? Do you think this should've been kept considering what happened in the released product?
Do/did you think Kate was a chick assuming spousal and parental responsibility barely out of college or a woman in her prime who just looks(and/or actively invokes seeming) younger? Which do you think/feel would've been interesting?
Wouldn't it have been better if it were possible to have Gabe determinately tag along to save Richmond with Kate while Clement… moreine/Javier goes to convince/save David alone?
From @Fangirl101 Is there a TWDG character whose personality you dislike? If so, what personality would you give him/her?
From @Fangirl101 Also, are we a ship?
Which characters would you categorize as being an Anti-Hero/Villain? And what type?
Another rewrite inspired question: What do you think about the confirmed theory that Eleanor was designed to be Joan's lost daughter? And what about the mention that her character allegedly changed so much that this backstory no longer made since? Do you think this should've been kept considering what happened in the released product?
Hell if I know. Pretty sure It didn't use to work. I didn't even know if anyone was seeing it until you just said so.
You have to screw around on the gravatar site, you know.
Do/did you think Kate was a chick assuming spousal and parental responsibility barely out of college or a woman in her prime who just looks(and/or actively invokes seeming) younger? Which do you think/feel would've been interesting?
Hell if I know. Pretty sure It didn't use to work. I didn't even know if anyone was seeing it until you just said so.
You have to screw around on the gravatar site, you know.
@Fangirl101 Which character do you think you would have gotten along with the most?
@TheMyth26 This may sound like a silly question, but what is Carley's race/ethnicity supposed to be? Seriously, I can't tell.
Surely I'm not the only person questioning Carley's race/ethnicity?
@Sparkeagle If Carver was actually shot and killed when Carlos was having his fingers break, would anyone actually do anything if he died? I assume Troy would be the next leader or something but would he also be afraid of Carver and be relieved he is dead or would his men just slaughter all the hostages
Rewatching the dialogue options with Eleanor in Part 1 just now, do you think it's possible she and Joan were supposed to have had a somewhat strenuous relationship or at least have parted on relatively bad terms?
@Fangirl101 Do you think ANF was always supposed to focus on David? I hope not.
Zombies. I loved reading the comics because of how nasty they were and like to watch zombie horror flicks. And to this day, I still play Dead Island just to smash in zombie heads in a semi-realistic manner. I also have Dying Light, made by the same company, but it's combat physics don't compare, no matter how many times you drop kick a zombie off a building.
The moving around and, ahem, replacing of characters. The replay value, if you will. But the lack of characters and scenes with which to play around in prevented me from trying to get it until the Collection, and even then, it's not on PC (yet?)
The moving around and, ahem, replacing of characters. The replay value, if you will. But the lack of characters and scenes with which to play around in prevented me from trying to get it until the Collection, and even then, it's not on PC (yet?)
This may sound like a silly question, but what is Carley's race/ethnicity supposed to be? Seriously, I can't tell.Surely I'm not the only person questioning Carley's race/ethnicity?
You and I already talked about this sort of thing (and that included shel and becca), and I don't recall us coming to any conclusion. It's such an obsessive topic anyway, it's not like it really matters except to us "detail oriented" people, right.
@Fangirl101 Which character do you think you would have gotten along with the most?
@TheMyth26 This may sou… morend like a silly question, but what is Carley's race/ethnicity supposed to be? Seriously, I can't tell.
Surely I'm not the only person questioning Carley's race/ethnicity?
@Sparkeagle If Carver was actually shot and killed when Carlos was having his fingers break, would anyone actually do anything if he died? I assume Troy would be the next leader or something but would he also be afraid of Carver and be relieved he is dead or would his men just slaughter all the hostages
Rewatching the dialogue options with Eleanor in Part 1 just now, do you think it's possible she and Joan were supposed to have had a somewhat strenuous relationship or at least have parted on relatively bad terms?
@Fangirl101 Do you think ANF was always supposed to focus on David? I hope not.
I dunno who Dave is. That chewed up Troy model? Now that's interesting. Were you meant to see that if you went back to Howe's? No that wouldn't make sense, there's too much left. maybe Troy's death was just originally more graphic.
This crosses over more with the Last of Us, but I'll ask it here: if a bitten/turning person bites someone, do they get infect… moreed?
Would anyone like to have a thread to compare and contrast characters again?
Where exactly does "Dave" there come into the picture?
To the gamedelvers: Any left over info in the game files about characters like Roxanne and the Specialist besides their names?
Does Alvin's model have actual pockets in his or does his hands simply clip?
This may sound like a silly question, but what is Carley's race/ethnicity supposed to be? Seriously, I can't tell.Surely I'm not the only pe… morerson questioning Carley's race/ethnicity?
You and I already talked about this sort of thing (and that included shel and becca), and I don't recall us coming to any conclusion. It's such an obsessive topic anyway, it's not like it really matters except to us "detail oriented" people, right.
I dunno who Dave is. That chewed up Troy model? Now that's interesting. Were you meant to see that if you went back to Howe's? No that wouldn't make sense, there's too much left. maybe Troy's death was just originally more graphic.
From what I've read/watched, she seems to be an expy of Dead Rising's Rebecca Chang, from design to how she died, so there's a likely chance that she's Asian without it being otherwise mentioned or implied.
Just reposting his question since I thought it was an interesting one.
Personally, I think he was definitely onto something with Carley potentially being Asian.
To all you fellow pet owners out there: if a zombie infestation were to ever break out how would you go about handling your animals? Would you keep them close to you no matter what cost or would you decide to let them go to live freely in the outside world?
To all you fellow pet owners out there: if a zombie infestation were to ever break out how would you go about handling your animals? Would y… moreou keep them close to you no matter what cost or would you decide to let them go to live freely in the outside world?
To all you fellow pet owners out there: if a zombie infestation were to ever break out how would you go about handling your animals? Would y… moreou keep them close to you no matter what cost or would you decide to let them go to live freely in the outside world?
Weird question, I know, but can we generally agree that Ava's characterization, utilization, development, and screentime compared to Tripp's is a example of the saying "Less is More"?
From what I've read/watched, she seems to be an expy of Dead Rising's Rebecca Chang, from design to how she died, so there's a likely chance that she's Asian without it being otherwise mentioned or implied.
Just reposting his question since I thought it was an interesting one.
Personally, I think he was definitely onto something with Carley potentially being Asian.
Now that you mention it, it does vaguely look like Troy, doesn't it?
But no, I'm pretty sure the dART person who made the picture said it was in the Michonne DLC at some point.
Yeah, I was wondering that myself. It sounds like Nick, but I think it plays even if you didn't vouch for him.
It technically fits Luke better, though.
Who would you say is the greatest(or rather, most diverged) foil to Clementine?
Once you upload your pic and are able to choose which one to use for your email, Click on the image you want and it will ask you if you want you use the image for your account. Click confirm And your gravatar should be set.
Molly. Her sarcastic sassy attitude felt inappropriate considering what she went through. I feel the voice direction should have gone for more somber and bitter. And less easily angered.
They tried to hard to make her appealing, and then they gave her the boot for no reason, too.
I mean her sister fucking died on her watch, why would she get so mad about some belligerent redneck asshole getting pissy at her? I feel like she should have a better sense of perspective at that point, but they wanted to make her look cool and badass by telling Kenny off and showing everyone up. It just doesn't make sense to me, in universe.
Also she just annoys the heck out of me in general in that episode.
Do/did you think Kate was a chick assuming spousal and parental responsibility barely out of college or a woman in her prime who just looks(and/or actively invokes seeming) younger? Which do you think/feel would've been interesting?
That question was mostly towards you... You posted this in your repeats on purpose, I know it!
I would love an answer to this one though~
How did you get yours to work?
Hell if I know. Pretty sure It didn't use to work. I didn't even know if anyone was seeing it until you just said so.
You have to screw around on the gravatar site, you know.
It's an interesting question, not sure I can really answer it. I'm no expert on women.
Well, I never could see mine here, so there's that.
I guess T&E is the only way to fix this, then.
That how I did it.
I hope this video can help you.
Woah, the forums looked so much cooler back then.
@Louche @Zombiekiller3121
What website/email are you using?
gravatar is linked to my yahoo account.
Here's a question for ya'll: excluding Clementine for obvious reasons, what made you want to buy/play ANF?
Zombies. I loved reading the comics because of how nasty they were and like to watch zombie horror flicks. And to this day, I still play Dead Island just to smash in zombie heads in a semi-realistic manner. I also have Dying Light, made by the same company, but it's combat physics don't compare, no matter how many times you drop kick a zombie off a building.
Do you think Nick was always gonna be determinant in the original drafts of Season 2, given that Kenny had a very different role initially?
The moving around and, ahem, replacing of characters. The replay value, if you will. But the lack of characters and scenes with which to play around in prevented me from trying to get it until the Collection, and even then, it's not on PC (yet?)
Replacing, you say?
You and I already talked about this sort of thing (and that included shel and becca), and I don't recall us coming to any conclusion. It's such an obsessive topic anyway, it's not like it really matters except to us "detail oriented" people, right.
I dunno who Dave is. That chewed up Troy model? Now that's interesting. Were you meant to see that if you went back to Howe's? No that wouldn't make sense, there's too much left. maybe Troy's death was just originally more graphic.
Just reposting his question since I thought it was an interesting one.
Personally, I think he was definitely onto something with Carley potentially being Asian.
Now that you mention it, it does vaguely look like Troy, doesn't it?
But no, I'm pretty sure the dART person who made the picture said it was in the Michonne DLC at some point.
From what I've read/watched, she seems to be an expy of Dead Rising's Rebecca Chang, from design to how she died, so there's a likely chance that she's Asian without it being otherwise mentioned or implied.
To all you fellow pet owners out there: if a zombie infestation were to ever break out how would you go about handling your animals? Would you keep them close to you no matter what cost or would you decide to let them go to live freely in the outside world?
Hopefully, we never have to find out.
Seriously though, I'd likely keep it/them with me for mutual protection and survival.
I don't have a pet anymore, but I would also keep them as close as I can, if I had another.
Weird question, I know, but can we generally agree that Ava's characterization, utilization, development, and screentime compared to Tripp's is a example of the saying "Less is More"?
I just looked up this Rebecca Chang.

Well, shit. I think Lee having asian fever confirmed.
Still no idea about Shel and de facto, her sister Becca.
I never typed that. You can't prove it. It's a fake, it's a lie.
Vaguely? It's the exact same model, dude. Well, altered, of course.
When Kenny is getting beaten up by Carver, who is the person that yells "you dont have to do this, Bill!"?
Holy shit, that is, like, almost one to one. I'd definitely fuck Chang first, though.
Yeah, they still don't really look like anything that comes to mind.
It was someone else, smart gut.
Eh, either way.
Yeah, I was wondering that myself. It sounds like Nick, but I think it plays even if you didn't vouch for him.
It technically fits Luke better, though.
I always thought it sounded like Nick as well. What color are the subtitles?