If I had to guess, he was likely a placeholder for Mike, who has a mostly unused model with his hood up. Granted, I haven't seen this promo art (partly because...I don't care) but Bossman's been around long enough that I trust his judgment.
"cs_lastfishgetsaway" cs here means cutscene but there isn't anything like that in the files sadly. There's another section of code about this scene I probably should have included:
There's other stuff like that where the game references files that don't exist.
As for the beta Luke/Nick scene you're talking about:
The Great Fish Escape, I like it T.T aw man, and we even had icons for it too!? I'm curious what percentage of that fishing sequence was com… morepleted before they removed it from the game. I would've guessed by all the leftovers and few animations out there, it must've been pretty close to completion.
I think I can understand Telltale changing it so the ending of S2's Episode 1 had more tension going on with the dead bodies and such, since the fishing one might've been a little anticlimactic depending on how it panned out. Still, it's so sad they couldn't insert this in somewhere else in the season, especially when they put so much effort into creating those fishes and the fish traps.
As for that video you're referencing, I managed to save it but the guy who uploaded it seems to have removed it from his portfolio (a lot of TWD devs are doing that recently...)
I just checked my computer and found I backed it up too. I know I would… [view original content]
"cs_lastfishgetsaway" cs here means cutscene but there isn't anything like that in the files sadly. There's another section of code about th… moreis scene I probably should have included:
There's other stuff like that where the game references files that don't exist.
As for the beta Luke/Nick scene you're talking about:
Alvin was supposed to have another scene with Clementine at the end of the first episode where they went fishing alongside Luke and the Randalls, which would lead to a fourway final choice of who Clementine wants to go with when lurkers attack them.
Is this why the image for promoting Episode 2 is this?!
Because Luke was one of the options to go with and Telltale were just like "Let's just change the choice and keep the same promo"?!
Oh my god, hold up, hold up, hold up so...
Alvin was supposed to have another scene with Clementine at the end of the first episode wh… moreere they went fishing alongside Luke and the Randalls, which would lead to a fourway final choice of who Clementine wants to go with when lurkers attack them.
Is this why the image for promoting Episode 2 is this?!
Because Luke was one of the options to go with and Telltale were just like "Let's just change the choice and keep the same promo"?!
Hmm seems like this is an ending I would like to TTG to consider if they want a tragic ending for the final season. Also reading 'better to sleep' is pretty fucking dark in the context of twd.
"Better to sleep" - Seeing a shadow going to the city at the horizon (probably Clementine ?)
I'm wondering how the season 2 ends in their… more initial planning. Maybe there was only one ending at this very earlier time ? A ending which Clementine manages to survive alone and rise the city (Earlier version of Wellington ?) and the final choice was like "Go to Wellington" or "Stay away from Wellington" ?
AJ was maybe or not with Clementine, there was maybe a choice in episode 5 which you had the choice to leave him behind or not... That would have been really dark.
And for the others ? What else ? Is it even possible that everyone in clementine's group was supposed to die in the gunfight at the end of episode 4 ? (except Clementine and AJ) that would have make the episode 5 so different... And interesting too. I mean, that could have been a opportunity to make us concern about AJ and have a whole episode to take care of him (before the choice t… [view original content]
Oh my god, hold up, hold up, hold up so...
Alvin was supposed to have another scene with Clementine at the end of the first episode wh… moreere they went fishing alongside Luke and the Randalls, which would lead to a fourway final choice of who Clementine wants to go with when lurkers attack them.
Is this why the image for promoting Episode 2 is this?!
Because Luke was one of the options to go with and Telltale were just like "Let's just change the choice and keep the same promo"?!
| By shooting him in the head while he was still alive?
Well, if you choose to leave Lee, he'll turn to walker. But if you shoot him, you can see Lee close his eyes that I think he's already dead and just wait a time to turn.
| By shooting him in the head while he was still alive?
Well, if you choose to leave Lee, he'll turn to walker. But if you sho… moreot him, you can see Lee close his eyes that I think he's already dead and just wait a time to turn.
P/S: My English is bad. Sorry...
Here's some stuff off the top of my head:
Season 1
* Doug was supposed to help Lee trap B(his brother) under the telephone pole, rat… moreher than him simply being caught under it already.
* Lee was supposed to have a nightmare where Doug/Carley torments him about not saving them and killing Sam, who may or may not be the name of his wife(who was stated to be in Virginia in the final product) or the governor(suggesting he knew him personally).
* Mr. David Parker(Ben's Band Teacher) was supposed to be captured by the St. Johns if you didn't cut him free in time and would be the one on their upstairs bathroom floor missing his legs. Mark would then be left behind in the escape from the Motor Inn in the next episodearrow'd in the eye when the bandits ambush him and Lee outside the fence.
* Dr. Logan was originally supposed to have helped Anna Correa escape from Crawford so she can have her baby. This concept may have later been intentionall… [view original content]
Yep. Not sure if that was truly in Sean Vanaman's original original plans, but that's what Gavin Hammon was told when they first contacted him about potentially doing a Season 2.
That will explain a lot why Carver looks strangely interested by Clementine and we even have a complete sequence to talk seriously with him in private in his office in ep3.
Well, could be still a good remix of the "Negan/Carl" moment in the comics of course but if originally this was supposed to be Kenny at his position, well... Makes sense !
So, that means I guess it was really Troy who comes to the cabin in the first place and not "Carver" if this one was supposed to be Kenny, right ? Because we can see clearly Troy's model in the front door's cabin in the "next time on the walking dead" at the end of episode 1.
And when I'm thinking about, but... Just another theory. Could be the "I thought you were dead" means that it wasn't Kenny here but... Christa instead ?! If yes, this would be one of the major changes scenario ever between two episodes, for real... xD
Yep. Not sure if that was truly in Sean Vanaman's original original plans, but that's what Gavin Hammon was told when they first contacted him about potentially doing a Season 2.
That will explain a lot why Carver looks strangely interested by Clementine and we even have a complete sequence to talk seriously with him in private in his office in ep3.
Most likely.
Well, could be still a good remix of the "Negan/Carl" moment in the comics of course but if originally this was supposed to be Kenny at his position, well... Makes sense !
I don't read the comics, so no comment.
So, that means I guess it was really Troy who comes to the cabin in the first place and not "Carver" if this one was supposed to be Kenny, right ? Because we can see clearly Troy's model in the front door's cabin in the "next time on the walking dead" at the end of episode 1.
Actually, that's because Troy was Carver in earlier rewrites. They decided to make Carver an original character and thus created Troy, which may explain why he somewhat resembles an Evil!Luke/Nick. However, that too changed when Micheal Madsen was cast and his voice didn't fit the model, so they made two more model's to get the "Bill" we know. Troy was simply kept around because he was already implemented into the game, with his appearance in the Next Time segment and on the A House Divided's title card by the result of that. It's also very likely that his original characterization for In Harm's Way was to be a mythology gag before they did a lot of cutting.
And when I'm thinking about, but... Just another theory. Could be the "I thought you were dead" means that it wasn't Kenny here but... Christa instead ?! If yes, this would be one of the major changes scenario ever between two episodes, for real... xD
Actually, considering how much changed between Vanaman's plans, Nick Breckon's inheritance, and the final product(which saw influence from Pierre Shorette, the executives, and who knows who else), that's most likely something they added in when they decided to bring Kenny back the way they did before All That Remains was released. I also recall reading in an older thread that Kenny and/or Sarita's names were already in that episode's data files, further supporting that notion.
That will explain a lot why Carver looks strangely interested by Clementine and we even have a complete sequence to talk seriously with him… more in private in his office in ep3.
Well, could be still a good remix of the "Negan/Carl" moment in the comics of course but if originally this was supposed to be Kenny at his position, well... Makes sense !
So, that means I guess it was really Troy who comes to the cabin in the first place and not "Carver" if this one was supposed to be Kenny, right ? Because we can see clearly Troy's model in the front door's cabin in the "next time on the walking dead" at the end of episode 1.
And when I'm thinking about, but... Just another theory. Could be the "I thought you were dead" means that it wasn't Kenny here but... Christa instead ?! If yes, this would be one of the major changes scenario ever between two episodes, for real... xD
Ah! Well, that's better...but he still looks goofy.
Hell, is that even the same model in the screenshots? Cause I remember you saying there's another model in the files besides this one and the final product.
As most people can probably tell, that old Carver model was unfinished in some capacity. That, or the way they set up the texture mapping ju… morest made the mustache look like crap.
So with that in mind, I decided to go do some digital wizardry with the mustache texture, to see if I could get that mustache to look a bit better.
The result ain't perfect, but it helps make the stache look a lot more like they were intending:
For the more technologically inclined that are curious how I did this: I just separated the mustache from the rest of the mesh, then used photoshop to make an alpha channel for the mustache.
Okay, just gonna post fun facts from the Telltale Stream's enter link description hereplaythrough of Season 2 last December here if I haven't already. Note: You need a google/youtube account to view videos, for some reason.
Pete was supposed to make it back to the Cabin with(or without?) Clementine's help and she (and Sarah?) would have to look after him while conflicted on keeping the bite a secret. He would end up doing so himself and stay behind as a distraction to allow the group to escape when the then still unseen Carver's Search Party comes.
A sequence at the end of In Harm's Way that involved Clementine and Luke escaping through the woods during a blizzard when a bear shows up and starts killing walkers.As silly and out of nowhere as it sounds(though not as much as a fuckin TIGER), it would've been a crazy awesome way for those two to bond again without Kenny or Jane to distract from the moment. Granted, they seemed a bit forgetful about whether it Kenny or Luke, but they mentioned him last and I think would be more appropriate if it was him. I wonder if this would've also involved them chasing after Sarah with Nick as well.
Arvo really was gonna be in trouble with Buricko and Vitali for trying to stash the medicine and originally would've came running out of the woods when the Howe's Ski Cabin Group happened by. Also, his similarities to Sarah might've been even more overt/intentional since he was originally gonna be Spanish but was changed to Russian for the sake of making the situation as tense and ambiguous as possible. ...Which would explain Kenny's hilariously racist on two accounts comment.
Hm. I was going to say one of Jane's lines there about Kenny keeping women under his thumb makes her sound kind of man-hating, but then again she did Luke.
So it probably means she had daddy issues. Or parental/control something-something issues.
* According to Troy's VA, Troy' behavior in earlier versions was much worse. He was apparently molesting Jane.
* The episode slide for In H… morearm's Way implies that Rebecca was supposed to give birth or have complications in that episode, I believe there's an unused file that's called "Rebecca_Bloody_Towel".
* The whole Kenny and Jane fight in No Going Back was different. There's an unused animation somewhere.
* No Going Back has a really creepy unused soundtrack that was supposed to play for its episode slide. I assume it's unused because it didn't fit the episode.
* Edith confused Clementine for a boy in unused audio. I think she also mentions having a relative named Christa.
Edith's unused audio starts at 0:29:
No Going Back's original slide music:
Oh my god, hold up, hold up, hold up so...
Alvin was supposed to have another scene with Clementine at the end of the first episode wh… moreere they went fishing alongside Luke and the Randalls, which would lead to a fourway final choice of who Clementine wants to go with when lurkers attack them.
Is this why the image for promoting Episode 2 is this?!
Because Luke was one of the options to go with and Telltale were just like "Let's just change the choice and keep the same promo"?!
Hm. I was going to say one of Jane's lines there about Kenny keeping women under his thumb makes her sound kind of man-hating, but then again she did Luke.
So it probably means she had daddy issues. Or parental/control something-something issues.
Mark would then be left behind in the escape from the Motor Inn in the next episode.
Whoa what? This was going to happen? But i thought of that idea myself in that thread i made last year! I had never read that this was an unused idea about Mark. Wow talk about a BIG coincidence! Seriously!
Here's some stuff off the top of my head:
Season 1
* Doug was supposed to help Lee trap B(his brother) under the telephone pole, rat… moreher than him simply being caught under it already.
* Lee was supposed to have a nightmare where Doug/Carley torments him about not saving them and killing Sam, who may or may not be the name of his wife(who was stated to be in Virginia in the final product) or the governor(suggesting he knew him personally).
* Mr. David Parker(Ben's Band Teacher) was supposed to be captured by the St. Johns if you didn't cut him free in time and would be the one on their upstairs bathroom floor missing his legs. Mark would then be left behind in the escape from the Motor Inn in the next episodearrow'd in the eye when the bandits ambush him and Lee outside the fence.
* Dr. Logan was originally supposed to have helped Anna Correa escape from Crawford so she can have her baby. This concept may have later been intentionall… [view original content]
Mark would then be left behind in the escape from the Motor Inn in the next episode.
Whoa what? This was going to happen? But i thou… moreght of that idea myself in that thread i made last year! I had never read that this was an unused idea about Mark. Wow talk about a BIG coincidence! Seriously!
Oh my god, hold up, hold up, hold up so...
Alvin was supposed to have another scene with Clementine at the end of the first episode wh… moreere they went fishing alongside Luke and the Randalls, which would lead to a fourway final choice of who Clementine wants to go with when lurkers attack them.
Is this why the image for promoting Episode 2 is this?!
Because Luke was one of the options to go with and Telltale were just like "Let's just change the choice and keep the same promo"?!
I heard that in season 1 episode 5 Lee was originaly going to have hallucinations of the people who he had failed to save such as Carley/Doug during all of the times when he passes out.
I heard that in season 1 episode 5 Lee was originaly going to have hallucinations of the people who he had failed to save such as Carley/Doug during all of the times when he passes out.
If I had to guess, he was likely a placeholder for Mike, who has a mostly unused model with his hood up. Granted, I haven't seen this promo art (partly because...I don't care) but Bossman's been around long enough that I trust his judgment.
"cs_lastfishgetsaway" cs here means cutscene but there isn't anything like that in the files sadly. There's another section of code about this scene I probably should have included:
There's other stuff like that where the game references files that don't exist.
As for the beta Luke/Nick scene you're talking about:

I'm so glad they swapped their' headpieces.
Oh my god, hold up, hold up, hold up so...
Is this why the image for promoting Episode 2 is this?!
Because Luke was one of the options to go with and Telltale were just like "Let's just change the choice and keep the same promo"?!
Would also explain why they're missing from the cabin when Clem gets back but they retconned it by saying that they both left to find Clem/Nick/Pete.
What about lee? My clem killed lee
Hmm seems like this is an ending I would like to TTG to consider if they want a tragic ending for the final season. Also reading 'better to sleep' is pretty fucking dark in the context of twd.
Oh, so that's why! I just assumed it was for marketing purposes originally, but gradually realized there had to be another reason.
Same as with this

I just had a hard time figuring out something besides the whole "Pizza or Ice Cream" thing.
No, Clementine spared Lee. There's a difference.
By shooting him in the head while he was still alive? Pretty sure that still counts as killing somebody, even if it was euthanasia
By shooting him in the head while he was still alive? Pretty sure that still counts as killing somebody, even if it was euthanasia
There's a difference between Mercy and "Survivalism" is what I'm saying.
| By shooting him in the head while he was still alive?
Well, if you choose to leave Lee, he'll turn to walker. But if you shoot him, you can see Lee close his eyes that I think he's already dead and just wait a time to turn.
P/S: My English is bad. Sorry...
Oh my god.
I think he closed his eyes so he doesn't have to see himself die and that he doesn't die with his eyes wide open
So Kenny was originally supossed to be the bad guy?
If that's could still happen then determinantly Arvo could be the only one to live.
Yep. Not sure if that was truly in Sean Vanaman's original original plans, but that's what Gavin Hammon was told when they first contacted him about potentially doing a Season 2.
That will explain a lot why Carver looks strangely interested by Clementine and we even have a complete sequence to talk seriously with him in private in his office in ep3.
Well, could be still a good remix of the "Negan/Carl" moment in the comics of course but if originally this was supposed to be Kenny at his position, well... Makes sense !
So, that means I guess it was really Troy who comes to the cabin in the first place and not "Carver" if this one was supposed to be Kenny, right ? Because we can see clearly Troy's model in the front door's cabin in the "next time on the walking dead" at the end of episode 1.
And when I'm thinking about, but... Just another theory. Could be the "I thought you were dead" means that it wasn't Kenny here but... Christa instead ?! If yes, this would be one of the major changes scenario ever between two episodes, for real... xD
Most likely.
I don't read the comics, so no comment.
Actually, that's because Troy was Carver in earlier rewrites. They decided to make Carver an original character and thus created Troy, which may explain why he somewhat resembles an Evil!Luke/Nick. However, that too changed when Micheal Madsen was cast and his voice didn't fit the model, so they made two more model's to get the "Bill" we know. Troy was simply kept around because he was already implemented into the game, with his appearance in the Next Time segment and on the A House Divided's title card by the result of that. It's also very likely that his original characterization for In Harm's Way was to be a mythology gag before they did a lot of cutting.
Actually, considering how much changed between Vanaman's plans, Nick Breckon's inheritance, and the final product(which saw influence from Pierre Shorette, the executives, and who knows who else), that's most likely something they added in when they decided to bring Kenny back the way they did before All That Remains was released. I also recall reading in an older thread that Kenny and/or Sarita's names were already in that episode's data files, further supporting that notion.
Ah! Well, that's better...but he still looks goofy.
Hell, is that even the same model in the screenshots? Cause I remember you saying there's another model in the files besides this one and the final product.
Okay, just gonna post fun facts from the Telltale Stream's enter link description hereplaythrough of Season 2 last December here if I haven't already. Note: You need a google/youtube account to view videos, for some reason.
Pete was supposed to make it back to the Cabin with(or without?) Clementine's help and she (and Sarah?) would have to look after him while conflicted on keeping the bite a secret. He would end up doing so himself and stay behind as a distraction to allow the group to escape when the then still unseen Carver's Search Party comes.
Can't tell if this is just an inside joke or not, but there was apparently gonna be a "Bummer-dad" at Howe's who failed to kill himself after losing his family.
A sequence at the end of In Harm's Way that involved Clementine and Luke escaping through the woods during a blizzard when a bear shows up and starts killing walkers.As silly and out of nowhere as it sounds(though not as much as a fuckin TIGER), it would've been a crazy awesome way for those two to bond again without Kenny or Jane to distract from the moment. Granted, they seemed a bit forgetful about whether it Kenny or Luke, but they mentioned him last and I think would be more appropriate if it was him. I wonder if this would've also involved them chasing after Sarah with Nick as well.
The Trailer Park was originally a site where the survivors fought against attacking raiders, hence why there were so many inside the area.
Arvo really was gonna be in trouble with Buricko and Vitali for trying to stash the medicine and originally would've came running out of the woods when the Howe's Ski Cabin Group happened by. Also, his similarities to Sarah might've been even more overt/intentional since he was originally gonna be Spanish but was changed to Russian for the sake of making the situation as tense and ambiguous as possible. ...Which would explain Kenny's hilariously racist on two accounts comment.
Grace Garcia.
I'm quoting this for truth.
at "unmaster"
Hm. I was going to say one of Jane's lines there about Kenny keeping women under his thumb makes her sound kind of man-hating, but then again she did Luke.
So it probably means she had daddy issues. Or parental/control something-something issues.
Clem's face and arm proportions always seem messed up to me in this pic, for some reason.
Oh my goodness, really?!
Whoa what? This was going to happen? But i thought of that idea myself in that thread i made last year! I had never read that this was an unused idea about Mark. Wow talk about a BIG coincidence! Seriously!
I forget exactly where I heard that, but yeah, it was apparently gonna be a thing.
Which is interestingly considering Lilly was also gonna be left behind at one point.
My guess is Clementine would have been trapped with Luke in the moonshine still instead of Nick.
I'm sensing a little sarcasm here.
And Alvin, as it apparently was truly coded as another two-way choice with two people on each side according to Graysonn's videos.
But yeah, that sounds about right.
Admittedly, I can see why you'd say that. But for real though, there's an unused line to that effect?
Hope it's okay if I bump this.
Credit to @Megami_Kizukanai
yeah one little line and I feel like I get Jane a lot more now. Funny, that.
How exactly does the line go and/or what episode was it gonna be in?
I heard that in season 1 episode 5 Lee was originaly going to have hallucinations of the people who he had failed to save such as Carley/Doug during all of the times when he passes out.
That would explain the apparently shortly length.
That does sound like a great idea, though.