It was supposed to be during their little insult war in the truck. She said it to Clementine in the back seat.
"I spy... a senile old fart that gets off on getting women under his thumb and keeping him there." which was changed to "I spy... an asshole." Pretty lame.
also her deadpan reply to kenny's comment about growing up was a very deadpan "you didn't say I spy." but got changed to "go to hell" in the final game.
"I spy... a senile old fart that gets off on getting women under his thumb and keeping him there." which was changed to "I spy... an asshole." Pretty lame.
It is one of her few funny moments, though.
also her deadpan reply to kenny's comment about growing up was a very deadpan "you didn't say I spy." but got changed to "go to hell" in the final game.
It was supposed to be during their little insult war in the truck. She said it to Clementine in the back seat.
"I spy... a senile old fart … morethat gets off on getting women under his thumb and keeping him there." which was changed to "I spy... an asshole." Pretty lame.
also her deadpan reply to kenny's comment about growing up was a very deadpan "you didn't say I spy." but got changed to "go to hell" in the final game.
I heard that in season 1 episode 5 Lee was originaly going to have hallucinations of the people who he had failed to save such as Carley/Doug during all of the times when he passes out.
So, to help Lelouche get a move on [whatever he's supposed to be doing], I'm gonna bump this thread to share these again.
Thicker Than Water early choice leaks
So you know how in Starved For Help, there's that part where you stab Danny with the sickle or hay hook? And how he doesn't have any blood or wounds from it?
Well, he was apparently supposed to:
This texture was meant for when you attack him, but for whatever reason, it was never used in the scene.
Also, for the sake of comparison, here's how he looks when you kill him with the pitchfork:
So you know how in Starved For Help, there's that part where you stab Danny with the sickle or hay hook? And how he doesn't have any blood o… morer wounds from it?
Well, he was apparently supposed to:
This texture was meant for when you attack him, but for whatever reason, it was never used in the scene.
Also, for the sake of comparison, here's how he looks when you kill him with the pitchfork:
Now that you mention it, I don't remember seeing any wounds from Lily's sickle. Good find!
Guess non-loading/applied textures truly are a thing from the motherload.
...That Jane stole and gave to Clementine, which would have made his claim that you robbed him, valid, even if you chose not to steal from him. And then the rewrites happened...
...That Jane stole and gave to Clementine, which would have made his claim that you robbed him, valid, even if you chose not to steal from him. And then the rewrites happened...
Max most likely really was a Starter Villain in the original drafts, apparently kidnapping Javier and Marianna to keep in the Slaughterhouse, with the latter apparently being "converted" by the time Javier and Clementine find her.
Man... I hope somebody finds concept art for the original story before the rewrites (the slaughter house story). It would be interesting to see what they we originally going for the season. (this is in response to the scrapped Kenny ending concept art)
Man... I hope somebody finds concept art for the original story before the rewrites (the slaughter house story). It would be interesting to… more see what they we originally going for the season. (this is in response to the scrapped Kenny ending concept art)
Okay, that took a while to get together, but I think this is most of what will suffice...
The Slaughterhouse!
Twitter Screenshot
… moreConcept art
Metal Cages
Wider Room(new)
In-game remains
Rendered Room/Interior
Wall Tiles(reused)
Warning Signs(reused, for whatever reason)
Model/Environment "chores"
Filename is "Slaughterhouse"
Whatever this is
Not the Slaughterhouse itself, technically, but I'll include it for irony.
David's Warehouse Concept
Capricorn Symbol
Btw, credit for these goes to @Deltino, @Dont_Look_Back, and @Graysonn
Here are the sources that I used
It was supposed to be during their little insult war in the truck. She said it to Clementine in the back seat.
"I spy... a senile old fart that gets off on getting women under his thumb and keeping him there." which was changed to "I spy... an asshole." Pretty lame.
also her deadpan reply to kenny's comment about growing up was a very deadpan "you didn't say I spy." but got changed to "go to hell" in the final game.
It is one of her few funny moments, though.
Oh come on!
I think the Carley/Doug hallucinations were going to happen in s1e2 actually
Wait. How could he have hallucinations of their deaths if they didn't die until episode 3?
You have a choice to save Carley or Doug in episode 1. The dream was supposed include whomever you didn't save.
I think I need to go back to sleep if I can forget something like that.
So you trade a more insightful moment for something funny? Eh.
But you prefer the "you didn't say I spy" part?
I dunno. Nonsense. We've talked about everything. Now I'm just saying "hey, I like this alternate dialogue better"
So, to help Lelouche get a move on [whatever he's supposed to be doing], I'm gonna bump this thread to share these again.

Thicker Than Water early choice leaks
Possible No Going Back(or Beta Ties That Bind Part 1) Data
Here's the interview with Dan White, revealing Mike's original role.
"He looks like Mike Tyson got to him."
So you know how in Starved For Help, there's that part where you stab Danny with the sickle or hay hook? And how he doesn't have any blood or wounds from it?
Well, he was apparently supposed to:
This texture was meant for when you attack him, but for whatever reason, it was never used in the scene.
Also, for the sake of comparison, here's how he looks when you kill him with the pitchfork:
Now that you mention it, I don't remember seeing any wounds from Lily's sickle. Good find!
Guess non-loading/applied textures truly are a thing from the motherload.
Rebecca was gonna spit in Carver's skull after the crowbar was taken to him.
Link? Also that would of been badass!
Or gross.
I think it's towards the end of this
Sarita was supposed to help deliver AJ in the Ski Lodge Bathroom.
Or Kenny’s sickle?
Eh, whatever.
Did you guys know that there is a Randy Tudor easter egg in ANF???
I sure as hell didn't
It is in fact a long known detail, but it wasn't exactly scrapped.
Arvo had a compass in his Duffel bag.
...That Jane stole and gave to Clementine, which would have made his claim that you robbed him, valid, even if you chose not to steal from him. And then the rewrites happened...
Holy shit, I forgot to mention it. Probably because I didn't think about it that much.
Max most likely really was a Starter Villain in the original drafts, apparently kidnapping Javier and Marianna to keep in the Slaughterhouse, with the latter apparently being "converted" by the time Javier and Clementine find her.
Exactly what they want you to do.
There was apparently supposed to be a storm when Javier and Clementine made it to Prescott.
Oh yeah! The Prescott citizens were supposed to talk about it when we walk close to them during the hub.
Oh, were they? @Graysonn's old post about it just said people were running away from it.
Either way, I wonder how that might've affected the story.
I think they were going to talk about it, too. I might be wrong, though.
Scrapped Kenny flashback for Ties That Bind - Part 1.
What the fock?
Oh, this is from that interview! ...What a weird way of handling that.
Man... I hope somebody finds concept art for the original story before the rewrites (the slaughter house story). It would be interesting to see what they we originally going for the season. (this is in response to the scrapped Kenny ending concept art)
Wait for it....
EDIT: You wish it and I dish it, Rock-Mae-ster!
Okay, that took a while to get together, but I think this is most of what will suffice...
The Slaughterhouse!
Twitter Screenshot

Concept art

Metal Cages
Wider Room(new)
In-game remains

Rendered Room/Interior

Wall Tiles(reused)

Warning Signs(reused, for whatever reason)
Model/Environment "chores"

Filename is "Slaughterhouse"

Whatever this is

Not the Slaughterhouse itself, technically, but I'll include it for irony.
David's Warehouse Concept

Capricorn Symbol
Btw, credit for these goes to @Deltino, @Dont_Look_Back, and @Graysonn
Here are the sources that I used
When the slaughterhouse is in literal view of the camera.

Which is better Kenny dying frm a car crash or... Kenny telling a story and drowning in the lake?????
To give my opinion, probably the former. Probably, definitely, the former.
Anything is better than the stupid car crash. Even the unoriginal walking in to the lake scene.