Kenny or Jane ?
Which choice did you choose, guys ?
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Which choice did you choose, guys ?
I looked away.
That means you can look at the spoiler !
Shot Kenny and Stood up to Jane. Then rewound after reading up on the other possible endings so that both would be dead.
I shot Kenny the first time i played the game,his last words made me cry then i realised the Baby was alive,i was pissed,i didn't forgive her for what she did but i still went with Jane.
Second time I played the game differently,choose to let Kenny kill Jane, and decided to stay at Wellington that ending made me cry even more lmao.
And honestly i'm glad i did after what happened to him in season 3.
I also really like the ending where they both end up dead i don't know why..I guess it's because i had enough of this shit between Kenny and Jane always fighting.
Shot Kenny. A shame the choice only came after he single handedly destroyed the group from within.
I let Kenny kill jane then i shot Kenny.
Am I the first to say I chose Kenny? How dare you all betray our lord and saviour like this
Jk but for real now, I couldn't choose Jane. Kenny goes apeshit crazy, but he's been with me from the start. I know the ratonal decision is to shoot him probably, but I just couldn't do it
I didn't thought about how Kenny was with us since the beginning when he was on top of Jane with a knife,Season 2 really wanted you to hate Kenny and they did a good job with this.
Kenny, as I trusted no one else, after Amid the Ruined. Didn't even look away. I wanted to see that cunt die on screen.
Killed Jane, stayed with Kenny.
Watched Kenny kill Jane, then stayed with Kenny even after we got to Wellington and he happily took care of the kids for more than two years.
You know what, might as well point out that on my second playthrough, I let Kenny kill Jane and then went into Wellington.
The Walking Dead: The Enemy Within
Chose Jane, she did more for Clem and AJ in a shorter span of time than Kenny ever had and he caused unnecessary friction that tore the group apart and there really was no reason for him to reappear.
I've noticed that a lot of people love one and hate the other. I loved both of them. The season 2 finale hit me hard. Here is my philosophy on this topic.

Jane all the way. Kenny destroyed the group and everyone hated him.
Kenny may have destroyed the group but I still love him and I simply didn't like Jane. I let Kenny stab her.
Well, one of them were, anyway
I let Kenny kill Jane and then entered Wellington.
If writing off the characters you hate as poorly written characters makes you feel better, go for it.
The other way around is the usual process, dude.
Not my Clementine.
Jane. Kenny is too predictable. We get lots of "father figure stories" but very few "older sister/really not a good mother" types
And of course, it was squandered. I mean, it knew it would be but I didn't expect them to treat her so callously.
(I still suspect it was written by a kenny fan)
Well, considering it was sexto-written by Nick Breckon...
I really like both of them. They both have some serious flaws, but it's there flaws in combination to their strengths that makes them such memorable characters. I tend to find myself arguing on Jane's behalf on these forums but that's mostly because there are more people demonizing her and idolizing Kenny. If it was the other way round I would be defending Kenny more often.
"I promise I won't ever leave you again"
leaves Clem two weeks later
also traumatizes her even further
Thanks, Nick.
What's funny about that is that it was also sexto-written by Pierre Shorette, which may or may not prove my assessment.
In english, please
The guy who wrote Jane's material before and after her outright Shilling, respectively..
Whatever. I just don't like the feeling that anyone that picked Jane was flat-out told "ha! you picked wrong! look! see, she's a terrible person!" in season 3. I mean, maybe if it actually amounted to something, but it's not like we get clementine having bitter scathing comments about how Jane let her down or anything.
Not quite sure about your sentence structure there, but okay.
I chose to shoot Kenny. While I didn't believe he was a monster, the poor man just couldn't handle heartbreak (or really any sort of intense emotion) and the apocalypse was obviously never going to let up on him, so in a way I ended up killing him out of mercy.
I didn't stay with Jane though cause fuck that bitch
them's fighting words
Stayed with Kenny, I never owned Jane anything.
I'm with you on that. I think someone mentioned there's parallels with putting down the dog in episode one.
It's not a bad ending, but the reason I don't like it is simply because Jane relents way too easy. She goes through all that trouble just to let Clem walk off? WHAT??! It's really dumb.
Okay, looking back at what you actually said, I think I get that. Sorry bout that.
Oh, whaddya know! I have occasionally viewed shooting Kenny as putting down a an extremely sick dog your friend owned for a good while.
That's a nice analogy. I also would compare Kenny to Ben in some ways. Both had the best interests of their groups at heart but the two were in their own ways mentally unprepared for the hardships that came with the ZA. Ultimately the player is forced to decide on whether or not they should put both of them down for being detrimental to the group and if spared they can get pretty anticlimactic deaths afterwards.
Clem still had the gun at that point IIRC. It wouldn't have been a good idea for Jane to continue pestering Clem after killing her old friend while Clem had a firearm. If I was given the option on my first playthrough I might've chosen to shoot her myself.