If Clementine could wish back ONE PERSON, who do you think she’d bring back?

Lee, kenny, jane, Ed, Diana,Sarah, etc.
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Lee, kenny, jane, Ed, Diana,Sarah, etc.
Most likely either Diana, Ed, or Lee.
She blames herself for two deaths and misses just about everyone who died on her watch. However, last she saw, Christa was alive. She'd bring Omid back to make her happy.
She would most definitely bring back Lee.
If you think about it, she only liked Lee because he protected her from the walkers. She loved her parents unconditionally.
Only one person? I can imagine that would be a really difficult choice for her. Ed, Diana and Lee are the obvious choices but I'm not sure who she'd want to bring back if it's only one of them.
Realistically it would be her parents but seeing as she only ever talked about Lee in Season 2 and a bit in Season 3, you’d expect Lee. And as the question relates to only one person she’d bring back then i would say Lee.
i think she d have trouble picking between her parents and lee althought it would also make sense for it to be someone whose death she d think was her fault ((Omid , Sarah , Luke , Kenny for example.))
Lee, for sure. If she was in any sort of trouble or crisis, she knows Lee would always find a way out of it. Her and Lee were also a team.
If she brought back her parents, they wouldn’t know what was going on and most likely would’ve died again later that same day. They don’t have a good experience in the apocalypse where as Lee does.
Sarah, that death still pisses me off, such a waste.
Her parents, Lee, or Gabe prolly
Is it bad that even I trembled a bit upon seeing Gabe as a determinate number three?
I feel like it would have to be either Ed or Diana. Clem views Lee and cares about him as a second father figure but you have to remember that she was only with him for around 3 months while she had been with her parents and had loved them since the day she was born.
If we're assuming she's given this ability at 16 (age in season 4), she'd probably opt to bring back someone else because her parents and Lee have all been dead for about half her life. I bet she'd opt for someone who died more recently. As for who that might be, I couldn't say. We'll have to wait to hear the story of how she goes from the end of season 3 to the beginning of season 4. Maybe someone who became important to her will have died in that time.
For everyone saying Clem would bring back one of her parents, I disagree. I loved my grandmother, wept like a baby at her funeral, but if I were in a ZA and was able to resurrect someone, it wouldn't be my granny, even if I could bring her back at her peak health. I'd get someone I know is a survivor and would be able to help me and my people survive and my Clem is just as pragmatic.
If it were me, I'd bring back Jane or Sarah.For jane, I just like her personality. I like how careless she is when its comes to everyone around her. Sarah seems like a cool ass person, despite the fact she's unbelievably immature and ceases to function without her dad around. Her child like behavior is amusing. I'd like to see how she'd change if she was given a second chance.
......wait for it.....wait for it...........
Ew Sarah? No. She's a liability. I left her to die. Her dumbass wasn't getting me killed lol.
LMFAOOOOO!!!!! She was a clown, but she was being babied by carlos. He failed to burst her little childish-bubble and teach her about self defense and how the world really is. You'd think getting the shit slapped out of her twice would've woken her up to all of that stuff though.
You know, I genuinely appreciate the rare instances where someone is even/equal on them. For humor or for acceptance.
Wow, I don't think I'd foresee someone putting it like that.
I wouldn't say immature so much as occasionally regressive and somewhat ditzy.
Yeah, I'm a tad disappointed she ended up not having as many memes she could've.
Yeah, I'm sure the shoe dropped before I managed to post this.
I was literally cracking up as I read your last line
, but In all seriousness, I actually meant everything about Sarah.
You know, I always thought that particularly phrased aspect, like other things in these games, didn't really have much to work off of.
She spent at least a year living under Carver's rule, was very loosely complicit in the not-niceties the Cabin Group had to do to escape, and was on the road alongside them before the Season proper. Not to mention she developed a particularly bad case of PTSD due to the outbreak, is familiar enough with what Carlos and Carver is capable of to preemptively react, and knew enough about both wounds and walkers to decide to help Clementine.
She's seen and been through some shit.
It kinda did tho, just not in a very positive way.
Plus, let's be honest here--being privy or badass or whatever isn't really gonna help you with the mat being yanked from under ya.
There was something wrong with her, which I believe is why he was babying her. I think she was autistic. I know that's a buzzword people like to toss around, especially on the internet when referring to people doing something stupid, but I think she was actually autistic. Not debilitatingly so, but enough that she didn't seem to really recognize the gravity of their situation. Part of that could be because of how her father sheltered her, but even so she should still be picking up on social cues that things aren't what her dad is telling her, which is another reason I think she was autistic. Autistic people have a really hard time picking up on social cues.
True, but nobody had the time nor patience to be nicer about it. When Carver ordered Carlos to slap Sarah, that was gonna happen regardless. When Carlos tried to "coddle" sarah, Carver basically shut it down, so nothing could've been done about it. With Clem, she had a limited amount of time to be gentle and talk to her, and doing so didn't work, so her last resort was to slap her. It was either that or watch sarah die. Maybe if Sarah had lived through the destruction of the observation deck, everyone would've been able to help her as much as they could before the whole situation with arvo.
Wow, that could actually be a possibility. I Never thought of that.
I think that was their original intention, tbh, especially with the way Carlos describes her to Clem, after fixing her arm. Personally I'm autistic myself, and I can definitely relate to Sarah in a lot of ways. While I have no doubt in my mind that she must have had some kind of PTSD from the world around her, I feel Telltale confirmed PTSD being the only thing she had, to avoid the downpour of negative publicity that would've came their way, due to how they treated her.
Probably Lee. Clem knows her mother would never survive in this world. Why bring her back to die again?
Nah, she needed a lot more time than that. I wonder what she would have done if she survived the icewalk.
I was actually meaning to refer to the Observation Deck collapsing, but okay.
I've done a fair bit of speculation for how she may have reacted to things after the
point where she cruelly written out of the story as well.
I'm interested what you came up with.
ohhhhh ok i see what you were trying to say??? yeah, that didnt help too much?
She would've done anything Clem told her to. The thing with people like Sarah is that they are very easy to manipulate once they're weakened. For Sarah, her weakness was her dad, and when he died, she lost her ability to function and shut herself off from everyone. When people like that suffer a loss, and are at their weakest, you can fill in their gaps to make them whole again, and use that to control them. All clementine would have to do is convince Sarah that by not doing what she told her,she could end up losing Clementine. Or, she could threaten to leave her if she didn't do what she said. Clementine's not that kind of person, so she'd basically have a minion, but wouldn't go about controlling her.
That's usually my train of thought as well, with the proper motivation.
Okay, I'm so glad you noted that, cause I was about to say wtF?
I dislike him too, unfortunately clementine i think would do the same thing I would do for a dead crush.
Oh no, don't understand me--I definitely like Gabe, far more than Clementeen in fact--but I was caught off guard by the idea that he'd determinately be that high.
So if Sarah is there at the end with Jane and Kenny in the car, does anything change? Do we still get Kenny vs. Jane?
I don’t see how anything would change. All that would need to happen is Clementine wakes up and sees that mike,bonnie, and arvo are leaving, gets shot, passes out, and wakes up with her head on Sarahs lap in the backseat with kenny and jane in the front. If Clem asks Jane to help while they’re fighting they could try to separate it, but them being two fully grown adults, i dont think it would stop kenny from killing Jane and/or wouldn’t stop Clem from shooting Kenny
I thought about that as well and honestly, I don't think it would have changed too much, at least depending on how she'd react to the "news." Sure, she might be bigger, stronger, and potentially in better physical condition than Clementine, but I doubt she'd be able to do much besides potentially get herself hit or shoved aside as well.
Not to mention that, at least on the offset, she doesn't have much reason to care about either of them, unlike with Carlos and Clementine.
This even a question?
Maybe Christa? She did spend the most time with her in the apocalypse and spent Season 2 attempting to search for her, not to mention Omid's and their child's deaths would likely make Clementine feel guilty about separating with her.